New law in Belgium - year in prison for using sexist words.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This law itself is an insult to women since it's based on the idea that women are weak helpless creatures that need the govt to protect them - even from mere words!

Belgium bans a wide range of sexist speech

March 21 2014
Rik Torfs, rector of the University of Leuven, and Jogchum Vrielink, coordinator of the Centre for Discrimination Law at the University of Leuven, pass along a guest post — quoted below — about a new Belgian law that provides (Vrielink’s translation):

Penalization of Sexism
For the purposes of this Act, the concept of sexism will be understood to mean any gesture or act that, in the circumstances of Article 444 of the Penal Code,* is evidently intended to express contempt for a person because of his gender, or that regards them as inferior, or reduces them to their sexual dimension, and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.
Anyone found guilty of [such conduct] will be punished with a prison sentence of one month to one year, and a fine …, or one of these penalties alone….

Vrielink reports that the law will indeed cover not just face-to-face insults, but also things said about people in print or in other forms of mass communications. Thus, I infer, it would be a crime to publish newspaper articles or blog posts that say a politician, journalist, criminal, or whoever else is inferior because of his or her gender, or intentionally show contempt for the person because of his or her gender, or “reduce them to their sexual dimension,” and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.
Will this force belgian schools to do away with segregated athletic programs since such segregation is based on the idea that women are physically inferior.?
Belgium! Leave it to Belgium! King of Belgium - paedophile and host to sex parties with the world reknowned Satanist Solvay clan! 500,000 Belgian citizens openly protested in the streets against child sex trafficking on streets of Belgium and paedophiles walking free! While the King of Belgium ignored their pleas and looked the other way. Looking out for the rights of women??!! Oh the irony of that one! TOO MUCH IRONY!
This law itself is an insult to women since it's based on the idea that women are weak helpless creatures that need the govt to protect them - even from mere words!

Belgium bans a wide range of sexist speech

March 21 2014
Rik Torfs, rector of the University of Leuven, and Jogchum Vrielink, coordinator of the Centre for Discrimination Law at the University of Leuven, pass along a guest post — quoted below — about a new Belgian law that provides (Vrielink’s translation):

Penalization of Sexism
For the purposes of this Act, the concept of sexism will be understood to mean any gesture or act that, in the circumstances of Article 444 of the Penal Code,* is evidently intended to express contempt for a person because of his gender, or that regards them as inferior, or reduces them to their sexual dimension, and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.
Anyone found guilty of [such conduct] will be punished with a prison sentence of one month to one year, and a fine …, or one of these penalties alone….

Vrielink reports that the law will indeed cover not just face-to-face insults, but also things said about people in print or in other forms of mass communications. Thus, I infer, it would be a crime to publish newspaper articles or blog posts that say a politician, journalist, criminal, or whoever else is inferior because of his or her gender, or intentionally show contempt for the person because of his or her gender, or “reduce them to their sexual dimension,” and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.

Sounds like the logical extension of US hate crimes laws. Am against both. Crime's a crime. If you disparage someone, how you disparage them doesn't matter. If it rises to the level of a criminal offense, it's a crime. That it's relevant or not if sex was part of it shouldn't matter.
See the movie by Stanley Kubrick : Eyes Wide Shut. That is the kind of parties they have in Belgium. The King of Belgium attends the parties at Solvay Castle - Chateau de Amerios! ( Head of Bilderberg is a Solvay by birth ) Chateau de Amerios is also known as the Mothers of Darkness Castle! Google it and read the testimony of the Priest who was told by NATO official about child sacrifice at these parties. Solvay is the most powerful family, wealthiest family in Europe. ( probably the world ) They are known for changing their names. Etienne Davignon is a Solvay.

When Satan told Jesus bow down before me and worship me and I'll give you the world?

Jesus turned down Satans offer.

I can see it clear as day!

The Solvay family told Satan if he doesn't want it give it to us! We'll take that deal! The rest is history. Today? Brussels, Belgium is headquarters for world power and satanism. Two go hand in hand. Follow the money trail. It will always lead you straight to satans front door. ( back door in this case )

Look up the Marc Dutroix story - Monster of Belgium. He tried to tell the world who he was working for. They wouldn't listen. ( of course )
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It is up to the people of Belgium to put up with this or not. The entire population can't be put in prison.
Have better sex parties here in the Bible Belt than "Eyes Wide Shut" :)

Eyes wide shut was Stanley Kubricks contribution to the world after a very long and successful career. He was murdered for that film. It thought it was worth a mention.

In the film Eyes Wide Shut - the symbols are numerous Kubrick provides. The Christmas party with the pentagrams hanging on the wall. Helena is the name of the daughter and that was in honor of Helena Blavatsky who brought the occult to Europe - Alice ( played by Kidman ) is for Alice in Wonderland - ( Carroll was a paedophile and a satanist so was Dodson ) the mirrors is the symbol for reflection into the soul. It's another of the many occult references. The sex parties - those are for real and happen in Belgium. Want to hear more? I'll get back to you. I'm taking the rest of the day off today. Been a long week. - J.

NOTE* The significance of symbolism - the mirrors - The Looking Glass: Satanist creed - Man should be the mirror of the universe and the universe should be the mirror of man.
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One more bit of information you didn't know, Delta. Mozart's - The magic flute...... he wrote to uncover the Illuminati. The same Illuminati depicted in Eyes Wide Shut through satanic sex ritual party scene - etc. Mozart was poisoned to death as a result. The story of Sallierno is all hype. No truth to it. His reward for exposing the secrets of the Freemason Secret Society.

You think a Master in the Freemasons knows everything? Wrong. There are one hundred degrees above Master.

Know thy enemy, Delta.

Good day. Enjoy Mozart! He paid with his life to tell you about it. ( costumes, set, everything ) Open your "eyes" and "ears".

[ame=]Mozart - The Magic Flute - end of opera (duet and chorus) - YouTube[/ame]
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The other video is only the end of the Opera - this is the full Opera. You'll see what I'm talking about. Watch this.

[ame=]WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART - THE MAGIC FLUTE complete - YouTube[/ame]
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Get it now? Even Mozart knew their plans. It's unfolding before our very eyes today. Most people cannot see it. Their satanists. The battle always was between light and darkness. Satan comes as an angel of light. He is the god of the illuminati. My God is bigger than their god. Any day of the week. Later, gators. - Jeremiah
New law in Belgium - year in prison for using sexist words.
That is surprising. I expected being jailed for exercising freedom of speech rights (or lack thereof) in third world countries, but not in Europe. Has Belgium quit the EU? :eusa_eh:

What a fascist dictatorship from hell. This isn't the liberalism of the 18th century...This is fascism that would make Meo blush!
Say a word to someone that they don't like = go to jail. This is fascism and fucking wrong! Iranian like!
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New law in Belgium - year in prison for using sexist words.
That is surprising. I expected being jailed for exercising freedom of speech rights (or lack thereof) in third world countries, but not in Europe. Has Belgium quit the EU? :eusa_eh:

Why do you think the people in Crimea didn't want to be part of the EU? Is it starting to make sense now?
Eyes wide shut was Stanley Kubricks contribution to the world after a very long and successful career. He was murdered for that film. It thought it was worth a mention.

In the film Eyes Wide Shut - the symbols are numerous Kubrick provides. The Christmas party with the pentagrams hanging on the wall. Helena is the name of the daughter and that was in honor of Helena Blavatsky who brought the occult to Europe - Alice ( played by Kidman ) is for Alice in Wonderland - ( Carroll was a paedophile and a satanist so was Dodson ) the mirrors is the symbol for reflection into the soul. It's another of the many occult references. The sex parties - those are for real and happen in Belgium. Want to hear more? I'll get back to you. I'm taking the rest of the day off today. Been a long week. - J.

NOTE* The significance of symbolism - the mirrors - The Looking Glass: Satanist creed - Man should be the mirror of the universe and the universe should be the mirror of man.

Kubrick did a similar thing in "the shining". Used symbolism to make the point that the apollo 11 moon landing was fake and he, kubrick, was deeply involved in the deception.
New law in Belgium - year in prison for using sexist words.
That is surprising. I expected being jailed for exercising freedom of speech rights (or lack thereof) in third world countries, but not in Europe. Has Belgium quit the EU? :eusa_eh:

Where have you been?. Europe has little concern for free speech. For years they've been throwing holocaust deniers in prison.
Sweden is nearly as bad.

A bunch of fascist hell holes. We slam iran for abusing peoples rights?
New law in Belgium - year in prison for using sexist words.
That is surprising. I expected being jailed for exercising freedom of speech rights (or lack thereof) in third world countries, but not in Europe. Has Belgium quit the EU? :eusa_eh:

Where have you been?. Europe has little concern for free speech. For years they've been throwing holocaust deniers in prison.
If anyone is ignorant enough to deny the holocaust, then they deserve to be thrown in jail and charged with hate speech.
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