New Poll: Obama Not Born In The USA


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

New Poll: Obama Not Born In The USA

If you doubt Barack Obama was born in the United States and doubt his eligibility to serve as President of the United States, yet another poll has just confirmed that you're not alone. Public Policy Polling (PPP), a Democratic polling company (yes, you read that right, a Democratic polling firm), just released the results of its latest poll on December 18 and some of the more shocking findings were, yet again, totally ignored and buried by the LameStream Media.

Among those results, a whopping 52% of self-identified caucus goers in Iowa said they either believe that Barack Obama was not born in the United States (31%) or said they were not sure if Obama was born in the United States (21%). Again, the media totally ignored this bombshell and decided, instead, to report another finding of the poll, namely that Congressman Ron Paul is gaining an edge among Iowa caucus goers.

And here's another shocking revelation from the poll. Just in case you may be thinking that only "rabid TEA Party types" doubt Obama is eligible to serve as President of the United States, the same poll found that a whopping 74% did not consider themselves to be members of the TEA Party movement and moreover, 28% described themselves as either "very liberal," "liberal," or "moderate."

New Poll: Obama Not Born In The USA | America's Conservative News
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

New Poll: Obama Not Born In The USA

If you doubt Barack Obama was born in the United States and doubt his eligibility to serve as President of the United States, yet another poll has just confirmed that you're not alone. Public Policy Polling (PPP), a Democratic polling company (yes, you read that right, a Democratic polling firm), just released the results of its latest poll on December 18 and some of the more shocking findings were, yet again, totally ignored and buried by the LameStream Media.

Among those results, a whopping 52% of self-identified caucus goers in Iowa said they either believe that Barack Obama was not born in the United States (31%) or said they were not sure if Obama was born in the United States (21%). Again, the media totally ignored this bombshell and decided, instead, to report another finding of the poll, namely that Congressman Ron Paul is gaining an edge among Iowa caucus goers.

And here's another shocking revelation from the poll. Just in case you may be thinking that only "rabid TEA Party types" doubt Obama is eligible to serve as President of the United States, the same poll found that a whopping 74% did not consider themselves to be members of the TEA Party movement and moreover, 28% described themselves as either "very liberal," "liberal," or "moderate."

New Poll: Obama Not Born In The USA | America's Conservative News

The only thing it proves is the Iowans are shockingly susceptible to right wing propaganda. Birther dupes.
Oh and it really doesnt matter what the people think. If 99% of the people thought Obama was not born in the country, he still was born in Hawaii. There are some things that voting and opinions can't change.
Who cares. In the end nothing would be done to investigate, much less impeach Obama on this.

There are far better reasons to vote the shitbag liberal out of office.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

New Poll: Obama Not Born In The USA

If you doubt Barack Obama was born in the United States and doubt his eligibility to serve as President of the United States, yet another poll has just confirmed that you're not alone. Public Policy Polling (PPP), a Democratic polling company (yes, you read that right, a Democratic polling firm), just released the results of its latest poll on December 18 and some of the more shocking findings were, yet again, totally ignored and buried by the LameStream Media.

Among those results, a whopping 52% of self-identified caucus goers in Iowa said they either believe that Barack Obama was not born in the United States (31%) or said they were not sure if Obama was born in the United States (21%). Again, the media totally ignored this bombshell and decided, instead, to report another finding of the poll, namely that Congressman Ron Paul is gaining an edge among Iowa caucus goers.

And here's another shocking revelation from the poll. Just in case you may be thinking that only "rabid TEA Party types" doubt Obama is eligible to serve as President of the United States, the same poll found that a whopping 74% did not consider themselves to be members of the TEA Party movement and moreover, 28% described themselves as either "very liberal," "liberal," or "moderate."

New Poll: Obama Not Born In The USA | America's Conservative News

More proof that we should not let Iowa have the first caucus/primary. These types of polls highlight the isolation and ignorance that Iowa voters have and that they do not represent mainstream America.

The fact that these morons have the political influence they do is just plain scary
The poll has zero credibility.

But while the birferbots are wiping the jizz out of their shorts, they should also be preparing for the 2nd term of PRESIDENT OBAMA.

Wait until the PRESIDENT OBAMA'S re-election machine starts it's campaign AGAINST any clown-R,

rest unchanged

and starts compiling for ads the COMPLETE and UTTER FAILURE this shit stain, illegal president, Barry Soetoro is.

He doesn't stand a chance in hell.
At one time, most Americans believed that Saddam was part of 9/11.

This shows the right wing are the best liars ever.

Except the right wig never argued that he was.

[ame=]Cheney: I never linked Iraq with 9/11. Oh really? - YouTube[/ame]

Add in almost every speech involving Iraq..had a mention of 9/11.

No kidding aye... pretty telling... and they usually get the same results nationally.

So it's not really that funny when it boils down to actually over HALF the NATION that doubts obama was born in America.

Where there's smoke, there's fire... and there's LOTS of smoke around obama.
The poll has zero credibility.

But while the birferbots are wiping the jizz out of their shorts, they should also be preparing for the 2nd term of PRESIDENT OBAMA.

Wait until the PRESIDENT OBAMA'S re-election machine starts it's campaign AGAINST any clown-R,

rest unchanged

and starts compiling for ads the COMPLETE and UTTER FAILURE this shit stain, illegal president, Barry Soetoro is.

He doesn't stand a chance in hell.

I have a friend from Iowa that just returned from a family get together. He said Iowians are Republicans on Steroids.

No kidding aye... pretty telling... and they usually get the same results nationally.

So it's not really that funny when it boils down to actually over HALF the NATION that doubts obama was born in America.

Where there's smoke, there's fire... and there's LOTS of smoke around obama.

whopping 52% of self-identified caucus goers in Iowa

Not the nation, the state of Iowa.
The poll has zero credibility.

But while the birferbots are wiping the jizz out of their shorts, they should also be preparing for the 2nd term of PRESIDENT OBAMA.

Wait until the PRESIDENT OBAMA'S re-election machine starts it's campaign AGAINST any clown-R,

rest unchanged

and starts compiling for ads the COMPLETE and UTTER FAILURE this shit stain, illegal president, Barry Soetoro is.

He doesn't stand a chance in hell.

I have a friend from Iowa that just returned from a family get together. He said Iowians are Republicans on Steroids.

that's most probably because they snack on the cattle feed.
The obama ass kissers come out EN MASS to DEFEND THEIR ILLEGAL BOY KING....

Well... to bad suckers. Half the nation doesn't believe obama was born in America, and no matter HOW LOUD YOU SCREAM, and no matter HOW VULGAR YOUR INSULTS ARE, it isn't going to magically change anyone's mind that doubts obama's legality.
The birther issue is going to sink the GOP.

No, the birther movement is going to SINK OBAMA, and it's got nothing to do with the GOP. Liberals also doubt obama.
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The obama ass kissers come out EN MASS to DEFEND THEIR ILLEGAL BOY KING....

Well... to bad suckers. Half the nation doesn't believe obama was born in America, and no matter HOW LOUD YOU SCREAM, and no matter HOW VULGAR YOUR INSULTS ARE, it isn't going to magically change anyone's mind that doubts obama's legality.

iowa isn't half the nation

seek professional help

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