New Major Threat From Iran


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
About 2 weeks ago, Iran launched its first military satellite, which is now orbiting the earth. There is a tendency to think of a satellite launch as nothing much. Hey the Soviets launched one (Sputnik) over 60 years ago.

The seriousness of this satellite cannot be dismissed so easily. It gives Iran (pending nuclear weapon development) the capability to launch an EMP attack on the US, from space, which would cripple the US severely, and send us back to the 19th century, with our electric power grid in shambles.

They in turn would be sent back to 1,000,000 years BC.
I'm not sure how much of our military would still be functional. So much of has been put into computers, which would be fried. Hopefully, our young people have preserved our pre-computer, and even pre-electricity capabilities, as a back-up. Hopefully.
They in turn would be sent back to 1,000,000 years BC.
I'm not sure how much of our military would still be functional. So much of has been put into computers, which would be fried. Hopefully, our young people have preserved our pre-computer, and even pre-electricity capabilities, as a back-up. Hopefully.

It would not affect most of our submarines, 4 or 5 of which could utterly destroy Iran.
They in turn would be sent back to 1,000,000 years BC.
I'm not sure how much of our military would still be functional. So much of has been put into computers, which would be fried. Hopefully, our young people have preserved our pre-computer, and even pre-electricity capabilities, as a back-up. Hopefully.

You dont know much about the DOD and our defense grid. EMP grid protections were installed about 15 years ago on most US grids. Our fleet of missiles is EMP protected and the command and control is done by high angle Satelites and redundant dark fiber optic cables. There are no less than four redundant loops. Our systems will be fully functional if they tried this BS.
About 2 weeks ago, Iran launched its first military satellite, which is now orbiting the earth. There is a tendency to think of a satellite launch as nothing much. Hey the Soviets launched one (Sputnik) over 60 years ago.

The seriousness of this satellite cannot be dismissed so easily. It gives Iran (pending nuclear weapon development) the capability to launch an EMP attack on the US, from space, which would cripple the US severely, and send us back to the 19th century, with our electric power grid in shambles.

You Damn Fool! Iran launches a satellite so naturally the next thing on their agenda is to launch a nuke and generate EMP's over the US, even though an EMP of the required magnitude for such folly has NEVER been created in a controlled setting, discounting solar activity, of course! And how much experience making nukes with proper reentry vehicles, global guidance systems, generating controllable EMP's and the fucking ability to pay for all the R&D does Iran have and how long will it take Iran to get the project completed SECRETLY after years of work, et al, ad nauseam.

Sober up, fool! This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories! It sure as Hell doesn't belong in Politics!
About 2 weeks ago, Iran launched its first military satellite, which is now orbiting the earth. There is a tendency to think of a satellite launch as nothing much. Hey the Soviets launched one (Sputnik) over 60 years ago.

The seriousness of this satellite cannot be dismissed so easily. It gives Iran (pending nuclear weapon development) the capability to launch an EMP attack on the US, from space, which would cripple the US severely, and send us back to the 19th century, with our electric power grid in shambles.

They in turn would be sent back to 1,000,000 years BC.
I'm not sure how much of our military would still be functional. So much of has been put into computers, which would be fried. Hopefully, our young people have preserved our pre-computer, and even pre-electricity capabilities, as a back-up. Hopefully.

You dont know much about the DOD and our defense grid. EMP grid protections were installed about 15 years ago on most US grids. Our fleet of missiles is EMP protected and the command and control is done by high angle Satelites and redundant dark fiber optic cables. There are no less than four redundant loops. Our systems will be fully functional if they tried this BS.
Yep. I was just about to jump-in and talk about EMP Shielding... you raise a good point.
It would not affect most of our submarines, 4 or 5 of which could utterly destroy Iran.
An escalation of that nature (wiping out Iran with nuclear weapons resulting in both untold and predictable collateral damage........really?) was one such thing the Iran nuclear agreement was designed to prevent. But the Idiot-in-Chief withdrew from it even though it was working.

"For Iran, which is already dealing with the coronavirus outbreak, a struggling economy and historically low oil prices, the missile launch may signal a new willingness to take risks. At home, Iran, which was initially overwhelmed by the coronavirus, is seeking to sway international opinion on U.S. sanctions by highlighting its struggles with the coronavirus outbreak. In Iran, the regional epicenter of the outbreak, the virus has killed more than 5,290 people, from among over 84,800 reported cases.

“This raises a lot of red flags,” said Fabian Hinz, a researcher at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, Calif. “Iran doesn’t have that much to lose anymore,” he added, referring to the United States’ “maximum pressure” campaign, a series of sanctions imposed against crucial industries and top officials."
It should be explained to the Iranian regime that any such attack or attempted attack will result in a full nuclear retaliation.
About 2 weeks ago, Iran launched its first military satellite, which is now orbiting the earth. There is a tendency to think of a satellite launch as nothing much. Hey the Soviets launched one (Sputnik) over 60 years ago.

The seriousness of this satellite cannot be dismissed so easily. It gives Iran (pending nuclear weapon development) the capability to launch an EMP attack on the US, from space, which would cripple the US severely, and send us back to the 19th century, with our electric power grid in shambles.

You Damn Fool! Iran launches a satellite so naturally the next thing on their agenda is to launch a nuke and generate EMP's over the US, even though an EMP of the required magnitude for such folly has NEVER been created in a controlled setting, discounting solar activity, of course! And how much experience making nukes with proper reentry vehicles, global guidance systems, generating controllable EMP's and the fucking ability to pay for all the R&D does Iran have and how long will it take Iran to get the project completed SECRETLY after years of work, et al, ad nauseam.

Sober up, fool! This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories! It sure as Hell doesn't belong in Politics!
1. From the OP link referring to naysayers like you, TC >> "These dubious assertions are contested by virtually all of America’s top national defense and intelligence experts, as well as the bipartisan Congressional EMP Commission."

2 "Required magnitude" ? Yeah ? And what what required magnitude is that ? Also from the OP link, Dr. Peter Pry, the former Chief of Staff of the Congressional EMP Commission, and one of the top nuclear/EMP experts in the nation, points out >>>

“they wrongly assert a high-yield thermonuclear weapon is necessary for EMP attack. The EMP Commission found any nuclear weapon, even a primitive weapon that terrorists might build, is a potential EMP threat. Indeed, the greatest EMP threat is from super-EMP nuclear weapons, that are very low-yield, designed to produce gamma rays that generate the EMP effect, not make a big explosion.” According to Dr. Pry, “The yield of a Super-EMP weapon can be very low—10 KT (kilotons, or TNT equivalent explosive power) or much less, but it could generate much higher EMP fields (100–200 KV/meter) than a 25 MT (Megaton) weapon (50 KV/meter) of conventional design.”

3. You forgot one thing at the end of your rant. A question mark. So since you're asking a question, you really don't know the answer to what you're talking about. No problem. The experts in the link article do.

4. Also from the link article,
National security correspondent Bill Gertz published an article in the Washington Free Beacon back in January entitled “China, Russia Building Super-EMP Bombs for ‘Blackout Warfare.” In it, he reports that “Several nations, including China and Russia, are building powerful nuclear bombs designed to produce super-electromagnetic pulse (EMP) waves capable of devastating all electronics—from computers to electric grids—for hundreds of miles, according to a newly-released congressional study.” This study, entitled “Nuclear EMP Attack Scenarios and Combined-Arms Cyber Warfare,” was written by the EMP Commission. “Nuclear EMP attack is part of the military doctrines, plans, and exercises of Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran for a revolutionary new way of warfare against military forces and civilian critical infrastructures by cyber, sabotage, and EMP,” the study states. Gertz further reports that Russia has adopted a new nuclear strategy called “escalate to de-escalate” a conflict with nuclear arms that the report suggests is tailored to space-based EMP attacks. The attacks are regarded by enemy military planners as a relatively easy, potentially unattributable means of inflicting mass destruction and forcing opponents to capitulate.

Those wishing to follow the thoughts of Thought Crimes are free to do so. And...those wishing to follow the thoughts/writings of top national defense experts are free to do that. :biggrin:
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About 2 weeks ago, Iran launched its first military satellite, which is now orbiting the earth. There is a tendency to think of a satellite launch as nothing much. Hey the Soviets launched one (Sputnik) over 60 years ago.

The seriousness of this satellite cannot be dismissed so easily. It gives Iran (pending nuclear weapon development) the capability to launch an EMP attack on the US, from space, which would cripple the US severely, and send us back to the 19th century, with our electric power grid in shambles.

You Damn Fool! Iran launches a satellite so naturally the next thing on their agenda is to launch a nuke and generate EMP's over the US, even though an EMP of the required magnitude for such folly has NEVER been created in a controlled setting, discounting solar activity, of course! And how much experience making nukes with proper reentry vehicles, global guidance systems, generating controllable EMP's and the fucking ability to pay for all the R&D does Iran have and how long will it take Iran to get the project completed SECRETLY after years of work, et al, ad nauseam.

Sober up, fool! This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories! It sure as Hell doesn't belong in Politics!
1. From the OP link referring to naysayers like you, TC >> "These dubious assertions are contested by virtually all of America’s top national defense and intelligence experts, as well as the bipartisan Congressional EMP Commission."

2 "Required magnitude" ? Yeah ? And what what required magnitude is that ? Also from the OP link, Dr. Peter Pry, the former Chief of Staff of the Congressional EMP Commission, and one of the top nuclear/EMP experts in the nation, points out >>>

“they wrongly assert a high-yield thermonuclear weapon is necessary for EMP attack. The EMP Commission found any nuclear weapon, even a primitive weapon that terrorists might build, is a potential EMP threat. Indeed, the greatest EMP threat is from super-EMP nuclear weapons, that are very low-yield, designed to produce gamma rays that generate the EMP effect, not make a big explosion.” According to Dr. Pry, “The yield of a Super-EMP weapon can be very low—10 KT (kilotons, or TNT equivalent explosive power) or much less, but it could generate much higher EMP fields (100–200 KV/meter) than a 25 MT (Megaton) weapon (50 KV/meter) of conventional design.”

3. You forgot one thing at the end of your rant. A question mark. So since you're asking a question, you really don't know the answer to what you're talking about. No problem. The experts in the link article do.

4. Also from the link article,
National security correspondent Bill Gertz published an article in the Washington Free Beacon back in January entitled “China, Russia Building Super-EMP Bombs for ‘Blackout Warfare.” In it, he reports that “Several nations, including China and Russia, are building powerful nuclear bombs designed to produce super-electromagnetic pulse (EMP) waves capable of devastating all electronics—from computers to electric grids—for hundreds of miles, according to a newly-released congressional study.” This study, entitled “Nuclear EMP Attack Scenarios and Combined-Arms Cyber Warfare,” was written by the EMP Commission. “Nuclear EMP attack is part of the military doctrines, plans, and exercises of Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran for a revolutionary new way of warfare against military forces and civilian critical infrastructures by cyber, sabotage, and EMP,” the study states. Gertz further reports that Russia has adopted a new nuclear strategy called “escalate to de-escalate” a conflict with nuclear arms that the report suggests is tailored to space-based EMP attacks. The attacks are regarded by enemy military planners as a relatively easy, potentially unattributable means of inflicting mass destruction and forcing opponents to capitulate.

Those wishing to follow the thoughts of Thought Crimes are free to do so. And...those wishing to follow the thoughts/writings of top national defense experts are free to do that. :biggrin:
"These dubious assertions are contested by virtually all of America’s top national defense and intelligence experts, as well as the bipartisan Congressional EMP Commission."
This has nothing to do with what I posted, asswipe. You're back in your obfuscation suit again, you damn fraud. On top of that, you misquoted a copyrighted article. That's against the TOS and against the law too, fool!
You forgot one thing at the end of your rant. A question mark. So since you're asking a question, you really don't know the answer to what you're talking about.
Wow, my punctuation was in error...I'll correct that now and THEN respond.
And how much experience making nukes with proper reentry vehicles, global guidance systems, generating controllable EMP's and the fucking ability to pay for all the R&D does Iran have and how long will it take Iran to get the project completed SECRETLY after years of work, et al, ad nauseam? < missing question mark <
That QUESTION was the very heart of my brief post to you, Limply, which is probably why your cowardly butt avoided responding to the subjects within the sentence and instead of responding, dodged yet again and lying about your source to cover your lying ass. You cited the Washington Free Beacon article, which is is not loaded with physicists as you hinted, dumb ass. My point was that Iran is technologically and economically incapable of such a difficult goal without so many assets, skills and infrastructure out of their grasp AND maintain secrecy about it for a decade or longer!

You claimed in the OP that;
It gives Iran (pending nuclear weapon development) the capability to launch an EMP attack on the US, from space...
Building a nuke is one thing. Building a nuke that can mimic a solar flare is a whole other story! You see the difference, Dummy?
As pointed out in my first post, that ignorance and yearning to post supercilious nonsense brought forward straight from your dumb ass was why the, "...thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories! It sure as Hell doesn't belong in Politics!"
About 2 weeks ago, Iran launched its first military satellite, which is now orbiting the earth. There is a tendency to think of a satellite launch as nothing much. Hey the Soviets launched one (Sputnik) over 60 years ago.
The seriousness of this satellite cannot be dismissed so easily. It gives Iran (pending nuclear weapon development) the capability to launch an EMP attack on the US, from space, which would cripple the US severely, and send us back to the 19th century, with our electric power grid in shambles.
We should let the Jews wipe them off the planet.
Iran has never been a threat to America , much more the other way 'round

Iran was the PNAC's big ME prize country going back quite the way

YOU FOOLS who they've sold this to are the problem

Trump is already working on an EMP defense.... EMP attack....worse case scenario....the USMB politics forum will not work.....

Huge loss for everyone.

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