New Poll: Majority Of Trump Supporters Back Him NO MATTER WHAT

awwww.... you angry bruh?



Snowflakes melting leads to triggering

Which leads to

you need to get better material.
That's ok snowflake you leftist are endless material
And it will be ok California and New York still love Hillary lol

^ triggered.
Actually snowflake I support one of the Best presidents that we have had for a very long time. and he triggers you which is the greatest thing in the world.


Have you gone bonkers Blue ? Trump went to KY and begged the people at a rally to vote for the repub Gov He LOST Yes he won by 30% in 2016 but people are catching on to the scum and won't get fooled again

The governor is very unpopular his loss had nothing to do with Trump. And because you punks intentionally try to spin and tell half truths, other Republicans on the ballot whooped your ass. I think we all know why you people forgot to mention that, because it doesn't fit our fake anti Trump narrative.

Ouch, I utterly destroyed you eddie.

you are regurgitating what oxyboy was spewing like a good little dittohead.

Truth has triggered you.


Snowflakes melting leads to triggering

Which leads to

you need to get better material.
That's ok snowflake you leftist are endless material
And it will be ok California and New York still love Hillary lol

^ triggered.
Actually snowflake I support one of the Best presidents that we have had for a very long time. and he triggers you which is the greatest thing in the world.


Poor little snowflake
you need to get better material.
That's ok snowflake you leftist are endless material
And it will be ok California and New York still love Hillary lol

^ triggered.
Actually snowflake I support one of the Best presidents that we have had for a very long time. and he triggers you which is the greatest thing in the world.


Poor little snowflake

^ still triggered.
That's ok snowflake you leftist are endless material
And it will be ok California and New York still love Hillary lol

^ triggered.
Actually snowflake I support one of the Best presidents that we have had for a very long time. and he triggers you which is the greatest thing in the world.


Poor little snowflake

^ still triggered.
I have never been triggered but you have been since Nov.9 2016
You can count me as one of those magnificent patriotic Trump supporters. Trump will win in a landslide this time around.

Poll: Majority of Trump Supporters Back Him No Matter What

You see the same problem with the Left supporting corrupt politicians like Hillary or quid pro Joe Biden like they do.

It matters little what the heads of either party will do, it's the mentality of us against them, but you only hear threads on it regarding Trump supporters.........well.........don't think it's because the the media is biased.

You can count me as one of those magnificent patriotic Trump supporters. Trump will win in a landslide this time around.

Poll: Majority of Trump Supporters Back Him No Matter What

You see the same problem with the Left supporting corrupt politicians like Hillary or quid pro Joe Biden like they do.

It matters little what the heads of either party will do, it's the mentality of us against them, but you only hear threads on it regarding Trump supporters.........well.........don't think it's because the the media is biased.

You want to support this garbage in our WH that's all well and good but I wish republicans wouldn't be blowing smoke up our asses and telling us how great this feeble example of a man is,,,And btw You blew that smoke for years concerning Hillary
^ triggered.
Actually snowflake I support one of the Best presidents that we have had for a very long time. and he triggers you which is the greatest thing in the world.


Poor little snowflake

^ still triggered.
I have never been triggered but you have been since Nov.9 2016

is that why you jumped all over the term 'snowflake'; trying yer damnedest to make it clear that it's some rule that y'all can't be called that?

lol.................... ya................... that's the ticket. :abgg2q.jpg:
Trump might get support from his idiot base BUT if this impeachment ever gets to the SC chief justice Roberts won't put up with the smoke Trumps supporters will be blowing up his butt The law is the law and no miserable example of an American like trump is , is above it
Actually snowflake I support one of the Best presidents that we have had for a very long time. and he triggers you which is the greatest thing in the world.


Poor little snowflake

^ still triggered.
I have never been triggered but you have been since Nov.9 2016

is that why you jumped all over the term 'snowflake'; trying yer damnedest to make it clear that it's some rule that y'all can't be called that?

lol.................... ya................... that's the ticket. :abgg2q.jpg:
Snowflake the word defines you if kept in their natural system snowflakes are stable but when not allowed to remain you melt
You can count me as one of those magnificent patriotic Trump supporters. Trump will win in a landslide this time around.

Poll: Majority of Trump Supporters Back Him No Matter What

You see the same problem with the Left supporting corrupt politicians like Hillary or quid pro Joe Biden like they do.

It matters little what the heads of either party will do, it's the mentality of us against them, but you only hear threads on it regarding Trump supporters.........well.........don't think it's because the the media is biased.

You want to support this garbage in our WH that's all well and good but I wish republicans wouldn't be blowing smoke up our asses and telling us how great this feeble example of a man is,,,And btw You blew that smoke for years concerning Hillary

Listen kiddo, Hillary lied her arse off when being investigated by the FBI, but the FBI only keys in on Flynn caught in one supposed lie when being questioned and ensured at the time it was all off the record.

Then you have quid pro quo Joe.

U.S. Code § 201

(b) Whoever—
(1) directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official or person who has been selected to be a public official, or offers or promises any public official or any person who has been selected to be a public official to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent—
(A) to influence any official act; or
(B) to influence such public official or person who has been selected to be a public official to commit or aid in committing, or collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; or
(C) to induce such public official or such person who has been selected to be a public official to do or omit to do any act in violation of the lawful duty of such official or person;

18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses

(A) to influence any official act;

The law is not being enforced. All this talk about how Biden didn't break the law because he didn't try to influence the election is BS.

Bush, Biden, Obama and Trump all violated the law.

The difference between the two in terms of treatment by the press and FBI are astoundingly hypocritical.
I have never been triggered but you have been since Nov.9 2016

is that why you jumped all over the term 'snowflake'; trying yer damnedest to make it clear that it's some rule that y'all can't be called that?

lol.................... ya................... that's the ticket. :abgg2q.jpg:
Snowflake the word defines you if kept in their natural system snowflakes are stable but when not allowed to remain you melt

haaaaaaaa.......... if you say so.................


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That would be because Trump has been under attack no matter what. Yet hasn't been found guilty of ANYTHING.

So yea, I'm standing behind him. The more the liberals push him, the more republicans will push back.

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