New Questions Leaked About Source of Chlorine Gas Attack in Syria


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have read conflicting news accounts of the past few months about this, now it is all coming to a head, it seems.

PETER HITCHENS reveals evidence UN watchdog suppressed report casting doubt on Assad gas attack | Daily Mail Online

PETER HITCHENS reveals fresh evidence that UN watchdog suppressed report casting doubt on Assad gas attack

The global chemical weapons watchdog is facing renewed questions after fresh details emerged about how it suppressed the findings of its own inspectors who raised serious doubts about an alleged poison gas attack in Syria.

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that a senior official at the Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) demanded the ‘removal of all traces’ of a document which undermined claims that gas cylinders had been dropped from the air – a key element of the ‘evidence’ that the Syrian regime was responsible.

Unconfirmed reports and videos showing the bodies of adults and children foaming at the mouth in Douma, a rebel-held Damascus suburb, shocked the world in April 2018....

ernando Arias, Director-General of the OPCW, has insisted that he stands by ‘the independent, professional conclusions’ of the organisation’s final report which was released in March.

But this newspaper has now obtained the team’s original, uncensored interim report which differs sharply from all later versions, including the March document....

That final report claimed there were ‘reasonable grounds’ that chlorine gas was used in Douma, but an OPCW whistleblower says only tiny quantities of chlorine were detected in forms possible to find in any household.

The original interim report also mentioned for the first time doubts about the origin of the cylinders, saying: ‘The FFM [Fact-Finding Mission] team is unable to provide satisfactory explanations for the relatively moderate damage to the cylinders allegedly dropped from an unknown height, compared to the destruction caused to the rebar-reinforced roofs.

‘In the case of Location 4 [one of two sites where a cylinder was found], how the cylinder ended up on the bed, given the point at which it allegedly penetrated the room, remains unclear.’

The report called for further studies to clarify the point. One such study was then conducted by Ian Henderson, a veteran OPCW inspector and specialist chemical engineer with military experience....

However, after careful consultation with other experts, Mr Henderson concluded there was a ‘higher probability that both cylinders were manually placed … rather than being delivered from aircraft’.

But perhaps most shocking of all were the actions of a senior OPCW official whose name is known to The Mail on Sunday and who is known to some of the organisation’s staff as ‘Voldemort’.

Mr Henderson tried to get his research included in the final report, but when it became clear it would be excluded, he lodged a copy in a secure registry, known as the Documents Registry Archive (DRA).

This is normal practice for such confidential material, but when ‘Voldemort’ heard about it, he sent an email to subordinates saying: ‘Please get this document out of DRA … And please remove all traces, if any, of its delivery/storage/whatever in DRA’.

Another striking omission from the final report was the removal of detailed evidence (contained in the original interim report). This highlighted dramatic inconsistencies in witness statements.

This evidence, clear in the interim report, was, according to the sources, replaced with ‘cherry-picked’ quotes from witnesses and ‘there was no systematic presentation of the discrepancies’....​
I sooooo called it a false flag when it happened.

Trump got sandbagged by both the domestic AND the international swamp.
One of the cannisters, that supposedly crashed through a roof, was found ON A BED.

My Gawd, that is one hell of a bed!

Also Voldemordts scrubbing calls into question any published conclusions of the OPCW
I sooooo called it a false flag when it happened.

Trump got sandbagged by both the domestic AND the international swamp.

Normal person: "There are questions!"

Conspracy nutsack: "And i have all the answers!"

Normal person: "But, there are questions, because we DON'T know the answers..."

Conspiracy nutsack: " And that just proves the conspiracy!"

Normal person: (slowly backs away from the crazy man)

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