New law in Belgium - year in prison for using sexist words.

This law itself is an insult to women since it's based on the idea that women are weak helpless creatures that need the govt to protect them - even from mere words!

Belgium bans a wide range of sexist speech

March 21 2014
Rik Torfs, rector of the University of Leuven, and Jogchum Vrielink, coordinator of the Centre for Discrimination Law at the University of Leuven, pass along a guest post — quoted below — about a new Belgian law that provides (Vrielink’s translation):

Penalization of Sexism
For the purposes of this Act, the concept of sexism will be understood to mean any gesture or act that, in the circumstances of Article 444 of the Penal Code,* is evidently intended to express contempt for a person because of his gender, or that regards them as inferior, or reduces them to their sexual dimension, and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.
Anyone found guilty of [such conduct] will be punished with a prison sentence of one month to one year, and a fine …, or one of these penalties alone….

Vrielink reports that the law will indeed cover not just face-to-face insults, but also things said about people in print or in other forms of mass communications. Thus, I infer, it would be a crime to publish newspaper articles or blog posts that say a politician, journalist, criminal, or whoever else is inferior because of his or her gender, or intentionally show contempt for the person because of his or her gender, or “reduce them to their sexual dimension,” and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.

political correctness becomes law


progs, taking the world to hell with good intentions
stanley kubrick was actually a belgian. it all fits.

full metal jacket was about the vietnam war, if you did not look hard enough. it actually was about gun control, aliens and on top of that, designed to instigate anti-harassment of the obese laws.

LOL Interesting how you caught that and all the film critics on the planet missed it. Must be a conspiracy.

Can you explain 2001: A Space Odyssey? I'd love to know what it was actually about.

Krubick was born July 26, 1928, The Bronx, New York City, New York, United States. Was he of Belgian extraction?

Sign me 'tickled pink.'

the bronx, and the bruxelles both start with The Br. connect the dots, esmeralda.
stanley kubrick was actually a belgian. it all fits.

full metal jacket was about the vietnam war, if you did not look hard enough. it actually was about gun control, aliens and on top of that, designed to instigate anti-harassment of the obese laws.

LOL Interesting how you caught that and all the film critics on the planet missed it. Must be a conspiracy.

Can you explain 2001: A Space Odyssey? I'd love to know what it was actually about.

Krubick was born July 26, 1928, The Bronx, New York City, New York, United States. Was he of Belgian extraction?

Sign me 'tickled pink.'

the bronx, and the bruxelles both start with The Br. connect the dots, esmeralda.

Ahhhh.....yes, I see. Or I will when I put my reading specks on. Curiouser and curiouser. Très intéressant
Try questioning ANY aspect of the "holocaust" in most European countries you will get tossed in prison. Dude in the UK "revved" his car in a racist manner few years ago..kid you not..its also racist in UK to fly the Union Jack flag.
Denying the Holocaust is crossing the line, and regardless if it occurs in Europe, or North America, the individual should be charged with a hate crime, or hate speech.
Sexist speech is crossing the line, and regardless if it occurs in Europe, or North America, the individual should be charged with a hate crime, or hate speech.

Bullshit. And to charge people with a crime for the nonviolent use of words is FASCIST.

So why don't you go move to a fascist country instead of spreading that disease everywhere you go?
This law itself is an insult to women since it's based on the idea that women are weak helpless creatures that need the govt to protect them - even from mere words!

The law isn't just about sexist language towards women, dufus, it is about sexist language towards anyone: "is evidently intended to express contempt for a person because of his gender..."

Get a life will ya.

Exactly, the law is perfectly reasonable. Unless you are a hater or bigot.

Or just prefer to live in a land with FREE SPEECH, bitch.
Try questioning ANY aspect of the "holocaust" in most European countries you will get tossed in prison. Dude in the UK "revved" his car in a racist manner few years ago..kid you not..its also racist in UK to fly the Union Jack flag.
Denying the Holocaust is crossing the line, and regardless if it occurs in Europe, or North America, the individual should be charged with a hate crime, or hate speech.
Sexist speech is crossing the line, and regardless if it occurs in Europe, or North America, the individual should be charged with a hate crime, or hate speech.
Sexist speech is not involved in the genocide of millions of innocent civilians.
Try questioning ANY aspect of the "holocaust" in most European countries you will get tossed in prison. Dude in the UK "revved" his car in a racist manner few years ago..kid you not..its also racist in UK to fly the Union Jack flag.
Denying the Holocaust is crossing the line, and regardless if it occurs in Europe, or North America, the individual should be charged with a hate crime, or hate speech.
Sexist speech is crossing the line, and regardless if it occurs in Europe, or North America, the individual should be charged with a hate crime, or hate speech.

So says Belgium! The biggest hate crime offender against Jews and the memory of the holocaust in Europe today! Yes Solvay Dynasty owns the Business School of Solvay in Belgium where one of the Solvay brothers decided the theme of the graduation should be an honoring Hitler ceremony! Oh yes! He made it an honoring Hitler day and forced students to attend because it was their graduation day! What a theme for a business school that is supposed to be one of the most elite business schools in the WORLD!!!

The Jewish students were appalled. There were red and white banners with Swatsikas - A huge photo of Adolf Hilter - it looked like a step back into the horrors of WWII. The Solvay brother told the Jewish students - Jews lust after Solvay gold. Too bad he didn't admit where his Hilter loving Father got his gold. From the favors of Hitler. Solvays father was Ernest Solvay and industrialiist who was every bit as anti semitic as his evil sons and the other anti semitic industrialists who helped Hitler out. The story ran in one tiny newspaper and then a magazine and then later it began coming out elsewhere. Then the Jews in Belgium sent complaints to the school, the students sent complaints, the parents sent complaints, the Rabbis sent complaints and wonder of wonders? Solvay refused to apologise! Does this guy think he is above the law or what? Of course he does. He's part of the Illuminati that loves to bluff the world into thinking the Jewish Banker consiracy is real. Meanwhile he's eating everyones lunch while they fight. This Solvay family is the one whose Bank in France recieved the largest portion of any bank in Europe or the world for that matter - when we dispersed the trillion dollars bail out package some years ago. ( Bank of Solvay ) When Bernanke answers to you that entitles you to more than everyone else gets you know? They own banks, cities, police depts, fire depts, there is a Solvay, NY they used to use before liquidating all their assets back in 09'. ( they are key players in plotting the financial collapse of America) . They are thieves and will never pay us back on those loans. They didn't need the money. Solvay dynasty is vaster than Rothschilds and yet no one ever hears their name? Why is that? Because they finance satanists in Belgium and the schools of satanism in Belgium? Or is it the sex parties for the King of Belgium? What do they own besides Kings, Kingdoms and the souls of men?? How about the Fluoride going in your water? Theirs. Potash for glass? Theirs. Prescription drugs? They own Solvay Drug cartel ( Solvac ) which has escaped prosecution for their drugs sending people on shooting rampages on school campuses here in America. Pays to have Monsanto on their payroll. Who isn't on their payroll? The State Dept. never fired the US Ambassador to Belgium who was photographed with children by undercover FBI. The FBI were shut down on the investigation because in Belgium? You do it their way. Their way is paedophilia so the State Dept refused to fire the guy or do a further investigation probably because Belgium says he is the FAVORITE! Ha! You just can't make it up. Hillary had no choice but to keep him. Welcome to politics Belgium style. Now they want to tell the word about sexist talk. Get rid of your paedophiles in political office and start with your King, Belgium!!! Most sincerely, Jeremiah

p.s. after our ambassador was accused in Newspapers in Europe and America of sex with children Belgium came out ( State dept. story / Hillary remained silent ) and said, this man is our favorite American. Enough said. He stayed. Brussels, Belgium. A Brood of vipers working O/T for the devil himself.
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^^^^ You are really out of touch with reality. The example you give is the very reason why, today, they are so strongly against any type of hate speech. They are bending over backwards to not do what they did in the past. That is also why Holocaust denial is illegal in Germany and Austria. Gosh, you people do not know what is going on the in the world, and you jump to silly conclusions. Read about the world outside your own little nest.
Denying the Holocaust is crossing the line, and regardless if it occurs in Europe, or North America, the individual should be charged with a hate crime, or hate speech.
Sexist speech is crossing the line, and regardless if it occurs in Europe, or North America, the individual should be charged with a hate crime, or hate speech.
Sexist speech is not involved in the genocide of millions of innocent civilians.

shhhh, don't tell them that or you might get called a racist.
^^^^ You are really out of touch with reality. The example you give is the very reason why, today, they are so strongly against any type of hate speech. They are bending over backwards to not do what they did in the past. That is also why Holocaust denial is illegal in Germany and Austria. Gosh, you people do not know what is going on the in the world, and you jump to silly conclusions. Read about the world outside your own little nest.

Banning free speech and free thought is how they got in that mess in the first place, you little goose stepping Nazi.
^^^^ You are really out of touch with reality. The example you give is the very reason why, today, they are so strongly against any type of hate speech. They are bending over backwards to not do what they did in the past. That is also why Holocaust denial is illegal in Germany and Austria.

Holocaust denial laws are NOT about stopping hate. They're about extortion. Jewish organizations have collected billions of dollars in holocaust reparations and they want that to continue.
^^^^ You are really out of touch with reality. The example you give is the very reason why, today, they are so strongly against any type of hate speech. They are bending over backwards to not do what they did in the past. That is also why Holocaust denial is illegal in Germany and Austria.

Holocaust denial laws are NOT about stopping hate. They're about extortion. Jewish organizations have collected billions of dollars in holocaust reparations and they want that to continue.

Totally untrue. I have lived in both Germany and Austria. You are completely wrong.
Why the need for laws banning speech about the holocau$t? If its so true then it should hold up to scrutiny.
If anyone is ignorant enough to deny the holocaust, then they deserve to be thrown in jail and charged with hate speech.

You truly are a subhuman shit.
Try teaching a class of students that the Holocaust never occurred, or try distributing literature denying the holocaust, and see how fast you'll be charged with a hate crime.

Think of the family members of the millions that were killed during the Holocaust, put yourself in their shoes and then let me know if you still believe that someone spreading hate propaganda (that the Holocaust never occurred) should be spared jail time.

As you are proving again: you truly are a subhuman shit.
Why the need for laws banning speech about the holocau$t? If its so true then it should hold up to scrutiny.

That's just it - it's not true. It's all been a huge money-making lie and the beneficiaries of the lie don't want it exposed.
Think of the family members of the millions that were killed during the Holocaust, put yourself in their shoes and then let me know if you still believe that someone spreading hate propaganda (that the Holocaust never occurred) should be spared jail time.

But it didn't happen you moron. The WW2 allies invented the myth to distract the world from the MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS they killed in germany and japan by their policy of urban bombing.

Another case of - absolve your crime by accusing your victim of even worse.
This just seems abnormally creepy. People shouldn't be jailed for voicing their opinions and beliefs. Though they are woefully misguided, this also includes Holocaust deniers. We should not be trying to control, punish, and oppress people for daring to, of all things, speak. If you cannot tolerate someone's speech, debate and prove them wrong every chance you get, instead of trying to close their lips tight like the tyrants of ages past. We are not children. We are adults. We are capable of having the self-control and restraint to not use laws to keep others from talking. Let's have respect for one another's right to talk.

It is intellectually lazy to assume those against this law must either be bigoted or hateful. Because I'm neither, that notion's baseless.
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Think of the family members of the millions that were killed during the Holocaust, put yourself in their shoes and then let me know if you still believe that someone spreading hate propaganda (that the Holocaust never occurred) should be spared jail time.

But it didn't happen you moron. The WW2 allies invented the myth to distract the world from the MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS they killed in germany and japan by their policy of urban bombing.

Another case of - absolve your crime by accusing your victim of even worse.

This just seems abnormally creepy. People shouldn't be jailed for voicing their opinions and beliefs. Though they are woefully misguided, this also includes Holocaust deniers. We should not be trying to control, punish, and oppress people for daring to, of all things, speak. If you cannot tolerate someone's speech, debate and prove them wrong every chance you get, instead of trying to close their lips tight like the tyrants of ages past. We are not children. We are adults. We are capable of having the self-control and restraint to not use laws to keep others from talking. Let's have respect for one another's right to talk.

It is intellectually lazy to assume those against this law must either be bigoted or hateful. Because I'm neither, that notion's baseless.

In the case of Germany and Austria, there are still people there who believe in Hitler. There are neo-Nazis. If Holocaust denial were allowed, there is a good possibility tha there would be a substantial rise in neo-Nazi groups, and this is something the majority of Austrian and German citizens don't want, as well as it being something the authorities don't want. What the average German and Austrian want is peace, not a return to the ugliness of the 30's and 40's and the terrible wartime events. Not to be seen as racists and countries responsible for genocide. They do not want to expend a lot of energy and money on controling neo-Nazi groups either. Not allowing Holocaust denial goes a long way to maintaining the peaceful, prosperous nations that Austria and Germany are now. School children are educated about their past and the emphasis is on not ever allowing the past to repeat itself. Allowing Holocaust denial would totally work against that.

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