New record low max Arctic ice extent, second year in a row

More ignoring the trolls, and more science ...

Kinnard et al (2011) takes it back 1450 years, using sediment proxies. Certain algae only grow on ice, and can be detected in the sediment layers, giving a proxy record of ice coverage.

Reconstructed changes in Arctic sea ice over the past 1,450 years : Nature : Nature Publishing Group
Here we use a network of high-resolution terrestrial proxies from the circum-Arctic region to reconstruct past extents of summer sea ice, and show that—although extensive uncertainties remain, especially before the sixteenth century—both the duration and magnitude of the current decline in sea ice seem to be unprecedented for the past 1,450 years


Here we use a network of high-resolution terrestrial proxies from the circum-Arctic region to reconstruct past extents of summer sea ice, and show that—although extensive uncertainties remain, especially before the sixteenth century—both the duration and magnitude of the current decline in sea ice seem to be unprecedented for the past 1,450 years

Do you have any facts or do you seem to believe?


Argument from Incredulity (also known as Argument by Lack of Imagination) is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone decides that something did not happen, because they cannot personally understand how it could happen. Or in other words, that someone's personal incredulity or credulity towards a premise is a logical reason for acceptance or rejection. This incredulity can stem from ignorance (defined as a lack of knowledge and experience) or from willful ignorance (defined as a flat out refusal to gain the knowledge).

Almost all the claims from the anti-science movement revolve around some form of personal incredulity or argument from ignorance.

And then there is reality....

verb (used without object)

1. to appear to be, feel, do, etc.: She seems better this morning.
2. to appear to one's own senses, mind, observation, judgment, etc.: It seems to me that someone is calling.
3. to appear to exist: There seems no need to go now.
4. to appear to be true, probable, or evident: It seems likely to rain.
Do you have any facts or do you seem to believe?

Are you capable of anything except dishonest trolling?

We do get it. All the science says you're parroting loony conspiracy theories. Hence, you and your cult pals have been instructed to troll madly, to flail about and sputter nonsense, to divert discussion away from the science at all cost. Look at you, frantically waving your hands around about what "seems" means. Wow, that's pathetic.

It's good to be on the rational side. Being that all the science backs us up, we can just point at the science again and laugh at your tantrums.

I am so curious on how the peer review is going on your paper that allllllllll the ice age predictions of the 70s were planted by deniers???

What about the GAPS, the instruments on the satellites have failed! I see nobody acknowledging satellite instrument failures and the degradation of the sensors or even the limitations.

Here is another good one, satellites do not take these pictures we see, they are fabricated, the scientist literally sits down and decides what he will fill in. No kidding, they fill in the white spots to show where they believe the Ice is.
What about the GAPS, the instruments on the satellites have failed! I see nobody acknowledging satellite instrument failures and the degradation of the sensors or even the limitations.

Here is another good one, satellites do not take these pictures we see, they are fabricated, the scientist literally sits down and decides what he will fill in. No kidding, they fill in the white spots to show where they believe the Ice is.

But people have repeatedly acknowledged how utterly insane and delusional you are, Ejakulatra. The denier cult myths you believe in, like this one about ALL of the satellites being "broken" are what is "fabricated".

And here you provide another good example of your delusional insanity!

In's the facts from the NSIDC....

June 2, 2009
NSIDC has transitioned from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F13 satellite, to the DMSP F17 satellite. Switching to the new satellite will allow us to continue our consistent long-term record of sea ice extent.

Figure 1. NSIDC now has more than a year of data from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) sensor on the DMSP F17 satellite, which has been intercalibrated with data from the F13 satellite. Note the close correspondence between the two data records. The average absolute daily difference was approximately 28,000 square kilometers (11,000 square miles). Sea Ice Index data. About the data. —Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center - High-resolution image

Continuing a long-term data series

The DMSP F13 satellite that has been central to our Arctic sea ice analysis for the past several years is nearing the end of its mission and is no longer a reliable resource for our sea ice products. As is standard data practice, we have transitioned to a newer sensor.

NSIDC now has more than a year of data from F17, obtained from the NOAA Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System(CLASS). While the sensors on the two satellites are slightly different, they use the same microwave frequencies to collect sea ice data; by comparing a year of F17 data with a year of F13 data, we have been able to calibrate F17 to ensure its measurements are consistent with the prior F13 record. F13, in turn, had been similarly calibrated with prior generations of sensors,
resulting in a consistent, long-term record of sea ice extent since 1979. The average absolute daily difference between data from F13 and F17 was approximately 28,000 square kilometers (11,000 square miles).

For more information on the satellite sensors that NSIDC uses for sea ice data, see our February 26 update. For detailed information on the near-real-time sea ice data, please read the data set documentation.
What about the GAPS, the instruments on the satellites have failed! I see nobody acknowledging satellite instrument failures and the degradation of the sensors or even the limitations.

Here is another good one, satellites do not take these pictures we see, they are fabricated, the scientist literally sits down and decides what he will fill in. No kidding, they fill in the white spots to show where they believe the Ice is.

But people have repeatedly acknowledged how utterly insane and delusional you are, Ejakulatra. The denier cult myths you believe in, like this one about ALL of the satellites being "broken" are what is "fabricated".

Why is it you have to lie about what I say, if you have the truth on your side, that is two lies I caught you in tonight. I never said, "all satellites". But the fact remains, there are and have been instrument failures resulting in gaps in the data. Care to dispute that again, the first time, despite your incredible knowledge of science, you can simply say you were too dumb to think of gaps hence never ever saw that there are gaps in the data, but this time you will be lying, you have been told, so go ahead, deny it and be a liar, for a third time tonight.
What about the GAPS, the instruments on the satellites have failed! I see nobody acknowledging satellite instrument failures and the degradation of the sensors or even the limitations.

NASA has not hidden any satellite failures other than secret military spy satellite crap (which actually aren't launched or run by NASA). Data from Earth observation satellites are being used by scientists all over the world for their pet projects. Were it to stop and be suddenly altered, we'd hear howling, just as we have with every miscalibration, misadjustment and failure to date. Those problems are widely discussed across multiple communities, with NASA's full involvement. The idea that NASA is trying to repress knowledge or information about such issues is unsupportable crap. And, hey, WOW, an instance of being able to challenge one of your posts ! ! !

Here is another good one, satellites do not take these pictures we see, they are fabricated, the scientist literally sits down and decides what he will fill in. No kidding, they fill in the white spots to show where they believe the Ice is.

Is that with, like, a white marker pen or does he do it on a computer? They must hire good artists cause their work really LOOKS like photographs. I'm impressed. Oh, I know it's fraud and misconduct, but you gotta admire the man's SKILL.

Give us a fucking break. Let us see the link from which you got that idea or we'll have to blame you for coming up with it. I made a JOKE about this within the last few days. Can't challlenge your posts... For fuk's sake.
Is that with, like, a white marker pen or does he do it on a computer? They must hire good artists cause their work really LOOKS like photographs. I'm impressed. Oh, I know it's fraud and misconduct, but you gotta admire the man's SKILL.

Give us a fucking break. Let us see the link from which you got that idea or we'll have to blame you for coming up with it. I made a JOKE about this within the last few days. Can't challlenge your posts... For fuk's sake.
It is true, the literally do color in the squares, you see this is data from infrared sensors, not picture taking like you think, care for a thread?

I am putting this out there so others can read, see, search, and maybe learn, look it up, it is true,
If you've used the word "fabricated" to indicate that the satellite imagery (shifting spectrum doesn't stop it from being a photographic image) is PROCESSED to decide what is ice and what is not, you're still a fucking idiot.

Please look up FABRICATED. "You keep using that word but I do not think it means what you think it means"
If you've used the word "fabricated" to indicate that the satellite imagery (shifting spectrum doesn't stop it from being a photographic image) is PROCESSED to decide what is ice and what is not, you're still a fucking idiot.

Please look up FABRICATED. "You keep using that word but I do not think it means what you think it means"
a thread you care for?
verb (used with object), fabricated, fabricating.
to make by art or skill and labor; construct:
The finest craftspeople fabricated this clock.
to make by assembling parts or sections.
to devise or invent (a legend, lie, etc.).
to fake; forge (a document, signature, etc.).

noun, plural processes
a systematic series of actions directed to some end:
to devise a process for homogenizing milk.
a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in adefinite manner:
the process of decay.
  1. the summons, mandate, or writ by which a defendant or thing isbrought before court for litigation.
  2. the whole course of the proceedings in an action at law.
Photography. photomechanical or photoengraving methods collectively.
Biology, Anatomy. a natural outgrowth, projection, or appendage:
a process of a bone.
the action of going forward or on.
the condition of being carried on.
verb (used with object), fabricated, fabricating.
to make by art or skill and labor; construct:
The finest craftspeople fabricated this clock.
to make by assembling parts or sections.
to devise or invent (a legend, lie, etc.).
to fake; forge (a document, signature, etc.).

noun, plural processes
a systematic series of actions directed to some end:
to devise a process for homogenizing milk.
a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in adefinite manner:
the process of decay.
  1. the summons, mandate, or writ by which a defendant or thing isbrought before court for litigation.
  2. the whole course of the proceedings in an action at law.
Photography. photomechanical or photoengraving methods collectively.
Biology, Anatomy. a natural outgrowth, projection, or appendage:
a process of a bone.
the action of going forward or on.
the condition of being carried on.
Lets take number 1, a clock does accurately tell time as my post accurately described...... You are telling me I am the finest at crafting a fact, I must thank you for defining how you feel with an actual copy/paste from a dictionary.

Your compliments are too kind, crick.
The images and measurements of Arctic ice extents are NOT fabricated. If you knew what the word meant and still used it, you lied.

No one processes images by hand anymore. It is fed into some image processing software which identifies those areas having 15% or more coverage and then tallies up the pixels. The ice extents published by NSIDC and other organizations is trustworthy. If you want to bring this in to the grand, global conspiracy of scientists fantasy, feel free, but you know it will only make you feel soiled come morning.
Shitforbrains Thunder and Matthew think the public is home doing google searches about arctic ice every night. Ask 100 people, "Who is the NOAA?" or "What is the Royal Society?".

How many people know?

One out of 100?

Maybe? :2up:
Shitforbrains Thunder and Matthew think the public is home doing google searches about arctic ice every night. Ask 100 people, "Who is the NOAA?" or "What is the Royal Society?".

How many people know?

One out of 100?

Maybe? :2up:

I am sure most people that live in Tornado alley or near hurricanes would under what the national weather service is. At least if they don't have the education of a 1st grader....

I'll admit that our educational system sucks and this reality is just a sign of it.
The melting of Arctic ice is the Super Bowl of Matthew's world.

His money is on 2016 beating 2012 wow!
Shitforbrains Thunder and Matthew think the public is home doing google searches about arctic ice every night. Ask 100 people, "Who is the NOAA?" or "What is the Royal Society?".

How many people know? One out of 100? Maybe?

Probably true among the clueless retards you hang with, Kookles.

Normal people aren't that ignorant.
Shitforbrains Thunder and Matthew think the public is home doing google searches about arctic ice every night. Ask 100 people, "Who is the NOAA?" or "What is the Royal Society?".

How many people know? One out of 100? Maybe?

Probably true among the clueless retards you hang with, Kookles.

Normal people aren't that ignorant.

Judging by skookerasbil polls, thank God normal people are not as gullible as you.


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