New Neg Rep Rule Extreme and Unfair...

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Think about it.

Sadly, you no longer have neg reps to tell you when your behavior is inappropriate and assholish.
Unfortunately, Boop does not recall, but I know you do a lot of Tavern repping.

Funny you don't recall. I count 5 from Syrenn since July 15th. Your memory seems pretty weak. Maybe Syrenn is wasting her Reps, if you don't have the backbone to be truthful about getting Rep. Pretty disappointing.

Yes, it did smell of an under-the-bus post.

Your sense of smell is faulty. Non-existent, actually.
Grrrrrrr....I asked that ?? about 10 pages ago.
When does a neg rep/response/response whatever stop becoming a neg rep...feather head.

sorry, i'm not the welcome wagon, toots.

it stops being a rep comment, sit down, this may shock you, just after it's received as a rep comment and right before any response.


^^^ intelligence is HIGH :D

TY, Sir del

only by comparison, love
Unfortunately, Boop does not recall, but I know you do a lot of Tavern repping.

Funny you don't recall. I count 5 from Syrenn since July 15th. Your memory seems pretty weak. Maybe Syrenn is wasting her Reps, if you don't have the backbone to be truthful about getting Rep. Pretty disappointing.

I remember getting rep from Sy all the damn time. I do not remember a conversation about Lakhota.

WTF is your problem these days.

You were asked to back up her claim, that she Repped you often. You drew a blank. Zero. Nada. The one thing none of you ever seem to consider, is that your Neg Reps, are generally based on content and presentation. You want to step over the line, yet you can't take the heat. Whine Fest all you want, and gloat at what you think is a victory, I for one, won't be Pos Repping any of the known trouble makers, here.
Funny you don't recall. I count 5 from Syrenn since July 15th. Your memory seems pretty weak. Maybe Syrenn is wasting her Reps, if you don't have the backbone to be truthful about getting Rep. Pretty disappointing.

I remember getting rep from Sy all the damn time. I do not remember a conversation about Lakhota.

WTF is your problem these days.

You were asked to back up her claim, that she Repped you often. You drew a blank. Zero. Nada. The one thing none of you ever seem to consider, is that your Neg Reps, are generally based on content and presentation. You want to step over the line, yet you can't take the heat. Whine Fest all you want, and gloat at what you think is a victory, I for one, won't be Pos Repping any of the known trouble makers, here.

No, that is not the way i read it Intense.

she was asked if she remembered the convo about lakhota.... and she said no

She was NOT asked if she remembers me pos repping her..... for that i know she does.
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Funny you don't recall. I count 5 from Syrenn since July 15th. Your memory seems pretty weak. Maybe Syrenn is wasting her Reps, if you don't have the backbone to be truthful about getting Rep. Pretty disappointing.

I remember getting rep from Sy all the damn time. I do not remember a conversation about Lakhota.

WTF is your problem these days.

You were asked to back up her claim, that she Repped you often. You drew a blank. Zero. Nada. The one thing none of you ever seem to consider, is that your Neg Reps, are generally based on content and presentation. You want to step over the line, yet you can't take the heat. Whine Fest all you want, and gloat at what you think is a victory, I for one, won't be Pos Repping any of the known trouble makers, here.

No, I wasn't. L2read.
That's easy for you to say when you can't prove it. Most of my time has been spent on the Politics board, and without exception all of your comments to me have been negative and provocative on that board. Hardly conducive for you giving me any pos reps. So, when and where was it that you gave me all those pos reps? I only recall getting one, maybe two, from you when I showed up at The Tavern.

Ask Boop if you don't believe me.... we discussed you and my pos repping you...and building you up in rep. You posted 14 times in the tavern. :eusa_whistle:

Unfortunately, Boop does not recall, but I know you do a lot of Tavern repping.

She was speaking TO Lakhota, ABOUT Lakhota.

One of Dr.House's standard neg comments to me is "off topic" - so he says. For those who may be familiar with his posting style, I find that extremely hypocritical coming from him.

Dr.House, you're now on notice to always be "ON topic"...
Another interesting note about my serial neggers: Even if I haven't posted anything within a few days, some of them dig up old posts to neg me on. That's pure dedication...
I remember getting rep from Sy all the damn time. I do not remember a conversation about Lakhota.

WTF is your problem these days.

You were asked to back up her claim, that she Repped you often. You drew a blank. Zero. Nada. The one thing none of you ever seem to consider, is that your Neg Reps, are generally based on content and presentation. You want to step over the line, yet you can't take the heat. Whine Fest all you want, and gloat at what you think is a victory, I for one, won't be Pos Repping any of the known trouble makers, here.

No, I wasn't. L2read.

Fair enough, my mistake.
Another interesting note about my serial neggers: Even if I haven't posted anything within a few days, some of them dig up old posts to neg me on. That's pure dedication...

Still no comment on me pos repping you? Or are you still saying i lied?
Funny you don't recall. I count 5 from Syrenn since July 15th. Your memory seems pretty weak. Maybe Syrenn is wasting her Reps, if you don't have the backbone to be truthful about getting Rep. Pretty disappointing.

I remember getting rep from Sy all the damn time. I do not remember a conversation about Lakhota.

WTF is your problem these days.

You were asked to back up her claim, that she Repped you often. You drew a blank. Zero. Nada. The one thing none of you ever seem to consider, is that your Neg Reps, are generally based on content and presentation. You want to step over the line, yet you can't take the heat. Whine Fest all you want, and gloat at what you think is a victory, I for one, won't be Pos Repping any of the known trouble makers, here.

That rules out like half the board LOL
You were asked to back up her claim, that she Repped you often. You drew a blank. Zero. Nada. The one thing none of you ever seem to consider, is that your Neg Reps, are generally based on content and presentation. You want to step over the line, yet you can't take the heat. Whine Fest all you want, and gloat at what you think is a victory, I for one, won't be Pos Repping any of the known trouble makers, here.

No, I wasn't. L2read.

Fair enough, my mistake.
I applaud your apology Intense. I thought you have a very good point otherwise though. See, the post below is one of mine from yet ANOTHER whine thread titled If. It OBVIOUSLY crossed the line for content or presentation, cause I got neg reped for it. I'll let ya guess who she was, but apparently my attempts at injecting sarcastic humor into post are lost on some.

...The point Boopsie is making is that the regular morons can be put on Ignore (see my sigline). It's these 'Special Morons' assaulting our eyeballs with their trolling posts that are exempt from the Ignore List.

And it is mighty strange that a Moderator would also be a troll. But WYGD? :dunno:

The notion of using the IGNORE list is childish in the first place! Unless you are just to busy to read the post of the more me...and if that's true, better hit ignore now, cause I have something to say about this. ;~)

Or if you don't want to waste bandwidth on those who are so fond of posting 5 or 6 post in a row with dumb ass pictures, but add nothing to the discussion, I can see ignore being useful.

Let me get this right...we CHOOSE to join this PUBLIC and very FREE general DISCUSSION forum to converse and debate topics that we decide are of interest to us because we BELIEVE the topic is important enough to deserve our time and then our convictions are SO WEAK or our sensibilities are SO DELICATE that we can't stand the WORDS of those who disagree.


IF your convictions are SO WEAK that they can't stand the scrutiny of decent (dissent, thanks Barb)...then maybe you should re examine the value of that conviction!

These guys do a GREAT job of keeping the spammers who would waste our bandwidth and time off of here. Well, except for the paid trolls of George Sorors who are technically spammers and not trolls since they are being PAID to attack conservatives on discussion forums.

As someone who maintains a discussion forum...I can tell ya what a pain in the ass that is to do.

But you know what? My convictions are based in reality and truth. Trolls...of any stripe are no threat to the TRUTH and so why would I block them? I'd rather shine a light on them and watch them scurry back under the fridge! ;~)

If you are being ABUSED...REPORT IT...over and over till the offender is stopped by the grand pupa of mods. If they don't...then you WEREN'T abused and REALLY need to look inward to examine just exactly why YOU are so fragile OR what about your philosophy makes you a target!

The old saying, "I'm fine, it's just the rest of the world is crazy!" is a JOKE! Being out of step with the rest of society does NOT make you right. It makes you out of whack!

The events at a theater last weekend are a perfect example of what being to far out of whack with society can lead to. Suck it up, grab hold like ya got a pair and DON'T BE THAT GUY!

I'm so...sorry to have offended. I'll TRY not to be so offensive in tone or off topic in content in the future! ;~)

It's a FREE freakin' FORUM! It's a privately owned and run dot com site. There ain't no dot org at the end of the address and it AIN'T a democracy. They make the rules. Live with 'um or DRIVE THE HELL ON!!!

Just sayin'...LOL
Gee, and after you went to all the trouble of going in through the back door to prove me wrong.


No back door. If you are supporting the changes based on how you are effected by Neg Reps, without considering the content, or the character, of what you post, I don't support your position. I rarely Neg Rep, by choice, which is my prerogative. I defend it's purpose.
Gee, and after you went to all the trouble of going in through the back door to prove me wrong.


No back door. If you are supporting the changes based on how you are effected by Neg Reps, without considering the content, or the character, of what you post, I don't support your position. I rarely Neg Rep, by choice, which is my prerogative. I defend it's purpose.

And that is so not the point. The point is, you went barging off because you were very happy to assume some pretty shitty things about me.

And yes, back door. You used your position as a mod to find something out, and then attempted to use it against me.

Funny, that.
Im gonna change the line of discussion here a bit.

On almost ALL of the posts I got negged on, I also got a few positive reps from. Usually I end up ahead.

The fact that only HALF the rep is taken on a neg allows for pos rep to gain at a decent pace.

Ive been here like what? a month or two? and Im nearly 200 rep. In my opinion thats pretty fast. Even with the so called serial neggers, if people are posting things others deem worthy they get pos repped.

And Ive been pos repped by people who flat out disagreed with me. According to them it was because I could present my argument with a semi lack of retardedness ( I said semi!!! )

If someone is getting negged repeatedly, then MAYBE that person is posting stupid racist nonsense and deserves it. It seems to me that if the moderators themselves are going to allow for racist, sexist and homophobic remarks from obvious nutjobs without repercussion, then negging is the ONLY means by which the members of the forum have to police themselves.

Personally I dont see negging as working as a self policing technique or the nutjobs would settle down and place nice. So , depending on the owners long range goals for this board, MAYBE its time for an actual rule change about the offense content thats posted on this board rather than a reputaion change.

EDIT: apparently I joined in March. Seems like yesterday. hmmm...time flies I guess.
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Gee, and after you went to all the trouble of going in through the back door to prove me wrong.


No back door. If you are supporting the changes based on how you are effected by Neg Reps, without considering the content, or the character, of what you post, I don't support your position. I rarely Neg Rep, by choice, which is my prerogative. I defend it's purpose.

And that is so not the point. The point is, you went barging off because you were very happy to assume some pretty shitty things about me.

And yes, back door. You used your position as a mod to find something out, and then attempted to use it against me.

Funny, that.

I misread your Post. Plain and simple. You want to take this further, PM me.
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