New Mein Kampf to test German (jewish) law causing hysteria

I am pleased as punch that this book is allowed to be sold in Germany again.

Why? The book is bullshit. I would be pleased to know who will be the noble price winner for literature of the year 2025 not about to read bullshit of the year 1926.

The more people that read that abortion the more that will become disgusted by his twisted and idtoic world views. Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

It was never a big problem for a German to read this book - in a library of a university for example. Nevertheless your hypothese is wrong: Propaganda is not able to be stupid enough. I saw by the way no one who sold this book. I don't think it is a big business here in Germany.

I don't think you are grasping my point.

The USA produced for exampe a "baby killing"-lie in one of the gulf wars. "Baby killing"-lies are one of the most stupid and eldest propagandisms. The lie was in concrete words: "babies in the premature unit of one hospital had been removed from their incubators so that these, too, could be carried off." (source: Baltimore Independent Media Center: Baby Killing Lies And The 1991 Gulf War ). I heard a woman in the United Nations who told this story there and I believed her. Later I heard she was an actress. When I found out that I had believed in such a stupid lie I was unbelievable angry, because I'm normally not easy deceivable. In this case my mistake was to see in the USA a trustworthy nation. If you trust in someone - for example the own government or the own peer group - then propaganda is not able to be stupid enough.

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Yeah because that's exactly why they banned it to begin with eh? Because so many people would be disgusted with it eh? I remember reading it for the first time at fascinated me. It makes MOST people go and do more research to figure out why he makes the claims he does....

I hope all the proceeds go to Holocaust museums across the globe. lol
Way to answer the question. Oh and I have no clue what the proceeds from the screwed up version are going to since it was done by the government but a REAL publisher is putting out a copy now and I can guarantee it will go to printing more copies. I have experience in book printing/publishing etc so.The goal is to spread the word.

I am pretty the answer is rather elementary as to why they banned the book after the war. Besides, in this day age banning books means jack shit with the internet.

We banned it not - "we" - better to say the free state of Bavaria (the owner of all copyrights of Hitler) - used just simple the copyright not to allow anyone to earn money with this book. The copyright is over.

I know the copyright is over. Its what the link is talking about.A independent publisher has published it and the government wants to go after them for spreading "nazi propaganda" but kind of hard to do that when your own government published a copy!

A commented copy. Costs a little money to make qualified comments to all the themes Hitler spoke about in "Mein K(r)ampf" - what's one of the most boring books the world ever had seen. But why likes a Naziot of the english speaking world to publish Hitlers Krampf (=Hitlers nonsense) in Germany? Likes he to call us Zionazis if we should buy it?

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Hitler, Adolf: Mein Kampf

The juden at paypal don't care for people deciding what to read for themselves and have canceled the companies paypal that's going to stop anyone from getting it!

You are using "Jews" here as a synonym for "evil capitalist". Do you use the word "Jew" also as a synonym for "evil bolshewist"? And what teached you Hitler? He teached you "Hate always all Jews - wether they have money or not". And Hitlers remote control over your mind works although Hitler is dead and you don't know any Jew. You are a shame for all mankind because every idiot is able to manipulate you.

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