New Poll: Trump Has Big Lead in Florida; Cruz in Second with Bush and Rubio Battling for Third Place

Rubio and/or Bush losing their home state would like be the nail in their coffin of campaign. Embarrassing would be an understatement.
They can't stop The Donald! ^
A post-debate survey conducted for FOX 13 Tampa Bay, FOX 35 Orlando, and The Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville) shows Donald Trump holding a 12 point lead over Ted Cruz. Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are in a tight battle for third. The survey by OpinionSavvy in conjunction with InsiderAdvantage of 838 likely Florida primary was conducted Sunday, January 17 by IVR phone and mobile devices. The survey has a margin of error of 3.3%. It is weighted for age, race, and gender.The results: Trump: 31% Cruz: 19% Bush: 13% Rubio: 12%



ANY of the republican candidates (with the exception of Bush) will wipe the floor with either Clinton or Sanders. ANY of them. This is going to work out exactly as it did with McGovern. He had the vote of nearly every hippie in the country and he was DESTROYED in the election. Exact same result when Eugene McCarthy ran.

America is NOT stupid - contrary to the democrats. This election will go down as the most lopsided win in history for the republicans. Watch and see.
McGovern (the Clinton's mentor) was a Satanist according to a former druid high priest who became a born again Christian. McGovern never stood a chance of winning and neither does Hillary. God is in full control.
You're clearly a major nutjob.
Truth is stranger than fiction, Rabbi. The man was pure evil and people who have come out of the occult have confirmed he was a Satanist. There are more of them in office today than you realize.
Tell me you're merely pulling everyone's chain and you don't actually believe that tripe.
I can't do that, Rabbi. I believe the Christian who outed McGovern was telling the truth. He had no reason to lie about it.
Neither Cruz or Rubio deserve to be President as a result of their dreadful attendance record in the Sentate. Why should either of them be President when they can barely do the job they presently hold?
Cruz was born in Canada and Rubio was born in Cuba to parents who didn't become American citizens until he was age 4. That should disqualify both of them. Right?
Marco Rubio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

AFAIK, Rubio was born in Miami.
I read that he was born in Cuba but even if he was born in Miami, his father didn't become a US Citizen until he was 4 yrs old. I suppose it is a non issue as he is an Establishment Republican and the Gang of 8 thing is like an albatross hanging around his neck. He can't win.

Back to Donald Trump......... I believe he'll get the nomination.
ANY of the republican candidates (with the exception of Bush) will wipe the floor with either Clinton or Sanders. ANY of them. This is going to work out exactly as it did with McGovern. He had the vote of nearly every hippie in the country and he was DESTROYED in the election. Exact same result when Eugene McCarthy ran.

America is NOT stupid - contrary to the democrats. This election will go down as the most lopsided win in history for the republicans. Watch and see.
McGovern (the Clinton's mentor) was a Satanist according to a former druid high priest who became a born again Christian. McGovern never stood a chance of winning and neither does Hillary. God is in full control.
You're clearly a major nutjob.
Truth is stranger than fiction, Rabbi. The man was pure evil and people who have come out of the occult have confirmed he was a Satanist. There are more of them in office today than you realize.
Tell me you're merely pulling everyone's chain and you don't actually believe that tripe.
I can't do that, Rabbi. I believe the Christian who outed McGovern was telling the truth. He had no reason to lie about it.
Neither Cruz or Rubio deserve to be President as a result of their dreadful attendance record in the Sentate. Why should either of them be President when they can barely do the job they presently hold?

Funny - both Obama and Clinton RARELY ever showed up for votes. Or did you forget that? Or, is it more of a case of "do as I say, not as I do"? Enjoy your double standard.
Cruz was born in Canada and Rubio was born in Cuba to parents who didn't become American citizens until he was age 4. That should disqualify both of them. Right?
Marco Rubio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

AFAIK, Rubio was born in Miami.
I read that he was born in Cuba but even if he was born in Miami, his father didn't become a US Citizen until he was 4 yrs old. I suppose it is a non issue as he is an Establishment Republican and the Gang of 8 thing is like an albatross hanging around his neck. He can't win.

Back to Donald Trump......... I believe he'll get the nomination.

Question for you: I was born in Burtonwood England (Lancashire) to American parents serving abroad. Could I qualify to run for president? At that time, My Father was a Captain in the Air Force and my Mother was a Chemist. Both born in the United States.
Funny - both Obama and Clinton RARELY ever showed up for votes. Or did you forget that? Or, is it more of a case of "do as I say, not as I do"? Enjoy your double standard.

What double standard? I never voted for Obama and I wouldn't vote for Hillary if she were a shoo-in. I am a Rand supporter. Next time you can avoid looking silly if you don't jump to conclusions. :thup:
Cruz was born in Canada and Rubio was born in Cuba to parents who didn't become American citizens until he was age 4. That should disqualify both of them. Right?
Marco Rubio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

AFAIK, Rubio was born in Miami.
I read that he was born in Cuba but even if he was born in Miami, his father didn't become a US Citizen until he was 4 yrs old. I suppose it is a non issue as he is an Establishment Republican and the Gang of 8 thing is like an albatross hanging around his neck. He can't win.

Back to Donald Trump......... I believe he'll get the nomination.
No, it would be a non-issue because someone born here is a natural born citizen.
Funny - both Obama and Clinton RARELY ever showed up for votes. Or did you forget that? Or, is it more of a case of "do as I say, not as I do"? Enjoy your double standard.

What double standard? I never voted for Obama and I wouldn't vote for Hillary if she were a shoo-in. I am a Rand supporter. Next time you can avoid looking silly if you don't jump to conclusions. :thup:
Would have never pegged you as a Rand supporter.
Funny - both Obama and Clinton RARELY ever showed up for votes. Or did you forget that? Or, is it more of a case of "do as I say, not as I do"? Enjoy your double standard.

What double standard? I never voted for Obama and I wouldn't vote for Hillary if she were a shoo-in. I am a Rand supporter. Next time you can avoid looking silly if you don't jump to conclusions. :thup:
Would have never pegged you as a Rand supporter.

I am a libertarian. If he doesn't get the nod I'll vote 3rd party again.
Funny - both Obama and Clinton RARELY ever showed up for votes. Or did you forget that? Or, is it more of a case of "do as I say, not as I do"? Enjoy your double standard.

What double standard? I never voted for Obama and I wouldn't vote for Hillary if she were a shoo-in. I am a Rand supporter. Next time you can avoid looking silly if you don't jump to conclusions. :thup:
Would have never pegged you as a Rand supporter.

I am a libertarian. If he doesn't get the nod I'll vote 3rd party again.
If only more people would vote for who they think represents them rather than who they think they can 'win' with...
Funny - both Obama and Clinton RARELY ever showed up for votes. Or did you forget that? Or, is it more of a case of "do as I say, not as I do"? Enjoy your double standard.

What double standard? I never voted for Obama and I wouldn't vote for Hillary if she were a shoo-in. I am a Rand supporter. Next time you can avoid looking silly if you don't jump to conclusions. :thup:
Would have never pegged you as a Rand supporter.

I am a libertarian. If he doesn't get the nod I'll vote 3rd party again.
If only more people would vote for who they think represents them rather than who they think they can 'win' with...

Isn't that the truth. I don't bend on my principles and I am not going to vote for one party or the other just to keep X out of the White House. I refuse to put a bag over my head before I vote. lol

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