New Mexican President told citizens to leave their town and find a life in the United States

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Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
New Mexican President Told Citizens to “Leave Their Towns and Find a Life in the United States”

Mexico’s new socialist president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, known as the Mexican Hugo Chavez, previously told citizens of the country they “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”


Now you know it must be bad when another Country tells their people to leave and hit America, but as the assholes of society try changing us into every other shit hole country out there these very peopel fleeing what they hate are jumping right back into the same shit hole if the MORO DEMOCRATS don't get the hell of Trump.

That is how stupid the Left is, they are attacking Trump for wanting to Save our country, keep our Country free and the leftist retards want nothing more than to turn us into a shit hole gawd ur are IDIOTS!!
Every payday you see people lined up sending money to Mexico. So of course he wants Mexican citizens to go north. It takes people out of their economy while infusing millions of U.S. dollars into the economy.
Every payday you see people lined up sending money to Mexico. So of course he wants Mexican citizens to go north. It takes people out of their economy while infusing millions of U.S. dollars into the economy.

Not only payday, but a lot of welfare money, too. Mostly welfare money is more likely.
The Mexican people deserve far better than "leaders" (ha) who are controlled by the cartels and who are so proud to help them escape.
New Mexican President Told Citizens to “Leave Their Towns and Find a Life in the United States”

Mexico’s new socialist president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, known as the Mexican Hugo Chavez, previously told citizens of the country they “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”


Now you know it must be bad when another Country tells their people to leave and hit America, but as the assholes of society try changing us into every other shit hole country out there these very peopel fleeing what they hate are jumping right back into the same shit hole if the MORO DEMOCRATS don't get the hell of Trump.

That is how stupid the Left is, they are attacking Trump for wanting to Save our country, keep our Country free and the leftist retards want nothing more than to turn us into a shit hole gawd ur are IDIOTS!!

Known as "the Mexican Hugo Chavez" by whom, exactly?
Maybe the 51% of U.S. millennials who support Communism or socialism should try to emigrate to Mexico now that their guy is in charge.

Don’t hold your breath.

New Mexican President Told Citizens to “Leave Their Towns and Find a Life in the United States”

Mexico’s new socialist president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, known as the Mexican Hugo Chavez, previously told citizens of the country they “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”


Now you know it must be bad when another Country tells their people to leave and hit America, but as the assholes of society try changing us into every other shit hole country out there these very peopel fleeing what they hate are jumping right back into the same shit hole if the MORO DEMOCRATS don't get the hell of Trump.

That is how stupid the Left is, they are attacking Trump for wanting to Save our country, keep our Country free and the leftist retards want nothing more than to turn us into a shit hole gawd ur are IDIOTS!!

HE IS A SOCIALIST, this guy was told to SUCK Mexico dry and do to Mexico what they've done to Venezula and these stupid asses are in for the same ride as Venezula.
Chalk up another win for Progressives and another loss for humanity.

First, there'll be the "Corruption Clean Up Sweep"...which is really just a Communist play to get popular support for eliminating the opposition
Next, all the privately owned businesses will be confiscated and taken over by the state so the poor can be brought "up" (which leads to mass poverty)
People NEVER learn.

The biggest problem I see is that Mexico doesn't have control over gangs and cartels. So the new President will either appease them all or get taken out if he doesn't.
I see no way he's gonna clean up criminal activity in mexico. it's just too corrupt and too far gone.
The only way is a Communist style across the board crack down on freedoms....checkpoints at every intersection....LOTS of executions....and that's when our border are REALLY gonna get over run. Like several hundred thousand PER DAY.
The Guy hasn't been in office for a full day yet and everyone is passing judgement on him.
Only a Progressive can be swayed by, "Vote for me because our Country blows and I'll encourage you to leave"

Maybe Putin really did get them to flip their votes?
New Mexican President Told Citizens to “Leave Their Towns and Find a Life in the United States”

Mexico’s new socialist president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, known as the Mexican Hugo Chavez, previously told citizens of the country they “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”


Now you know it must be bad when another Country tells their people to leave and hit America, but as the assholes of society try changing us into every other shit hole country out there these very peopel fleeing what they hate are jumping right back into the same shit hole if the MORO DEMOCRATS don't get the hell of Trump.

That is how stupid the Left is, they are attacking Trump for wanting to Save our country, keep our Country free and the leftist retards want nothing more than to turn us into a shit hole gawd ur are IDIOTS!!

HE IS A SOCIALIST, this guy was told to SUCK Mexico dry and do to Mexico what they've done to Venezula and these stupid asses are in for the same ride as Venezula.

Trump will have no choice but to send in 82nd Airborne, eradicate the cartels. make Mattis their new president and annex Mexico
This is what happens when a poster is Allowed to Post Inowars All Day Every Day.. of course.

No, Mexico’s presidential candidate didn't call for mass migration to the United States

By Manuela Tobias on Monday, June 25th, 2018 at 5:07 p.m.
Mexican candidate didn't call for migration to U.S.

A hoax is making the rounds on Facebook that Mexico’s leading presidential candidate is calling for a massive surge of immigration to the United States. That’s not true.

"Mexico’s next president calls for an invasion of the U.S.," said a headline by The website, which lacks original reporting, has a hodgepodge of articles about politics with a pro-President Donald Trump slant.

Facebook flagged this story as part of its efforts to combat false news and misinformation on Facebook's News Feed. Read more about our partnership with Facebook.

"Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, also known as ‘AMLO,’ has been openly telling his people to flood the U.S. border. What AMLO is asking his people is not a surprise… Apparently, he has been planning this for years but nobody really cared to pay attention," the story reads.

The story used a quote of López Obrador for which they cited the Daily Caller to back up their point:

" ‘And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,’ López Obrador said, adding that immigrants ‘must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.’ He then declared it as ‘a human right we will defend.’ "

We found the original quote in the Mexican newspaper, El Universal. It has been taken out of context.

"Y ya pronto, muy pronto, al triunfo de nuestro movimiento vamos a defender a los migrantes de todo el continente Americano y todos los migrantes del mundo que, por necesidad, tienen que abandonar sus pueblos para buscar la vida en Estados Unidos, es un derecho humano que vamos a defender," El Universal quotes López Obrador saying in a speech on June 19.

That translates to: "Soon, very soon, after the victory of our movement, we will defend migrants all over the American continent and the migrants of the world who, by necessity, must abandon their towns to find life in the United States; it’s a human right we will defend."

López Obrador is not telling anyone to flood the border, but saying that he will defend those who find themselves with no other option but to relocate to the United States. The quote was delivered in the wake of news of the Trump administration’s rampant separation of families at the border. Over 2,300 children were separatedfrom their parents between May 5 and June 9, according to the Homeland Security Department.

We found no indications that López Obrador was encouraging people to abandon their towns in favor of the United States. Instead, he urged current Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to complete the following three actions:

  • Send a diplomatic note in protest of the Trump’s administration’s policies to the United States;

  • Solicit the urgent intervention of the United Nations commissioner for human rights; and,

  • Send a team of lawyers, psychologists and social workers to aid kids and their parents at the border.
Bloggers have distorted López Obrador's quote to stoke fears. We rate the claim Pants on Fire.
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