New Racist Mayor of NY appoints brother to $242,000 police job, and Justifies it as a defense against “rising white supremacy”

If the Harris bitch has a sister, and if they're anything alike, the more appropriate title for said sister might be Deputy Boner Czar.

And yes, she does have a sister, but since we never hear of her, I’m guessing she is NOT like her Harris Bitch. Otherwise, she’d be grabbing some limelight for herself, giggling and acting stupid throughout interviews. (and grabbing for something else, too…..)
I wouldn't care one iota...we elect Uber wealthy people and think for some reason they are great, and complain about some guy making 252 grand which is next to nothing. Something is amiss there.
We have people making a poverty wage of 40 grand(although elitists will say that's a decent salary) fervently supporting Uber wealthy candidates even dumb enough to send them money It's truly a phenomenon that cannot be explained.
I wouldn't care one iota...we elect Uber wealthy people and think for some reason they are great, and complain about some guy making 252 grand which is next to nothing. Something is amiss there.
You‘re in this thread, willing to overlook a racist black mayor expressing false lies about “white supremacists” but was one of the most vehement attackers, in typical leftist fashion, applying double standards (which is obviously driven by antisemitism) to the one and only Jewish country.

A good thread might be a discussion on why leftists are so accepting of black racists, and anti-white racism in general, why “letting loose” on Jews, under the cloak of being against the Jewish country ? (I have a busy day but might start the thread this evening.)
We have people making a poverty wage of 40 grand(although elitists will say that's a decent salary) fervently supporting Uber wealthy candidates even dumb enough to send them money It's truly a phenomenon that cannot be explained.
Forty Grand is not poverty - it’s a working class salary for someone with only a high school diploma. A married couple would pull in $80,000 - firmly in the middle class. What would you have taxpayers to? Transfer more of their money so uneducated, unskilled people can get $50k each, for a HHI of $100,000?

The more extreme and ridiculous you leftists get, the more your credibility - if you had any to begin with - dries up.
Of course you fascists love this authoritarian "papers please" world.

This is why you people should be nowhere near the levers of power.

This is exactly why you can't have a discussion with sub-humans.
Democrats all over the country are locking their own constituents down, literally requiring papers to access health care and food while Republicans fight for people's freedom and Republicans are the Fascists.
This is exactly why you can't have a discussion with sub-humans.
Democrats all over the country are locking their own constituents down, literally requiring papers to access health care and food while Republicans fight for people's freedom and Republicans are the Fascists.
It’s amazing how they don’t recognize their own hypocrisy, isn’t it?
Another racist politician? Jesus I thought racists were supposed to be bad.

I wish white people had the balls to stand up to this kind of shit.
No, we don’t want our country turning into a fascist nation, where people have to “show their papers” ANYWHERE.

But nice deflection. A few posts up you were complaining when someone suggested having to “show your papers” to move to a red state. So you didn’t like it then, crying “fascist.” But when we point out how Dems are already making people show their papers, all of a sudden we’re upset about nothing,

You libs are such hypocrites.
Then you should stop being fascist and voting for and supporting fascism.
I m white and have zero interest in any racism stuff black white whatever. Race means nothing, the person does. A 40 grand salary isn't much at all and a combined 80 grand for 2 full time workers isn't jack. Who are you kidding? To sit there and believe otherwise is funny. No I don't want anybody else's money but don't go telling me 40 grand is middle class. At best it's the very bottom of the middle class.
Another racist politician? Jesus I thought racists were supposed to be bad.

I wish white people had the balls to stand up to this kind of shit.
That’s part of how the leftists push through the black racists: if a white objects to obvious racism, HE is the one attacked as being racist.

in fact, if a white objects to anything at all that is leftism, he is called a racist. Can‘t remember if it was this thread or another, but when I objected to how the leftists in NY are decriminalizing violent crime - like armed robbery - I was called racist. Why? Because a disproportionate amount of blacks commit these violent crimes, and my wanting to keep dangerous thugs in jail is considered anti-black.

Yes, this is how crazy they are now.
New leftist mayor, same as the old leftist mayor.

Based on Adams’ comment that he appointed his own brother to a top law enforcement job, together with the soft-on-crime black D.A., to push back against “rising white supremacy” tells us that they intend to bend over backwards to keep violent, criminal blacks on the streets because….you know… whites are nasty.

Seems like the leftist position is to double down on racial division.

Nepotism is alive and well.

Just more proof that politicians no matter their skin color are all corrupt.
I m white and have zero interest in any racism stuff black white whatever. Race means nothing, the person does. A 40 grand salary isn't much at all and a combined 80 grand for 2 full time workers isn't jack. Who are you kidding? To sit there and believe otherwise is funny. No I don't want anybody else's money but don't go telling me 40 grand is middle class. At best it's the very bottom of the middle class.
40 grand is working class - I never said middle. (I said two married 40kers are at $8ok, and that is the middle.)That’s what happens when you don’t get career training or higher education. Even so, you can share an apartment and live comfortably.

You crazy leftists want to destroy incentives to better oneself. Just hand out other people’s money to lower-income, uneducated people until they live as well as educated middle-class people who planned for their future livelihood. Why bother to go to school at all? It’s clear that leftists want an uneducated, government-dependent electorate.
Nepotism is alive and well.

Just more proof that politicians no matter their skin color are all corrupt.
It’s not just the nepotism. It’s that the racist mayor is driving more hostility toward whites with his lie about “rising white supremacy.”

Now what’s really on the rise in this country is antisemitism. Maybe he should have hired a Jew!
Then you should stop being fascist and voting for and supporting fascism.
WTH? We just pointed out that it is you crazy leftists instituting fascism with all your requirements for one’s “papers.” You had no way to refute that, so you just going back to your mindless and unsupported claims.

We Republicans are fighting against the Marxist Democrats robbing us of our freedom at every turn.
WTH? We just pointed out that it is you crazy leftists instituting fascism with all your requirements for one’s “papers.” You had no way to refute that, so you just going back to your mindless and unsupported claims.

We Republicans are fighting against the Marxist Democrats robbing us of our freedom at every turn.

Facts literally have no effect on that one.

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