New Poll out of Wisconsin

In reality, President Trump is biding his time to see if Xi and the American Taliban actually believe they can nominate Biden before unloading his advertising MOABs
All of the Donations, from the left, middle, and the right that have been gathered going to BLM via ACT BLU, when last I checked? At 1.4 BILLION, are going to go to the DNC.

How much do you think Trump and the GOP will have to work with? :dunno:
Hillary outspent Trump by a factor of 10 if I remember right remind me who won again?
Hardly the post is about how much each camp has for the campaign and as I noted a HUGE lead in money did not help Hillary.
In reality, President Trump is biding his time to see if Xi and the American Taliban actually believe they can nominate Biden before unloading his advertising MOABs
All of the Donations, from the left, middle, and the right that have been gathered going to BLM via ACT BLU, when last I checked? At 1.4 BILLION, are going to go to the DNC.

How much do you think Trump and the GOP will have to work with? :dunno:
Hillary outspent the Donald 2 to 1 in 2016.

How did that go? It turns out being artificially inflated by the CCP and Soros doesn’t equate to support from the people.

Please show Soros connection in this... Soros is a mythical beast at this stage, if you have evidence please post it otherwise please stop looking like an idiot
Why even do a presidential poll before the first debate?....

Biden can't hide in his basement forever. Sooner or later he has to face Trump and then its game over for Biden.

Of course it is... Can you tell us the last one on one national debate trump won?

CFR media and ISP's will stop you from finding out the truth, but most intelligent folks know this.

Soros has even admitted to meddling in the affairs of nation's and destroying people all to make a buck.
In reality, President Trump is biding his time to see if Xi and the American Taliban actually believe they can nominate Biden before unloading his advertising MOABs
All of the Donations, from the left, middle, and the right that have been gathered going to BLM via ACT BLU, when last I checked? At 1.4 BILLION, are going to go to the DNC.

How much do you think Trump and the GOP will have to work with? :dunno:
Hillary outspent Trump by a factor of 10 if I remember right remind me who won again?
Hardly the post is about how much each camp has for the campaign and as I noted a HUGE lead in money did not help Hillary.

But the implication here, is that they can use it to buy the influence in many other ways. . . .

. . . and, once again, have everyone and everything in their pockets.

Hmm,I am SHOCKED no leftist has posted this yet....either way it DOES show polls are all over the damn place right now, interesting thing is WAY more women were polled for this poll than men, maybe its just Wisconsin or maybe suburban women are scared of terrorist roaming the streets and harming people.

Yes.....I just posted about the double digit lead the democrat Presidential Candidate has over Trump nationally....

49% to Trump's June...

What is he going to do? The race is already lost......maybe he should just quit.......

Hilary clinton has a 12 point lead over Trump in June.................

Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump nationally, a new Bloomberg Politics poll shows.
Clinton has 49% support to Trump's 37%, with Libertarian Gary Johnson at 9%, according to the poll of 750 likely voters. The poll was conducted Friday through Monday and released Tuesday evening, meaning many of those polled were surveyed before the Orlando terrorist attack.

Particularly damaging for Trump: 55% of those surveyed said they would never vote for him, compared to 43% who said they'd never back Clinton.

It's a much larger lead than Clinton held in national polls conducted in May and early June, prior to Trump's accusation that the federal judge in the Trump University lawsuit is biased because his parents were born in Mexico and Trump is advocating a U.S.-Mexico border wall.

"Clinton has a number of advantages in this poll, in addition to her lead," pollster J. Ann Selzer, who ran the poll, told Bloomberg. "Her supporters are more enthusiastic than Trump's and more voters overall see her becoming a more appealing candidate than say that for Trump."
In reality, President Trump is biding his time to see if Xi and the American Taliban actually believe they can nominate Biden before unloading his advertising MOABs
All of the Donations, from the left, middle, and the right that have been gathered going to BLM via ACT BLU, when last I checked? At 1.4 BILLION, are going to go to the DNC.

How much do you think Trump and the GOP will have to work with? :dunno:
Hillary outspent Trump by a factor of 10 if I remember right remind me who won again?
For this thread nothing
In reality, President Trump is biding his time to see if Xi and the American Taliban actually believe they can nominate Biden before unloading his advertising MOABs
It's gonna take a lot more than an ad campaign... it's gonna take leadership... and your Orange Baboon-God has already been found grotesquely wanting in that regard.
In reality, President Trump is biding his time to see if Xi and the American Taliban actually believe they can nominate Biden before unloading his advertising MOABs
It's gonna take a lot more than an ad campaign... it's gonna take leadership... and your Orange Baboon-God has already been found grotesquely wanting in that regard.
Leadership ehh. like claiming 120 MILLION have died in the states from Covid? Perhaps like claiming that the supposed leader is going to put 720 MILLION women to work in a nation that has less then 350 million total POPULATION. Leadership like that?
...Leadership ehh. like claiming 120 MILLION have died in the states from Covid?...
Immaterial... an old man's Brain Fart... your Orange Baboon-God has them damned-near every day of the week, Gunny.

...Perhaps like claiming that the supposed leader is going to put 720 MILLION women to work in a nation that has less then 350 million total POPULATION. Leadership like that?
Immaterial... old man's Brain Fart No. 2... he's still vastly ahead of your boy.

Rump has been out of his autocratic Robber Baron business environment and in wwwaaaaaaayyy over his head since Janury 2017.

He wouldn't know "leadership" in the public sector if it came up and bit him on the a$$, and he sure-as-hell hasn't demonstrated any in recent months.

He's an empty suit... and he's a punk.

Hell, I'd vote for a fence-post before I'd give your amoral, ignorant, arrogant, incompetent Cult Leader a shot at another four.
In reality, President Trump is biding his time to see if Xi and the American Taliban actually believe they can nominate Biden before unloading his advertising MOABs
All of the Donations, from the left, middle, and the right that have been gathered going to BLM via ACT BLU, when last I checked? At 1.4 BILLION, are going to go to the DNC.

How much do you think Trump and the GOP will have to work with? :dunno:
Hillary outspent the Donald 2 to 1 in 2016.

How did that go? It turns out being artificially inflated by the CCP and Soros doesn’t equate to support from the people.

Please show Soros connection in this... Soros is a mythical beast at this stage, if you have evidence please post it otherwise please stop looking like an idiot
...Leadership ehh. like claiming 120 MILLION have died in the states from Covid?...
Immaterial... an old man's Brain Fart... your Orange Baboon-God has them damned-near every day of the week, Gunny.

...Perhaps like claiming that the supposed leader is going to put 720 MILLION women to work in a nation that has less then 350 million total POPULATION. Leadership like that?
Immaterial... old man's Brain Fart No. 2... he's still vastly ahead of your boy.

Rump has been out of his autocratic Robber Baron business environment and in wwwaaaaaaayyy over his head since Janury 2017.

Hell, I'd vote for a fence-post before I'd give your amoral, ignorant, arrogant, incompetent Cult Leader a shot at another four.
SO any brain dead dem will do right? Don't talk about leadership cause Biden has NONE. Got caught making a stupid claim and this is your defense, saying any dumb ass will do?
...SO any brain dead dem will do right?...
Incorrect. We can skip the Gang of Four and Kamela and a couple of others but, beyond the Hyper-LibProg crazies, hell, a FENCE POST would be better.

...Don't talk about leadership cause Biden has NONE. Got caught making a stupid claim and this is your defense, saying any dumb ass will do?


Because your Orange Baboon-God is so very much worse, and he's now run out of time to try to get serious about the job and learn to do it.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe will make a serviceable Placeholder President... ejecting Rump, then keeping the seat warm until 2024 and a far better candidate.

But for now, and for the sake of BOTH parties, and for the sake of the People, their Republic and its Constitution... your Cult Leader must now be voted out.
In reality, President Trump is biding his time to see if Xi and the American Taliban actually believe they can nominate Biden before unloading his advertising MOABs
All of the Donations, from the left, middle, and the right that have been gathered going to BLM via ACT BLU, when last I checked? At 1.4 BILLION, are going to go to the DNC.

How much do you think Trump and the GOP will have to work with? :dunno:
Hillary outspent Trump by a factor of 10 if I remember right remind me who won again?
For this thread nothing
Kondor3 is exhibit #1 of what I am talking about.

These people don't care.

Back when it was Trump v. Hillary, Trump was an unknown, so folks voted for him, b/c they KNEW Hillary was terrible.

If folks think that this "pandemic," or these race protests are just happenstance? They just don't understand how the world actually works.

Now? The propaganda has a lot of naive morons feeling that a brain dead puppet is preferable to Trump.

As I have posted over and over again. . .

I posted this when it was written, on Nov. 19, 2018.

". . . The next two years will be a demonstration of the power of the global capitalist empire and its predominant propaganda machine the likes of which the world has never witnessed. By November 3, 2020, they will need to have brainwashed enough Americans into voting for whatever global capitalist puppet the Democrats end up nominating to defeat Donald Trump in the general election, which isn’t going to be a cakewalk. To do this, they will need to foment such an atmosphere of mindless hysteria, emotional exhaustion, and paranoia that anyone to the left of Mussolini will stagger to the polls on election day and vote for the Democrat just to make it stop. . . . "

I live in Wiscy. It's definitely up for grabs. Although only losers put signs in their yards I can say it's gonna be razor close. That's a great sign for the country.

Hmm,I am SHOCKED no leftist has posted this yet....either way it DOES show polls are all over the damn place right now, interesting thing is WAY more women were polled for this poll than men, maybe its just Wisconsin or maybe suburban women are scared of terrorist roaming the streets and harming people.
Trafalgar group has a C- rating on 538, with republican bias.
Three previous polls on the 25th show Biden ahead in wisconsin.

538 fucked itself pretty good last time.
I live in Wiscy. It's definitely up for grabs. Although only losers put signs in their yards I can say it's gonna be razor close. That's a great sign for the country.

SSssshhhhhhhh....don't tell the left.

Let them think they are running away with it.

This early in the game, they are orgasming all over each other in elation.

Not realizing a lot of people have really not made up their mids.

Hmm,I am SHOCKED no leftist has posted this yet....either way it DOES show polls are all over the damn place right now, interesting thing is WAY more women were polled for this poll than men, maybe its just Wisconsin or maybe suburban women are scared of terrorist roaming the streets and
harming people.

Soccer moms traditionally have been a huge swing vote. How and why would this voting block want their Targets being looted and torched at night? What will Democrats do to prevent that?

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