New Sanctions Against Iran

This is what happens when bush league die hard revolutionaries assume State power.

Yes, Trump has been a disaster.

Did you hear that the jerk now what's to be BFF with Iran?

He literally said he wanted to make Iran great again.

He's one sick orange fuck.
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Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.

Hillaryous. If Trump blasted them off the face of the earth you'd call him a war monger and rail that if he hadn't pulled out of the Iran cluster fuck of a deal they'd be all warm and fuzzy world partners for peace by now and hosting Israel for weekend barbeques.

If he doesn't bomb their ass you rail he's a coward.

One more brain fart and your skull will be empty.

I love your signature. You clearly have the same maturity level of your orange god.
Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.

You know, the tendency of the American elite to unleash an armed conflict is clearly in the nature of a socio-psychological insanity. Apparently, the lessons of the Vietnam War did not benefit it. Where does such confidence of permissiveness come from ??? And of impunity?

It is possible that the trouble is in us: America in the Modern time has never been subjected to aggression, and after 1927–35 it did not know what deprivation and hunger are.

It would seem that the sea of crosses at the Arlington Cemetery should be a constant warning that you need to live peacefully and harmoniously and not declare any kind of exclusivity that gives Americans a license to kill not of their kind...

Beat swords into ploughshares!

I hope that President Trump will enter the first of the American Presidents of the Newest Time, who said that it is time to learn to live peacefully, especially with the "neighbors" who are overseas ...

You know, the tendency of the American elite to unleash an armed conflict is clearly in the nature of a socio-psychological insanity.

Those poor, peaceful and sane mullahs having to deal with insane America.
Perhaps Iran should surrender unconditionally and totally dismantle their nuclear program,
before crazy America destroys them, eh?
Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.

Hillaryous. If Trump blasted them off the face of the earth you'd call him a war monger and rail that if he hadn't pulled out of the Iran cluster fuck of a deal they'd be all warm and fuzzy world partners for peace by now and hosting Israel for weekend barbeques.

If he doesn't bomb their ass you rail he's a coward.

One more brain fart and your skull will be empty.

I love your signature. You clearly have the same maturity level of your orange god.

Cmon now, you're just jealous you didn't post one similar to that.
This is what happens when bush league die hard revolutionaries assume State power.

Yes, Trump has been a disaster.

Did you hear he jerk now what's to be BFF with Iran?

He literally said he wanted to make Iran great again.

He's one sick orange fuck.

I was actually thinking about the 'lost in the wilderness' current Stalinist Democrat Party.
But, thanx for playing, anyways.
New sanctions against Iran will only have the effect of galvanizing the support of the Iranian people for the current regime and embolden hardliners to refuse to participate in further negotiations.
True. And our government knows this. Which makes it quite obvious that our government is interested in nothing less than regime change.

The current administration has absolutely no credibility.

As I understand it, your trust was won by the drunkard Bush Jr., who sent thousands of people to the " next world".
4,423 dead and 31,942 wounded Americans (66 more servicemen died and 297 injured after the end of "Operation Iraqi Freedom")

According to the US Department of Veterans Affairs, 73,000 Americans lost their lives in the Iraqi conflict and the Gulf War.
According to the British medical journal The Lancet, by the fall of 2004, 98,000 Iraqis were victims of the war, and by the summer of 2006, 655,000.

These losses are not enough for you ???

Аpotheosis of lies


Are they scared and hurt not as people of other nationalities ???


And does this young injured American from a poor family feel?


And who will return or console this Iraqi woman who lost her husband, brother, son or daughter? The "democracy" that Bush brought to Iraq with fire, cross, and sword?

What about this American woman who mourns her husband, father, brother or sister???


Tell me, do you not go crazy at the sight of this number of tombstones ???

This is what happens when bush league die hard revolutionaries assume State power.

Yes, Trump has been a disaster.

Did you hear that the jerk now what's to be BFF with Iran?

He literally said he wanted to make Iran great again.

He's one sick orange fuck.

Having a strong opponent with whom you need to compete on an equal footing will make America only stronger!

It's like boxing. Who will you choose as a sparring partner - weak or strong ???

It’s time to stop harassing other countries and peoples - they don’t like us or hate us all over the world. Is that normal???

America, it's time to learn to live in peace!
President Trump wrote in Twitter that the United States would introduce new sanctions against Iran on June 24. Thus, Washington wants to achieve the refusal of Tehran from nuclear weapons.

Trump expressed the hope that sanctions against Iran will soon be lifted, which will allow the country to once again become a "productive and prosperous state."

Question №1:

Can the Iranians TRUST the US government after once a prosperous Iraq was disarmed and then occupied and when the same was done to Libya, which was destroyed by the US as a state?

Question #2:

The fact that Israel possesses nuclear weapons is a «Le secret de Polichinelle». Israel’s attitude to Arabs and Persians is also well-known.

IF your neighbor has a powerful club that he threatens with you, won't you get the same club or something more advanced and powerful?

International experts recognize the fact that it is the presence of nuclear weapons and the fear of mutual destruction that ensures peace to this day. This is especially true for the United States, which is very vulnerable because it is on a cracking tectonic plate. In addition, the famous Yellowstone supervolcano and the San Andreas Fault tectonic fault, which Russian ballistic missiles are aimed at

Some misanthrope from the political elite and the Pentagon are trying to put pressure on the government to use such weapons against Russia for the beginning, using the notorious concept of "First strike"

Only threat Israels nukes present is as a Trump to Arab aggression and muslims nuking Israel would be counter productive because they desire the land.
New sanctions against Iran will only have the effect of galvanizing the support of the Iranian people for the current regime and embolden hardliners to refuse to participate in further negotiations.
True. And our government knows this. Which makes it quite obvious that our government is interested in nothing less than regime change.

The current administration has absolutely no credibility.

As I understand it, your trust was won by the drunkard Bush Jr., who sent thousands of people to the " next world".
4,423 dead and 31,942 wounded Americans (66 more servicemen died and 297 injured after the end of "Operation Iraqi Freedom")

According to the US Department of Veterans Affairs, 73,000 Americans lost their lives in the Iraqi conflict and the Gulf War.
According to the British medical journal The Lancet, by the fall of 2004, 98,000 Iraqis were victims of the war, and by the summer of 2006, 655,000.

These losses are not enough for you ???

Аpotheosis of lies


Are they scared and hurt not as people of other nationalities ???


And does this young injured American from a poor family feel?

View attachment 265895

And who will return or console this Iraqi woman who lost her husband, brother, son or daughter? The "democracy" that Bush brought to Iraq with fire, cross, and sword?
View attachment 265899

What about this American woman who mourns her husband, father, brother or sister???


Tell me, do you not go crazy at the sight of this number of tombstones ???

You misunderstand. I said that my government has no credibility with me. That means I do not trust them.
This is what happens when bush league die hard revolutionaries assume State power.

Yes, Trump has been a disaster.

Did you hear he jerk now what's to be BFF with Iran?

He literally said he wanted to make Iran great again.

He's one sick orange fuck.

I was actually thinking about the 'lost in the wilderness' current Stalinist Democrat Party.

But, thanx for playing, anyways.

It is necessary to use such definitions more carefully: you have a bad idea of what Stalinism was like.





TENS of millions of people became victims of the Stalinist repressions. These are not five million of Jews who politicians, including American, left at the mercy of the Nazis. Every human death, regardless of ethnic group or religion, is a tragedy...
New sanctions against Iran will only have the effect of galvanizing the support of the Iranian people for the current regime and embolden hardliners to refuse to participate in further negotiations.
True. And our government knows this. Which makes it quite obvious that our government is interested in nothing less than regime change.

The current administration has absolutely no credibility.

As I understand it, your trust was won by the drunkard Bush Jr., who sent thousands of people to the " next world".
4,423 dead and 31,942 wounded Americans (66 more servicemen died and 297 injured after the end of "Operation Iraqi Freedom")

According to the US Department of Veterans Affairs, 73,000 Americans lost their lives in the Iraqi conflict and the Gulf War.
According to the British medical journal The Lancet, by the fall of 2004, 98,000 Iraqis were victims of the war, and by the summer of 2006, 655,000.

These losses are not enough for you ???

Аpotheosis of lies


Are they scared and hurt not as people of other nationalities ???


And does this young injured American from a poor family feel?

View attachment 265895

And who will return or console this Iraqi woman who lost her husband, brother, son or daughter? The "democracy" that Bush brought to Iraq with fire, cross, and sword?
View attachment 265899

What about this American woman who mourns her husband, father, brother or sister???


Tell me, do you not go crazy at the sight of this number of tombstones ???


According to the US Department of Veterans Affairs, 73,000 Americans lost their lives in the Iraqi conflict and the Gulf War.

Any backup for that number?
This is what happens when bush league die hard revolutionaries assume State power.

Yes, Trump has been a disaster.

Did you hear he jerk now what's to be BFF with Iran?

He literally said he wanted to make Iran great again.

He's one sick orange fuck.

I was actually thinking about the 'lost in the wilderness' current Stalinist Democrat Party.

But, thanx for playing, anyways.

It is necessary to use such definitions more carefully: you have a bad idea of what Stalinism was like.





TENS of millions of people became victims of the Stalinist repressions. These are not five million of Jews who politicians, including American, left at the mercy of the Nazis. Every human death, regardless of ethnic group or religion, is a tragedy...

No, I do know.

Stalinism was the worship of a one-party state in control of most everything.

This is what modern day Democrats aspire to.
You've learned NOTHING from the Democrat Party co-opting and politicizing our deep state and media, especially in the last 3 years!

But please continue on with your 'Code Pink' narrative, along with one warning: 'Code Pink' will make your finger stink!!!
This is what happens when bush league die hard revolutionaries assume State power.

Yes, Trump has been a disaster.

Did you hear he jerk now what's to be BFF with Iran?

He literally said he wanted to make Iran great again.

He's one sick orange fuck.

I was actually thinking about the 'lost in the wilderness' current Stalinist Democrat Party.

But, thanx for playing, anyways.

It is necessary to use such definitions more carefully: you have a bad idea of what Stalinism was like.





TENS of millions of people became victims of the Stalinist repressions. These are not five million of Jews who politicians, including American, left at the mercy of the Nazis. Every human death, regardless of ethnic group or religion, is a tragedy...

No, I do know.

Stalinism was the worship of a one-party state in control of most everything.

This is what modern day Democrats aspire to.
You've learned NOTHING from the Democrat Party co-opting and politicizing our deep state and media, especially in the last 3 years!

But please continue on with your 'Code Pink' narrative, along with one warning: 'Code Pink' will make your finger stink!!!

Despite the “dirty” form of your comment (apparently you spent a long time among representatives of other sexual orientations), I will answer.

NO ONE EVER deified the one-party system of Russia, where in 1917, in the context of a FORMAL ABSENCE of any kind of power, the Bolsheviks seized state power. They seduced the workers with promises to abolish slave conditions of work and establish an 8-hour working day. They promised land to the peasants. Neither the first nor the second promises were ever fulfilled.

The Stalinist terror began to destroy the "dissatisfied" and even yesterday's party members, who demanded the establishment of a multiparty system and fulfillment of promises.

In response, the “cream” of the Russian people — the nobility, the 'cream " of the entrepreneurial class — the factory owners and traders, the "cream" of the peasantry — the wealthy peasants — were destroyed.

My grandfather and grandmother, who refused to join the collective farm, were driven into a dungeon, fed with one herring and were not given water. A week later, they could not stand...

So, don’t tell me the "stories" about the "charms" of the two-party system - both the parties represent those classes that are very far from the simple working people of America. Just the first exploits the class of the well-off, and others - the class of the poor.

But I agree that if Clinton have came to power, it would ave hbe a “natural disaster” for both the American people and the whole world.

You people want to know the truth!

What does Russia, and North Korea have in common?

Both of their economy's suck, their people are screwed, but they have nuclear weapons. Were it not for nuclear weapons, Russia would be a laughingstock, and North Korea would be the cesspool of the world. The only thing that makes them relevant is...…….nuclear weapons!

Now, we are talking about Iran. Our leaders of decades past, allowed the Soviets to get these weapons when they could have crushed them beforehand. They allowed North Korea to get them, and now America has to worry about them too. And here we have Americans, actually discussing how it is FAIR to allow crazy Iran to get them!

And what is their reasoning? ISRAEL has them!

So Israel has them, and could basically destroy Iran anytime it so chooses, and yet they haven't. But every time Iran feels like it, they get a proxy to lob missiles into Israel.

Also, Iran is developing intercontinental ballistic missile. HELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO, they do not need them to hit Israel, they are right next door! These missiles are to be able to deliver payloads to a neighborhood near YOU!

And so I ask-------------------->would there ever have been a cold war that cost trillions, were it not for our politicians being weak kneed when the Soviet Union chased nuclear technology?

Would Americans be worried about North Korea today, were it not for the last 3 or 4 Presidents who did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

And, after seeing how all that worked out for us, how dumb are you to just ignore a country who's national anthem is....DEATH TO AMERICA!

War SUCKS! But it is like the person who works out all the time, learns how to fight to protect themselves, and owns a gun. They meet a skinny 15 year old that owns a gun too, and now all bets are off! All that training means NOTHING, when it should!

Do you want to allow another Podunk clown country, to hold you hostage and force you to pay through the nose for peace? If you do, change your screen name to Neville Chamberlain!
You people want to know the truth!

What does Russia, and North Korea have in common?

Both of their economy's suck, their people are screwed, but they have nuclear weapons. Were it not for nuclear weapons, Russia would be a laughingstock, and North Korea would be the cesspool of the world. The only thing that makes them relevant is...…….nuclear weapons!

Now, we are talking about Iran. Our leaders of decades past, allowed the Soviets to get these weapons when they could have crushed them beforehand. They allowed North Korea to get them, and now America has to worry about them too. And here we have Americans, actually discussing how it is FAIR to allow crazy Iran to get them!

And what is their reasoning? ISRAEL has them!

So Israel has them, and could basically destroy Iran anytime it so chooses, and yet they haven't. But every time Iran feels like it, they get a proxy to lob missiles into Israel.

Also, Iran is developing intercontinental ballistic missile. HELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO, they do not need them to hit Israel, they are right next door! These missiles are to be able to deliver payloads to a neighborhood near YOU!

And so I ask-------------------->would there ever have been a cold war that cost trillions, were it not for our politicians being weak kneed when the Soviet Union chased nuclear technology?

Would Americans be worried about North Korea today, were it not for the last 3 or 4 Presidents who did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

And, after seeing how all that worked out for us, how dumb are you to just ignore a country who's national anthem is....DEATH TO AMERICA!

War SUCKS! But it is like the person who works out all the time, learns how to fight to protect themselves, and owns a gun. They meet a skinny 15 year old that owns a gun too, and now all bets are off! All that training means NOTHING, when it should!

Do you want to allow another Podunk clown country, to hold you hostage and force you to pay through the nose for peace? If you do, change your screen name to Neville Chamberlain!
As best I can tell, the only ones holding me hostage and forcing me to pay out the nose for peace is my own government. When our plutocrats don't get their way they threaten world peace. Iran poses no threat to me.
Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.
Suit up, grab a weapon, and be at the front of the first wave of the assault, or shut the fuck up. Keyboard cowards always the first to advocate death and destruction.

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