New Speakers First Bill-"If You Want To Protect Jews, You Have To Protect Billionaires Tax Cuts

But if he doesn't retire he won't collect it. Makes no sense.

I get that if he stops working he will die. A lot of people are like that. My dad was able to retire right around 60. He got a 20 year Ford pension. My mom continued to work till she was 62. Anyways, he's been healthy and retired for 20 years.

He should have retired and then stayed alive a long time. THEN he would have collected his pension.

I have a retired cop friend. He has a 30 year cop pension. He ran for county clerk and won and now probably makes around $80K a year. If he gets re elected once and makes it to the end of a second term, which he will, he will get just as big of a pension as his cop pension. Fucker.

I love how politicians and military still give pensions on the government dime but we can't have them. For us it's unaffordable for the company. But uncle sam?
Uncle Sam can print money from nothing. You do sound like a Republican, railing against the cushy deals that government workers can get. Mediocre pay, but pensions, lots of holidays off, virtually guaranteed lifetime employment, etc.
big mouthed clown strikes again? You dont know that. Every transaction is online tracked, trackable. They have accountants doing taxes. None of them is willing to submit a fraudulent return under their firms name. The cheats work in GOVT letting the Biden types run 17 shell companies producing no product or service.
Trump has 500 shell corporations.

And Trump Corp proves you wrong. His CFO got caught being a tax cheat and went to jail.

If Wesley Snipes went to jail why shouldn't Trump?
Uncle Sam can print money from nothing. You do sound like a Republican, railing against the cushy deals that government workers can get. Mediocre pay, but pensions, lots of holidays off, virtually guaranteed lifetime employment, etc.

I don't like it that Senators get pensions.

Or how about military?

Of all the retirement plans, the Final Pay system uses the simplest formula. You'll receive 2.5% of your final monthly basic pay for every year of service. For example, if you retire after 40 years of active service, then you can expect to receive 100% of your monthly base pay as your retirement pension.
big mouthed clown strikes again? You dont know that. Every transaction is online tracked, trackable. They have accountants doing taxes. None of them is willing to submit a fraudulent return under their firms name. The cheats work in GOVT letting the Biden types run 17 shell companies producing no product or service.
/---/ Class envy libtards hate anyone that has one dime more than they do.
I don't like it that Senators get pensions.

Or how about military?

Of all the retirement plans, the Final Pay system uses the simplest formula. You'll receive 2.5% of your final monthly basic pay for every year of service. For example, if you retire after 40 years of active service, then you can expect to receive 100% of your monthly base pay as your retirement pension.
I'm actually going to get a pension from Circuit City, the only place that gave me one.

And, no, I don't like how legislators have the power to vote for their own benefits. That should be at the discretion of an independent body.
Trump has 500 shell corporations.

And Trump Corp proves you wrong. His CFO got caught being a tax cheat and went to jail.

If Wesley Snipes went to jail why shouldn't Trump?

like I said everything is online. One guy cheated or made a mistake (or witch hunted on his personal taxes) got caught. So what? Thats what IRS is. If you don’t file at all and you owe a bunch? Snipes? Cant pay it? You can get locked up. Very rare. They want money, not you.
So you want to let the debt rise? Stupid idea, you can’t keep piling on debt.

Not adding them will cost $90 billion dimwit.

Thats why you are going to lose.

Also remember. This is just the start. It's going to get much worse for you in the not so distant future.

But then again I don't mean you literally. None of you trolls here at usmb are even close to the tax bracket necessary to see any tax cuts go away.

you may now return to the loss that is your life.
Not adding them will cost $90 billion dimwit.

Thats why you are going to lose.

Also remember. This is just the start. It's going to get much worse for you in the not so distant future.

But then again I don't mean you literally. None of you trolls here at usmb are even close to the tax bracket necessary to see any tax cuts go away.

you may now return to the loss that is your life.
It won’t get bad for me, you maybe but I will do fine. Thanks for your faux concern. Unless we get the debt down and significantly we are setting ourselves up for failure. Less spending more taxes is the answer unless you are a Democrat or Republican, then it is spend! Spend! Spend! Screw the consequences! That your motto?
Did anybody ever hear Mike Johnson holding up a bill under Donald Trump because it wasn't paid for?" Scarborough said. "In all of the $8 trillion, he just opened the door, 'Here, just drive the trucks through,' of debt – $1 billion, $2 billion, Mike Johnson, $3 billion, $5 billion, $7 billion, $8 billion, $8 billion Mike Johnson and Donald Trump gave America in debt, and suddenly, he won't even help Jews protect themselves. It is so gross, and, making it even grosser, he says, 'This is what we're going to do – we'll protect the Jews if you protect the billionaires. We want billionaire tax cheats to get away with stealing more money from the American people. We'll let you protect the Jews, Joe Biden, but you have to let us protect our donors, our billionaire donors that are tax cheats.'"

The first of many losers, by the new loser, on behalf of the other losers.
/----/ In a way, I understand; I'm 72, retired for 5 years, and financially secure, yet I'm going back to work part-time at trade shows for a start up. There are only so many golf balls you can hit, days you can go fishing, and target practice before you get bored silly. Regardless of whether he collected a pension or not, he got a paycheck and kept himself busy. He most likely worked the same route and had dozens of people to talk to every day.
his whole route was the strip mall were the PO was located....maybe 30 stores to deliver to...
Did anybody ever hear Mike Johnson holding up a bill under Donald Trump because it wasn't paid for?" Scarborough said. "In all of the $8 trillion, he just opened the door, 'Here, just drive the trucks through,' of debt – $1 billion, $2 billion, Mike Johnson, $3 billion, $5 billion, $7 billion, $8 billion, $8 billion Mike Johnson and Donald Trump gave America in debt, and suddenly, he won't even help Jews protect themselves. It is so gross, and, making it even grosser, he says, 'This is what we're going to do – we'll protect the Jews if you protect the billionaires. We want billionaire tax cheats to get away with stealing more money from the American people. We'll let you protect the Jews, Joe Biden, but you have to let us protect our donors, our billionaire donors that are tax cheats.'"

The first of many losers, by the new loser, on behalf of the other losers.
You stupid confused Moon Bat.

If we really think it is important to give money to a foreign country then why go in more debt when we can just cut unnecessary spending?

The filthy ass IRS has become a bloated weaponized branch of the filthy Democrat Party and needs to be scaled back.

Remember when that piece of shit Queer Barry used the IRS to destroy a grass roots political opposition movement?
Did anybody ever hear Mike Johnson holding up a bill under Donald Trump because it wasn't paid for?" Scarborough said. "In all of the $8 trillion, he just opened the door, 'Here, just drive the trucks through,' of debt – $1 billion, $2 billion, Mike Johnson, $3 billion, $5 billion, $7 billion, $8 billion, $8 billion Mike Johnson and Donald Trump gave America in debt, and suddenly, he won't even help Jews protect themselves. It is so gross, and, making it even grosser, he says, 'This is what we're going to do – we'll protect the Jews if you protect the billionaires. We want billionaire tax cheats to get away with stealing more money from the American people. We'll let you protect the Jews, Joe Biden, but you have to let us protect our donors, our billionaire donors that are tax cheats.'"

The first of many losers, by the new loser, on behalf of the other losers.
Latter Day total Joe Scarborough Propagandist pap.Personified
of course { fer sure }.
How about this Factoid.
Bush 43 had a Budget deficit in 2007 of $ 162 Billion. { with a B }.
Barack Obama had a first term { each of those 4 years } averaging
Over $ 1.2 Trillion in Budget deficits.{ With a T }
his whole route was the strip mall were the PO was located....maybe 30 stores to deliver to...
/——/ I worked in a small retail outlet and the letter carrier was always greeted warmly and a few words always exchanged. We’d often offer cold bottled water which was appropriated.
I will take that as an apology, assuming you were the one.

I too didn’t realize the full extent of the Democrat hate for Jews, but I knew that most antisemitism was from the left - and I tried to warn about it. I was often blocked from doing so, as liberal moderators here sought to hide it or downplay it.

I am NOT happy, though, that I was proven right. I am devastated by what America has become.
Then GTF out.
Latter Day total Joe Scarborough Propagandist pap.Personified
of course { fer sure }.
How about this Factoid.
Bush 43 had a Budget deficit in 2007 of $ 162 Billion. { with a B }.
Barack Obama had a first term { each of those 4 years } averaging
Over $ 1.2 Trillion in Budget deficits.{ With a T }

And when we say Bush or Clinton had.....we mean they signed off on Congress pushing thru whatever. When Obiden took over they began that phony stimulus and "continuing resolution, Omnibus" BS for 6 straight years putting debt on auto-pilot. Congress is the bigger issue than the stupid presidents we had. At least Trump tried to do some things. There is just so much crap when the entire Deep state is against the American people. All to ensure they remain in power and raiding US treasure to enrich themselves.
Ah. Another dishonest thread from one of the usual vermin.

There have been no tax cuts for billionaires.

It’s actually a bit of a mystery why so many lefturds imagine that they have any claim or any right to more money from the wealthy than the vast amount which the wealthy already pay for.
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Ah. Another dishonest thread from one of the usual vermin.

There have been no tax cuts for billionaires.

It’s actually a bit of a mystery why so many lefturds imagine that they have any claim or any right to more money from the wealthy than the vast amount which the wealthy v already pay for.
If I was skew's I would be more worried about the shrinking middle class and the rise of poverty over the last 2 years.

It ain't because of "the rich" tax cuts.
And when we say Bush or Clinton had.....we mean they signed off on Congress pushing thru whatever. When Obiden took over they began that phony stimulus and "continuing resolution, Omnibus" BS for 6 straight years putting debt on auto-pilot. Congress is the bigger issue than the stupid presidents we had. At least Trump tried to do some things. There is just so much crap when the entire Deep state is against the American people. All to ensure they remain in power and raiding US treasure to enrich themselves.
Contrarily speaking ... Trumps is surely not out of rough waters regarding
Deficit spending gone amuck.But that was about his only fiscal failing.
Probably because he grew-up thinking BiG.However I doubt he learn't
that at Wharton.The Premier Business college in the country at that time.

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