New Melt Record for Greenland Ice Sheet; 'Exceptional' Season Stretched Up to 50 Days

I Guess we'll have to pass a lot of job killing legislation, pass more entitlements for the poor, and raise taxes on "the rich" It's the only way to stop globull warming...........

I guess that you will remain the dumb fuck you have always been.
Just for biPolar;

Greenland's ice sheet holds 10% of the world's freshwater reserves - at its centre it is more than 3 km thick.

Its rate of reduction has tripled in the last ten years.

Dr Hubbard's team have been doing seismic testing - dropping explosive charges beneath the ice to try to map the dynamics below.

The research has been partly funded by the British-based Royal Geographical Society.

The ice in the camp is pock-marked with black cylindrical holes, spread out across the surface like swiss cheese - these are formed by Cryoconite, or industrial soot particles blown from around the world onto the Arctic ice.

"What you see in there is a bunch of particles of aeolian dust... and black soot and just particles that are in the air caused by industry or combustion engines," explained Dr Hubbard.

"Because they are dark in colour, compared to the ice that surrounds it, which is white, they absorb more of the sunlight and a lot more of its energy, which creates a positive feedback and so they effectively drill down into the surface of the ice sheet."
0.000000025 x subset(z) = ???

Still no answer from either of our resident "Scientists?"

Can't (WON'T) solve a simple math problem, but have all the answers to AGW and Quantum Physics.

Simply amazing (especially when considering the odds of that actually being true!)

Using specialized global positioning system (GPS) receivers stationed on the rocky shores of Greenland, the scientists looked at data from 1995 onward. The raw GPS data were analyzed for high accuracy position information, as well as the vertical velocity and acceleration of each GPS site.

The measurements are restricted to places where rock is exposed, limiting the study to coastal areas. However, previous data indicate that ice in Greenland's interior is in approximate balance: yearly losses from ice melting and flowing toward the coast are balanced by new snow accumulation, which gradually turns to ice. Most ice loss occurs at the warmer coast, by melting and iceberg calving and where the GPS data are most sensitive to changes. In western Greenland, the uplift seems to have started in the late 1990's.

Melting of Greenland's ice contributes to global sea level rise. If the acceleration of uplift and the implied acceleration of melting continue, Greenland could soon become the largest contributor to global sea level rise, explains Yan Jiang, Ph.D. candidate at the University of Miami RSMAS and co-author of the study.

"Greenland's ice melt is very important because it has a big impact on global sea level rise," Jiang says. "We hope that our work reaches the general public and that this information is considered by policy makers."

This work was supported by the National Science Foundation and NASA. The team plans to continue its studies, looking at additional GPS stations in sensitive coastal areas, where ice loss is believed to be highest
A much better source of information than the rantings of a message board poster.

Changing Greenland - Melt Zone - National Geographic Magazine

At first glance Greenland is an expanse of blinding white. But as my chopper swings low over the island, color catches my eye. For miles on end, bands of blue meltwater fringe the ice sheet. Fields of white are threaded with riv*ers, etched with crevasses, and blotched with lakes. There is also ice that appears neither white nor blue but rather brown and even black—darkened by a substance called cryoconite. This muddy-looking grit is a key topic of investigation for my four companions: photogr*apher James Balog with his assistant, Adam LeWinter, and geophysicist Marco Tedesco with Ph.D. stu*dent Nick Steiner, both from the City College of New York.
I have done a few of these and there are no "climatologists" on any Glaciers when it stays 24 hours dark all winter. So they would not know either that glaciers do NOT stop melting in the winter when temps can get brutally cold < minus 60 Celsius.
Strategic Air Command Thule and the Sister Station CFS Alert at the northernmost tip of Ellesmere Island can`t take vacations like climatologists!
And we can`t miss it when these glaciers keep melting and cause at times tremors exceeding 6 on the Richter scale!
We also have to go out there and look after a few other things, no matter how dark and how cold. Way under these massive glaciers the massive pressure under ice miles thick keeps melting the ice, uncaring what goes on at the surface!
Also the idea, that surface melt water seeps way down there and "lubricates" ice is utterly ridiculous! The deepest crevasses only go down 300 meter maximum and below that the ice pressure make the ice plastic and closes all cracks!
Even that has been posted on Wikipedia!
Crevasses seldom are more than 150 feet (46 m) deep but in some cases can be 1,000 feet (300 m) or even deeper. Beneath this point, the plastic deformation of the ice under pressure is too great for the differential motion to generate cracks

But way under these miles thick glaciers there is "super critical water" under TREMENDOUS PRESSURE that can explode to the surface worse than any Oil well blow out and can drown You within seconds in a lake that appeared out of no-where:

Or it can blast out gigantic tunnels somewhere, which come from way up and under these massive ice layers above You:

Sometimes it does stay on top and run down:

But it is important to know, that during this process it first appeared as supercooled water.
And what that does, is that as it wants to recrystallize to ice it releases a tremendous amount of heat energy, ounce for ounce what it absorbed as heat to melt it...and melts yet more ice exchanging all these Mega Calories it took to melt such a massive amount!
Remember that is the same as heating an equal weight of water to + 80 Celsius!

Hard to believe...well it`s just not as easily observed with water what "heat (energy) of crystallization" can do..when the whole thing sits in an ice water bath!.

Get some Sodium Thiosulfate, melt it over a Bunsen Burner in an Erlenmeyer flask, then cover it with aPetri dish and leave it in a fridge. You can leave it in there for a whole year. does not matter. Then take it out and drop a few seed crystals of thiosulfate into the super cooled Thiosulfate liquid...
I bet You will throw away the flask because it will burn Your fingers!
And Thiosulfate has no-where near the enthalpy energy of ice!...
It`s just that there was nothing there to steal the heat energy You just got back...and with water, well there is a lot of more ice it does melt EXACTLY like that!
Try it out, then this will no longer be a mystery what happens when You have glaciers that are that massive!...

And the idea that all this massive amount of ice was melted by solar radiation, when that would have to raise the temperature around the glaciers in the case of an equal mass of water to +80 Celsius is just beyond stupid!
That would fry every polar bear or climatologist in the entire region!
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This is the epic thread for decimation of the k00ks BS data. Im loving it. The k00ks turn around and post up the same BS they've been posting up for years.
They should lock all the stupid distraction threads posted up by the radical nut balls and just run this thread. Its all you have to know. The stuff posted by Polar and Matthew throws a glacier ( ahhh-hem) over the cherry picked bull crap thrown out by the k000ks.

ps.........minus 18 right now in Aurora!!!! Gonna be the high!!! Yuk.....yuk.......
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An extriordinery winter shaping up in Northeastern Canada and Western Greenland. - Brett Anderson | Hudson Bay Region Still Waiting for Winter

Hudson Bay Region Still Waiting for Winter

Dec 30, 2010; 5:41 PM ET

Much of northeastern Canada is still waiting for winter to set in, and the latest projections continue to show more abnormal warmth across the region into early January.

Persistent high pressure in the upper levels of the atmosphere over the region has prevented any Arctic air from getting into the region since autumn. Basically, an island of unusually warm air.

Temperature anomaly map for Canada in November 2010.

The impact of this cannot be good for the locals and the wildlife up in that region.

This long spell of warm weather has even prevented a large part of eastern Hudson Bay from freezing over, and it's almost Jan. 1!

GFS model forecast for temperature anomalies across North America on Jan. 13. Reds are warmer than normal, blues colder than normal.

The image below is from MODIS and still shows a large body of open water along the eastern side of Hudson Bay which is almost unheard of.

I should take it easier on You, `cause though knowest not what You are talking about and You only go by all this climate "scientist" hype, and it is really their fault how twisted up You got!

"What you see in there is a bunch of particles of aeolian dust... and black soot and just particles that are in the air caused by industry or combustion engines," explained Dr Hubbard.

That "murky stuff its called "glacier milk" and is full off minerals.
What do You think happens at the glacier/rock interface when a heavy plate of ice 2 miles thick grinds down a rocky slope?
Is that supposed to be the "soot" the New York asshole mentioned which comes out of there and these naive Photographers have seen for the first time ?

See, that`s a typical photograph the media stick in Your face...right click this picture and look at the URL source: GLOBALWARMING....blah !

The run off water below a glacier can be almost any color especially in the high arctic up there because there are rocks of almost any color off the rainbow up there.
These photographers have never seen how murky gray the Remus river water is...that`s not pollution like "soot" how the asshole "expert" from New York city fanfared...You idiot!


And at the bottom of a glacier slide the ice looks like that more often than not. That does in no way lower the amount of energy it takes to melt a cubic meter of ice! the New York director of the hysterical institute figures!

And by they way, that river keeps running all winter. If the glacier melt which feeds that
river would stop in the winter there would not be any fish in there.
Yo can go ice fishing there end of March when You get your first glimpse of a few minutes of sunlight per day for the first time since you had a few minutes of sunlight per day in October.
And "climatologists" make "computer models" how much ice that "solar radiation" just melted because of what came out of SUV exhaust pipes!.
Butt out these joints You are smoking, wake up and smell the coffee!

I wish the silent majority of Americans that know what kind of bullshit this is would go on the offensive and publish pictures of these "climatologists" that lecture us what kind of car we should drive...
Take a look what they drive:

It gets a whole 8 miles per gallon if You don`t stomp it!...and we have to fly in the fuel for them with a Herc C-130, burning 14 Gallons to bring them 1 Gallon!

Not so long ago we did not even officially exist...but after a few crashes with too many inexplicable bodies the press sniffed us now we can open our mouths and inform the public.:

CFS Alert - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
At its peak, CFS Alert had upwards of 215 personnel posted at any one time. The station became a key asset in the global ECHELON network of the US-UK-ANZAC intelligence sharing alliance, with Alert being privy to many secret Soviet communications regarding land-based and sea-based ICBM test launches and many operational military deployments.

With Canada's commitment to the global war on terrorism following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, DC, CFS Alert has received renewed and increased funding to expand its SIGINT capabilities. However, as of April 13, 2006 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation was reporting that the heating costs for the station had risen, in consequence of which the military were proposing to cut back on support trade positions by using private contractors [1].

And I did a little work in regards to that during my tour(s) of duty:


After that the fuel consumption was 1/third of what it was before.
What did You do towards burning less fossil fuel other than just shooting You mouth off and writing me PN comment "God You are fucking stupid"

Aircraft crashes

The military has constructed several roads in the area to permit patrolling, as well as for logistics purposes from shore locations near anchorages east of the station, as well as to the airfield. Since Alert has not been accessible by icebreakers due to the very heavy ice conditions in the Lincoln Sea, resupply is provided by Canadian Forces Air Command (AIRCOM) transport aircraft which land at the adjacent airfield.

Alert is in total darkness from October 14 to March 1 every year and its weather conditions and isolation provides a significant challenge to pilots. This has led to some well-known crashes:

* In summer of 1950 an RCAF Lancaster crashed during the establishment of the JAWS weather station when the parachute for resupplies being airdropped became entangled on the tail of the aircraft. All 9 crewmembers were killed and are buried west of the airstrip.
* A C-130 Hercules, part of Operation Boxtop 22, crashed about 30 km (19 mi) short of the runway on October 30, 1991, killing 5 of the 18 passengers and crew. The pilot apparently was flying by sight rather than relying on instruments. Subsequent rescue efforts by personnel from CFS Alert, USAF personnel from Thule, and CF personnel from bases in southern Canada, were hampered by a blizzard and local terrain. The crash investigation recommended all C-130s be retrofitted with ground proximity detectors. The crash and rescue efforts were the basis of a film called Ordeal In The Arctic (1993).
READ this, I`ve been trying You tell You that with my posts in "97% of the climaxologists agree blah blah thread":
Alert has a polar climate. This means it is very cold and, on average, has snow cover for 10 months of the year. The warmest month, July, has an average temperature of just 3.3 °C (37.9 °F). The climate type also means that Alert is very dry, averaging only 153.8 mm (6.06 in) of precipitation per year. Most of the precipitation is snow and occurs during the months of July, August and September. On average there is 16.1 mm (0.63 in) of rain which occurs between June and September. Alert sees very little snowfall during the rest of the year. September is usually the month with the heaviest snowfall. February is the coldest month of the year. Snowfall can occur during any month of the year.[3] Alert experiences polar night from the middle of October, with twilight lasting until the end of the month, until the end of February, with twilight starting about the middle of the month. From the first week of April until the first week of September Alert sees the midnight sun.[4]
Average high °C (°F) -28.8
(-19.8) -29.8
(-21.6) -28.7
(-19.7) -20.5
(-4.9) -8.7
(16.3) 1.6
(34.9) 5.9
(42.6) 3.3
(37.9) -6.0
(21.2) -15.8
(3.6) -22.8
(-9) -26.4
(-15.5) -14.7
Daily mean °C (°F) -32.4
(-26.3) -33.4
(-28.1) -32.4
(-26.3) -24.4
(-11.9) -11.8
(10.8) -0.8
(30.6) 3.3
(37.9) 0.8
(33.4) -9.2
(15.4) -19.4
(-2.9) -26.4
(-15.5) -30.1
(-22.2) -18.0
Average low °C (°F) -35.9
(-32.6) -37.0
(-34.6) -36.1
(-33) -28.2
(-18.8) -14.9
(5.2) -3.2
(26.2) 0.7
(33.3) -1.8
(28.8) -12.2
(10) -22.8
(-9) -30.0
(-22) -33.7
(-28.7) -21.3
Record low °C (°F) -48.9
(-56) -50.0
(-58) -49.4
(-56.9) -45.6
(-50.1) -29.0
(-20.2) -13.9
(7) -6.3
(20.7) -15.0
(5) -28.2
(-18.8) -39.4
(-38.9) -43.5
(-46.3) -46.1
(-51) -50.0

But like I said I don`t really blame You, but I do blame these assholes who feed this CO2 bullshit to the press and will ultimately destroy the American way of life....and do I wish my favorite plane an A-10 Warthog would do an accidental strafing run on their next convention and give them a taste of a little "friendly fire".
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A much better source of information than the rantings of a message board poster.

Changing Greenland - Melt Zone - National Geographic Magazine

At first glance Greenland is an expanse of blinding white. But as my chopper swings low over the island, color catches my eye. For miles on end, bands of blue meltwater fringe the ice sheet. Fields of white are threaded with riv*ers, etched with crevasses, and blotched with lakes. There is also ice that appears neither white nor blue but rather brown and even black—darkened by a substance called cryoconite. This muddy-looking grit is a key topic of investigation for my four companions: photogr*apher James Balog with his assistant, Adam LeWinter, and geophysicist Marco Tedesco with Ph.D. stu*dent Nick Steiner, both from the City College of New York.

I am quite certain that we do get a little bit more around than Your Marco Polo Dr. of new discoveries who was discussing his "Diesel engine soot discovery" on a glacier with a wide eyed National Geographic Reporter, who then writes a damning article abut us filthy fossil fuel burners.
We call a "cab" and off we go,

all over the place, where we can`t allow Newspaper Reporters or publicity hungry assholes like this Dr. of climaxology who gets off every time You mention a tail, a pipe and a crack in the ice that might need "lubrication". But we are more concerned about our "stuff" which is all over the place where they are not allowed in, than looking for "global warming" counter evidence just for the fun that would be though!!!


But we can`t help but find stuff every day that makes a complete joke out of what Your Marco Polo science hero is telling the press in yet another bullshit lecture to be passed on to the American Public, who was n`t even supposed to know we are there

Let me start here...
If that "soot from fossil fuel burning" made it airborne all they way up to the Pole, it should not just be on that particular glacier where he grandstanded to the press, it should also be on top of this glacier!

So why is that one so clean? Also no matter when You go there there is hardly ever any melt water run off despite the "the average"
0. whateverthefuckyousay deg C temperature increase from our SUV`s...

Well that one is not particularly massive enough for the Faraday Regelation melt to come into play. And thats why it stays so free of "Diesel engine soot", as this Hubbahubbah arctic "expert" with his Student Stoned Nick likes to call it.
There are also not enough high pressure super-critical water caverns under that one. to cause significant movement, grinding and churning.
But if You are looking for "soot" we have whole mountains of that where You can find layers of "soot"`s just that these layers are not ripe enough to be called coal, but they do have "brown coal" deposits in Germany much like this one.
No, it`s not off colored rock, we did walk over there and check it out!

But all around it it You can find wood which is partially processed by Mother Nature on it`s way to eventually become "brown coal".

It would be a Geologist`s Paradise and maybe some day when North America no longer has to keep its backdoor closed to scum that want to destroy her, we can open this country up to the general public.

Look at these deposits, and yes there are diamonds up there too!
Fuck I like Your did You con that moron to climb up there to plug in Your yard light, while You waited with Your camcorder for the inevitable...did he try to make a move on Your women?
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LMAO..........Rocks pwned again!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, don`t answer that question, I think I know the answer.
Old Rock is Your pesty neighbor and Mr.Haney from Green Acres sold him a "Green " Telephone and You wired it up for him.

The plan almost worked, but it was Old Rock`s boyfriend who climbed up there first to try it out.
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New Melt Record for Greenland Ice Sheet; 'Exceptional' Season Stretched Up to 50 Days Longer Than Average

ScienceDaily (Jan. 21, 2011) — .......

"This past melt season was exceptional, with melting in some areas stretching up to 50 days longer than average," said Dr. Marco Tedesco, director of the Cryospheric Processes Laboratory at The City College of New York (CCNY -- CUNY), who is leading a project studying variables that affect ice sheet melting.

"Melting in 2010 started exceptionally early at the end of April and ended quite late in mid- September."

The study, with different aspects sponsored by World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the National Science Foundation and NASA, examined surface temperature anomalies over the Greenland ice sheet surface, as well as estimates of surface melting from satellite data, ground observations and models.

In an article published in Environmental Research Letters, Professor Tedesco and co-authors note that in 2010, summer temperatures up to 3C above the average were combined with reduced snowfall.

"Bare ice is much darker than snow and absorbs more solar radiation," said Professor Tedesco. "Other ice melting feedback loops that we are examining include the impact of lakes on the glacial surface, of dust and soot deposited over the ice sheet and how surface meltwater affects the flow of the ice toward the ocean."

WWF climate specialist Dr. Martin Sommerkorn said "Sea level rise is expected to top 1 metre by 2100, largely due to melting from ice sheets. And it will not stop there -- the longer we take to limit greenhouse gas production, the more melting and water level rise will continue."

Dr. Tedesco's continuing research on ice sheets can be followed on

For more on Arctic climate change, visit WWF - The Arctic.

New melt record for Greenland ice sheet; 'Exceptional' season stretched up to 50 days longer than average

You asked for it...and I`ll lay my cards on the table ANYTIME!!!:
I'm putting the cards on the table. Put yours. Temps are based on moderate enso conditions.

Seldom do You see so much bullshit piled up in one place, except maybe in a cattle truck!
You let an asshole from New York who has never even been to Greenland sell You this crap as science!
Let`s start with this lie first:

The asshole from New York looks at a Satellite picture from Greenland and everything that doesn`t look white is "soot and dust" on the ice sheet!.......

Have You any idea what "card" You just laid on the table, by quoting this fuckhead director from the New York Cry o spherical hysterical institute who thinks "solar radiation" melted all this ice

Since You have not even the foggiest notion what enthalpy is, or any other thermodynamics I put it in terms even a simpleton can understand:
Ice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Does that give You a vague idea what kind of super nova solar radiation it would take to melt all this ice...?
And what kind of crap "science" expert You just quoted here with the "cards you lay on the table"..?
The same massive amount of solar radiation which would be necessary to melt all that ice would fry everything around the Greenland glaciers and You could hard boil eggs in the Remus river!!!!



Since You have no idea about Greenland You probably need to be told that the pic`s with the ice were not taken in the winter, but at the height of summer..
doooh?...`cause during Winter it`s pitch dark 24 hours.


Does this look like we are kneeling on that Diesel Engine exhaust " soot" which the New York cryohysterical director spotted on his satellite picture????..
He did say soot! need to mention a diesel engine if you choose that word!

.that`s less than 500 miles from the pole and the entire country side is peppered with TREE STUMPS!

And then he talks about estimates and "average temperatures" GREENLAND!!
Let me clue You in on a little something, although YOU have not been up there You could have found that out with just a little bit due diligence:
Greenland ice sheet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well You may be excused, but the New York City "Expert" on Greenland certainly not!

Also he is saying the EXACT OPPOSITE of what NASA has in fact been saying:

...on the same web page!...This dumb Fuck from New York wants to quote NASA and doesn`t even bother checking what they say the snowfall was in Greenland!
People think they know everything about Greenland, just by looking at a picture screen with a Satellite image on it:

Even if the asshole from New York has never been to Greenland he should have noticed something, unless he is even more retarded as I estimate him to be...!
1.) Look at the color coded scale...notice something?
Look at the color scale for an INCREASE !
2.) If he was an "expert" he should have noticed where the highest decrease is!
That`s where You have the STEEPEST terrain gradients in all of Greenland, nowhere else does it drop off that steep and that long...
Do You have any idea what kind of pressure we are talking about at the base of this glacier?....I`m sure You don`t and that is forgivable too, because You committed no fraud here You simply quoted the asshole expert from New York and Played Your card" You put it Yourself!
Just make damn sure You are playing with a full deck...!
And an "expert" should have known at least a little bit about Physics:

And I guess You have no Idea what kind of pressures we are talking about at that deep blue color coded area of Greenland, well here is a little hint how thick the ice is and take a wild guess why the ice is melting from UNDERNEATH ad NOT FROM THE TOP:

As if that higher melt rate especially at that spot has anything to do with "soot on the ice"..! Or "average higher temperature".

He should have at least read what some of his buddies who are a bit more up to speed and have finally discovered what Mr. Faraday has discovered long before they finally just did too:

Geotimes - October 2003 - New model for glacial erosion

And here is some of this "new data" which was not new to anyone who paid attention during his Physics lectures:

Greenland ice sheet flow driven by short-term weather extremes, not gradual warming: UBC research UBC Public Affairs

See,,? But they too still think water has to melt from the top, seep 2 MILES down an "lubricate" the bottom of a glacier!
Shit they could have just looked here, someone posted how Regelation causes a glacier to slide downhill:
Pressure melting point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But hey, why deflate their balloon , let them re-invent the wheel ...for all I care, they can stand on top, piss.. and do a study how they can "lubricate a glacier".

And do You really think that European "climate scientists" can measure a sea rise level of 0.14 mm...You knew of course that we are talking about 5/ hundredth of an inch...or did you?
Fuck how much of this "computer modeling bullshit" can You swallow?...
Not a single one of these assholes ever even bothers to measure ANYTHING they feed their fuckhead estimates in a "computer model which is the mirror image of their shits for brains and show You a stupid 2 dimensional graph!...and You are impressed by it!

So if somebody tells You they measured John Candy`s waist line while he was huffing and puffing doing jumping jacks with 5/100 th of an inch accuracy You believe that too...
and "lay your card on the table"...
I recommend You count Your deck before You start playing cards!
But they are all Arm chair Greenland "experts"...him too:

He must be talking about how much they have been paying at the fuel pumps in Europe since the Ferkel, Andrea Merkel, the "climate chancellor" has enacted "greenhouse gas legislation"....and thinks that is only billions of Dollars...he can`t even do simple math, 1 liter of regular is about 1.5 Euros with the current exchange rate that`s U$ 5.40 per Gallon and that bitch has been in office since 2005!
So guess again how much this CO2 scam has been costing!
I know for sure this jerk has never been to Greenland either!
And now I am wondering if he has ever even been to school

Where the fuck do You get "information" like this?....
Old Rocks
The present tempertures for Hudson's Bay and Greenland are far above normal for January.

You asked an expert..?... because You are too stupid to look it up yourself:
Churchill, Manitoba, Canada weather conditions and forecast :

Weather in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada
Current Conditions in Churchill
-33°F / -36°C
Feels like -59°F / -36°C
Wind: W at 13 mph / 21 km/h
Humidity: 62%
Pressure: 30.03 inches / 1017 mb
Sunrise: 8:43 AM
Sunset: 4:11 PM
Conditions updated at Sat, 22 Jan 2011 2:00 am CST

Oh yeah the polar Bears in Churchill must be sweating!

P B, do you have any images of the fjordland areas where the most ice loss is occuring so those who don't know (but would like to) can see what it is you are talking about. I think the vast majority of people here think that Greenland is one flat plate with a lot of ice on it.
They honestly have no idea of the geomorphology of the place and i think that would help them a lot.


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