New Study: You are "racist" unless you have inter racial sex

Jebus sez dat it be alright to jump dee brume wid de Wite Folk...


Weeez bin sayin' dat as fur back as 1845...
There are some studies that address gay men. Some do not. Interracial sex is a matter of social justice. It is a denial of opportunity.

The only thing missing is an appropriate punishment for this kind of blatant racism.

Sexual Racism: Intimacy as a Matter of Justice on JSTOR

This presents a very different perspective than the study Odium is afraid to read. While I don't necessarily agree with it, it's always good to read oppositional points of view.
It should go without saying that there are stunningly beautiful women of every 'race' and from all corners of the world. People will be attracted to whomever they are attracted to. Pretty straightforward. Now, anyone who IS attracted to someone and would not act upon a moral, mutually agreed-upon encounter for no other reason than so-called 'race,' well that person is just too damn stupid to have relations.
It should go without saying that there are stunningly beautiful women of every 'race' and from all corners of the world. People will be attracted to whomever they are attracted to. Pretty straightforward. Now, anyone who IS attracted to someone and would not act upon a moral, mutually agreed-upon encounter for no other reason than so-called 'race,' well that person is just too damn stupid to have relations.
Unless the bitch is wearing a full body and head dress and has a bump on her back that oddly resembles a backpack filled with explosives. Her I might turn down.
Wouldn't it be great if everyone tended to their own personal lives and stopped obsessing about what their neighbors were up to?

One is inclined to think the OUTRAGE in this thread means some people just aren't getting any...
Every person should be able to reject someone for a personal relationship, friend or lover, for any reason or no reason. I don't like the way you comb your hair, the color of your skin, your accent, your favorite color and what kind of ice cream you like. Rejection is without apology or any consideration.
Thread summary:

Many conservatives here are extremely concerned with what races are screwing what other races.

On the bright side, it's taken their attention away from what bathrooms people are using. It's only a small step up out of perversion, but at least it's a step.
"New Study: You are "racist" unless you have inter racial sex"

Most conservatives whine about truly ridiculous non-issues.
Thread summary:

Many conservatives here are extremely concerned with what races are screwing what other races.

On the bright side, it's taken their attention away from what bathrooms people are using. It's only a small step up out of perversion, but at least it's a step.

True story SpongeBob.. The American Democrat Party is the MOST racially and otherwise divisive folks on this planet since the Nazis. NO ONE else is that FIXATED on race...
Thread summary:

Many conservatives here are extremely concerned with what races are screwing what other races.

On the bright side, it's taken their attention away from what bathrooms people are using. It's only a small step up out of perversion, but at least it's a step.

True story SpongeBob.. The American Democrat Party is the MOST racially and otherwise divisive folks on this planet since the Nazis. NO ONE else is that FIXATED on race...

the pickup line-----MANY YEARS AGO-----directed to virgin me----WAS---
"EVERYONE IS DOING IT"------but---I did manage to run into one guy
who insisted-------"YOU DON'T WANT ME BECAUSE I AM BLACK".
So far----I have never encountered a lady whose pick-up line would be----
"you don't want me because your are gay-phobic"--------sometimes it is
good to be OLD--------there are some "good" things about being old <sob>
Thread summary:

Many conservatives here are extremely concerned with what races are screwing what other races.

Who has indicated that on this thread?
Thread summary:

Many conservatives here are extremely concerned with what races are screwing what other races.

Who has indicated that on this thread?

I think MAMOOTH is guessing------based on ingrained beliefs
----which may be for him-----------"conservative" = "Nazi"
Well, liberals never hesitate to imagine racism when they can't find it in others and won't recognize it in themselves.
Well, liberals never hesitate to imagine racism when they can't find it in others and won't recognize it in themselves.

oh------ok-------imaginary racism. <<<< a good topic for discussion.
I do believe that there is some imaginary racism. My very own son
accused me of not liking OBAMA because I am a racist. A door to door
salesman accused me of RACISM for not buying his crap because he was
black---(long ago) -----I have more anecdotes. I do believe that some
people cry "racism" just as some women cry "sexual assault"-----TOO DAMNED
Well, liberals never hesitate to imagine racism when they can't find it in others and won't recognize it in themselves.

oh------ok-------imaginary racism. <<<< a good topic for discussion.
I do believe that there is some imaginary racism. My very own son
accused me of not liking OBAMA because I am a racist. A door to door
salesman accused me of RACISM for not buying his crap because he was
black---(long ago) -----

He was black long ago? How did he change his skin tone?

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