New Mexico governor thinks she can ban the 2nd Amendment--for our own good! (Kristi Noem article)


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

This is really something. The female version of Hitler says No 2nd Amendment.

Not to worry. It's only for 30 days AND it is for y'all's good!

Fascist b*&^%#@

Women can no longer walk anywhere after dark, whether they work the night shift or not, without worrying about some lawless thug attacking her. HE will not be overly concerned about gun laws or what the elite b*&^%$ Grisham thinks... that is for sure.
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That pesky 2nd Amendment .. just like the 1st, it may be offensive to some .. but .. fuck them. It's the right of every United States Citizen (that is felonious). The New Mexico Government prefers to pay litigious citizens, justly, to support their 2nd Amendment rights.

Democrats are stupid ..
If we would have more criminal, dopehead and crazy people control we wouldn't need any gun control.

Wanting gun control always seemed backwards to me. If you have people running around hurting others and breaking the law wouldn't it be better to remove them from society instead of allowing them to continue to be in society?

If you have a problem you fix the problem at its source. And the source of gun violence is criminals, dopeheads and crazy people.
The God-given right to keep and bear arms shouldn't require any permits or licenses.
All Americans have that right to carry guns, hidden from sight or otherwise.

Some individuals should only be disqualified because of their illegal actions, but not before.

God-given right, must have real meaning!
Make no mistake. The 2A is the only thing stopping regressive democrook sociopaths from repeating all the crimes EVERY OTHER LEFTIST GOVERNMENT HAS COMMITTED against humanity. If we lose that legal protection there will be mass murders of anyone that isn't a marxist zealot.

That is the ends of their means, and it has NOTHING to do with "public safety". It's apparatchik and tyrant safety the DNC is concerned with. We are an obstacle to their omnipower objectives.
Make no mistake. The 2A is the only thing stopping regressive democrook sociopaths from repeating all the crimes EVERY OTHER LEFTIST GOVERNMENT HAS COMMITTED against humanity. If we lose that legal protection there will be mass murders of anyone that isn't a marxist zealot.

That is the ends of their means, and it has NOTHING to do with "public safety". It's apparatchik and tyrant safety the DNC is concerned with. We are an obstacle to their omnipower objectives.
Americans need to come to their senses and understand the meaning of God-given rights!

That doesn't mean that they need to have a piece of paper in their pocket to reiterate the meanin of rights.

Stop treading water with cheap interpretations of what God has ordered and must be fulfilled.

Fk the dead bodies. God has a purpose!
If it is clearly American, historical, original to America, the Tyrants must destroy it.

From men competing in women's sports, illegal immigration, and destroying our Constitutional Rights, this is all the same fight for the democrats, destroying our Republic so they can create a new world where they have absolute power.

The Amendments to the Constitution, must be destroyed if the Democrats are to fundamentally change our Republic
If it is clearly American, historical, original to America, the Tyrants must destroy it.

From men competing in women's sports, illegal immigration, and destroying our Constitutional Rights, this is all the same fight for the democrats, destroying our Republic so they can create a new world where they have absolute power.

The Amendments to the Constitution, must be destroyed if the Democrats are to fundamentally change our Republic
Trump isn't holding up his end of the bargain, to lead.

Is he going to challenge the courts' gag order that's meant to destroy his campaign or not?
It's time all Americans react to her challenge and claim their God-given 2nd. amendment rights.

Does anybody not understand the meaning of God-given?
The 2a was proposed by madison and ratified in 1791. It allowed the creation of civilian forces that can counteract a tyrannical federal government.

You do understand that you're confusing the unalienable rights in the declaration?
Unless she pays a price for what she has done, they will get even bolder next time.
How much bolder can they get?

They're already challenging rights that God has given!

Stop making cheap excuses for inaction at the most critical time.

An election was stolen!

Do you still have a Constitution?
The 2a was proposed by madison and ratified in 1791. It allowed the creation of civilian forces that can counteract a tyrannical federal government.

You do understand that you're confusing the unalienable rights in the declaration?
You do understand that you are standing around making excuses to not save your Constitution?

Doesn't a stolen election mean anything?
Trump, you are voting for Trump, good thing. For awhile I thought you were a complete idiot.
I'm a Canadian who isn't voting in your election.

I'm campaigning here in favour of world peace and Trump is the best prospect.
How much bolder can they get?

They're already challenging rights that God has given!

Stop making cheap excuses for inaction at the most critical time.

An election was stolen!

Do you still have a Constitution?
I have read that local law enforcement said they would not enforce a gun ban a long time ago, so perhaps we are passed the point of laws mattering.

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