New report ranks Mexifornia dead LAST in ‘quality of life’...weird?

I have visited 40 states and believe me.....California is in the top 5 in terms of quality of life

Enormous diversity, culture, exciting cities, some of our best National Parks

The OP is just a hit piece
RW california is no longer like it was in the 60's,70's and even the 80's...lots of areas are going downhill,the wealthy areas are still great,try the not so wealthy areas....and many of those areas were ok 30 years ago,now not so great....

Which areas of California are 'going down?'
ever been to Bell? about El Centro?....El Monte?....Hawaiian Gardens?... Garden Grove?....Stanton?.....i can name a whole bunch more but it would take to much time....even Disneyland built a wall along West Street to keep the tourist from seeing the drug infestation that the apt complex on the other side of the street had become....and they even offered to upgrade the place at their and the cities and others expense....and the residents turned them down....

Wage disparity with costs have caused homelessness. Take a look at housing costs in the areas you listed.

FYI - There has been a wall around Disneyland since it's inception.
FYI - There has been a wall around Disneyland since it's inception
not like the one on west street in some places its 40 ft high and built i believe in the early 90's for the reasons i stated...........and Disneyland had many fences on its borders not walls until the one i mentioned.....

We go Disneyland almost every 4th of July. There is a big reason why there is 40 ft wall.
Explain why do you think that 40 ft wall is something a negative to you.
Sorry but I don't wanna live ina cold place. Shorts and t shirt all year long. I can run on the beach whenever I can.
and god bless ya.....but there are people who happen to like snow and cold weather and like seeing the trees change with the seasons and many of them would take that over California any day....just sayin....
We don't live in mars northern California is just like what you described. People wish thry can live here but most can' afford it.
Don't lie to yourself , most people would give anything for a nice weather
. I never heard of someone go for a honeymoon to cincinatti or montana.
issa its nice that you love california but lets not get over zealous of the place,cal has plenty of problems,it is no were near how it was last century...if you live in a nice affluent area and can afford it,then you are lucky,because many of your fellow Californians are not loving life like you are and probably have a very different view of the state...
I work with people from low income areas, I go there on regular basis. Heard no one wants to move to another state. Intact most know that there are less jobs and less opportunities in most states. Way too many job opportunities in California, I live here and see it on daily basis.
oh bullshit....take the California flag out of your ass....i delivered mail there for 33 years and seen many people leave the state for other opportunities elsewhere....i recorded many change of addresses for businesses and people leaving because they retired and could no longer afford to live there....and californias politicians should be ashamed of themselves when retirees who worked and paid taxes there all their lives have to move because its too expensive to retire there unless of course you are wealthy... ..

You are making that assessment based from delivering letters in one particular area? How so?
You are making your assessments based from your income but there are millions of people that makes far more than you. That enjoy life and will never live Ca.

You don’t get involved in any businesses opportunities, community developments, construction developments, city or county planning..... None of those. You don’t even live here..... Yet you keep ?????

As I said repeatedly..... I know lots of people like you that moved to Texas, Nevada and Arizona but most regret the move because of 1. Missed their families. 2. Weather.
Some are back living in apartments or with their kids.

Business and job opportunities here in Ca is better than any states.
We don't live in mars northern California is just like what you described. People wish thry can live here but most can' afford it.
Don't lie to yourself , most people would give anything for a nice weather
. I never heard of someone go for a honeymoon to cincinatti or montana.
issa its nice that you love california but lets not get over zealous of the place,cal has plenty of problems,it is no were near how it was last century...if you live in a nice affluent area and can afford it,then you are lucky,because many of your fellow Californians are not loving life like you are and probably have a very different view of the state...
I work with people from low income areas, I go there on regular basis. Heard no one wants to move to another state. Intact most know that there are less jobs and less opportunities in most states. Way too many job opportunities in California, I live here and see it on daily basis.
oh bullshit....take the California flag out of your ass....i delivered mail there for 33 years and seen many people leave the state for other opportunities elsewhere....i recorded many change of addresses for businesses and people leaving because they retired and could no longer afford to live there....and californias politicians should be ashamed of themselves when retirees who worked and paid taxes there all their lives have to move because its too expensive to retire there unless of course you are wealthy... ..
People sell their houses and buy somewhere else and save more money that way. you can easily buy a decent home for an affordable price outside the big cities.
So you are just bitter you can't afford retiring here. You should've got more education or learned a skill that pays more than a government job. If I did me and thousands of other immigrants you could also.
you dont know shit about me.....i sold a 4-plex i bought in 1984 for $82,000 and sold it 3 years ago for $820,000...and it was paid off....and i had 4 units i rented out for inflated california rent prices for 30 years...and that doesnt include my house i sold for around 400, a few other investments i made years ago plus my retirement which is a lot better than worth right now in the 7 figures so take your i cant afford to live here shit and shove it up your ass....take the california flag out first so you dont hurt yourself....

1. You made that fortune because of California. Why do you keep trashing Ca? If not for Ca. Can you make that elsewhere? Normal people are very thankful.

2. You now said you now have that money and yet you cannot afford to live here.

3. You move out of Ca because you want to save tax.
4. You are worried crowded cities like anaheim but there are tons of cities here that are not crowded.
5. You bragging your money and yet you cannot afford to retire here.

Why even bother to keep bragging your money.

I paid far more taxes than how much you made you made in your entire life including your $820k. But it’s not something I brag around.
We don't live in mars northern California is just like what you described. People wish thry can live here but most can' afford it.
Don't lie to yourself , most people would give anything for a nice weather
. I never heard of someone go for a honeymoon to cincinatti or montana.
issa its nice that you love california but lets not get over zealous of the place,cal has plenty of problems,it is no were near how it was last century...if you live in a nice affluent area and can afford it,then you are lucky,because many of your fellow Californians are not loving life like you are and probably have a very different view of the state...
I work with people from low income areas, I go there on regular basis. Heard no one wants to move to another state. Intact most know that there are less jobs and less opportunities in most states. Way too many job opportunities in California, I live here and see it on daily basis.
oh bullshit....take the California flag out of your ass....i delivered mail there for 33 years and seen many people leave the state for other opportunities elsewhere....i recorded many change of addresses for businesses and people leaving because they retired and could no longer afford to live there....and californias politicians should be ashamed of themselves when retirees who worked and paid taxes there all their lives have to move because its too expensive to retire there unless of course you are wealthy... ..

Why did you leave?
i got sick and tired of the place,the congestion,every place you go the streets had cars up the yin yang....even on weekends the 5 and 91 freeways were packed and in certain places just about stopped,and back in the 90's when they widened and built a few new freeways to hopefully alleviate this,did not help much.....but then with people constantly coming in,its to be the neighborhood my 4-plex was in,which is in the Disneyland "sphere", went from upper middle class in the 70's to lower middle class this century.....before the housing bubble the place was priced at $950,000....went down into the 600 thousands....when it went back up to were it was when i sold it and i had retired me and the wife decided lets get out before anything else we left....were i am at now....a lot less people....the freeways at rush hour have maybe 20-30 cars,plus i get to look at mountains which are maybe 3 miles from the house....

Cajalco, Temecula, Murrieta, Perris, Hemet, Lake Elsinore, Moreno Valley, big bear, mammoth areas, Rancho Cucamonga, Beaumont etc etc etc etc with new communities and brand new houses still affordable and are not CROWDED.
Yet you move to Nevada.
I love here and visited other states and it's the best state by far.
It's the most populous state for a reason.
And not only for immigrants or illegals but from American born. 99% of the whites I met weren from a different state they came here to better their lives.
We have the best weather.
The best coast.
The best national parks.
The best theme parks.
Dodgers, now rams and chargers (just i n LA)
Most innovative technologies. That serve the whole entire world.
Busiest ports.
Busiest airports
Most visited state
Biggest economy in the world.
Biggest concetentrstion of middle class and rich people.
Best entertainment industry in the world.
Best athletes come from Cali.

Keep on hating red necks.

Hang on to that fantasy if it makes ya feel better. But the Communists/Democrats are destroying that once great state. It now leads the nation in poverty. And that's the way the Democratic Party wants it.

The Party thrives on mass discontent. It needs more Citizens in poverty and fully dependent on Government. Californians are just experiencing the Communist Agenda. I feel for em. But then again, i kinda don't. They got what they supported.
All I see is millions of people coming from all over the world and the US and are here to work. Contrary to the red states where most of you haters live, sitting In front of a computer hating on the best state in the union.
millions?....those freeways will never move....the 91 and the 5 was always crowded no matter what time of day,after all those MILLIONS settle in i can see it becoming a 5 mile an hour freeway...

91 fwy just completed middle of last year and made 14 lanes. Shows you don’t know what you are talking about.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
14 lanes were?....not were i lived not enough room...when i left they had just widened it to 4 lanes on each side up in the anaheim hills and that still wasnt enough ....maybe you dont know what you are talking about mr part timer...

Really? I traveled all over Ca and the rest of the country as part of my business visiting customers (hospitals).
How can you possibly know what is going on here when you live in Nevada?

I can assure you 100% I know far better than you about Ca.
We can start all over this bullshit again if you want.

You probably don’t even know about 241 and 133 freeway cutting off 91 fwy.

91 Freeway expansion project finally completed
I love here and visited other states and it's the best state by far.
It's the most populous state for a reason.
And not only for immigrants or illegals but from American born. 99% of the whites I met weren from a different state they came here to better their lives.
We have the best weather.
The best coast.
The best national parks.
The best theme parks.
Dodgers, now rams and chargers (just i n LA)
Most innovative technologies. That serve the whole entire world.
Busiest ports.
Busiest airports
Most visited state
Biggest economy in the world.
Biggest concetentrstion of middle class and rich people.
Best entertainment industry in the world.
Best athletes come from Cali.

Keep on hating red necks.

Hang on to that fantasy if it makes ya feel better. But the Communists/Democrats are destroying that once great state. It now leads the nation in poverty. And that's the way the Democratic Party wants it.

The Party thrives on mass discontent. It needs more Citizens in poverty and fully dependent on Government. Californians are just experiencing the Communist Agenda. I feel for em. But then again, i kinda don't. They got what they supported.
All I see is millions of people coming from all over the world and the US and are here to work. Contrary to the red states where most of you haters live, sitting In front of a computer hating on the best state in the union.
millions?....those freeways will never move....the 91 and the 5 was always crowded no matter what time of day,after all those MILLIONS settle in i can see it becoming a 5 mile an hour freeway...

91 fwy just completed middle of last year and made 14 lanes. Shows you don’t know what you are talking about.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL...14 must be using some of that Obama math.

Nope I was just there last week. Took 15 north to 91 west from San Diego to Kaiser in Anaheim then drove back stopping at Pechanga casino on the way back.
Please don’t tell me you have not drive in 91 fwy since last year.
I call BS

Maybe you ought to explore outside of your trailer park.

I have visited 40 states and believe me.....California is in the top 5 in terms of quality of life

Enormous diversity, culture, exciting cities, some of our best National Parks

The OP is just a hit piece
RW california is no longer like it was in the 60's,70's and even the 80's...lots of areas are going downhill,the wealthy areas are still great,try the not so wealthy areas....and many of those areas were ok 30 years ago,now not so great....

The same thing where you live in Nevada right now. In the 60s to 80s to 90s............ today. Nevada like Las Vegas has high crime areas and homelessness. They were not the same like it used to be. Correct?
You move to a less populated area in Nevada now you are making this glorified comparison.
If you move to eastern part of Anaheim there are no congestion with affordable housing.
Meaning any place you go in this world there are no such thing as the same like in the 60s, 70s, 80s ....... to 2018. That is impossible.
affordable housing in east anaheim?.... yea you know what your talking about charwin....and yes there is still congestion....dont forget dumbass unlike you i not only lived in that city i delivered mail in every zip code.....i know were the shit is and were the 6-700 thousand dollar homes are....

Let me rephrase that East of Anaheim not eastern part of Anaheim.
East of Anaheim is a very large place from Corona all the way east those are not congested. This proved you are ignorant as always and full of bullshit.

You are only delivery person making a peasant income that doesn’t qualify you to make that kind of assessments in this state. You are full shit.
I love here and visited other states and it's the best state by far.
It's the most populous state for a reason.
And not only for immigrants or illegals but from American born. 99% of the whites I met weren from a different state they came here to better their lives.
We have the best weather.
The best coast.
The best national parks.
The best theme parks.
Dodgers, now rams and chargers (just i n LA)
Most innovative technologies. That serve the whole entire world.
Busiest ports.
Busiest airports
Most visited state
Biggest economy in the world.
Biggest concetentrstion of middle class and rich people.
Best entertainment industry in the world.
Best athletes come from Cali.

Keep on hating red necks.
Best athletes come from Cali.
there are a lot of good athletes that come from all over the country.....
Biggest economy in the world.
no they are not...
Dodgers, now rams and chargers
big deal....
It's the most populous state for a reason
its also one of the reasons people are leaving....its called congestion...
Biggest economy in the US and 6th in the world.
We give more Olympians and athletes than any other states, more than our share of the population.
Without California and NYC or most blue states the US would look worse than the ex Soviet states.
oh now its just the Olympics....
All I see is millions of people coming from all over the world and the US and are here to work. Contrary to the red states where most of you haters live, sitting In front of a computer hating on the best state in the union.
millions?....those freeways will never move....the 91 and the 5 was always crowded no matter what time of day,after all those MILLIONS settle in i can see it becoming a 5 mile an hour freeway...
And ? Most great cities are that way. If you want to live in an empty, boring, jobless , a nowhere place you can. But millions decided to come here to better their lives, because they can't do it in most red states and red counties.
I never heard someone moving to Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi etc...!!!
if you like congestion and over population....go for it issa....
I never heard someone moving to Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi etc
thats because they are moving to these states.....
10 States Where the Most People Are Moving (and Leaving)
10 states where the most people are moving (and leaving)
The Surprising States People Are Moving to—and the Ones They're Leaving
2016 National Movers Study
california is not on any of these lists.....were are all those millions you claimed were moving in?.....maybe its only thousands....

And yet California economy is booming economy BIG time.

California is so big and diverse it could easily be it's own country for sure. Got some acreage up north, was thinking of going solar farm, but with Trump making war with the solar industry, I think I'll wait awhile.
Not much chanhed since the clown cams in. California is leading the way foe clean energy, I see more solar panels and more electric cars too.
Maybe you ought to explore outside of your trailer park.

I have visited 40 states and believe me.....California is in the top 5 in terms of quality of life

Enormous diversity, culture, exciting cities, some of our best National Parks

The OP is just a hit piece
RW california is no longer like it was in the 60's,70's and even the 80's...lots of areas are going downhill,the wealthy areas are still great,try the not so wealthy areas....and many of those areas were ok 30 years ago,now not so great....

The same thing where you live in Nevada right now. In the 60s to 80s to 90s............ today. Nevada like Las Vegas has high crime areas and homelessness. They were not the same like it used to be. Correct?
You move to a less populated area in Nevada now you are making this glorified comparison.
If you move to eastern part of Anaheim there are no congestion with affordable housing.
Meaning any place you go in this world there are no such thing as the same like in the 60s, 70s, 80s ....... to 2018. That is impossible.
affordable housing in east anaheim?.... yea you know what your talking about charwin....and yes there is still congestion....dont forget dumbass unlike you i not only lived in that city i delivered mail in every zip code.....i know were the shit is and were the 6-700 thousand dollar homes are....

It's like liberals telling us Texas is a broke ass state when they've never been here.
Meanwhile Silicon Valley has moved here.
So you telling me that you guys like technology and science ? NOOO!!!
Folks, I currently reside in Connecticut. Please refrain from posting pics of beautiful skies, comfortable temperatures, nice landscapes, up to date buildings and good looking people. Thanks.
I have visited 40 states and believe me.....California is in the top 5 in terms of quality of life

Enormous diversity, culture, exciting cities, some of our best National Parks

The OP is just a hit piece
RW california is no longer like it was in the 60's,70's and even the 80's...lots of areas are going downhill,the wealthy areas are still great,try the not so wealthy areas....and many of those areas were ok 30 years ago,now not so great....

The same thing where you live in Nevada right now. In the 60s to 80s to 90s............ today. Nevada like Las Vegas has high crime areas and homelessness. They were not the same like it used to be. Correct?
You move to a less populated area in Nevada now you are making this glorified comparison.
If you move to eastern part of Anaheim there are no congestion with affordable housing.
Meaning any place you go in this world there are no such thing as the same like in the 60s, 70s, 80s ....... to 2018. That is impossible.
affordable housing in east anaheim?.... yea you know what your talking about charwin....and yes there is still congestion....dont forget dumbass unlike you i not only lived in that city i delivered mail in every zip code.....i know were the shit is and were the 6-700 thousand dollar homes are....

It's like liberals telling us Texas is a broke ass state when they've never been here.
Meanwhile Silicon Valley has moved here.
So you telling me that you guys like technology and science ? NOOO!!!

Ever hear of NASA?
Here We Go Again.
I know you are craving for my attention but you are in my Permanent Ignore. So if you are quoting me I do not see your post. Go cook something.
before i moved i lived 1-2 miles from there....and 2 years ago when i moved, those homeless people were not all this happened in 2 years time......

I'm about 25 miles from Angel Stadium. Actually I've heard the homeless have moved temporarily, the county handed out 30 day hotel vouchers. There is an effort to clean up the area while on the list of prospective Olympics sites. Also the county was going to install portable they'll be back.
i know just were those tents were....its a shame this is happening you know if they are building across from the stadium?.....they were thinking about it and had plans drawn up when i moved......they were calling it the platinum triangle....

Just searched for projects near Angel Stadium, most recent I could find goes back to 2016, a $450 million "mixed use" development. Not aware of any progress on that...but haven't been in that area for last couple of months.

You told me where you live somewhere in Orange County ( Anaheim/Fullerton). If the quality of life is that bad here . Tell me why they are building these new houses right in your area? With WAITING list.

New houses and developments are all over Ca. Never seen like this before.

New Homes in Anaheim, CA | 1,098 New Homes | NewHomeSource

New Homes in Fullerton, CA | 1,188 New Homes | NewHomeSource

Go back a few years, somewhere near 2000, the tech sector was booming. Many people opened individual accounts at places like Charles Swab...and making money hand over fist. Until the 10-20% daily returns were not consistent, then they turned south. Unfortunately for some it took months for them to realize the dot-com bust was picking up more steam. Same concept with houses. You may notice a lot of the new housing in Orange County is high-density housing....being sold at single detached housing prices. Much cheaper to build, much better return on investment (for the builder).

So what happened to the lowest quality of life in California? In your area alone is just minor developments compared to San Bernardino, Riverside and San Diego counties developments.

The reason I keep posting these new houses....... That proved who ever created that BS is totally wrong.

If it’s really that bad then we should not see any new houses, new buildings and new shopping centers all over Ca.
California is booming more than any other states. Yet I see all these negativities.
People are just jealous.
Here We Go Again.
I know you are craving for my attention but you are in my Permanent Ignore. So if you are quoting me I do not see your post. Go cook something.

I love here and visited other states and it's the best state by far.
It's the most populous state for a reason.
And not only for immigrants or illegals but from American born. 99% of the whites I met weren from a different state they came here to better their lives.
We have the best weather.
The best coast.
The best national parks.
The best theme parks.
Dodgers, now rams and chargers (just i n LA)
Most innovative technologies. That serve the whole entire world.
Busiest ports.
Busiest airports
Most visited state
Biggest economy in the world.
Biggest concetentrstion of middle class and rich people.
Best entertainment industry in the world.
Best athletes come from Cali.

Keep on hating red necks.

Hang on to that fantasy if it makes ya feel better. But the Communists/Democrats are destroying that once great state. It now leads the nation in poverty. And that's the way the Democratic Party wants it.

The Party thrives on mass discontent. It needs more Citizens in poverty and fully dependent on Government. Californians are just experiencing the Communist Agenda. I feel for em. But then again, i kinda don't. They got what they supported.
All I see is millions of people coming from all over the world and the US and are here to work. Contrary to the red states where most of you haters live, sitting In front of a computer hating on the best state in the union.

Well, enjoy that fantasy i guess. But the Communists/Democrats aren't done in California. Things are only gonna get worse out there. They haven't achieved total destruction yet. Give em more time.

I’m asking you again for the second time. How did you came up with Communist/Democrats? I’m still waiting.

I live here and I know lots of hard working, decent, highly educated rich and poor democrats ....... I do not see any communist here. Explain your self.

But I see lots of ugly people like you here.
I'm about 25 miles from Angel Stadium. Actually I've heard the homeless have moved temporarily, the county handed out 30 day hotel vouchers. There is an effort to clean up the area while on the list of prospective Olympics sites. Also the county was going to install portable they'll be back.
i know just were those tents were....its a shame this is happening you know if they are building across from the stadium?.....they were thinking about it and had plans drawn up when i moved......they were calling it the platinum triangle....

Just searched for projects near Angel Stadium, most recent I could find goes back to 2016, a $450 million "mixed use" development. Not aware of any progress on that...but haven't been in that area for last couple of months.

You told me where you live somewhere in Orange County ( Anaheim/Fullerton). If the quality of life is that bad here . Tell me why they are building these new houses right in your area? With WAITING list.

New houses and developments are all over Ca. Never seen like this before.

New Homes in Anaheim, CA | 1,098 New Homes | NewHomeSource

New Homes in Fullerton, CA | 1,188 New Homes | NewHomeSource

Go back a few years, somewhere near 2000, the tech sector was booming. Many people opened individual accounts at places like Charles Swab...and making money hand over fist. Until the 10-20% daily returns were not consistent, then they turned south. Unfortunately for some it took months for them to realize the dot-com bust was picking up more steam. Same concept with houses. You may notice a lot of the new housing in Orange County is high-density housing....being sold at single detached housing prices. Much cheaper to build, much better return on investment (for the builder).

So what happened to the lowest quality of life in California? In your area alone is just minor developments compared to San Bernardino, Riverside and San Diego counties developments.

The reason I keep posting these new houses....... That proved who ever created that BS is totally wrong.

If it’s really that bad then we should not see any new houses, new buildings and new shopping centers all over Ca.
California is booming more than any other states. Yet I see all these negativities.
People are just jealous.

It’s Russian fake news. They literally made up this stat that overplays housing costs just to slander California.

It’s really laughable to claim California is behind red state Bible Belt shitholes when it comes to quality of life !
3 of the top 10 cities with the best quality of life are in CA.

Must be shitholes like Fresno dragging us down...
It’s Barstow

It’s Barstow
Stockton.....worse murder rate than Chicago. And then there's Bakersfield.....................

Hmmm, that’s so weird...I wonder why those cities are armpits of the mother shithole?


Then again, there are San Fran and San Diego...two of the most beautiful cities in America

Few states have cities that rival them

Hey, ones perception is ones reality....right?

San Francisco Declared One Of World’s Filthiest Slums
San Francisco Declared One Of World’s Filthiest Slums
San Francisco

San Diego

What a miserable place and life in San Diego, La Jolla, Palm Springs, Ca....... Poor Californians.

Top 10 must-sees in San Diego

La Jolla Stock Photos and Pictures | Getty Images

La Jolla Photos - Featured Images of La Jolla, San Diego - TripAdvisor

La Jolla San Diego Luxury Homes For Sale - 268 Homes | Zillow

Palm Springs CA Luxury Homes For Sale - 804 Homes | Zillow

It’s been said a million times...there are many beautiful ‘pockets’ in south Mexifornia. Any area that has not been overrun by wetbacks is still quite nice. Wetbacks can’t afford to drive through La Jolla.
It’s the people, the filth, the wetbacks that make Mexifornia the super shithole it’s not the soil, the ocean, the’s THE LOWLIFE SHIT HUMANS HERE.
Look at this pie chart...are you starting to see the common denominators?
i know just were those tents were....its a shame this is happening you know if they are building across from the stadium?.....they were thinking about it and had plans drawn up when i moved......they were calling it the platinum triangle....

Just searched for projects near Angel Stadium, most recent I could find goes back to 2016, a $450 million "mixed use" development. Not aware of any progress on that...but haven't been in that area for last couple of months.

You told me where you live somewhere in Orange County ( Anaheim/Fullerton). If the quality of life is that bad here . Tell me why they are building these new houses right in your area? With WAITING list.

New houses and developments are all over Ca. Never seen like this before.

New Homes in Anaheim, CA | 1,098 New Homes | NewHomeSource

New Homes in Fullerton, CA | 1,188 New Homes | NewHomeSource

Go back a few years, somewhere near 2000, the tech sector was booming. Many people opened individual accounts at places like Charles Swab...and making money hand over fist. Until the 10-20% daily returns were not consistent, then they turned south. Unfortunately for some it took months for them to realize the dot-com bust was picking up more steam. Same concept with houses. You may notice a lot of the new housing in Orange County is high-density housing....being sold at single detached housing prices. Much cheaper to build, much better return on investment (for the builder).

So what happened to the lowest quality of life in California? In your area alone is just minor developments compared to San Bernardino, Riverside and San Diego counties developments.

The reason I keep posting these new houses....... That proved who ever created that BS is totally wrong.

If it’s really that bad then we should not see any new houses, new buildings and new shopping centers all over Ca.
California is booming more than any other states. Yet I see all these negativities.
People are just jealous.

It’s Russian fake news. They literally made up this stat that overplays housing costs just to slander California.

It’s really laughable to claim California is behind red state Bible Belt shitholes when it comes to quality of life !

I made it easy for you.....
people leaving california - Google Search
i know just were those tents were....its a shame this is happening you know if they are building across from the stadium?.....they were thinking about it and had plans drawn up when i moved......they were calling it the platinum triangle....

Just searched for projects near Angel Stadium, most recent I could find goes back to 2016, a $450 million "mixed use" development. Not aware of any progress on that...but haven't been in that area for last couple of months.

You told me where you live somewhere in Orange County ( Anaheim/Fullerton). If the quality of life is that bad here . Tell me why they are building these new houses right in your area? With WAITING list.

New houses and developments are all over Ca. Never seen like this before.

New Homes in Anaheim, CA | 1,098 New Homes | NewHomeSource

New Homes in Fullerton, CA | 1,188 New Homes | NewHomeSource

Go back a few years, somewhere near 2000, the tech sector was booming. Many people opened individual accounts at places like Charles Swab...and making money hand over fist. Until the 10-20% daily returns were not consistent, then they turned south. Unfortunately for some it took months for them to realize the dot-com bust was picking up more steam. Same concept with houses. You may notice a lot of the new housing in Orange County is high-density housing....being sold at single detached housing prices. Much cheaper to build, much better return on investment (for the builder).

So what happened to the lowest quality of life in California? In your area alone is just minor developments compared to San Bernardino, Riverside and San Diego counties developments.

The reason I keep posting these new houses....... That proved who ever created that BS is totally wrong.

If it’s really that bad then we should not see any new houses, new buildings and new shopping centers all over Ca.
California is booming more than any other states. Yet I see all these negativities.
People are just jealous.

It’s Russian fake news. They literally made up this stat that overplays housing costs just to slander California.

It’s really laughable to claim California is behind red state Bible Belt shitholes when it comes to quality of life ! people always migrate away from such awesome places?

San Francisco is losing more residents than any other city in the US, creating a shortage of U-Hauls that puts a rental at $2,000 just to move to Las Vegas
San Francisco is losing more residents than any other city in the US, creating a shortage of U-Hauls that puts a rental at $2,000 just to move to Las Vegas

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