New Planned Parenthood video out today....ruh roh.........


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes....when Andrew Breitbart helped take down ACORN by helping James O'keefe....he knew exactly how the left would try to discredit the he advised O'keefe to release the video in stages, anticipating the lies and attacks by the left......looks like the lesson has been learned....the slow roll out of video on the Butchers of Planned Parenthood is on the way....

Planned Parenthood Discusses Violating Patient Consent The Daily Caller

In the video, which was filmed in February, Gatter says that she is willing to talk to the surgeon who performs abortions to see if he’s willing to use different methods in order to keep tissue and organs intact.

Doing so would appear to violate both federal law and a consent form signed by patients.


It is illegal to sell fetal tissue and organs for a profit. However, federal law does allow organizations to charge for the transportation and handling of specimens. There is no regulation on how much abortion groups can charge for those services. The government requires only that they be “reasonable.” Abortion opponents argue that the statute is vague and allows organizations to profit from the sale of body parts taken from aborted babies.

In one part of the video, Gatter seems to admit that she’s willing to break the law — and breach patient consent — by altering abortion methods in order to obtain tissue for sale.

“Let me explain to you a little bit of a problem, which may not be a big problem,” Gatter says.

“If our usual technique is suction, at 10 to 12 weeks, and we switch to using an IPAS [manual vacuum aspirator] or something with less suction, in order to increase the odds that it would come out as an intact specimen, then we’re kind of violating the protocol that says to the patient ‘we’re not doing anything different in our care of you.'”

In 1993, Congress passed a law which prohibits abortion doctors from altering the timing and methods of an abortion when fetal tissue is to be used for research purposes. Gatter also openly admitted that altering the abortion method would violate a tissue donation consent form patients sign before their procedures.

Read more: Planned Parenthood Discusses Violating Patient Consent The Daily Caller
Are you aware that Lil Jimmie is behind this lie too?

Yeah......he caught these liberal assholes doing liberal asshole things and now they are caught....You can tell because he is releasing the videos a little at a time, anticipating the response to each video by the left.....a lesson learned from Andrew Breitbart...

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