New pa. state senator...laughing at the hicks

He`ll refuse a state pension he told the good folks in Jesus land. He was just kidding of course:)
Senator takes state pension after promising not to
looks like he gulled the rubes

Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
No it isn`t and it`s not the same as lying about wmds in Iraq either. 4,500 dead soldiers were swept under the rug and that`s where they will stay. BTW, I kept my health plan and my doctor.
He`ll refuse a state pension he told the good folks in Jesus land. He was just kidding of course:)
Senator takes state pension after promising not to
looks like he gulled the rubes

Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
No it isn`t and it`s not the same as lying about wmds in Iraq either. 4,500 dead soldiers were swept under the rug and that`s where they will stay. BTW, I kept my health plan and my doctor.
Sounds like you swept them under the rug but Hillary voted for it and the same CIA liberals are praising came out with the intel. But a monkey like you wouldn't realize that. If they are hicks, you're a chimp.
He`ll refuse a state pension he told the good folks in Jesus land. He was just kidding of course:)
Senator takes state pension after promising not to
looks like he gulled the rubes

Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
No it isn`t and it`s not the same as lying about wmds in Iraq either. 4,500 dead soldiers were swept under the rug and that`s where they will stay. BTW, I kept my health plan and my doctor.
Sounds like you swept them under the rug but Hillary voted for it and the same CIA liberals are praising came out with the intel. But a monkey like you wouldn't realize that. If they are hicks, you're a chimp.
Was the vote taken before or after Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors failed to find those massive stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons? Are you sweeping the weapons inspectors under the rug with the soldiers that were killed? BTW, the vote was not a declaration of war and one man and one man alone was responsible for the murder of our troops.
He`ll refuse a state pension he told the good folks in Jesus land. He was just kidding of course:)
Senator takes state pension after promising not to
looks like he gulled the rubes

Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
No it isn`t and it`s not the same as lying about wmds in Iraq either. 4,500 dead soldiers were swept under the rug and that`s where they will stay. BTW, I kept my health plan and my doctor.
Sounds like you swept them under the rug but Hillary voted for it and the same CIA liberals are praising came out with the intel. But a monkey like you wouldn't realize that. If they are hicks, you're a chimp.
Was the vote taken before or after Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors failed to find those massive stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons? Are you sweeping the weapons inspectors under the rug with the soldiers that were killed? BTW, the vote was not a declaration of war and one man and one man alone was responsible for the murder of our troops.
Saddam didn't let them do their thing so it was long before Blix could get in. The UN was useless and had their own member nation scams going on. Germany selling Iraq weapons, phony food for oil program Saddam used to build palaces and military, etc.

Oh, and asshole, I'm not the one sweeping anyone under the rug. You don't have the authority to dictate my thoughts.
looks like he gulled the rubes

Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
No it isn`t and it`s not the same as lying about wmds in Iraq either. 4,500 dead soldiers were swept under the rug and that`s where they will stay. BTW, I kept my health plan and my doctor.
Sounds like you swept them under the rug but Hillary voted for it and the same CIA liberals are praising came out with the intel. But a monkey like you wouldn't realize that. If they are hicks, you're a chimp.
Was the vote taken before or after Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors failed to find those massive stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons? Are you sweeping the weapons inspectors under the rug with the soldiers that were killed? BTW, the vote was not a declaration of war and one man and one man alone was responsible for the murder of our troops.
Saddam didn't let them do their thing so it was long before Blix could get in. The UN was useless and had their own member nation scams going on. Germany selling Iraq weapons, phony food for oil program Saddam used to build palaces and military, etc.

Oh, and asshole, I'm not the one sweeping anyone under the rug. You don't have the authority to dictate my thoughts.
The inspectors DID do their thing and found no wmds. You can`t write your own history.
Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
No it isn`t and it`s not the same as lying about wmds in Iraq either. 4,500 dead soldiers were swept under the rug and that`s where they will stay. BTW, I kept my health plan and my doctor.
Sounds like you swept them under the rug but Hillary voted for it and the same CIA liberals are praising came out with the intel. But a monkey like you wouldn't realize that. If they are hicks, you're a chimp.
Was the vote taken before or after Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors failed to find those massive stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons? Are you sweeping the weapons inspectors under the rug with the soldiers that were killed? BTW, the vote was not a declaration of war and one man and one man alone was responsible for the murder of our troops.
Saddam didn't let them do their thing so it was long before Blix could get in. The UN was useless and had their own member nation scams going on. Germany selling Iraq weapons, phony food for oil program Saddam used to build palaces and military, etc.

Oh, and asshole, I'm not the one sweeping anyone under the rug. You don't have the authority to dictate my thoughts.
The inspectors DID do their thing and found no wmds. You can`t write your own history.
You don't know history, that's your problem. Saddam was in constant violation of UN inspections, that was a major sticking point. Plus he violated other resolutions and violated his terms of surrender.

We didn't need wmd to go in but like I said, the UN was useless.
He`ll refuse a state pension he told the good folks in Jesus land. He was just kidding of course:)
Senator takes state pension after promising not to
looks like he gulled the rubes

Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
No it isn`t and it`s not the same as lying about wmds in Iraq either. 4,500 dead soldiers were swept under the rug and that`s where they will stay. BTW, I kept my health plan and my doctor.
Sounds like you swept them under the rug but Hillary voted for it and the same CIA liberals are praising came out with the intel. But a monkey like you wouldn't realize that. If they are hicks, you're a chimp.
Was the vote taken before or after Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors failed to find those massive stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons? Are you sweeping the weapons inspectors under the rug with the soldiers that were killed? BTW, the vote was not a declaration of war and one man and one man alone was responsible for the murder of our troops.

Saddam Hussein
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He`ll refuse a state pension he told the good folks in Jesus land. He was just kidding of course:)
Senator takes state pension after promising not to
looks like he gulled the rubes

Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
No it isn`t and it`s not the same as lying about wmds in Iraq either. 4,500 dead soldiers were swept under the rug and that`s where they will stay. BTW, I kept my health plan and my doctor.

Once Obama took over, any deaths are on him.

If Bush lied, according to you, then every Democrat that said the same thing needed to be done BEFORE Bush was President lied. By the way, it is the same unless you're another Obama ass licker. Pucker up. 6 days left.

I kept mine, too. That doesn't change that many who were told if they liked theirs they could keep them weren't able to do so unlike the lying piece of shit social experiment President told them. Seems you're OK since you didn't lose yours.
He`ll refuse a state pension he told the good folks in Jesus land. He was just kidding of course:)
Senator takes state pension after promising not to
looks like he gulled the rubes

Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
No it isn`t and it`s not the same as lying about wmds in Iraq either. 4,500 dead soldiers were swept under the rug and that`s where they will stay. BTW, I kept my health plan and my doctor.

I sure wish the CIA Director Clinton appointed hadn't lied to Bush about those WMD's.
He`ll refuse a state pension he told the good folks in Jesus land. He was just kidding of course:)
Senator takes state pension after promising not to
looks like he gulled the rubes

Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
No it isn`t and it`s not the same as lying about wmds in Iraq either. 4,500 dead soldiers were swept under the rug and that`s where they will stay. BTW, I kept my health plan and my doctor.

I sure wish the CIA Director Clinton appointed hadn't lied to Bush about those WMD's.
None of that shit matters. The UN weapons inspectors didn`t find any wmds and nobody named Clinton sent our troops to be murdered. The more you people spin this the more ridiculous you look. Best to quit while you`re behind and stop embarrassing yourselves. Were their lies? Only 935 of them.
The Lies We Believed (And Still Believe) About Iraq |
Finding the truth in 935 lies about war with Iraq
He`ll refuse a state pension he told the good folks in Jesus land. He was just kidding of course:)
Senator takes state pension after promising not to
looks like he gulled the rubes

Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
No it isn`t and it`s not the same as lying about wmds in Iraq either. 4,500 dead soldiers were swept under the rug and that`s where they will stay. BTW, I kept my health plan and my doctor.

I sure wish the CIA Director Clinton appointed hadn't lied to Bush about those WMD's.
None of that shit matters. The UN weapons inspectors didn`t find any wmds and nobody named Clinton sent our troops to be murdered. The more you people spin this the more ridiculous you look. Best to quit while you`re behind and stop embarrassing yourselves. Were their lies? Only 935 of them.
The Lies We Believed (And Still Believe) About Iraq |
Finding the truth in 935 lies about war with Iraq
To Augest West

Are these 'Lies' in the list you posted? I have several more from prominent Democrats if you are interested.

“Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particular grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
He`ll refuse a state pension he told the good folks in Jesus land. He was just kidding of course:)
Senator takes state pension after promising not to
looks like he gulled the rubes

Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
No it isn`t and it`s not the same as lying about wmds in Iraq either. 4,500 dead soldiers were swept under the rug and that`s where they will stay. BTW, I kept my health plan and my doctor.
That was debunked years ago. Refresh your talking points list.
He`ll refuse a state pension he told the good folks in Jesus land. He was just kidding of course:)
Senator takes state pension after promising not to
looks like he gulled the rubes

Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
Again for the mentally challenged, there is nothing in the ACA that sets provider networks. If you were too stupid to pick a plan that did not include your doctor, that is your fault. The ACA also had a clause that enabled insurance companies to continue to offer any policy in effect at the bill's signing.

Let it up to the Republican to defend lying by Republicans.

Rural PA Republicans are easily duped
He`ll refuse a state pension he told the good folks in Jesus land. He was just kidding of course:)
Senator takes state pension after promising not to
looks like he gulled the rubes

Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
No it isn`t and it`s not the same as lying about wmds in Iraq either. 4,500 dead soldiers were swept under the rug and that`s where they will stay. BTW, I kept my health plan and my doctor.
Sounds like you swept them under the rug but Hillary voted for it and the same CIA liberals are praising came out with the intel. But a monkey like you wouldn't realize that. If they are hicks, you're a chimp.
Another right winger blaming those who believed the Bush lie instead of the liar Bush. We went into Iraq because the Bush administration cherry picked the intel. Not because of the intel available.
He`ll refuse a state pension he told the good folks in Jesus land. He was just kidding of course:)
Senator takes state pension after promising not to
looks like he gulled the rubes

Is that anything like saying if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan knowing neither was true?

Pucker up.
No it isn`t and it`s not the same as lying about wmds in Iraq either. 4,500 dead soldiers were swept under the rug and that`s where they will stay. BTW, I kept my health plan and my doctor.
That was debunked years ago. Refresh your talking points list.
What part?

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