New Orleans is flooding again and the storm hasn’t even hit yet.


You posted that same lame meme yesterday and I drowned it.

It continues to be bullshit. Three inches of water? Poster please.

You didn’t “drown” shit you uptown liberal idiot. Here’s one

Oh but I did. How the fuck much money do you think it takes to pluck a statue?

I visited New Orleans in the mid 80's. Some nigs broke into my car and stole my sneakers (size 14 Converse Chuck Taylor canvas) and left the other stuff alone believe it or not. The cop laughed and said, "Figures."

And you watched it happen?
The Midwest has the Mississippi River already high and we’ve opened the spill way for them twice already. The river is already very high so one surge and it’s over.

I have never seen anything like that graphic to be honest. Never been to NO. Been to Mobile and that's as close as I've come. WOW...this is shocking. And here I was about to say "the storm looks to be not horrendous maybe and the media tends to overhype storms these days anyway"...which I think is true. Remember that hurricane a year or two ago that was supposed to flood both the Carolinas or some-such?

But looking at this? Yeah. This is....well it puts it in perspective. Thanks

I love New Orleans you can’t blame the good people in the 1700’s for starting it there and the history is insane. No other place like it in America. It is what it is.

“laissez le bon ton roulet”

You posted that same lame meme yesterday and I drowned it.

It continues to be bullshit. Three inches of water? Poster please.

You didn’t “drown” shit you uptown liberal idiot. Here’s one

Oh but I did. How the fuck much money do you think it takes to pluck a statue?


$1.6 million for Lee


Do go on, tell us what pulling the White League monument cost on your planet. You know, the first one pulled that celebrated the city coup because there were, horrors, black people on City Council. The one David Fucking Duke sued to get put back at the foot of Canal Street.

Hey, it could be used as a sandbag...
New Orleans is getting hit by rain from above, a storm surge from the coast, and flooded rivers from the North. This is not a normal situation.

What bills have the 2 Republican Louisiana Senators gotten passed to help their state?
The federal government granted New Orleans millions to repair the levees and they spent it on casinos. The casinos make more than 150 million every month but the levees are still in disrepair and they blame the republican administration.

Currently this isn't a levee thing, (it may become that later). It's more due to the fact that New Orleans is below sea and river level, so they have to pump out every drop of rain that falls inside the city.

Evidently either the pumps or the sewer lines (or both) can't keep up.

But we gave them billions for that. Didn't Obama have a stimulus package worth almost a trillion dollars? Why didn't those hundreds of billions fix a few pumps?

See this is why I keep asking, how can we ever trust the left-wing? We spent TRILLIONS of dollars.... and New Orleans is flooded BEFORE the storm hits????


When asked about that Obama actually laughed and said the "the shovel ready jobs, weren't so shovel ready after all". No big deal, right? The money actually went to unions, GM unions, and companies like Solyndra that went bankrupt. All Obama cronies and largely wasted.

The problem with setting things up for "shovel ready" jobs is that most jobs aren't fully developed then dropped. They usually get designed to 60-90% before funding gets lost, so usually the fed agencies set crazy construction schedules, the agencies rush the design completion, and things get done wrong.
The federal government granted New Orleans millions to repair the levees and they spent it on casinos. The casinos make more than 150 million every month but the levees are still in disrepair and they blame the republican administration.

Currently this isn't a levee thing, (it may become that later). It's more due to the fact that New Orleans is below sea and river level, so they have to pump out every drop of rain that falls inside the city.

Evidently either the pumps or the sewer lines (or both) can't keep up.

The Mississippi is cresting at the highest level since the 1927 floods. And New Orleans is too third world to keep pumps operating.
The dutch did it with windmills.

According to their public works they have 118 of 120 working. What they need to do is open Morganza and maybe even Bonn Carre to relieve the upstream pressure.

I think Bonn Carre is open. I crossed it yesterday evening and it looked like it was going gangbusters.

I just read that they opened it due to the unusually high waters, but it isn't open much. They got like 350 gates on the damn thing.
The federal government granted New Orleans millions to repair the levees and they spent it on casinos. The casinos make more than 150 million every month but the levees are still in disrepair and they blame the republican administration.

Currently this isn't a levee thing, (it may become that later). It's more due to the fact that New Orleans is below sea and river level, so they have to pump out every drop of rain that falls inside the city.

Evidently either the pumps or the sewer lines (or both) can't keep up.

New Orleans is being flooded? Who knew?

The Mississippi River is flooding because of all the rain in the Midwest, not in New Orleans!

That's what is causing the issue with the storm coming from the Gulf. They have no issue with one, or the other, but the combo of both is trouble.
I wonder if the Police will illegally confiscate guns door to door from LAW ABIDING CITIZENS like they did during Katrina.

Of course you do. When flood waters threaten old people, babies, the infirm, the imprisoned, the impoverished, the huddled masses yearning to be free, the first thing a gun fetishist thinks is "O MY GOD SAVE THE GUNS".

When people need to protect their lives and property from roving gangs of LOOTERS, take their only means of protection at the exact time they need it.

You're a fucking sociopath. In a time of disaster people come together. That is -- normal people.

But a fucking sociopath wouldn't figure that out. Your mentality is the problem.

Thats why Houston has already recovered from Harvey in 17 and N.O. is still a mess 14 years after Katrina.

Houston is still upset at us because a lot of our nigs stayed and crime shot up bigtime ever sense. We already apologized to our Houston white brothers and sisters. They understood it’s not our fault.
And as much as I love my City and my state of Louisiana the Democrats and Libs have destroyed that great city. MAKE NEW ORLEANS GREAT AGAIN

I wonder if the Police will illegally confiscate guns door to door from LAW ABIDING CITIZENS like they did during Katrina.

Of course you do. When flood waters threaten old people, babies, the infirm, the imprisoned, the impoverished, the huddled masses yearning to be free, the first thing a gun fetishist thinks is "O MY GOD SAVE THE GUNS".

When people need to protect their lives and property from roving gangs of LOOTERS, take their only means of protection at the exact time they need it.

You're a fucking sociopath. In a time of disaster people come together. That is -- normal people.

But a fucking sociopath wouldn't figure that out. Your mentality is the problem.

Thats why Houston has already recovered from Harvey in 17 and N.O. is still a mess 14 years after Katrina.

Houston is still upset at us because a lot of our nigs stayed and crime shot up bigtime ever sense. We already apologized to our Houston white brothers and sisters. They understood it’s not our fault.

We know it ain't y'alls fault.
A Katrina refugee that the wife hired embezzled just shy of a half million from the bank she works for.
The bitch only got four years in the federal pen.
On the plus side they recovered the majority of the money and that bitch wont be working anywhere but min wage jobs the rest of her life.
The federal government granted New Orleans millions to repair the levees and they spent it on casinos. The casinos make more than 150 million every month but the levees are still in disrepair and they blame the republican administration.

Currently this isn't a levee thing, (it may become that later). It's more due to the fact that New Orleans is below sea and river level, so they have to pump out every drop of rain that falls inside the city.

Evidently either the pumps or the sewer lines (or both) can't keep up.

But we gave them billions for that. Didn't Obama have a stimulus package worth almost a trillion dollars? Why didn't those hundreds of billions fix a few pumps?

See this is why I keep asking, how can we ever trust the left-wing? We spent TRILLIONS of dollars.... and New Orleans is flooded BEFORE the storm hits????


When asked about that Obama actually laughed and said the "the shovel ready jobs, weren't so shovel ready after all". No big deal, right? The money actually went to unions, GM unions, and companies like Solyndra that went bankrupt. All Obama cronies and largely wasted.

The problem with setting things up for "shovel ready" jobs is that most jobs aren't fully developed then dropped. They usually get designed to 60-90% before funding gets lost, so usually the fed agencies set crazy construction schedules, the agencies rush the design completion, and things get done wrong.

That's kind of our point. Thinking that a politician or bureaucrat in Washington DC is going to know how best to operate a construction job in Idaho or Alaska, or Maine, is ridiculous. Most of these idiots have never left Washington DC, or have been living in tax-payer jobs their entire lives, never knowing how anything works in the real world.

Why would you ever think, that the Feds in DC would know how to properly manage construction jobs around the country?

That's exactly why most of them take years on end to do, and cost way more than projected, and so on.

Again, my view is the constitutional view.

The Federal Government has no business being in construction. There is no enumerated power in the Constitution that grants the Federal government to be in the construction business.

All rights reserved for the states, means just that. It is the duty of the state to handle this. And the people of that state can oversee what their state is doing with their money. And that's the way it should be.

That's why better than some idiotic bureaucrat and politicians that sign laws for billions, and then over a decade later, New Orleans is underwater, before the storm even reaches the shore.

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