New Poll: Majority Of Trump Supporters Back Him NO MATTER WHAT

you do know that no matter how many nukes we dismantled - we would still have enough to blow away every man, woman & & child on earth several times over. at a certain point, it doesn't even matter anymore. but we could use some of that saved cash in far better ways.

guess you don't wanna talk reagan then, huh?
Whatever, Obama wanted to sell us out and you approved. Just like you loons are still trying to destroy us. Obama ran on transforming America and you voted for it. So go to hell.

Snowflakes you leftist hold ownership of that label because of your actions since 2016

awwww.... you angry bruh?



Snowflakes melting leads to triggering

Which leads to

you need to get better material.
Majority of Germans supported Adolf also and years latter the sheep said ""we didn't know""
Whatever, Obama wanted to sell us out and you approved. Just like you loons are still trying to destroy us. Obama ran on transforming America and you voted for it. So go to hell.

Snowflakes you leftist hold ownership of that label because of your actions since 2016

awwww.... you angry bruh?



Snowflakes melting leads to triggering

Which leads to

you need to get better material.
That's ok snowflake you leftist are endless material
And it will be ok California and New York still love Hillary lol
Snowflakes you leftist hold ownership of that label because of your actions since 2016

awwww.... you angry bruh?



Snowflakes melting leads to triggering

Which leads to

you need to get better material.
That's ok snowflake you leftist are endless material
And it will be ok California and New York still love Hillary lol

^ triggered.
Explain how this is NOT breaking the law and then bragging about it?

"I (Biden) looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

See the difference between people like YOU and me is I provide PROOF. You just make dumb ass comments!
Explain how that is breaking the law.

Shokin was a very corrupt General Prosectuor. The EU wanted him fired. The IMF wanted him fired. The Ukranian people wanted him fired. The US wanted him fired.

You have no crime, retard. What you don't get is that SHOKIN WAS THE CRIMINAL.

You've been punked by your propagandists.
Did you hear the tape? Trump asked the leader of Ukraine to look into what Biden did and that's an impeachable offense. But Biden telling the leader of Ukraine you have 6 hours to fire him or you don't get the money is nothing. You people are crazy.
4 witnesses already verify the whistle blower What do you traitorous AH's want ,blood?
The complete transcript has been released. Which makes the whistleblower useless. Your impeachment is based on opinions not facts. But please keep this up, Americans did not elect democrats to do nothing but run a pony show. If you loons were smart, you would do something good for Americans instead of spending millions on these shenanigans. Please keep it up, you're guaranteeing him reelection.

^ 'The complete transcript has been released.'

that is a straight up lie. donny is making y'all look like fools.

this is on page one of the MEM-OR-AN-DUM.

CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the reco�d, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.

And here are the most "GLARING" breaches of whatever BAD Trump did...
Word for word...
Trump... The former ambassador from the United $tates,· the woman., was bad news and the people she was dealing with in .the Ukraine .were bad news
so I just want to_let you know that.

"I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike ...
There's a lot of. talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.
Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

Zelenskyy: Regarding American Ambassador...
"It was great that you were the first one. who told me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree with you 100%.
Her attitude to.wards me was far from the best as she admired the previous President and she was on his· side.
She would not accept me as a new President· well enough."

Mind you the above are the EXACT words from the transcript you provided.
So please find me more derogatory, law breaking in this transcript you provided that would convince me Trump did anything wrong!

Please find the exact words Trump used that show at the minimum "QUID PRO QUO"!!!!!
Snowflakes you leftist hold ownership of that label because of your actions since 2016

awwww.... you angry bruh?



Snowflakes melting leads to triggering

Which leads to

you need to get better material.
That's ok snowflake you leftist are endless material
And it will be ok California and New York still love Hillary lol

^ triggered.
Actually snowflake I support one of the Best presidents that we have had for a very long time. and he triggers you which is the greatest thing in the world.
Biden bragged about breaking the law and Trump asked about it. Yeah politics as usual, democrats can do whatever.
Nope. Biden did not brag about breaking the law. You tards are parroting a total fabrication. Have you no self-respect, man? Why do you let your propagandists punk you like that?

Explain how this is NOT breaking the law and then bragging about it?

"I (Biden) looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

See the difference between people like YOU and me is I provide PROOF. You just make dumb ass comments!
Explain how that is breaking the law.

Shokin was a very corrupt General Prosectuor. The EU wanted him fired. The IMF wanted him fired. The Ukranian people wanted him fired. The US wanted him fired.

You have no crime, retard. What you don't get is that SHOKIN WAS THE CRIMINAL.

You've been punked by your propagandists.
Did you hear the tape? Trump asked the leader of Ukraine to look into what Biden did and that's an impeachable offense. But Biden telling the leader of Ukraine you have 6 hours to fire him or you don't get the money is nothing. You people are crazy.

y'all keep acting like joe biden was acting alone, when he was part of a larger group of US officials as well as the US was partnered with other countries to drop the hammer on ukraine, urging them to clean up their act.
Biden bragged like he acted on his own. Anyway Barr will find out how corrupt Biden is.
I don't know, bragging about supporting a politician no matter what makes you a sheep.

We elected him because he is not a politician.
He is a citizen President.
We wanted him to wake up the 20th century politicians to the 21st century.
He has met our expectations plus!
So you admit, Obama care was a failure? It was Obama's biggest achievement. Proves he was the worst president ever.

haaaaaaaa you got THAT from my response? obamacare isn't a failure - it simply didn't go far enough, but it is a start. i know plenty of people using it & they are grateful they have it. if it was such a failure - why did people show up to make sure they can keep it?

i noticed how you didn't answer the Q about pre existing conditions.
Funny I don't see any Democrat running on improving Obama care. You mean you were forced to buy insurance for pre existing conditions. Even if you cannot afford the deductible?

'Funny I don't see any Democrat running on improving Obama care.'

biden is for one - not sure if there are more.

You mean you were forced to buy insurance for pre existing conditions.

nobody was 'forced' to buy anything. were you gradually fined higher amts if you were a dipshit & didn't get in the pool to help keep costs down?

yep. howeverrrrrrrrrrrr............ anybody getting insurance on their own is granted the same coverage as group insurance; that is not being charged higher premiums for a pre existing condition & guaranteed 80% of their premium went to di-rect care instead of di-rectly into the pockets of some pencil pusher itching to deny your claim.

oh the horror!

Even if you cannot afford the deductible?

nobody says that it's not expensive. but please tell me what health care insurance isn't? it's MORE expensive than it shoulda been, but you can thank marco rubio for that one; by putting a poison pill into the funding omnibus several years back that caused bighealthcare to jack everything up so they don't lose their profit margin. btw - the dips who don't have insurance thru choice is now causing your premiums to go up even more, cause somebody hasta pay for those not insured, & it ain't gonna be bighealthcare. :113:
Obama care has raised premiums over 100%. Why pay for something you can't afford if you need it. I know none of the democrats are running on improving the failure you loons forced on us. They already want to bankrupt us with another failure.

well - uh

A. premiums HAVE skyrocketed - why? cause donny had the mandate go ba bye - thus throwing bighealthcare into a tizzy with unstable expectations to keep their bottom line in the black.
B) when has any insurance company LOWERED their premiums? are you kidding?
C) donny wants to put back on the market those cheap pieces of shit policies that people think are great cause they are so cheap - that is until they actually need to use it. then they find out nothing is covered worth a damn.

ya.............. good times.
Obama care raised premiums 100% before Donald.
You can count me as one of those magnificent patriotic Trump supporters. Trump will win in a landslide this time around. Poll: Majority of Trump Supporters Back Him No Matter What

  • His wanting to protect our borders.
  • His wanting to make America stronger.
  • His desire to strengthen our trade in the world.
  • His refusal to not chuck our economy over an unproven theory.
  • His filling the Supreme Court with stout Constitutionalists.
  • His defending the Church and the 2nd Amendment.
  • His belief that it is OK to be white.
  • His trying to clean up corruption in Washington.
  • His being a political outsider.
  • His being unabashedly pro-American.
I know Trump is a sucky politician. He's not a great speaker, orator or statesman. That is why I back him! Because he's real! He says unpopular things because he believes them right, not because they poll well, he has balls, he doesn't back down, and he says what he thinks and does what he believes is right.
And he is head and shoulders above anything the Demoncrats have to offer,
Nope. Biden did not brag about breaking the law. You tards are parroting a total fabrication. Have you no self-respect, man? Why do you let your propagandists punk you like that?

Explain how this is NOT breaking the law and then bragging about it?

"I (Biden) looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

See the difference between people like YOU and me is I provide PROOF. You just make dumb ass comments!
Explain how that is breaking the law.

Shokin was a very corrupt General Prosectuor. The EU wanted him fired. The IMF wanted him fired. The Ukranian people wanted him fired. The US wanted him fired.

You have no crime, retard. What you don't get is that SHOKIN WAS THE CRIMINAL.

You've been punked by your propagandists.
Did you hear the tape? Trump asked the leader of Ukraine to look into what Biden did and that's an impeachable offense. But Biden telling the leader of Ukraine you have 6 hours to fire him or you don't get the money is nothing. You people are crazy.

y'all keep acting like joe biden was acting alone, when he was part of a larger group of US officials as well as the US was partnered with other countries to drop the hammer on ukraine, urging them to clean up their act.
Biden bragged like he acted on his own. Anyway Barr will find out how corrupt Biden is.
Yes, I've said before that the only thing Biden is guilty of is giving himself more credit than he is due for Shokin's firing. The fact is the IMF, the EU, the EBRD, and the Ukrainian people and legislature were ALL pressuring Poroshenko to fire Shokin. Not just Biden.
awwww.... you angry bruh?



Snowflakes melting leads to triggering

Which leads to

you need to get better material.
That's ok snowflake you leftist are endless material
And it will be ok California and New York still love Hillary lol

^ triggered.
Actually snowflake I support one of the Best presidents that we have had for a very long time. and he triggers you which is the greatest thing in the world.
THIS is who you support?
The guy is a . Always was, always will be. Corrupt, diseased, evil, stupid, ill-bred, low-class wannabe, amoral, dishonest, a world class serial liar, nothing he’s ever said has had the slightest ring of truth to it. Just a contemptible presence daily in our lives. All the democratic countries laugh at him, but he does try to cozy up to our worst enemies. A true traitor supported by Moscow Mitch and the most ineffective group of republican representatives and senators ever elected and assembled under one roof. David Jolly quite succinctly described his ex-party associates on Nicole Wallace’s show a few days ago. Fabulous!
Explain how this is NOT breaking the law and then bragging about it?

"I (Biden) looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

See the difference between people like YOU and me is I provide PROOF. You just make dumb ass comments!
Explain how that is breaking the law.

Shokin was a very corrupt General Prosectuor. The EU wanted him fired. The IMF wanted him fired. The Ukranian people wanted him fired. The US wanted him fired.

You have no crime, retard. What you don't get is that SHOKIN WAS THE CRIMINAL.

You've been punked by your propagandists.
Did you hear the tape? Trump asked the leader of Ukraine to look into what Biden did and that's an impeachable offense. But Biden telling the leader of Ukraine you have 6 hours to fire him or you don't get the money is nothing. You people are crazy.

y'all keep acting like joe biden was acting alone, when he was part of a larger group of US officials as well as the US was partnered with other countries to drop the hammer on ukraine, urging them to clean up their act.
Biden bragged like he acted on his own. Anyway Barr will find out how corrupt Biden is.
Yes, I've said before that the only thing Biden is guilty of is giving himself more credit than he is due for Shokin's firing. The fact is the IMF, the EU, the EBRD, and the Ukrainian people and legislature were ALL pressuring Poroshenko to fire Shokin. Not just Biden.

So what? What prosecutor was going after Burisma? Who worked for Burisma? Hmmmm

Snowflakes melting leads to triggering

Which leads to

you need to get better material.
That's ok snowflake you leftist are endless material
And it will be ok California and New York still love Hillary lol

^ triggered.
Actually snowflake I support one of the Best presidents that we have had for a very long time. and he triggers you which is the greatest thing in the world.
THIS is who you support?
The guy is a . Always was, always will be. Corrupt, diseased, evil, stupid, ill-bred, low-class wannabe, amoral, dishonest, a world class serial liar, nothing he’s ever said has had the slightest ring of truth to it. Just a contemptible presence daily in our lives. All the democratic countries laugh at him, but he does try to cozy up to our worst enemies. A true traitor supported by Moscow Mitch and the most ineffective group of republican representatives and senators ever elected and assembled under one roof. David Jolly quite succinctly described his ex-party associates on Nicole Wallace’s show a few days ago. Fabulous!
Snowflake you're just as delusional as you have always been.
Explain how that is breaking the law.

Shokin was a very corrupt General Prosectuor. The EU wanted him fired. The IMF wanted him fired. The Ukranian people wanted him fired. The US wanted him fired.

You have no crime, retard. What you don't get is that SHOKIN WAS THE CRIMINAL.

You've been punked by your propagandists.
Did you hear the tape? Trump asked the leader of Ukraine to look into what Biden did and that's an impeachable offense. But Biden telling the leader of Ukraine you have 6 hours to fire him or you don't get the money is nothing. You people are crazy.

y'all keep acting like joe biden was acting alone, when he was part of a larger group of US officials as well as the US was partnered with other countries to drop the hammer on ukraine, urging them to clean up their act.
Biden bragged like he acted on his own. Anyway Barr will find out how corrupt Biden is.
Yes, I've said before that the only thing Biden is guilty of is giving himself more credit than he is due for Shokin's firing. The fact is the IMF, the EU, the EBRD, and the Ukrainian people and legislature were ALL pressuring Poroshenko to fire Shokin. Not just Biden.

So what? What prosecutor was going after Burisma? Who worked for Burisma? Hmmmm
There was no prosecutor going after Burisma when Hunter joined the board. That investigation was done, and was during a period long before Hunter came along.

So what's your point? Hmmmmm...
you need to get better material.
That's ok snowflake you leftist are endless material
And it will be ok California and New York still love Hillary lol

^ triggered.
Actually snowflake I support one of the Best presidents that we have had for a very long time. and he triggers you which is the greatest thing in the world.
THIS is who you support?
The guy is a . Always was, always will be. Corrupt, diseased, evil, stupid, ill-bred, low-class wannabe, amoral, dishonest, a world class serial liar, nothing he’s ever said has had the slightest ring of truth to it. Just a contemptible presence daily in our lives. All the democratic countries laugh at him, but he does try to cozy up to our worst enemies. A true traitor supported by Moscow Mitch and the most ineffective group of republican representatives and senators ever elected and assembled under one roof. David Jolly quite succinctly described his ex-party associates on Nicole Wallace’s show a few days ago. Fabulous!
Snowflake you're just as delusional as you have always been.

Too much MSNBC and CNN. :lmao:
Have you gone bonkers Blue ? Trump went to KY and begged the people at a rally to vote for the repub Gov He LOST Yes he won by 30% in 2016 but people are catching on to the scum and won't get fooled again

The governor is very unpopular his loss had nothing to do with Trump. And because you punks intentionally try to spin and tell half truths, other Republicans on the ballot whooped your ass. I think we all know why you people forgot to mention that, because it doesn't fit our fake anti Trump narrative.

Ouch, I utterly destroyed you eddie.

you are regurgitating what oxyboy was spewing like a good little dittohead.

Truth has triggered you.
Have you gone bonkers Blue ? Trump went to KY and begged the people at a rally to vote for the repub Gov He LOST Yes he won by 30% in 2016 but people are catching on to the scum and won't get fooled again

The governor is very unpopular his loss had nothing to do with Trump. And because you punks intentionally try to spin and tell half truths, other Republicans on the ballot whooped your ass. I think we all know why you people forgot to mention that, because it doesn't fit our fake anti Trump narrative.

Ouch, I utterly destroyed you eddie.

you are regurgitating what oxyboy was spewing like a good little dittohead.

Truth has triggered you.

Never mind the fact it was a close race and still being contested. :)
What are the poll numbers for Democrats who hate Trump no matter what? AND hate those who voted for him, no matter what. AND lol, hate those are are going to vote for him again. Life's a bitch, huh? Tell you what a-holes, why don't you give us a serious alternative?
Explain how that is breaking the law.

Shokin was a very corrupt General Prosectuor. The EU wanted him fired. The IMF wanted him fired. The Ukranian people wanted him fired. The US wanted him fired.

You have no crime, retard. What you don't get is that SHOKIN WAS THE CRIMINAL.

You've been punked by your propagandists.
Did you hear the tape? Trump asked the leader of Ukraine to look into what Biden did and that's an impeachable offense. But Biden telling the leader of Ukraine you have 6 hours to fire him or you don't get the money is nothing. You people are crazy.
4 witnesses already verify the whistle blower What do you traitorous AH's want ,blood?
The complete transcript has been released. Which makes the whistleblower useless. Your impeachment is based on opinions not facts. But please keep this up, Americans did not elect democrats to do nothing but run a pony show. If you loons were smart, you would do something good for Americans instead of spending millions on these shenanigans. Please keep it up, you're guaranteeing him reelection.

^ 'The complete transcript has been released.'

that is a straight up lie. donny is making y'all look like fools.

this is on page one of the MEM-OR-AN-DUM.

CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the reco�d, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.

And here are the most "GLARING" breaches of whatever BAD Trump did...
Word for word...
Trump... The former ambassador from the United $tates,· the woman., was bad news and the people she was dealing with in .the Ukraine .were bad news
so I just want to_let you know that.
"I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike ...
There's a lot of. talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.
Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

Zelenskyy: Regarding American Ambassador...
"It was great that you were the first one. who told me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree with you 100%.
Her attitude to.wards me was far from the best as she admired the previous President and she was on his· side.
She would not accept me as a new President· well enough."

Mind you the above are the EXACT words from the transcript you provided.
So please find me more derogatory, law breaking in this transcript you provided that would convince me Trump did anything wrong!

Please find the exact words Trump used that show at the minimum "QUID PRO QUO"!!!!!

oh for fuck's sake - THAT can't happen because the MEMORANDUM --- now please understand this part, m'k? --- that president tribblehead --- PROVIDED --- states it. the full complete & unedited REAL TRANSCRIPT is hiding in a virtual vault that very well might get subpeaned.

but you know what else has been edited?

this lyin' fuck.


Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo

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