New law in Belgium - year in prison for using sexist words.

10 years from now Belgium, uk and Sweden will be a lot like Iran. Just the opposite in mindset but the same kind of fascist bs.
Eyes wide shut was Stanley Kubricks contribution to the world after a very long and successful career. He was murdered for that film. It thought it was worth a mention.

In the film Eyes Wide Shut - the symbols are numerous Kubrick provides. The Christmas party with the pentagrams hanging on the wall. Helena is the name of the daughter and that was in honor of Helena Blavatsky who brought the occult to Europe - Alice ( played by Kidman ) is for Alice in Wonderland - ( Carroll was a paedophile and a satanist so was Dodson ) the mirrors is the symbol for reflection into the soul. It's another of the many occult references. The sex parties - those are for real and happen in Belgium. Want to hear more? I'll get back to you. I'm taking the rest of the day off today. Been a long week. - J.

NOTE* The significance of symbolism - the mirrors - The Looking Glass: Satanist creed - Man should be the mirror of the universe and the universe should be the mirror of man.

Kubrick did a similar thing in "the shining". Used symbolism to make the point that the apollo 11 moon landing was fake and he, kubrick, was deeply involved in the deception.

Kubrick was a genius. I cannot comment on the Shining because I never payed attention to the film. It was so long time ago. Probably would not have made the connection then. I found a guy who in my opinion did the best research on the symbols of the Luciferians - better than anyone. Over 30 yrs of research. His greatest work in my opinion was deciphering symbolism in Eyes Wide Shut film. He died some time ago but his Information site is still up. Hang on and I'll get you something that will show you the actual photographs from the movie and his point by point explanation of what you are seeing. This will really open some eyes.

The strange laws being implimented in Belgium and elsewhere are all part of this plan to bring forth a new order which is even now being unveiled.

Here is the link including photographs and depictions of what you are actually viewing in the film Eyes Wide Shut. This guy did the best research on Kubricks film, EWS in my opinion. He nails it here.

The Kentroversy Papers

As a man who obviously in his movie career predicted and foretold of the coming sub cultural thinking patterns of American society went too far with Eyes Wide Shut.
In portending rampant crime, the space age, the American patriot, those were more or less innocent or expected cultural phenomena, but in Kubrick predicting or revealing the era of Eyes Wide Shut, now that may have been going too far.

For what Kubrick did was to tell us that in a few years the mass media in conjunction with the elite would begin the final strangulation or usurpation of the minds and hearts of this civilization by bringing in a period that can only be described as a new dark ages. Indeed perhaps beginning in the horrors of 911, where practically the entire world would be blinded by the obvious satanic fraud wrought on the populace with the ridiculous spectacle of buildings disintegrating before everybodies eyes and being given no reasonable explanation why this happened but yet everyone through ignorance, media hype and brainwashing are told what to believe and what happened, and lo and behold, most have been hoodwinked.

clip from link....

There is a greater meaning - Eyes Wide Shut is code in this secret world for - our eyes are wide open by we don't see a thing. We cover for each other - we are above the law by virtue of our bloodline, membership, etc. They have code words, handshakes, signals, they don't get arrested like the rest of the world. These are the global elitists and this is how they live. ( Kubricks film )
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This law itself is an insult to women since it's based on the idea that women are weak helpless creatures that need the govt to protect them - even from mere words!

Belgium bans a wide range of sexist speech

March 21 2014
Rik Torfs, rector of the University of Leuven, and Jogchum Vrielink, coordinator of the Centre for Discrimination Law at the University of Leuven, pass along a guest post — quoted below — about a new Belgian law that provides (Vrielink’s translation):

Penalization of Sexism
For the purposes of this Act, the concept of sexism will be understood to mean any gesture or act that, in the circumstances of Article 444 of the Penal Code,* is evidently intended to express contempt for a person because of his gender, or that regards them as inferior, or reduces them to their sexual dimension, and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.
Anyone found guilty of [such conduct] will be punished with a prison sentence of one month to one year, and a fine …, or one of these penalties alone….

Vrielink reports that the law will indeed cover not just face-to-face insults, but also things said about people in print or in other forms of mass communications. Thus, I infer, it would be a crime to publish newspaper articles or blog posts that say a politician, journalist, criminal, or whoever else is inferior because of his or her gender, or intentionally show contempt for the person because of his or her gender, or “reduce them to their sexual dimension,” and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.

So it's still OK to make jokes about the French, as long as you don't do it in Belgium.

Got it.
New law in Belgium - year in prison for using sexist words.
That is surprising. I expected being jailed for exercising freedom of speech rights (or lack thereof) in third world countries, but not in Europe. Has Belgium quit the EU? :eusa_eh:

Try questioning ANY aspect of the "holocaust" in most European countries you will get tossed in prison. Dude in the UK "revved" his car in a racist manner few years ago..kid you not..its also racist in UK to fly the Union Jack flag.
New law in Belgium - year in prison for using sexist words.
That is surprising. I expected being jailed for exercising freedom of speech rights (or lack thereof) in third world countries, but not in Europe. Has Belgium quit the EU? :eusa_eh:

Try questioning ANY aspect of the "holocaust" in most European countries you will get tossed in prison. Dude in the UK "revved" his car in a racist manner few years ago..kid you not..its also racist in UK to fly the Union Jack flag.
Denying the Holocaust is crossing the line, and regardless if it occurs in Europe, or North America, the individual should be charged with a hate crime, or hate speech.
Lol's. Freedom of Speech is Freedom of Speech. There should be NO BOUNDARIES.Don't like what's being said don't listen or read it.
Have better sex parties here in the Bible Belt than "Eyes Wide Shut" :)

Eyes wide shut was Stanley Kubricks contribution to the world after a very long and successful career. He was murdered for that film. It thought it was worth a mention.

In the film Eyes Wide Shut - the symbols are numerous Kubrick provides. The Christmas party with the pentagrams hanging on the wall. Helena is the name of the daughter and that was in honor of Helena Blavatsky who brought the occult to Europe - Alice ( played by Kidman ) is for Alice in Wonderland - ( Carroll was a paedophile and a satanist so was Dodson ) the mirrors is the symbol for reflection into the soul. It's another of the many occult references. The sex parties - those are for real and happen in Belgium. Want to hear more? I'll get back to you. I'm taking the rest of the day off today. Been a long week. - J.

NOTE* The significance of symbolism - the mirrors - The Looking Glass: Satanist creed - Man should be the mirror of the universe and the universe should be the mirror of man.

Are you stoned again?
That is surprising. I expected being jailed for exercising freedom of speech rights (or lack thereof) in third world countries, but not in Europe. Has Belgium quit the EU? :eusa_eh:

Where have you been?. Europe has little concern for free speech. For years they've been throwing holocaust deniers in prison.
If anyone is ignorant enough to deny the holocaust, then they deserve to be thrown in jail and charged with hate speech.

You truly are a subhuman shit.
Where have you been?. Europe has little concern for free speech. For years they've been throwing holocaust deniers in prison.
If anyone is ignorant enough to deny the holocaust, then they deserve to be thrown in jail and charged with hate speech.

You truly are a subhuman shit.
Try teaching a class of students that the Holocaust never occurred, or try distributing literature denying the holocaust, and see how fast you'll be charged with a hate crime.

Think of the family members of the millions that were killed during the Holocaust, put yourself in their shoes and then let me know if you still believe that someone spreading hate propaganda (that the Holocaust never occurred) should be spared jail time.
This law itself is an insult to women since it's based on the idea that women are weak helpless creatures that need the govt to protect them - even from mere words!

Belgium bans a wide range of sexist speech

March 21 2014
Rik Torfs, rector of the University of Leuven, and Jogchum Vrielink, coordinator of the Centre for Discrimination Law at the University of Leuven, pass along a guest post — quoted below — about a new Belgian law that provides (Vrielink’s translation):

Penalization of Sexism
For the purposes of this Act, the concept of sexism will be understood to mean any gesture or act that, in the circumstances of Article 444 of the Penal Code,* is evidently intended to express contempt for a person because of his gender, or that regards them as inferior, or reduces them to their sexual dimension, and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.
Anyone found guilty of [such conduct] will be punished with a prison sentence of one month to one year, and a fine …, or one of these penalties alone….

Vrielink reports that the law will indeed cover not just face-to-face insults, but also things said about people in print or in other forms of mass communications. Thus, I infer, it would be a crime to publish newspaper articles or blog posts that say a politician, journalist, criminal, or whoever else is inferior because of his or her gender, or intentionally show contempt for the person because of his or her gender, or “reduce them to their sexual dimension,” and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.

Oh bullshit; it hasn't yet been proven that there is still a real nation called Belgium anyway. Its just a pretense by tourists traps that cant sell the Dutch and Frog bullshit.
They're fucked. It's only a matter of time until they are conquered because they turned soft.

Vae victis.
That is surprising. I expected being jailed for exercising freedom of speech rights (or lack thereof) in third world countries, but not in Europe. Has Belgium quit the EU? :eusa_eh:

Try questioning ANY aspect of the "holocaust" in most European countries you will get tossed in prison. Dude in the UK "revved" his car in a racist manner few years ago..kid you not..its also racist in UK to fly the Union Jack flag.
Denying the Holocaust is crossing the line, and regardless if it occurs in Europe, or North America, the individual should be charged with a hate crime, or hate speech.
Sexist speech is crossing the line, and regardless if it occurs in Europe, or North America, the individual should be charged with a hate crime, or hate speech.
This law itself is an insult to women since it's based on the idea that women are weak helpless creatures that need the govt to protect them - even from mere words!

Belgium bans a wide range of sexist speech

March 21 2014
Rik Torfs, rector of the University of Leuven, and Jogchum Vrielink, coordinator of the Centre for Discrimination Law at the University of Leuven, pass along a guest post — quoted below — about a new Belgian law that provides (Vrielink’s translation):

Penalization of Sexism
For the purposes of this Act, the concept of sexism will be understood to mean any gesture or act that, in the circumstances of Article 444 of the Penal Code,* is evidently intended to express contempt for a person because of his gender, or that regards them as inferior, or reduces them to their sexual dimension, and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.
Anyone found guilty of [such conduct] will be punished with a prison sentence of one month to one year, and a fine …, or one of these penalties alone….

Vrielink reports that the law will indeed cover not just face-to-face insults, but also things said about people in print or in other forms of mass communications. Thus, I infer, it would be a crime to publish newspaper articles or blog posts that say a politician, journalist, criminal, or whoever else is inferior because of his or her gender, or intentionally show contempt for the person because of his or her gender, or “reduce them to their sexual dimension,” and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.

The law isn't just about sexist language towards women, dufus, it is about sexist language towards anyone: "is evidently intended to express contempt for a person because of his gender..."

Get a life will ya.
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This law itself is an insult to women since it's based on the idea that women are weak helpless creatures that need the govt to protect them - even from mere words!

Belgium bans a wide range of sexist speech

March 21 2014
Rik Torfs, rector of the University of Leuven, and Jogchum Vrielink, coordinator of the Centre for Discrimination Law at the University of Leuven, pass along a guest post — quoted below — about a new Belgian law that provides (Vrielink’s translation):

Penalization of Sexism
For the purposes of this Act, the concept of sexism will be understood to mean any gesture or act that, in the circumstances of Article 444 of the Penal Code,* is evidently intended to express contempt for a person because of his gender, or that regards them as inferior, or reduces them to their sexual dimension, and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.
Anyone found guilty of [such conduct] will be punished with a prison sentence of one month to one year, and a fine …, or one of these penalties alone….

Vrielink reports that the law will indeed cover not just face-to-face insults, but also things said about people in print or in other forms of mass communications. Thus, I infer, it would be a crime to publish newspaper articles or blog posts that say a politician, journalist, criminal, or whoever else is inferior because of his or her gender, or intentionally show contempt for the person because of his or her gender, or “reduce them to their sexual dimension,” and which has the effect of violating someone’s dignity.

The law isn't just about sexist language towards women, dufus, it is about sexist language towards anyone: "is evidently intended to express contempt for a person because of his gender..."

Get a life will ya.

Exactly, the law is perfectly reasonable. Unless you are a hater or bigot.
One more bit of information you didn't know, Delta. Mozart's - The magic flute...... he wrote to uncover the Illuminati. The same Illuminati depicted in Eyes Wide Shut through satanic sex ritual party scene - etc. Mozart was poisoned to death as a result. The story of Sallierno is all hype. No truth to it. His reward for exposing the secrets of the Freemason Secret Society.

You think a Master in the Freemasons knows everything? Wrong. There are one hundred degrees above Master.

Know thy enemy, Delta.

Good day. Enjoy Mozart! He paid with his life to tell you about it. ( costumes, set, everything ) Open your "eyes" and "ears".

Mozart - The Magic Flute - end of opera (duet and chorus) - YouTube

You are slightly crazy. :cuckoo:
stanley kubrick was actually a belgian. it all fits.

full metal jacket was about the vietnam war, if you did not look hard enough. it actually was about gun control, aliens and on top of that, designed to instigate anti-harassment of the obese laws.
stanley kubrick was actually a belgian. it all fits.

full metal jacket was about the vietnam war, if you did not look hard enough. it actually was about gun control, aliens and on top of that, designed to instigate anti-harassment of the obese laws.

LOL Interesting how you caught that and all the film critics on the planet missed it. Must be a conspiracy.

Can you explain 2001: A Space Odyssey? I'd love to know what it was actually about.

Krubick was born July 26, 1928, The Bronx, New York City, New York, United States. Was he of Belgian extraction?

Sign me 'tickled pink.'
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