New Sanctions Against Iran

Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.
Suit up, grab a weapon, and be at the front of the first wave of the assault, or shut the fuck up. Keyboard cowards always the first to advocate death and destruction.

Ahh…the personal attack. Its all you guys have left since your blob has betrayed you and your violent tendencies yet again.

If it wasn’t so damn funny…it would be sad.

For the record, I’m happy he stood down. I would have been happier if he hadn’t created the crisis atmosphere in the first place though.
Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.
Oh how I wish for the return of anti-war left. Somehow they have morphed into radical warmongers. WTF!

Was there anyone in the DNCMSM or D Party vocally trying to prevent another war? Not one I suspect. They are all compromised.
Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.
Oh how I wish for the return of anti-war left. Somehow they have morphed into radical warmongers. WTF!

Was there anyone in the DNCMSM or D Party vocally trying to prevent another war? Not one I suspect. They are all compromised.

Oh how I wish you’d point out where I said we should go to war.

I said Trump doesn’t have the stomach to call someone and tell them that their Daughter or Son is dead because it would mean he’s delivering bad news. He doesn’t do that. Hence the lying.

So please either quote me or fuck off.
Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.
Oh how I wish for the return of anti-war left. Somehow they have morphed into radical warmongers. WTF!

Was there anyone in the DNCMSM or D Party vocally trying to prevent another war? Not one I suspect. They are all compromised.

Oh how I wish you’d point out where I said we should go to war.

I said Trump doesn’t have the stomach to call someone and tell them that their Daughter or Son is dead because it would mean he’s delivering bad news. He doesn’t do that. Hence the lying.

So please either quote me or fuck off.
Why do you want more war? Are you stupid? I hope Trump doesn’t have the stomach for war. After W and BO murdered thousands, you are still not satisfied?
More sanctions to bring Iran to the negotiating table on nuclear weapons!!!!!

I have news for Trump. Been there, done that.

The idea that the previous agreement was ten years was to give the residents a taste of what it is like to be part of the rest of the world.

But Noooooooooooooooooooo. The fucking asshole Trump pulled us out & now threatens war If Iran does not do what it had done before the assfuck Trump ended it.

And the Trumptards are actually buying this crock of shit.
Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.
Suit up, grab a weapon, and be at the front of the first wave of the assault, or shut the fuck up. Keyboard cowards always the first to advocate death and destruction.

Your reply to candy made no sense, but you would not realize that.
You people want to know the truth!

What does Russia, and North Korea have in common?

Both of their economy's suck, their people are screwed, but they have nuclear weapons. Were it not for nuclear weapons, Russia would be a laughingstock, and North Korea would be the cesspool of the world. The only thing that makes them relevant is...…….nuclear weapons!

Now, we are talking about Iran. Our leaders of decades past, allowed the Soviets to get these weapons when they could have crushed them beforehand. They allowed North Korea to get them, and now America has to worry about them too. And here we have Americans, actually discussing how it is FAIR to allow crazy Iran to get them!

And what is their reasoning? ISRAEL has them!

So Israel has them, and could basically destroy Iran anytime it so chooses, and yet they haven't. But every time Iran feels like it, they get a proxy to lob missiles into Israel.

Also, Iran is developing intercontinental ballistic missile. HELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO, they do not need them to hit Israel, they are right next door! These missiles are to be able to deliver payloads to a neighborhood near YOU!

And so I ask-------------------->would there ever have been a cold war that cost trillions, were it not for our politicians being weak kneed when the Soviet Union chased nuclear technology?

Would Americans be worried about North Korea today, were it not for the last 3 or 4 Presidents who did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

And, after seeing how all that worked out for us, how dumb are you to just ignore a country who's national anthem is....DEATH TO AMERICA!

War SUCKS! But it is like the person who works out all the time, learns how to fight to protect themselves, and owns a gun. They meet a skinny 15 year old that owns a gun too, and now all bets are off! All that training means NOTHING, when it should!

Do you want to allow another Podunk clown country, to hold you hostage and force you to pay through the nose for peace? If you do, change your screen name to Neville Chamberlain!

Was that your prist who told you that about the national anthem of Iran???
Check the words of the Iranian national anthem and tell WHERE are ANY words about Americans???

WHERE are there the words you are citing????

Unfortunately, you are one of the people blinded by hatred of ALL OTHERS. You do not hear, and you see nothing. You have been brainwashed and human life for you is nothing IF it does not belong to an American. Why not to attribute to the Iranians that they fatten dogs with parts of the bodies of Americans later to hunt alive Americans with these dogs as the Spaniards did to American Indians ???! Some illiterate idiots will believe you
Even Trump said today, moar sanctions, believe it or not!

The Ayatollah Ass-a-holla has nowhere to run and nowhere to hide!
As a result, Iran's leaders are on the verge of making some more, very, very poor decisions.
This is what happens when bush league die hard revolutionaries assume State power.


where do these tards get their education, Trump University ???????????

Even Trump said today, moar sanctions, believe it or not!

The Ayatollah Ass-a-holla has nowhere to run and nowhere to hide!
As a result, Iran's leaders are on the verge of making some more, very, very poor decisions.
This is what happens when bush league die hard revolutionaries assume State power.


where do these tards get their education, Trump University ???????????


4 moar Years! :biggrin:
More sanctions to bring Iran to the negotiating table on nuclear weapons!!!!!

I have news for Trump. Been there, done that.

The idea that the previous agreement was ten years was to give the residents a taste of what it is like to be part of the rest of the world.

But Noooooooooooooooooooo. The fucking asshole Trump pulled us out & now threatens war If Iran does not do what it had done before the assfuck Trump ended it.

And the Trumptards are actually buying this crock of shit.

I think that the hawks in the Pentagon need to slightly slow down their horses, since the result of anti-Iranian rhetoric was Russia's statement yesterday that Iran is a strategic ally of Russia. And that means a lot, especially in terms of partially neutralizing the detrimental effects of US sanctions against Iran.

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