New law in Belgium - year in prison for using sexist words.

Going the way of the congo or Iran as it hates freedom. European countries like to act like they support freedom but telling someone that you will go to prison for saying something = a very anti-freedom place.

I hope the people of Belgium storm the government buildings and feed these politicians to the sharks.

The Belgians sure weren't concerned with the freedom of the Rwandans. They abandoned them knowing what would happen ( because it was already happening ) They turned their face and looked the other way. Then told the UN to do the same. That is Belgium. Mass murderers for their god - satan. It's like headquarters for hell in that country. What haven't they been involved in?

With all due respect, but that is nonsense. Clearly you don't have any idea about what happened in Rwanda. It was the Canadian UN-general who abandoned Belgian soldiers to be slaughtered in a gruesome manner and it was the UN who refused to do anything meaningful.

Also, I wonder what you feel Belgium should have done? Should they have started killing a few tens of thousands of Rwandans?

Actually there is a bit more to it. I saw a documentary on Rwanda w/ interviewing one of your top military men said he was ordered to withdraw and pull out leaving the Rwandans to die. He was told to stand down. I saw Beligan soldiers with no injuries who stood by and watched people getting cut up with machetes. YES. Your soldiers should have done their job and protected those men, women and children. Instead they didn't lift a finger for days on end and then got on a plane and left! Belgium makes me sick. p.s. The Canadian UN General said it was the Belgians. Poor man nearly had a nervous breakdown. No such conscience coming from the Belgians however... Horrific, isn't it? What must it be like to have no soul?
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This is how they do business in Belgium. Meet Michel Nihoul. Who boasted of his employment by Solvay Family.

Belgium's silent heart of darkness | World news | The Observermet Nihoul in a restaurant in Brussels. 'I am the Monster of Belgium,' he roared at me by way of greeting. He is confident he will never come to trial and that the evidence against him will never be heard by any jury. During the course of our meal he, apparently playfully, grabbed me, tickling, and finally pulled me over on to him in the restaurant booth until I had to appeal to my colleagues for rescue.

He will never come to court, he said, because the information he has about important people in Belgium would bring the government down. The Monster of Belgium denies he's a paedophile but seemed to enjoy his notoriety and demanded £1,000 for his story. We declined his offer. Every documentary likes a monster but we don't pay for interviews and frankly I'd already had enough.

But we did need to offer Nihoul a right to reply to the accusations made by Regina Louf, a woman now aged 33 whose testimony has divided Belgium. Louf came forward after Judge Connerotte made an appeal to victims of paedophiles to tell police what they knew. Connerotte, the man who had arrested Dutroux and saved two teenage girls from his dungeon, was a hero in Belgium. Louf was the first of 10 to come forward.

She told investigators how from the age of 12 she'd been 'given' by her parents to a family friend, Tony Van den Bogaert, who'd had a key to their house. He would collect her from school and take her away for weekends to sex parties where she was 'given' to other men and secretly filmed having sex with them. 'It was highly organised,' she says. 'Big business. Blackmail. There was a lot of money involved.'

In 1996 she related her experiences to a police team under carefully filmed and supervised conditions. She described certain regular clients including judges, one of the country's most powerful politicians (now dead) and a prominent banker. She gave the police the names by which she knew these men, detailed the houses, apartments and districts where she'd been taken with other children to entertain the guests.

This 'entertainment' was not just sex, she told the police. It involved sadism, torture and even murder, and again she described the places, the victims and the ways they were killed. One of the regular organisers of these parties, she claimed, was the man she knew as 'Mich', Jean Michel Nihoul, 'a very cruel man. He abused children in a very sadistic more on link.
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This just seems abnormally creepy. People shouldn't be jailed for voicing their opinions and beliefs. Though they are woefully misguided, this also includes Holocaust deniers. We should not be trying to control, punish, and oppress people for daring to, of all things, speak. If you cannot tolerate someone's speech, debate and prove them wrong every chance you get, instead of trying to close their lips tight like the tyrants of ages past. We are not children. We are adults. We are capable of having the self-control and restraint to not use laws to keep others from talking. Let's have respect for one another's right to talk.

It is intellectually lazy to assume those against this law must either be bigoted or hateful. Because I'm neither, that notion's baseless.

In the case of Germany and Austria, there are still people there who believe in Hitler. There are neo-Nazis. If Holocaust denial were allowed, there is a good possibility tha there would be a substantial rise in neo-Nazi groups, and this is something the majority of Austrian and German citizens don't want, as well as it being something the authorities don't want. What the average German and Austrian want is peace, not a return to the ugliness of the 30's and 40's and the terrible wartime events. Not to be seen as racists and countries responsible for genocide. They do not want to expend a lot of energy and money on controling neo-Nazi groups either. Not allowing Holocaust denial goes a long way to maintaining the peaceful, prosperous nations that Austria and Germany are now. School children are educated about their past and the emphasis is on not ever allowing the past to repeat itself. Allowing Holocaust denial would totally work against that.

Yeah, you libtards are all for limiting freedom of speech to simplify things, just like Mao, Stalin and Lenin did.
And rightards like you keep pushing stupid policies.

Eventually you will get around to your gulags, death camps and phony show trials
Those that think like you are already doing that....I bet you would be willing to get sick and die before participating in Obamacare....:lol:

Republican sabotage is killing Americans.
Never in the history of our nation has a political party tried so hard to actively sabotage a piece of legislation like today's Republican Party is doing with Obamacare.
Republicans in Washington and across the nation are so committed to sabotaging President Obama's presidency that they're willing to let people die.
While Republicans have failed 47 times to repeal Obamacare or at the very least defund it on the national level, their relentless sabotage efforts are working very well on the state level.
From Texas to Florida, Republicans are preventing millions of Americans from having access to affordable, life-saving health care.

The Republican Sabotage of America
The only two differences between a communist and a fascist is that the fascist wants to promote his nation and people while commie could not care less, and a commie wants the state to own corporations and fascists merely want to control them.
Conservatives are the fascists....they want corporations to control America....and who are you calling communists? Dems want people to succeed and do well, not die just so you can say you didn't support Obamacare....

Otherwise you and the commies are exactly the same, you phony fascist dog.

The first sign that someone is failing miserably is when they make it personal, like you. All you have is your vitriol and hate-filled's that working for you?:D
This just seems abnormally creepy. People shouldn't be jailed for voicing their opinions and beliefs. Though they are woefully misguided, this also includes Holocaust deniers. We should not be trying to control, punish, and oppress people for daring to, of all things, speak. If you cannot tolerate someone's speech, debate and prove them wrong every chance you get, instead of trying to close their lips tight like the tyrants of ages past. We are not children. We are adults. We are capable of having the self-control and restraint to not use laws to keep others from talking. Let's have respect for one another's right to talk.

It is intellectually lazy to assume those against this law must either be bigoted or hateful. Because I'm neither, that notion's baseless.

In the case of Germany and Austria, there are still people there who believe in Hitler. There are neo-Nazis. If Holocaust denial were allowed, there is a good possibility tha there would be a substantial rise in neo-Nazi groups, and this is something the majority of Austrian and German citizens don't want, as well as it being something the authorities don't want. What the average German and Austrian want is peace, not a return to the ugliness of the 30's and 40's and the terrible wartime events. Not to be seen as racists and countries responsible for genocide. They do not want to expend a lot of energy and money on controling neo-Nazi groups either. Not allowing Holocaust denial goes a long way to maintaining the peaceful, prosperous nations that Austria and Germany are now. School children are educated about their past and the emphasis is on not ever allowing the past to repeat itself. Allowing Holocaust denial would totally work against that.

Esmeralda, I enjoy both your company and perspective. I can understand your post, and sympathize with trying to undo some of the damage the Nazis have done to Germany's and Austria's image. However, not allowing Holocaust denial also completely works against the precious concept of free speech. Allow these groups to speak. Challenge and destroy their arguments and credibility with the collective skill you all have: I'll join in. If these groups get violent, or go beyond voicing their own opinions and beliefs, nail them. This regards anything criminal, etc. We shouldn't criminalize thought.... because it truly is a slippery slope.... and we shouldn't try to mind control all the citizens of a nation. It enslaves the minds of men when you permit only certain thought and opinions. We should dwell on these potential ramifications, because these kinds of things can be truly and utterly.... scary.

Let them deny, and let them be overwhelmed and shamed in civil debate. Stifling them from speaking will plant the seeds of revolution, as history has shown, for better or for worse.

This just seems abnormally creepy. People shouldn't be jailed for voicing their opinions and beliefs. Though they are woefully misguided, this also includes Holocaust deniers. We should not be trying to control, punish, and oppress people for daring to, of all things, speak. If you cannot tolerate someone's speech, debate and prove them wrong every chance you get, instead of trying to close their lips tight like the tyrants of ages past. We are not children. We are adults. We are capable of having the self-control and restraint to not use laws to keep others from talking. Let's have respect for one another's right to talk.

It is intellectually lazy to assume those against this law must either be bigoted or hateful. Because I'm neither, that notion's baseless.

Maybe Germany realizes how many dumb people there are that are willing to believe a lie and promote it, and before you know it they overcome the intelligent ones with their dumb's trying to happen here in the USA, (not about the Holocaust) but about other innocuous things.

You too, Mertex. :smiliehug:

Virtually all political parties attempt this. It could be said of both the Right and the Left. My strong belief is that these sorts of things should be hammered out in the arena of public opinion and debate. Let man be free. Let man be free to speak his mind, and be free to squash arguments in the arena of concepts. Banning certain ideas will lead to very bad things. At the very least the right to speak one's own mind... just the right... is a sacred one that tyrants throughout all history have attempted time and time again to destroy. We may wake up one day and discover it is us who have became the very tyrants we've been trying to prevent.

Damned good post.
You seem to have a problem with reading English, so I will repeat again: This is a personal proposal formulated by one Minister. It has not been approved by the Government, nor has it been submitted to Parliament.

No, I read that and understand it quite well. And MY assertion to you is that this should be considered so outrageous by a freedom loving people that there would be protests and calls for the ministers head.

Get it yet?

Yes, I get that you feel that nobody who holds a public office should be allowed to express an opinion that you don't agree with.

No, obviously you DONT get it or you wouldn't have mischaracterized what I said.

This idiot of a minister didn't suggest some banal tax hike or some symbolic holiday for some dead communist.

No, they wanted to put into law that a person should be imprisoned for saying things not in step with the current reigning fascism you have over there.

And THAT I think should cause them to be run our of town on a fucking rail.

But your country is long noted for lying down before strongmen and dictators, since 1918 anyway, and so I guess you guys are a little gun shy about pressing such things.

I, on the other hand, have a broader view of freedom of expression.

Yeah, like imprisoning people for verboten thought is a broader view of freedom of expression, lolol.
In the case of Germany and Austria, there are still people there who believe in Hitler. There are neo-Nazis. If Holocaust denial were allowed, there is a good possibility tha there would be a substantial rise in neo-Nazi groups, and this is something the majority of Austrian and German citizens don't want, as well as it being something the authorities don't want. What the average German and Austrian want is peace, not a return to the ugliness of the 30's and 40's and the terrible wartime events. Not to be seen as racists and countries responsible for genocide. They do not want to expend a lot of energy and money on controling neo-Nazi groups either. Not allowing Holocaust denial goes a long way to maintaining the peaceful, prosperous nations that Austria and Germany are now. School children are educated about their past and the emphasis is on not ever allowing the past to repeat itself. Allowing Holocaust denial would totally work against that.

Yeah, you libtards are all for limiting freedom of speech to simplify things, just like Mao, Stalin and Lenin did.
And rightards like you keep pushing stupid policies.

Those that think like you are already doing that....I bet you would be willing to get sick and die before participating in Obamacare....:lol:

The only two differences between a communist and a fascist is that the fascist wants to promote his nation and people while commie could not care less, and a commie wants the state to own corporations and fascists merely want to control them.
Conservatives are the fascists....they want corporations to control America....and who are you calling communists? Dems want people to succeed and do well, not die just so you can say you didn't support Obamacare....

Otherwise you and the commies are exactly the same, you phony fascist dog.

The first sign that someone is failing miserably is when they make it personal, like you. All you have is your vitriol and hate-filled's that working for you?:D

Working great, bitch.

You failed to make one substantial objection to my post.

Big disappointment. /NOT

Fascists like Esmertwatia make stupid comments then dogs like you come in and lap up her vomit.

How charming.
This just seems abnormally creepy. People shouldn't be jailed for voicing their opinions and beliefs. Though they are woefully misguided, this also includes Holocaust deniers. We should not be trying to control, punish, and oppress people for daring to, of all things, speak. If you cannot tolerate someone's speech, debate and prove them wrong every chance you get, instead of trying to close their lips tight like the tyrants of ages past. We are not children. We are adults. We are capable of having the self-control and restraint to not use laws to keep others from talking. Let's have respect for one another's right to talk.

It is intellectually lazy to assume those against this law must either be bigoted or hateful. Because I'm neither, that notion's baseless.

In the case of Germany and Austria, there are still people there who believe in Hitler. There are neo-Nazis. If Holocaust denial were allowed, there is a good possibility tha there would be a substantial rise in neo-Nazi groups, and this is something the majority of Austrian and German citizens don't want, as well as it being something the authorities don't want. What the average German and Austrian want is peace, not a return to the ugliness of the 30's and 40's and the terrible wartime events. Not to be seen as racists and countries responsible for genocide. They do not want to expend a lot of energy and money on controling neo-Nazi groups either. Not allowing Holocaust denial goes a long way to maintaining the peaceful, prosperous nations that Austria and Germany are now. School children are educated about their past and the emphasis is on not ever allowing the past to repeat itself. Allowing Holocaust denial would totally work against that.

Esmeralda, I enjoy both your company and perspective. I can understand your post, and sympathize with trying to undo some of the damage the Nazis have done to Germany's and Austria's image. However, not allowing Holocaust denial also completely works against the precious concept of free speech. Allow these groups to speak. Challenge and destroy their arguments and credibility with the collective skill you all have: I'll join in. If these groups get violent, or go beyond voicing their own opinions and beliefs, nail them. This regards anything criminal, etc. We shouldn't criminalize thought.... because it truly is a slippery slope.... and we shouldn't try to mind control all the citizens of a nation. It enslaves the minds of men when you permit only certain thought and opinions. We should dwell on these potential ramifications, because these kinds of things can be truly and utterly.... scary.

Let them deny, and let them be overwhelmed and shamed in civil debate. Stifling them from speaking will plant the seeds of revolution, as history has shown, for better or for worse.

This just seems abnormally creepy. People shouldn't be jailed for voicing their opinions and beliefs. Though they are woefully misguided, this also includes Holocaust deniers. We should not be trying to control, punish, and oppress people for daring to, of all things, speak. If you cannot tolerate someone's speech, debate and prove them wrong every chance you get, instead of trying to close their lips tight like the tyrants of ages past. We are not children. We are adults. We are capable of having the self-control and restraint to not use laws to keep others from talking. Let's have respect for one another's right to talk.

It is intellectually lazy to assume those against this law must either be bigoted or hateful. Because I'm neither, that notion's baseless.

Maybe Germany realizes how many dumb people there are that are willing to believe a lie and promote it, and before you know it they overcome the intelligent ones with their dumb's trying to happen here in the USA, (not about the Holocaust) but about other innocuous things.

You too, Mertex. :smiliehug:

Virtually all political parties attempt this. It could be said of both the Right and the Left. My strong belief is that these sorts of things should be hammered out in the arena of public opinion and debate. Let man be free. Let man be free to speak his mind, and be free to squash arguments in the arena of concepts. Banning certain ideas will lead to very bad things. At the very least the right to speak one's own mind... just the right... is a sacred one that tyrants throughout all history have attempted time and time again to destroy. We may wake up one day and discover it is us who have became the very tyrants we've been trying to prevent.

Sorry.....I don't agree. Faux News has been responsible for spreading many lies (like about Obamacare) and many people (Republican/conservatives included) have been hurt by it.....but they listen to the lies and believe them and it ends up hurting the entire nation. I wish we had a law that would punish anyone that promotes a lie......and what has debate done other than promote more hatred between the parties...those who buy into the lies are going to support the lies to the death.....and innocents are the ones that end up paying for it.
Just to provide a few facts: What is mentioned in the OP is NOT a current law in Belgium, but is a proposal (nothing more than a trial balloon really) of one Minister without the support of the full government, let alone a majority in Parliament. While the Belgian Parliament unfortunately has a proven track record in passing stupid legislation, I think chances are this particular stupid proposal will not become law.

That such a law would even be proposed is outrageous.

Consider the reaction if a law maker proposed a law to ban all Jews from Belgium. Imagine the outrage and scandal.

That is how you should be reacting to this asinine fascist law proposal.

Great point, Jim! When I saw the news articles about Belgiums elite Business school a few years ago I almost fainted. The Business School of Solvay - owned by the Solvay family - made honoring Hitler the theme of their graduation ceremony for their school! There were Jewish students in attendance! Subjected to banners hanging on walls of hall emulating days of Nazi Germany. Big photo of Hitler included! The students were aghast at the nerve of one Solvay who stood in front of the graduating class and announced - "WE KNOW YOU JEWS LUST AFTER SOLVAY GOLD".. The parents of the Jewish students and the Jewish communities demanded Solvay apologise for his statement and outrageous decision to honor Hitler at the graduation ceremony for Business School of Solvay. Guess what? HE REFUSED!!! Do the Solvay family believe they are above the law? You bet they do!!!

- Jeremiah

I'll bet the PC Police are loving this one.

This will be a good story to keep for future reference.

Sorry.....I don't agree. Faux News has been responsible for spreading many lies (like about Obamacare) and many people (Republican/conservatives included) have been hurt by it.....but they listen to the lies and believe them and it ends up hurting the entire nation.

Lol, what hysterical bullshit. I guess Fox News made the Obamacare website launch such a disaster? Or Fox caused Obama to postpone so many deadlines and hand out so many wavers.

You are a lying whore.

I wish we had a law that would punish anyone that promotes a lie......and what has debate done other than promote more hatred between the parties...those who buy into the lies are going to support the lies to the death.....and innocents are the ones that end up paying for it.

I guess I have to add to that cosmic scale hypocrisy.
Now Send some American troops in Belgium to save the Belgians from Belgians
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On the genocide of Rwanda and beyond.......... one insider who knows what is going on in Belgium said that all of the chaos, genocide, ethnic cleansing and disaster has a genuine purpose. it is very carefully planned by a few men behind the scene, high up in the society. What society? Belgium. The elitist gatherings at Chateau de Amerios otherwise known as Mothers of Darkness Castle are where these decisions get made. Incredible but true. Brussels, Belgium is alot more significant than anyone suspects in what happens around the world - genocides, ethnic cleansing. Consider why all these meetings take place in Brussels, Belgium? Why the UN, NATO and the WOLD BANK / IMF headquarters are all across the street from one another in Belgium? Think, people, think.
Yeah, you libtards are all for limiting freedom of speech to simplify things, just like Mao, Stalin and Lenin did.
And rightards like you keep pushing stupid policies.

Those that think like you are already doing that....I bet you would be willing to get sick and die before participating in Obamacare....:lol:

Conservatives are the fascists....they want corporations to control America....and who are you calling communists? Dems want people to succeed and do well, not die just so you can say you didn't support Obamacare....

Otherwise you and the commies are exactly the same, you phony fascist dog.

The first sign that someone is failing miserably is when they make it personal, like you. All you have is your vitriol and hate-filled's that working for you?:D

Working great, bitch.
All it does is give you some immature satisfaction.....but it doesn't change the fact that your party is crippling itself. You and your party's attempts to destroy ACA is not working...neither did the attempt to make Benghazi a scandal, so, no, your insults just make you look immature and butt hurt. But if you think it's working, keep drinking the KoolAid.

Charles Gaba has “been tracking the most up-to-date enrollment information and offering his own projections on his blog, On the same day that he predicted the 5 million signups milestone, he accurately predicted that California would hit the 1 million mark.”

“His next big prediction: The final sign-up tally will hit 6.22 million.”

Forecast Shows Obamacare Beating its Enrollment Goal - Taegan Goddard's Wonk Wire
You failed to make one substantial objection to my post.
Obviously you have trouble reading, among other things you fail at. Dems are not fascists....conservatives are the fascists.....sorry....:lol::lol: So, you are apparently so ignorant you don't even understand what you support...:lol::lol:

Republicans are the New Nazis
Undeniably fascist ...
Republicans ARE fascists. They deny it and they'll even call liberals fascists (they love attempting to redefine words that describe them in an unflattering way). Not sure where this list originally appeared but you can Google it and find it in any of a number of locations.


1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism
2. Disdain for the importance of human rights
3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause
4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism
5. Rampant sexism
6. A controlled mass media
7. Obsession with national security
8. Religion and government are intertwined
9. Power of corporations protected
10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated
11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts
12. Obsession with crime and punishment
13. Rampant cronyism and corruption
14. Fraudulent elections
Are Republicans Fascists

Big disappointment. /NOT
You're a big disappointment, true.

Fascists like Esmertwatia make stupid comments then dogs like you come in and lap up her vomit.
Bwahaha, I can see your butt comes through loud and clear. You can't debate so you resort to calling names and making cat-calls. You should go back to watching Honey Booboo and leave the debating to adults, like Esmeralda and've got nothing.

How charming.
Charming you're not, but desperate sounds more appropriate....keep making your party look dumb and hateful, that's all you've got.
The rumors about Belgium elite expecting the anti christ to appear to them first at Solvay Castle - Chateau de Amerios are numerous. This is but one of the stories surrounding the mystery of The Mothers Of Darkness castle where NATO officials, EU Members and the world elite gather for meetings.

Illuminati News: Flight to Brussels and the MODC - Dan Burisch and the Illuminati Session

He then flew to Brussels, Belgium, via Heathrow Airport in London, in order to arrive at the Summoning scheduled to be held at the Mother of Darkness Castle there (this was all to occur on Friday the 13th, at 8pm local time). Upon arriving, he was met by a member of the European Commission, and they got in the member's car to go to the MODC (Mother of Darkness Castle), where the Illuminati was in session. Dan ordered the driver to take him downtown and asked him to stop at a cafe. I'm told it was the Le Grand, but I'm not certain.

Dan ordered a second-floor table, and ordered a Belgian espresso (they DO know how to make good espresso in Brussels, having been there myself, but not on Illuminati business). After finishing the espresso, with the member getting very anxious, Dan ordered the driver to return him to his plane at the airport. The member was "in a near-panic", as you can well imagine; Dan had just stood up the European Illuminati while in session, on a very key date and at the very place where the alleged antichrist is supposedly to arise from. Dan then flew back to Las Vegas, avoiding the stop in Washington. He is supposed to have answered, in response to a question as to why, "I said I was going to Brussels for coffee." He did, however, hand an envelope to the EU member; supposedly in the envelope was the name of the individual Dan had named to replace himself.

The reader may choose to believe or disbelieve this story, and I'm certain that the usual suspects will be all over it, scoffing with contempt or worse. I offer it only for your perusal, and if any think they can disprove it, I welcome a well-reasoned proof.(1)

cont on link....
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Satan told Jesus if you will bow down and worship me I'll give you the world. Looks as if someone in Belgium took him up on the offer, eh?
Belgium probably made a deal with the devil that goes like this........ we'll do the daily sacrifices, create mass genocidal blood offerings for you all over the world, blackmail world leaders / ambassadors / Prime Ministers into submission to your plans and in exchange you appear here first and we'll throw in a law making it illegal for anyone to criticise you!
So, if I'm subject to Belgian Law and I say to my friend on Facebook: "Have you seen Emmy Lou since she lost all that weight and toned-up? Gawd... what a fine ass she has now!... damned hot !!! "...

...that I'm gonna go to jail?

Screw that!

Leave it to the goddamned Euros to dream-up shit like that.

This law itself is an insult to women since it's based on the idea that women are weak helpless creatures that need the govt to protect them - even from mere words!

Belgium bans a wide range of sexist speech

March 21 2014
Rik Torfs, rector of the University of Leuven, and Jogchum Vrielink, coordinator of the Centre for Discrimination Law at the University of Leuven, pass along a guest post — quoted below — about a new Belgian law that provides (Vrielink’s translation):

Penalization of Sexism
For the purposes of this Act, the concept of sexism will be understood to mean any gesture or act that, in the circumstances of Article 444 of the Penal Code,* is evidently intended to express contempt for a person because of his gender, or that regards them as inferior, or reduces them to their sexual dimension, and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.
Anyone found guilty of [such conduct] will be punished with a prison sentence of one month to one year, and a fine …, or one of these penalties alone….

Vrielink reports that the law will indeed cover not just face-to-face insults, but also things said about people in print or in other forms of mass communications. Thus, I infer, it would be a crime to publish newspaper articles or blog posts that say a politician, journalist, criminal, or whoever else is inferior because of his or her gender, or intentionally show contempt for the person because of his or her gender, or “reduce them to their sexual dimension,” and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.
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And rightards like you keep pushing stupid policies.

Those that think like you are already doing that....I bet you would be willing to get sick and die before participating in Obamacare....:lol:

Conservatives are the fascists....they want corporations to control America....and who are you calling communists? Dems want people to succeed and do well, not die just so you can say you didn't support Obamacare....

The first sign that someone is failing miserably is when they make it personal, like you. All you have is your vitriol and hate-filled's that working for you?:D

Working great, bitch.
All it does is give you some immature satisfaction.....but it doesn't change the fact that your party is crippling itself. You and your party's attempts to destroy ACA is not working...neither did the attempt to make Benghazi a scandal, so, no, your insults just make you look immature and butt hurt. But if you think it's working, keep drinking the KoolAid.

Charles Gaba has “been tracking the most up-to-date enrollment information and offering his own projections on his blog, On the same day that he predicted the 5 million signups milestone, he accurately predicted that California would hit the 1 million mark.”

“His next big prediction: The final sign-up tally will hit 6.22 million.”

Forecast Shows Obamacare Beating its Enrollment Goal - Taegan Goddard's Wonk Wire
Obviously you have trouble reading, among other things you fail at. Dems are not fascists....conservatives are the fascists.....sorry....:lol::lol: So, you are apparently so ignorant you don't even understand what you support...:lol::lol:

Republicans are the New Nazis
Undeniably fascist ...
Republicans ARE fascists. They deny it and they'll even call liberals fascists (they love attempting to redefine words that describe them in an unflattering way). Not sure where this list originally appeared but you can Google it and find it in any of a number of locations.


1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism
2. Disdain for the importance of human rights
3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause
4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism
5. Rampant sexism
6. A controlled mass media
7. Obsession with national security
8. Religion and government are intertwined
9. Power of corporations protected
10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated
11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts
12. Obsession with crime and punishment
13. Rampant cronyism and corruption
14. Fraudulent elections
Are Republicans Fascists

You're a big disappointment, true.

Fascists like Esmertwatia make stupid comments then dogs like you come in and lap up her vomit.
Bwahaha, I can see your butt comes through loud and clear. You can't debate so you resort to calling names and making cat-calls. You should go back to watching Honey Booboo and leave the debating to adults, like Esmeralda and've got nothing.

How charming.
Charming you're not, but desperate sounds more appropriate....keep making your party look dumb and hateful, that's all you've got.

Lol, you use some libtard redefinition of fascism to dodge the point when any school kid can look up the origins of the fascist party and see it branched out of Italy's communist party.

I don't belong to a party, dumbass, they both suck.

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