New question in Texas: Can Davis survive defeat?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Not looking good for Wendy Davis.

KILLEEN, Texas (AP) — It's a sunny afternoon just before the election and Wendy Davis isn't addressing an arena packed with adoring supporters, speaking on national television or working a hotel ballroom of top donors.
Instead, the Democratic candidate for Texas governor is in a soldier's backyard in an especially conservative corner of the state that she has no hope of carrying, addressing 30 campaign volunteers as they slap at stinging fire ants.
Davis' campaign, which began with sky-high hopes among Democrats nationwide, is nearing the finish line facing seemingly insurmountable odds. The state senator dares critics to count her out, but her well-funded and popular Republican opponent, state Attorney General Greg Abbott, looks so unstoppable that the question now looming over the race is whether defeat will reduce her to a spent political force.
"Not everybody's going to win the first time. She'll be back," said Alfred Nairn, a retiree at the backyard event in Killeen, a town of fast-food joints and billboards emblazoned with religious slogans. The community of almost 140,000 is anchored by Fort Hood, one of the largest U.S. military posts in the world.
Davis, 51, built a national brand and showed more sizzle than most unsuccessful candidates. So even a sizeable loss could leave her with more appeal than any southern Democrat in recent memory. But her challenge will be retaining enough notoriety to capitalize on her state's booming Hispanic population, which holds the potential to help Democrats eventually end a 20-year, longest-in-the-nation losing streak in statewide elections.
Win or lose, Texas Democrats insist, Davis will remain atop the party alongside rising state stars such as Julian Castro, who stepped down as San Antonio mayor to become the nation's housing secretary and has been mentioned as a possible vice presidential nominee in 2016.
Since Davis is giving up her Fort Worth-based Senate seat, she could take her national profile to a political think tank or a job as a television pundit.
"She does well on TV. That's a pretty well-tried path for people like her," said Matt Bennett, former aide to President Bill Clinton and Al Gore and co-founder of the moderate Democratic group Third Way. "That is a path she might be happier on anyway. She of all people knows how tough it is to win in Texas."
But Cathy Bonner, who was a close confidant to Texas' last Democratic governor, Ann Richards, said Davis isn't "as jaded as a pundit."
"She's very sophisticated in politics and elections," said Bonner, also a Davis donor. "I don't think she would ever be that."
Since Richards' day, most Democratic gubernatorial candidates have disappeared from the political landscape after defeat. That includes Gary Mauro, who was beaten by then-Gov. George W. Bush in 1998. Mauro said the state party would applaud any future political moves Davis makes, including possibly challenging tea party-backed U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz in 2020.
"I would hope that she do that rather than take the pundit route," he said. "I think most Texans feel the same."

New question in Texas Can Davis survive defeat - Yahoo News
She will survive a narrow defeat. The larger the margin the harder it will be to survive.
Wendy will be around for a long time...
Running from campaign stop to campaign stop in her cute looking running shoes
and talking about abortion 24/7....

The Libs can't get enough of that.
She'll probably turn to prostitution, like Sandra Fluke.

Yup, there be a doubt about it! But Wendy is better looking, and doesn't have a "Stach" on her lip.... A bag of quarters awaits her on the nearest street corner!

You guys totally need to keep doing that "War on Women" thing, it works so well for you.
Davis trails by 15 points and is that position because she was basically a one issue candidate. Davis got a lot of money and support from the Hollywood left and other outside the state liberal people and groups but she never had a message that appealed to the people here if she wants to make a comeback for the future that's something she will have to change.
Davis trails by 15 points and is that position because she was basically a one issue candidate. Davis got a lot of money and support from the Hollywood left and other outside the state liberal people and groups but she never had a message that appealed to the people here if she wants to make a comeback for the future that's something she will have to change.

Or the Democrats can just wait for Texas' demagraphics to change through immigration and THEN elect Democratic officials.

That works, too.

Okay, the overall problem with the 2014 midterms is that they've been called "The Confederate Midterms". The states involved are mostly southern, mostly white.

The GOP is not addressing its national problems with minorities, women and working folks.

I do give them credit for locking up the teabaggers like crazy uncles and making sure that no one put an adjective in front of the word "Rape".

In fact, here in IL, Republican candidates are going out of their way to emphasize their pro-choice credentials.
Davis trails by 15 points and is that position because she was basically a one issue candidate. Davis got a lot of money and support from the Hollywood left and other outside the state liberal people and groups but she never had a message that appealed to the people here if she wants to make a comeback for the future that's something she will have to change.

Or the Democrats can just wait for Texas' demagraphics to change through immigration and THEN elect Democratic officials.

That works, too.

Okay, the overall problem with the 2014 midterms is that they've been called "The Confederate Midterms". The states involved are mostly southern, mostly white.

The GOP is not addressing its national problems with minorities, women and working folks.

I do give them credit for locking up the teabaggers like crazy uncles and making sure that no one put an adjective in front of the word "Rape".

In fact, here in IL, Republican candidates are going out of their way to emphasize their pro-choice credentials.
I love how liberals just assume immigrants will automatically vote Democrat. That would seem to fall under the heading of arrogant presumption and could turn people off to voting for you.I can't really say I have seen the Democrats address the problems with minorities, women and working folks either in fact the only time I hear them mention them is during an election year when they need the votes.
I love how liberals just assume immigrants will automatically vote Democrat. That would seem to fall under the heading of arrogant presumption and could turn people off to voting for you.I can't really say I have seen the Democrats address the problems with minorities, women and working folks either in fact the only time I hear them mention them is during an election year when they need the votes.

Gee, guy, you've spent the last four election cycles DEMONIZING these immigrants. That's why I don't think you are going to get their votes when they or their children get to vote. You are quite honestly making the kind of generational mistake Barry Goldwater made with the African Americans when he opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and won six states.

The real problem your coalition has is that the only thing that has animated your movement like a rotting zombie is that you've used race, religion and sex to get those working folks to vote against their own economic interests.

But that's not really flying anymore. It hasn't really flown very far since 1988.
The bigger the loss the better a chance for her own prime time cable show.
Can anyone say MSNBC ...

They can have a cut out of the desk so we can see her cute little running shoes.
She'll probably turn to prostitution, like Sandra Fluke.

Yup, there be a doubt about it! But Wendy is better looking, and doesn't have a "Stach" on her lip.... A bag of quarters awaits her on the nearest street corner!

You guys totally need to keep doing that "War on Women" thing, it works so well for you.
Doesnt seem to be helping the Dems much these days. I guess women have figured out when theyre being pandered to.
Abortion Barbie will be fine in the Austin enclave. As a one trick pony, she'll be trotted out whenever late term abortion comes up--probably on MSNBC.

Blinded by her fascination with dismembering live humans in the womb, she failed to recognize that for many Democrat women, this is a repulsive act. For many, an act you will be held accountable for in the most everlasting of ways. You may be for legal and safe abortion to be available but it's not the sort of gore you carry on about at cocktail parties (outside of Austin). To publically align oneself with Abortion Barbie is for many an embarrassment. For others, a sign of depravity.

Twilight of the Froot Loops
Wendy Davis’s abortion fanaticism is looking like a losing ticket to the governor’s race in Texas.

By Kevin D. Williamson

Wendy Davis is a fanatic as Winston Churchill defined the word: “One who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.” Her candidacy was the product of abortion fanaticism and almost nothing else. Texas Democrats have a pronounced weakness for abortion fanaticism, an inclination having something to do with their being fascinated by the grotesque line of succession from the late Governor Ann Richards, abortion fanatic par excellence, to her daughter, Cecile, the butcher’s apprentice who today serves as the public face of Planned Parenthood.
Twilight of the Froot Loops National Review Online
She'll probably turn to prostitution, like Sandra Fluke.

Yup, there be a doubt about it! But Wendy is better looking, and doesn't have a "Stach" on her lip.... A bag of quarters awaits her on the nearest street corner!

You guys totally need to keep doing that "War on Women" thing, it works so well for you.
And you idiots need to keep lying and supporting liars, it fits your mental state.
I love how liberals just assume immigrants will automatically vote Democrat. That would seem to fall under the heading of arrogant presumption and could turn people off to voting for you.I can't really say I have seen the Democrats address the problems with minorities, women and working folks either in fact the only time I hear them mention them is during an election year when they need the votes.

Gee, guy, you've spent the last four election cycles DEMONIZING these immigrants. That's why I don't think you are going to get their votes when they or their children get to vote. You are quite honestly making the kind of generational mistake Barry Goldwater made with the African Americans when he opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and won six states.

The real problem your coalition has is that the only thing that has animated your movement like a rotting zombie is that you've used race, religion and sex to get those working folks to vote against their own economic interests.

But that's not really flying anymore. It hasn't really flown very far since 1988.
Of course you idiots on the left love illegals voting, the only way you win. Retard.
I love how liberals just assume immigrants will automatically vote Democrat. That would seem to fall under the heading of arrogant presumption and could turn people off to voting for you.I can't really say I have seen the Democrats address the problems with minorities, women and working folks either in fact the only time I hear them mention them is during an election year when they need the votes.

Gee, guy, you've spent the last four election cycles DEMONIZING these immigrants. That's why I don't think you are going to get their votes when they or their children get to vote. You are quite honestly making the kind of generational mistake Barry Goldwater made with the African Americans when he opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and won six states.

The real problem your coalition has is that the only thing that has animated your movement like a rotting zombie is that you've used race, religion and sex to get those working folks to vote against their own economic interests.

But that's not really flying anymore. It hasn't really flown very far since 1988.
Wanting your border secure and the immigration laws enforced is not demonizing immigrants. The most pathetic and hypocritical part of your post is talking about the right using race, religion, and sex considering how much those on the left are using that right now in a desperate attempt to to get the people who they have basically done nothing for to keep them in power in the Senate.
"Legal Immigration"= demonizing Hispanics.

Liberals just aren't a bright group of people.

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