New Orleans is flooding again and the storm hasn’t even hit yet.

The federal government granted New Orleans millions to repair the levees and they spent it on casinos. The casinos make more than 150 million every month but the levees are still in disrepair and they blame the republican administration.

Currently this isn't a levee thing, (it may become that later). It's more due to the fact that New Orleans is below sea and river level, so they have to pump out every drop of rain that falls inside the city.

Evidently either the pumps or the sewer lines (or both) can't keep up.

I agree. The whole area is about five feet below sea level. Anyone who live there aint' to bright.

You’re right they’re all liberal democrats
The federal government granted New Orleans millions to repair the levees and they spent it on casinos. The casinos make more than 150 million every month but the levees are still in disrepair and they blame the republican administration.

Currently this isn't a levee thing, (it may become that later). It's more due to the fact that New Orleans is below sea and river level, so they have to pump out every drop of rain that falls inside the city.

Evidently either the pumps or the sewer lines (or both) can't keep up.

But we gave them billions for that. Didn't Obama have a stimulus package worth almost a trillion dollars? Why didn't those hundreds of billions fix a few pumps?

See this is why I keep asking, how can we ever trust the left-wing? We spent TRILLIONS of dollars.... and New Orleans is flooded BEFORE the storm hits????


Based on the first half of this post I doubt anyone could explain anything to you.
The federal government granted New Orleans millions to repair the levees and they spent it on casinos. The casinos make more than 150 million every month but the levees are still in disrepair and they blame the republican administration.

Currently this isn't a levee thing, (it may become that later). It's more due to the fact that New Orleans is below sea and river level, so they have to pump out every drop of rain that falls inside the city.

Evidently either the pumps or the sewer lines (or both) can't keep up.

But we gave them billions for that. Didn't Obama have a stimulus package worth almost a trillion dollars? Why didn't those hundreds of billions fix a few pumps?

See this is why I keep asking, how can we ever trust the left-wing? We spent TRILLIONS of dollars.... and New Orleans is flooded BEFORE the storm hits????


When asked about that Obama actually laughed and said the "the shovel ready jobs, weren't so shovel ready after all". No big deal, right? The money actually went to unions, GM unions, and companies like Solyndra that went bankrupt. All Obama cronies and largely wasted.


The highway in my town got expanded to four lanes and that started immediately. Literally immediately.
This is just a gay tropical storm Barry bringing a lot of liberal tears. No big deal.
The federal government granted New Orleans millions to repair the levees and they spent it on casinos. The casinos make more than 150 million every month but the levees are still in disrepair and they blame the republican administration.

Currently this isn't a levee thing, (it may become that later). It's more due to the fact that New Orleans is below sea and river level, so they have to pump out every drop of rain that falls inside the city.

Evidently either the pumps or the sewer lines (or both) can't keep up.

The Mississippi is cresting at the highest level since the 1927 floods. And New Orleans is too third world to keep pumps operating.
The dutch did it with windmills.

According to their public works they have 118 of 120 working. What they need to do is open Morganza and maybe even Bonn Carre to relieve the upstream pressure.

I think Bonn Carre is open. I crossed it yesterday evening and it looked like it was going gangbusters.
The federal government granted New Orleans millions to repair the levees and they spent it on casinos. The casinos make more than 150 million every month but the levees are still in disrepair and they blame the republican administration.

Currently this isn't a levee thing, (it may become that later). It's more due to the fact that New Orleans is below sea and river level, so they have to pump out every drop of rain that falls inside the city.

Evidently either the pumps or the sewer lines (or both) can't keep up.

The Mississippi is cresting at the highest level since the 1927 floods. And New Orleans is too third world to keep pumps operating.
The dutch did it with windmills.

According to their public works they have 118 of 120 working. What they need to do is open Morganza and maybe even Bonn Carre to relieve the upstream pressure.

I think Bonn Carre is open. I crossed it yesterday evening and it looked like it was going gangbusters.

Yeah unfortunately it’s gonna hurt the fishing but whatcha gonna do?
The federal government granted New Orleans millions to repair the levees and they spent it on casinos. The casinos make more than 150 million every month but the levees are still in disrepair and they blame the republican administration.

Don’t forget global warming.
The federal government granted New Orleans millions to repair the levees and they spent it on casinos. The casinos make more than 150 million every month but the levees are still in disrepair and they blame the republican administration.

Currently this isn't a levee thing, (it may become that later). It's more due to the fact that New Orleans is below sea and river level, so they have to pump out every drop of rain that falls inside the city.

Evidently either the pumps or the sewer lines (or both) can't keep up.

New Orleans is being flooded? Who knew?

The Mississippi River is flooding because of all the rain in the Midwest, not in New Orleans!
The Midwest has the Mississippi River already high and we’ve opened the spill way for them twice already. The river is already very high so one surge and it’s over.
The Midwest has the Mississippi River already high and we’ve opened the spill way for them twice already. The river is already very high so one surge and it’s over.

I have never seen anything like that graphic to be honest. Never been to NO. Been to Mobile and that's as close as I've come. WOW...this is shocking. And here I was about to say "the storm looks to be not horrendous maybe and the media tends to overhype storms these days anyway"...which I think is true. Remember that hurricane a year or two ago that was supposed to flood both the Carolinas or some-such?

But looking at this? Yeah. This is....well it puts it in perspective. Thanks
I visited New Orleans in the mid 80's. Some nigs broke into my car and stole my sneakers (size 14 Converse Chuck Taylor canvas) and left the other stuff alone believe it or not. The cop laughed and said, "Figures."

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