New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

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What traitors would those be?

The one's who are supposed to be rendered honors as per public law granted by the United States government to all Confederate soldiers after the war?

The real traitors around here are people such as yourself who are violating that public law with your words and actions.

Now get along and continue whining and crying while you commit your treasonous actions against soldiers long dead who are considered US military members.



The inbred traitors that declared war against the US and attempted to leave and got their asses handed to them. I dont know one country that not only glorifies their traitors but the clowns also lost the war. Dont deflect. Please name one other country that does that.


At this time you're the one deflecting with your treasonous acts against prior military members who are to be treated with all due honors as per Public Law.



So you cant find a country that celebrates its traitors and losers like the US celebrates the loser confederates?

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There's plenty of them.

Mao committed genocide to around 75 million to100 million of his own citizens. Stalin, Lenin, and the other great soviet leader weren't far behind him in their genocide to their own citizens. Mendela basically betrayed all the whites in his country. Shall we discuss Pol Pot and few others while we're at it?

All traitors to their own people honored by their nation and all who made what Hitler did look like a drive by shooting.



Hey dummy. Those people were in power. The losers to the south were never in power. These monuments were erected after they lost the civil war. :laugh:


I see... So now it's all about having the power and retaining it even if you betray your own people by eliminating them. Sounds like you and the Nazi's have a lot in common.


The inbred traitors that declared war against the US and attempted to leave and got their asses handed to them. I dont know one country that not only glorifies their traitors but the clowns also lost the war. Dont deflect. Please name one other country that does that.


At this time you're the one deflecting with your treasonous acts against prior military members who are to be treated with all due honors as per Public Law.



So you cant find a country that celebrates its traitors and losers like the US celebrates the loser confederates?

View attachment 125624

There's plenty of them.

Mao committed genocide to around 75 million to100 million of his own citizens. Stalin, Lenin, and the other great soviet leader weren't far behind him in their genocide to their own citizens. Mendela basically betrayed all the whites in his country. Shall we discuss Pol Pot and few others while we're at it?

All traitors to their own people honored by their nation and all who made what Hitler did look like a drive by shooting.



Hey dummy. Those people were in power. The losers to the south were never in power. These monuments were erected after they lost the civil war. :laugh:

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I see... So now it's all about having the power and retaining it even if you betray your own people by eliminating them. Sounds like you and the Nazi's have a lot in common.



Youre still deflecting. Name one country that honors its traitors and losers by building monuments to them.
Perhaps we should tear down everything and burn everything then start over.

Plain simple buildings made of concrete to replace anything grandiose and no prior history to be brought forward.

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...
I can't believe I'm saying this but I hope they don't destroy these monuments because they have a place in our society. Sanitizing history is a problem. There are people already claiming the Holocaust didn't happen. To destroy every vestige of the history of slavery will only serve to water down the true tragedy it was. These monuments may not have a place where they are currently but they do have a place on battle fields and in museums. Recently a man in Yale broke a window that depicted blacks picking cotton. The building was in memory of VP John C Calhoun. Now while I understand that it the stained glass window had no place in 2016-17 school it would have better served to be removed and placed in a slavery or civil rights museum. It's a shame it took Yale this long to see that Calhoun College needed to be updated and or replaced.

Yale renames Calhoun College after protests -

Perhaps we should tear down everything and burn everything then start over.

Plain simple buildings made of concrete to replace anything grandiose and no prior history to be brought forward since it will be part of the nationwide burning.

We can have Europe do the same.

Then the snowflakes will have nothing further to complain about.



Dont be a crybaby. Name one place in the world that has statues to its traitors. I'll wait.

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What traitors would those be?

The one's who are supposed to be rendered honors as per public law granted by the United States government to all Confederate soldiers after the war?

The real traitors around here are people such as yourself who are violating that public law with your words and actions.

Now get along and continue whining and crying while you commit your treasonous actions against soldiers long dead who are considered US military members.



The inbred traitors that declared war against the US and attempted to leave and got their asses handed to them. I dont know one country that not only glorifies their traitors but the clowns also lost the war. Dont deflect. Please name one other country that does that.

Sanitizing history is dangerous. What seems obvious today wasn't so obvious in 1865. I don't know that I'd call them traitors as nothing like this had ever happened before in the history of the USA. It wasn't just a question of slavery but also a question if a state, once having joined the Union also had the right to leave the Union if the wanted too. Look at Brexit, is that so cut and dry? Today it seems so easy to say yes slavery is wrong but we've also had 150+ years to analyze the outcome. History is biased because it's written by the winners. There were people in 1865 who fought for the Union who still thought blacks inferior to whites, they just didn't believe in slavery. Our government allowed slavery for century's the same way it allowed Jim Crow Laws. Once something has become part of the culture some find it hard to see that it's wrong.

Those who fought were brother against brother. They had family's and people who loved them whether Union or Confederate. I went to Gettysburg a few years ago and just the sheer amount of monuments erected to honor the dead and the size of the battle field says it all. There is a place to honor Confederate soldiers in 2017 and that's on the battlefields to tell the story of what can happen when we stop working together to settle our differences. These monuments should be moved if not appropriate where they are to a battle field or a museum so the future generations can continue to learn from an ugly chapter in American history.
I am with Condi in this one.

“When you start wiping out your history, sanitizing your history, to make you feel better, it’s a bad thing,” says former secretary of state
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Youre still deflecting. Name one country that honors its traitors and losers by building monuments to them.


Then demolish the memorials and ban that section of history, burn it all, from schools and libraries and in turn I expect 'all blacks' to never mention how they are oppressed by the white man or expect compensation over slavery ever again.



"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...
I can't believe I'm saying this but I hope they don't destroy these monuments because they have a place in our society. Sanitizing history is a problem. There are people already claiming the Holocaust didn't happen. To destroy every vestige of the history of slavery will only serve to water down the true tragedy it was. These monuments may not have a place where they are currently but they do have a place on battle fields and in museums. Recently a man in Yale broke a window that depicted blacks picking cotton. The building was in memory of VP John C Calhoun. Now while I understand that it the stained glass window had no place in 2016-17 school it would have better served to be removed and placed in a slavery or civil rights museum. It's a shame it took Yale this long to see that Calhoun College needed to be updated and or replaced.

Yale renames Calhoun College after protests -
I heard the plan was to move them to a museum, not sure if that's true. I personally think it's a mistake but I'm not a citizen of New Orleans. The city depends on tourism and history is big part of the draw. One of the main attractions to New Orleans is it's history and the cities commitment to maintain the unchanging charter of the city.

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...
I can't believe I'm saying this but I hope they don't destroy these monuments because they have a place in our society. Sanitizing history is a problem. There are people already claiming the Holocaust didn't happen. To destroy every vestige of the history of slavery will only serve to water down the true tragedy it was. These monuments may not have a place where they are currently but they do have a place on battle fields and in museums. Recently a man in Yale broke a window that depicted blacks picking cotton. The building was in memory of VP John C Calhoun. Now while I understand that it the stained glass window had no place in 2016-17 school it would have better served to be removed and placed in a slavery or civil rights museum. It's a shame it took Yale this long to see that Calhoun College needed to be updated and or replaced.

Yale renames Calhoun College after protests -
I heard the plan was to move them to a museum, not sure if that's true. I personally think it's a mistake but I'm not a citizen of New Orleans. The city depends on tourism and history is big part of the draw. One of the main attractions to New Orleans is it's history and the cities commitment to maintain the unchanging charter of the city.

The statues are being gifted to private museums, and, in fact, there is a confederate museum less than 1 block away from the Lee statue.
I am with Condi in this one.

“When you start wiping out your history, sanitizing your history, to make you feel better, it’s a bad thing,” says former secretary of state

Again, nobody's "wiping out any history". They're talking about relocating some monuments.

All that means is that whatever the person or event is, doesn't mean today what it meant when it was monumented.

That's it. All there is to it.

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...
I can't believe I'm saying this but I hope they don't destroy these monuments because they have a place in our society. Sanitizing history is a problem. There are people already claiming the Holocaust didn't happen. To destroy every vestige of the history of slavery will only serve to water down the true tragedy it was. These monuments may not have a place where they are currently but they do have a place on battle fields and in museums. Recently a man in Yale broke a window that depicted blacks picking cotton. The building was in memory of VP John C Calhoun. Now while I understand that it the stained glass window had no place in 2016-17 school it would have better served to be removed and placed in a slavery or civil rights museum. It's a shame it took Yale this long to see that Calhoun College needed to be updated and or replaced.

Yale renames Calhoun College after protests -
I heard the plan was to move them to a museum, not sure if that's true. I personally think it's a mistake but I'm not a citizen of New Orleans. The city depends on tourism and history is big part of the draw. One of the main attractions to New Orleans is it's history and the cities commitment to maintain the unchanging charter of the city.

They can always replace a monument with a monument to a monument.

"On this spot once stood a plaque in honor of the Ku Klux Klan. On (insert date) we took it down".

At this time you're the one deflecting with your treasonous acts against prior military members who are to be treated with all due honors as per Public Law.



So you cant find a country that celebrates its traitors and losers like the US celebrates the loser confederates?

View attachment 125624

There's plenty of them.

Mao committed genocide to around 75 million to100 million of his own citizens. Stalin, Lenin, and the other great soviet leader weren't far behind him in their genocide to their own citizens. Mendela basically betrayed all the whites in his country. Shall we discuss Pol Pot and few others while we're at it?

All traitors to their own people honored by their nation and all who made what Hitler did look like a drive by shooting.



Hey dummy. Those people were in power. The losers to the south were never in power. These monuments were erected after they lost the civil war. :laugh:

View attachment 125625

I see... So now it's all about having the power and retaining it even if you betray your own people by eliminating them. Sounds like you and the Nazi's have a lot in common.



Youre still deflecting. Name one country that honors its traitors and losers by building monuments to them.

England probably. They have a Guy Fwakes day and several monuments to Oliver Cromwell.
There was no civil war. Blacks are still slaves.
Most Americans are wage slaves regardless of party affiliation. At least on the Democrat plantation the poor finally got healthcare...those on the Republic plantations have jeopardized, not only their own heathcare and social safety nets, but that of poor Democrats and independents as well.

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...
I can't believe I'm saying this but I hope they don't destroy these monuments because they have a place in our society. Sanitizing history is a problem. There are people already claiming the Holocaust didn't happen. To destroy every vestige of the history of slavery will only serve to water down the true tragedy it was. These monuments may not have a place where they are currently but they do have a place on battle fields and in museums. Recently a man in Yale broke a window that depicted blacks picking cotton. The building was in memory of VP John C Calhoun. Now while I understand that it the stained glass window had no place in 2016-17 school it would have better served to be removed and placed in a slavery or civil rights museum. It's a shame it took Yale this long to see that Calhoun College needed to be updated and or replaced.

Yale renames Calhoun College after protests -
I heard the plan was to move them to a museum, not sure if that's true. I personally think it's a mistake but I'm not a citizen of New Orleans. The city depends on tourism and history is big part of the draw. One of the main attractions to New Orleans is it's history and the cities commitment to maintain the unchanging charter of the city.

They can always replace a monument with a monument to a monument.

"On this spot once stood a plaque in honor of the Ku Klux Klan. On (insert date) we took it down".

Or they could just replace them with something more appropriate in 2017 and place the old statue in a more appropriate place as well. When I was in Gettysburg the statue of General Lee and others helped me visualize the man and the battle. I would think there are much more national historic battle sites that could use such images to enhance the historical experience. Even a bronze of a KKK member has a place as long as it's put into correct historical perspective. You have people who don't remember things like burning crosses and segregated bathrooms. Hell I don't even remember them and it was within my life time. These objects tell the future that yes these things did actually happen and it took 150+ years for society to begin to make it unacceptable.

Gettysburg Sculptures - General Robert Edward Lee Bronze equestrian statue atop the Virgina Memorial.
The fair thing to do would be to move them to areas that may wish to preserve them. The left is proving to us day by day that they are no better than ISIS.
The fair thing to do would be to move them to areas that may wish to preserve them. The left is proving to us day by day that they are no better than ISIS.
I'd have no problem with them being erected in your trailer parks.
I don't live in a trailer park, and even if I did...that's quite a few steps above living in the zoo of a housing project your people call home, ******.
The fair thing to do would be to move them to areas that may wish to preserve them. The left is proving to us day by day that they are no better than ISIS.
I'd have no problem with them being erected in your trailer parks.
I don't live in a trailer park, and even if I did...that's quite a few steps above living in the zoo of a housing project your people call home, ******.
Of course you live in a trailer park you pale cave monkey. Thats why you want monuments to traitors and losers.
The fair thing to do would be to move them to areas that may wish to preserve them. The left is proving to us day by day that they are no better than ISIS.
I'd have no problem with them being erected in your trailer parks.
I don't live in a trailer park, and even if I did...that's quite a few steps above living in the zoo of a housing project your people call home, ******.
Of course you live in a trailer park you pale cave monkey. Thats why you want monuments to traitors and losers.
Listen you nappy-headed black top baboon, nobody buys that you care about loyalty to any country. Go drink some watermelon lean and eat some Skittles like a good Trayboon.
The Confederate flag largely disappeared after the Civil War. The fight against civil rights brought it back.
By Logan Strother, Thomas Ogorzalek and Spencer PistonJune 12 at 6:00 AM


It wasn’t until 1948 that the Confederate flag re-emerged as a potent political symbol. The reason was the Dixiecrat revolt — when Strom Thurmond led a walkout of white Southerners from the Democratic National Convention to protest President Harry S. Truman’s push for civil rights. The Dixiecrats began to use the Confederate flag, which sparked further public interest in it.

Consequently, the flag became strongly linked to white supremacy and opposition to civil rights for African Americans. In 1951, Rep. John Rankin (D-Miss.), a very outspoken segregationist, proudly announced that he had “never seen as many Confederate flags in all my life as I have observed floating here in Washington during the last few months.” Rankin himself wore a Confederate flag necktie to serve as a constant reminder of his opposition to “beastly” integration policies.

In 1954, the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education, which ordered the desegregation of public primary schools, focused the energies and ire of hardcore segregationists throughout the South. Efforts to resist school integration and other civil rights protections for African Americans included the display of Confederate symbols and especially the Confederate battle flag.



Analysis | The Confederate flag largely disappeared after the Civil War. The fight against civil rights brought it back.

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