New Poll: Majority Of Trump Supporters Back Him NO MATTER WHAT

Can you see Trump going to KY to support McConnell and begging again ""Please please don't let those nasty Dems do it to me Again "",,,,,,,and KY says UP YOURS you moron

What are you blabbering about, Trump won Kentucky by 30 points he obliterated the Dems.
Have you gone bonkers Blue ? Trump went to KY and begged the people at a rally to vote for the repub Gov He LOST Yes he won by 30% in 2016 but people are catching on to the scum and won't get fooled again
the (R) governor dude who just lost in kentucky wanted to get rid of the expanded medicaid kentuckians enjoyed; some never having had health insurance before....

why do you suppose they voted him out?
If Obama care is so great why are all the democrats running on healthcare?

to keep it, improve on it, & outright go beyond it. why do you think the house flipped in 2018? all them thar town halls revealed what was a driving force in that flip.

the ACA is in the courts right now, being decided on whether or not to rule the whole thing as unconstitutional & it's freaking the hell outa people who need it.

the ONE big thing about the freak out - is how trumpco wants to get rid of the pre existing condition protection. who do you know that doesn't have one?
So you admit, Obama care was a failure? It was Obama's biggest achievement. Proves he was the worst president ever.

haaaaaaaa you got THAT from my response? obamacare isn't a failure - it simply didn't go far enough, but it is a start. i know plenty of people using it & they are grateful they have it. if it was such a failure - why did people show up to make sure they can keep it?

i noticed how you didn't answer the Q about pre existing conditions.
Funny I don't see any Democrat running on improving Obama care. You mean you were forced to buy insurance for pre existing conditions. Even if you cannot afford the deductible?

'Funny I don't see any Democrat running on improving Obama care.'

biden is for one - not sure if there are more.

You mean you were forced to buy insurance for pre existing conditions.

nobody was 'forced' to buy anything. were you gradually fined higher amts if you were a dipshit & didn't get in the pool to help keep costs down?

yep. howeverrrrrrrrrrrr............ anybody getting insurance on their own is granted the same coverage as group insurance; that is not being charged higher premiums for a pre existing condition & guaranteed 80% of their premium went to di-rect care instead of di-rectly into the pockets of some pencil pusher itching to deny your claim.

oh the horror!

Even if you cannot afford the deductible?

nobody says that it's not expensive. but please tell me what health care insurance isn't? it's MORE expensive than it shoulda been, but you can thank marco rubio for that one; by putting a poison pill into the funding omnibus several years back that caused bighealthcare to jack everything up so they don't lose their profit margin. btw - the dips who don't have insurance thru choice is now causing your premiums to go up even more, cause somebody hasta pay for those not insured, & it ain't gonna be bighealthcare. :113:
I would have thought a Democrat would have posted this poll to illustrate what has become of the Republican Party.

Martial law is all set to come

This comes because of the higher logic men’s vote don’t count. Because of lower logics brainwashed minds electing crooks

you gotta brush up on american law, sergi.


That’s why the founders would not let women vote

And gave the guns to the people to over throw the changed crooked system

And now trump
Is all set to bring martial law

the founding fathers also thought it was cool to own people. the great thing about our constitution, serg - is it is a living document. built in safeguards that allow it to be amended as times change.

Owning children by the wise saves the children
Same with any unwise

Can you see Trump going to KY to support McConnell and begging again ""Please please don't let those nasty Dems do it to me Again "",,,,,,,and KY says UP YOURS you moron

What are you blabbering about, Trump won Kentucky by 30 points he obliterated the Dems.
Have you gone bonkers Blue ? Trump went to KY and begged the people at a rally to vote for the repub Gov He LOST Yes he won by 30% in 2016 but people are catching on to the scum and won't get fooled again
Idiot. The Kentucky race is too close to call. The Associated Press had to retract calling the Democrat the winner this morning. Bevins still might win.
I would have thought a Democrat would have posted this poll to illustrate what has become of the Republican Party.

Martial law is all set to come

This comes because of the higher logic men’s vote don’t count. Because of lower logics brainwashed minds electing crooks

you gotta brush up on american law, sergi.


That’s why the founders would not let women vote

And gave the guns to the people to over throw the changed crooked system

And now trump
Is all set to bring martial law

the founding fathers also thought it was cool to own people. the great thing about our constitution, serg - is it is a living document. built in safeguards that allow it to be amended as times change.

Giving the guns was to get the wise to revolt and take down the crooked govt

The founders did not let women vote in order to save the nation

same with the blacks, right ,sergi?
keep living in the past blues Trumps ass is grass and Dems are the lawnmower

Uh-huh, this is the same sort of arrogance and smugness that allowed Donny to stomp your silly asses-D in 2016.

Keep that up and we'll all be treated to a repeat of those delicious YouTube videos of left wing dingbats flipping the fuck out after the election in 2020.

foxy have no fear Whomever the DEM candidate is ,he or she WILL visit Wiscon Penn and Mich and I expect a complete turn around there from the narrow margins trump won by in 2016

The past shows the future

Women will be stopped from voting unless they pass a logic test

I don't know, bragging about supporting a politician no matter what makes you a sheep.
Give us a list of names of democrats who stopped backing Obama because he crossed the line?
What line was that?

This line:
Obama asks Medvedev THIS QUID PRO QUO for Obama's re-election...
President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it's important for him to give me space. (QUID...give me space...)
President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."
President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it's important for him to give me space. (QUID...give me space...)
(QUO...Obama has more flexibility...)
President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.

WHAT THEN is the difference?
Trump asked a favor BUT never promised "MORE FLEXIBILITY"!!!

trump extorted ukraine.
Can you see Trump going to KY to support McConnell and begging again ""Please please don't let those nasty Dems do it to me Again "",,,,,,,and KY says UP YOURS you moron

What are you blabbering about, Trump won Kentucky by 30 points he obliterated the Dems.
Have you gone bonkers Blue ? Trump went to KY and begged the people at a rally to vote for the repub Gov He LOST Yes he won by 30% in 2016 but people are catching on to the scum and won't get fooled again
Idiot. The Kentucky race is too close to call. The Associated Press had to retract calling the Democrat the winner this morning. Bevins still might win.

as of 4:01 pm

Live: Kentucky Election Results
What line did he cross? Who said they would follow Obama no matter what he did? If you can find someone I'd call them idiots too.
You all backed Obama no matter what. After it was proven he relied on your ignorance to get Obama care passed. You still supported him.

Oh, grey sad rainbow, Obama didn't alienate his allies and play kissy face with dictators and scum bags. He didn't ask foreign governments to help him in his own election. Obama wasn't perfect, like any other president far from it. So, I wouldn't proclaim everlasting support for him no matter what he did, that's the stuff of moronic sycophants who gave up on this country in exchange for anger and hate. Good little Germans the lot of you are.
Obama wanted Putin to wait till after the election so he could do more for him, and you are still making excuses for him. Thanks for proving my point.

you're still using a tired old video from years ago. tell you what - what EXACTLY did obama do for putey poot.... in exchange for what?

list all the examples you can,if you please. in the meantime - i'll give YOU some examples:

kicked roooskie spies outa the country, imposed sanctions, & closed down their compounds.
One silly was the nuke agreement. Obama would get rid of most of our nuclear missies and let Putin decide what he would do. You really don't have a good memory. Do you?

you do know that no matter how many nukes we dismantled - we would still have enough to blow away every man, woman & & child on earth several times over. at a certain point, it doesn't even matter anymore. but we could use some of that saved cash in far better ways.

guess you don't wanna talk reagan then, huh?
Can you see Trump going to KY to support McConnell and begging again ""Please please don't let those nasty Dems do it to me Again "",,,,,,,and KY says UP YOURS you moron

What are you blabbering about, Trump won Kentucky by 30 points he obliterated the Dems.
Have you gone bonkers Blue ? Trump went to KY and begged the people at a rally to vote for the repub Gov He LOST Yes he won by 30% in 2016 but people are catching on to the scum and won't get fooled again
Idiot. The Kentucky race is too close to call. The Associated Press had to retract calling the Democrat the winner this morning. Bevins still might win.
And pigs will fly Tell us how close the Mississippi election was 5 .5%? closest in many many years?
Biden bragged about breaking the law and Trump asked about it. Yeah politics as usual, democrats can do whatever.
Nope. Biden did not brag about breaking the law. You tards are parroting a total fabrication. Have you no self-respect, man? Why do you let your propagandists punk you like that?

Explain how this is NOT breaking the law and then bragging about it?

"I (Biden) looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

See the difference between people like YOU and me is I provide PROOF. You just make dumb ass comments!
Explain how that is breaking the law.

Shokin was a very corrupt General Prosectuor. The EU wanted him fired. The IMF wanted him fired. The Ukranian people wanted him fired. The US wanted him fired.

You have no crime, retard. What you don't get is that SHOKIN WAS THE CRIMINAL.

You've been punked by your propagandists.
Did you hear the tape? Trump asked the leader of Ukraine to look into what Biden did and that's an impeachable offense. But Biden telling the leader of Ukraine you have 6 hours to fire him or you don't get the money is nothing. You people are crazy.
Biden bragged about breaking the law and Trump asked about it. Yeah politics as usual, democrats can do whatever.
Nope. Biden did not brag about breaking the law. You tards are parroting a total fabrication. Have you no self-respect, man? Why do you let your propagandists punk you like that?
What did he brag about then?
He was bragging about getting rid of a criminal. Shokin.

All caught up now?
Lol, and Trump is asking about information about the same.
Biden bragged about breaking the law and Trump asked about it. Yeah politics as usual, democrats can do whatever.
Nope. Biden did not brag about breaking the law. You tards are parroting a total fabrication. Have you no self-respect, man? Why do you let your propagandists punk you like that?

Explain how this is NOT breaking the law and then bragging about it?

"I (Biden) looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

See the difference between people like YOU and me is I provide PROOF. You just make dumb ass comments!
Explain how that is breaking the law.

Shokin was a very corrupt General Prosectuor. The EU wanted him fired. The IMF wanted him fired. The Ukranian people wanted him fired. The US wanted him fired.

You have no crime, retard. What you don't get is that SHOKIN WAS THE CRIMINAL.

You've been punked by your propagandists.
Did you hear the tape? Trump asked the leader of Ukraine to look into what Biden did and that's an impeachable offense. But Biden telling the leader of Ukraine you have 6 hours to fire him or you don't get the money is nothing. You people are crazy.
4 witnesses already verify the whistle blower What do you traitorous AH's want ,blood?
and make no mistake about it ,,,if you can still support the lying pos trump you are traitors and low life scum as he is
If Obama care is so great why are all the democrats running on healthcare?

to keep it, improve on it, & outright go beyond it. why do you think the house flipped in 2018? all them thar town halls revealed what was a driving force in that flip.

the ACA is in the courts right now, being decided on whether or not to rule the whole thing as unconstitutional & it's freaking the hell outa people who need it.

the ONE big thing about the freak out - is how trumpco wants to get rid of the pre existing condition protection. who do you know that doesn't have one?
So you admit, Obama care was a failure? It was Obama's biggest achievement. Proves he was the worst president ever.

haaaaaaaa you got THAT from my response? obamacare isn't a failure - it simply didn't go far enough, but it is a start. i know plenty of people using it & they are grateful they have it. if it was such a failure - why did people show up to make sure they can keep it?

i noticed how you didn't answer the Q about pre existing conditions.
Funny I don't see any Democrat running on improving Obama care. You mean you were forced to buy insurance for pre existing conditions. Even if you cannot afford the deductible?

'Funny I don't see any Democrat running on improving Obama care.'

biden is for one - not sure if there are more.

You mean you were forced to buy insurance for pre existing conditions.

nobody was 'forced' to buy anything. were you gradually fined higher amts if you were a dipshit & didn't get in the pool to help keep costs down?

yep. howeverrrrrrrrrrrr............ anybody getting insurance on their own is granted the same coverage as group insurance; that is not being charged higher premiums for a pre existing condition & guaranteed 80% of their premium went to di-rect care instead of di-rectly into the pockets of some pencil pusher itching to deny your claim.

oh the horror!

Even if you cannot afford the deductible?

nobody says that it's not expensive. but please tell me what health care insurance isn't? it's MORE expensive than it shoulda been, but you can thank marco rubio for that one; by putting a poison pill into the funding omnibus several years back that caused bighealthcare to jack everything up so they don't lose their profit margin. btw - the dips who don't have insurance thru choice is now causing your premiums to go up even more, cause somebody hasta pay for those not insured, & it ain't gonna be bighealthcare. :113:
Obama care has raised premiums over 100%. Why pay for something you can't afford if you need it. I know none of the democrats are running on improving the failure you loons forced on us. They already want to bankrupt us with another failure.
You all backed Obama no matter what. After it was proven he relied on your ignorance to get Obama care passed. You still supported him.

Oh, grey sad rainbow, Obama didn't alienate his allies and play kissy face with dictators and scum bags. He didn't ask foreign governments to help him in his own election. Obama wasn't perfect, like any other president far from it. So, I wouldn't proclaim everlasting support for him no matter what he did, that's the stuff of moronic sycophants who gave up on this country in exchange for anger and hate. Good little Germans the lot of you are.
Obama wanted Putin to wait till after the election so he could do more for him, and you are still making excuses for him. Thanks for proving my point.

you're still using a tired old video from years ago. tell you what - what EXACTLY did obama do for putey poot.... in exchange for what?

list all the examples you can,if you please. in the meantime - i'll give YOU some examples:

kicked roooskie spies outa the country, imposed sanctions, & closed down their compounds.
One silly was the nuke agreement. Obama would get rid of most of our nuclear missies and let Putin decide what he would do. You really don't have a good memory. Do you?

you do know that no matter how many nukes we dismantled - we would still have enough to blow away every man, woman & & child on earth several times over. at a certain point, it doesn't even matter anymore. but we could use some of that saved cash in far better ways.

guess you don't wanna talk reagan then, huh?
Whatever, Obama wanted to sell us out and you approved. Just like you loons are still trying to destroy us. Obama ran on transforming America and you voted for it. So go to hell.
Biden bragged about breaking the law and Trump asked about it. Yeah politics as usual, democrats can do whatever.
Nope. Biden did not brag about breaking the law. You tards are parroting a total fabrication. Have you no self-respect, man? Why do you let your propagandists punk you like that?

Explain how this is NOT breaking the law and then bragging about it?

"I (Biden) looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

See the difference between people like YOU and me is I provide PROOF. You just make dumb ass comments!
Explain how that is breaking the law.

Shokin was a very corrupt General Prosectuor. The EU wanted him fired. The IMF wanted him fired. The Ukranian people wanted him fired. The US wanted him fired.

You have no crime, retard. What you don't get is that SHOKIN WAS THE CRIMINAL.

You've been punked by your propagandists.
Did you hear the tape? Trump asked the leader of Ukraine to look into what Biden did and that's an impeachable offense. But Biden telling the leader of Ukraine you have 6 hours to fire him or you don't get the money is nothing. You people are crazy.
4 witnesses already verify the whistle blower What do you traitorous AH's want ,blood?
The complete transcript has been released. Which makes the whistleblower useless. Your impeachment is based on opinions not facts. But please keep this up, Americans did not elect democrats to do nothing but run a pony show. If you loons were smart, you would do something good for Americans instead of spending millions on these shenanigans. Please keep it up, you're guaranteeing him reelection.
Biden bragged about breaking the law and Trump asked about it. Yeah politics as usual, democrats can do whatever.
Nope. Biden did not brag about breaking the law. You tards are parroting a total fabrication. Have you no self-respect, man? Why do you let your propagandists punk you like that?

Explain how this is NOT breaking the law and then bragging about it?

"I (Biden) looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

See the difference between people like YOU and me is I provide PROOF. You just make dumb ass comments!
Explain how that is breaking the law.

Shokin was a very corrupt General Prosectuor. The EU wanted him fired. The IMF wanted him fired. The Ukranian people wanted him fired. The US wanted him fired.

You have no crime, retard. What you don't get is that SHOKIN WAS THE CRIMINAL.

You've been punked by your propagandists.
Did you hear the tape? Trump asked the leader of Ukraine to look into what Biden did and that's an impeachable offense. But Biden telling the leader of Ukraine you have 6 hours to fire him or you don't get the money is nothing. You people are crazy.

I am curious. When it is 12 midnight where you live, is that night or day?
Your purely subjective and uninformed statement Trump asked the leader to look into what Biden did is an impeachable offense.
Yet when Biden BRAGS how withholding funds if in 6 hours you don't fire the prosecutor is nothing?

Bribery is the act of giving or receiving something of value in exchange for some kind of influence or action in return,
that the recipient would otherwise not offer. ..Bribery - Wikipedia.
Biden bragged about breaking the law and Trump asked about it. Yeah politics as usual, democrats can do whatever.
Nope. Biden did not brag about breaking the law. You tards are parroting a total fabrication. Have you no self-respect, man? Why do you let your propagandists punk you like that?

Explain how this is NOT breaking the law and then bragging about it?

"I (Biden) looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

See the difference between people like YOU and me is I provide PROOF. You just make dumb ass comments!

^Not an example of breaking the law. I know, it's complicated made unnecessarily so by a President and is sycophants.

Just because YOU say so... sorry but I don't see any links, or substantiation here. Just your pure ignorant speculation.
Get me links... facts.

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