New rules make it easier for ATF to seize guns without due process

New rules make it easier for ATF to seize guns without due process - National Conservative |

tell me again that Obama is not trying to do away with the 2nd amendment .. He is doing it a little at a time. If he gets elected LOOK OUT

This isnt the only way LOW LIFE democrats operate in violating our rights.

Every year they have been in office they have systematically harassed certain citizens. All with the hope you tire from the harassment and volunteer for the open appeal file.

This allows them to track your purchases which is otherwise unlawful.

In 2010, low life democrats denied aprox 5000 transfers of which only aprox 30 were legit.

Of the 30 less then ten were brought up on charges.

Punk a democrat at every opportunity, they are our domestic enemy....
Drug dealers needs guns to be able to defend themselves.

It is their constitutional right.
New rules make it easier for ATF to seize guns without due process - National Conservative |

tell me again that Obama is not trying to do away with the 2nd amendment .. He is doing it a little at a time. If he gets elected LOOK OUT

From the article:

According to the Times, this gives the federal government the power to seize the guns of citizens even if they are merely suspected of substance abuse. These citizens do not have to be officially charged or arrested.

Hey Obama! Must be nice to be a tinpot dictator.
And the gun owners will allow this just like they allow all the other restrictions on the supposed constitutional right to own guns.
Under normal circumstances a citizen must be convicted of a crime, or at least charged with a crime, in order for law enforcement to seize their firearms

And even that is too much. Certainly being charged with a crime should not result in loss of gun rights, but neither should actual conviction. Is it right that Martha Stewart cannot have a gun?
will popping aspirin be considered substance abuse? I bet the libs are gettign wet over this. more people going to jail and big brother is taking over. January Obama and Eric Holder will be looking for work....along with all those goddamned czars and their staffs.

Obama is a stealth Marxist...intent on destroying capitalism and the American way of life. He will carry the "Dreams from my father" to the grave. He cares NOT for the U.S. Constitution and the right to bear arms that it gives every law abiding citizen.
Before you guys head fer yur bunkers you might want to examine a little further than the 'Examiner'.
The Examiner got its story from a Washington Times story.

The DOJ has been consolidating the seizure of property rules for various Homeland Security departments into one consistent plan for quite some time now. The Washington Times threw in the guns part just to get you riled up. Notice all the parts where they talk about firearms in their article is outside the quotes from the actual DOJ ruling.

This is all part of the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and putting several departments that used to be separate under one department. Any conflicts in their rules have to be ironed out and that takes a long time.

The government has long been able to take your stuff if you are caught committing a crime. Your car, your house, your furniture, your slippers and robe.

Oh, oh...and your GUNZ!!!!! This is all about getting your firearms.


Anyway, once you get sucked into the law enforcement vortex, getting your stuff back has always been a bureaucratic nightmare.

Now you have to take on the monolithic DHS, so you might as well forget about seeing your stuff ever again if you commit a crime and get caught.

What, did you think "Homeland Security" was going to stop at terrorists?



That smell your nose has detected is the torching of the Fourth Amendment. It's been burning for ten years now.

Last edited: January Obama and Eric Holder will be looking for work....along with all those goddamned czars and their staffs.

Obama is a stealth Marxist...intent on destroying capitalism and the American way of life. He will carry the "Dreams from my father" to the grave. He cares NOT for the U.S. Constitution and the right to bear arms that it gives every law abiding citizen. January, Eric Holder will be in FEDERAL PRISON awaiting trial for conspiracy and MURDER!
There's a certain amount of masculinity that's associated with owning a gun. And given that obama is sorta of a fem....well ....go figure
The Examiner got its story from a Washington Times story.

The DOJ has been consolidating the seizure of property rules for various Homeland Security departments into one consistent plan for quite some time now. The Washington Times threw in the guns part just to get you riled up. Notice all the parts where they talk about firearms in their article is outside the quotes from the actual DOJ ruling.

This is all part of the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and putting several departments that used to be separate under one department. Any conflicts in their rules have to be ironed out and that takes a long time.

The government has long been able to take your stuff if you are caught committing a crime. Your car, your house, your furniture, your slippers and robe.

Oh, oh...and your GUNZ!!!!! This is all about getting your firearms.


Anyway, once you get sucked into the law enforcement vortex, getting your stuff back has always been a bureaucratic nightmare.

Now you have to take on the monolithic DHS, so you might as well forget about seeing your stuff ever again if you commit a crime and get caught.

What, did you think "Homeland Security" was going to stop at terrorists?



That smell your nose has detected is the torching of the Fourth Amendment. It's been burning for ten years now.


Like, for example, the Federal Register?
But the Justice Department granted authority to the ATF to "seize and administratively forfeit property involved in controlled substance abuses."
Are you abusing drugs?

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