New Texas law halts prison proxy weddings


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011

Christopher King can't get married, at least not while he's confined to a Texas prison.

The convicted car thief and his fiancee are prevented from tying the knot because of a new state law that bans proxy marriages, which were common among prisoners because they allowed a couple to use a stand-in for the inmate.

But the new law requires both parties to be present during a marriage ceremony, and the Texas prison system doesn't allow ceremonies in its facilities.

The law was meant to stop people from fraudulently marrying an individual and cashing in on their unwitting spouse's benefits. But it also unintentionally affects prison inmates, which may conflict with U.S. Supreme Court rulings decades ago that upheld a prisoner's right to marry.

"I don't think (prison officials) should put a hold on someone's love," King, who has spent more than eight years in prison, said from his prison in Beaumont.

Before the law took effect in September, a prisoner could get married by having someone else, a proxy, stand in and exchange vows during a ceremony before a justice of the peace. Now, both parties must attend the ceremony, meaning inmates sentenced to life in prison or death can't marry at all.

Officials with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice say the prison system has no plans to change its rules, deeming such prison ceremonies a security risk. And those who pushed for the new law say a change is unlikely without a legal challenge, which currently doesn't exist.

The U.S. Supreme Court has addressed the question at least twice — in a Wisconsin case in 1978, and 11 years later in a Missouri prisoner's case — upholding the right to marry.

"A ban on proxy marriages that completely deprives prisoners of the right to marry is therefore unlikely to survive constitutional scrutiny," said Rebecca Robertson, legal and policy director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas. "Marriage is profoundly important, at the heart of our most personal and intimate relationships. That's why the right to marry has long been recognized as a fundamental right for everyone, even for prisoners."

Until they were outlawed, proxy marriages were a regular occurrence at the Polk County courthouse, which is a few miles from the prison system's Polunsky Unit that houses nearly 3,000 inmates, including almost 300 who are on death row.
New Texas law halts prison proxy weddings |

I bet this is going to be temporary.
If you are in prison after having been convicted of whatever charges were brought against you, tough fucking shit.

The lunacy of the American prison system has reached critical mass. About time some sense of real order and sanity is brought back.
A conservative's delight! Yet another way to torment a bad guy as well as those close to him.

In contrast to you liberals who wish to coddle bad guys.

Here's a novel idea, don't go to prison if you wish to get hitched some day.

There is a difference between "coddling" bad guys and being offended by those who want to twist the knife in them unnecessarily. No one wants to coddle bad guys. Do the crime, do the time. I have no problem at all with that. I do have a problem with authoritarian personalities who merely want to torment prison inmates for the sake of tormenting them.

Allowing a prison inmate to get married has all kinds of good results. It often legimatizes children. It gives the inmate stability and a hope for the future. Surely you wouldn't want to deny a prison inmate hope for the future, would you? It makes him a better inmate, less prone to violence, which improves prison conditions. Not allowing marriage has converse bad results.

Why is it conservatives so often appear so negative, so intolerant? Is this just another example?
George someone in prison for life or on death row should not bother having hope for the future. It's not like they are getting out and joining the family.
If you are in prison after having been convicted of whatever charges were brought against you, tough fucking shit.

The lunacy of the American prison system has reached critical mass. About time some sense of real order and sanity is brought back.

Indeed, but liberals are all about prisoners rights. if they could just get the ballot through the bars they are guaranteed the votes every time. You see, aside from welfare recipients, race hustlers, and illegal immigrants, felons will no doubt prove to be a solid democrat voting bloc.
A conservative's delight! Yet another way to torment a bad guy as well as those close to him.

Simple solution, Texas lifts the ban on prision weddings.

Better yet they can tie it to good behavior, and use it as another method of prisoner control.
A conservative's delight! Yet another way to torment a bad guy as well as those close to him.

In contrast to you liberals who wish to coddle bad guys.

Here's a novel idea, don't go to prison if you wish to get hitched some day.

There is a difference between "coddling" bad guys and being offended by those who want to twist the knife in them unnecessarily. No one wants to coddle bad guys. Do the crime, do the time. I have no problem at all with that. I do have a problem with authoritarian personalities who merely want to torment prison inmates for the sake of tormenting them.

Allowing a prison inmate to get married has all kinds of good results. It often legimatizes children. It gives the inmate stability and a hope for the future. Surely you wouldn't want to deny a prison inmate hope for the future, would you? It makes him a better inmate, less prone to violence, which improves prison conditions. Not allowing marriage has converse bad results.

Why is it conservatives so often appear so negative, so intolerant? Is this just another example?

Yea not allowing them to marry equates to twisting a knife in them unnecessarily. :cuckoo:

This has nothing to do with wanting to torment them but even if it did. So fucking what? They committed a crime against humanity they should suffer. Prison is supposed to be PUNISHMENT.

Cite some evidence that marriage in prison makes prisoners better people upon their release.
If you are in prison after having been convicted of whatever charges were brought against you, tough fucking shit.

The lunacy of the American prison system has reached critical mass. About time some sense of real order and sanity is brought back.

Indeed, but liberals are all about prisoners rights. if they could just get the ballot through the bars they are guaranteed the votes every time. You see, aside from welfare recipients, race hustlers, and illegal immigrants, felons will no doubt prove to be a solid democrat voting bloc.

Actually, since you asked :doubt: let me tell you how I feel about prisoner rights. When you violate prisoner rights then as a tax payer you pay. The shortcut that is taken will cost you a hell of a lot more in the long run.

When it comes to marriage, I don't care. It doesn't bother me in the least. It does have a benefit for behavior inside. There is an entire little section of groupies that I think are freaking twisted and look for the big love by initiating correspondence but I'm not dating them and it isn't my problem. There really is no adverse effect here. I'm sure that it rankles some smaller minds simply because it is occurring at all. They should probably pick and choose their battles.

Here is information on prisoner rights.

You will find that violations of the 8th are in large part in the number of ways to cut costs. Many prisons are understaffed. If it's a private or faux privatized prison then they may not properly trained. You don't want to pay COs so it makes it very easy to entice them to bring in contraband. The COs are dealing with groups of people that are already in punishment so there is no other punishment then solitary confinement. However, over a long period of time it will create mental health problems. Inmates have to have a certain amount of food. They have to receive medical treatment. They have to receive mental health treatment. There are many cases where they haven't received any treatment until they are in prison.

The prison population increases and decreases with the amount of cash. That doesn't mean that there aren't liberals that run with statistics and don't think it through. This is where you are supposed to come in and point out the lovely information. For example, when someone spouts off something about the number of inmates that are in there for nonviolent or property offenses then you would need to say something about auto theft and such. It's all fun and games until it's your car or your property.

Finally, most of your inmates will be released. It would be prudent to invest in rehabilitation. There are all kinds of little churches or AA and NA meetings that occur but it is time to investigate their success rate. That's lovely but does it work?

I have a study that was conducted in Illinois that dealt with female inmates. Some enter the prison a few times before they realize that they have to get their shit together. Many of them will exit prison and have six months to get their children back. They will need to provide housing with a room for each child. If you are dealing with one or two children that's doable. However, they aren't going to make enough money if they have 4 or 5 children. These women usually have no outside support system and they have to start working this from the inside long before they are released and there is nothing there to work with. Is this a violation of rights? No.

But, consider that you are as a tax payer paying for the arrest, the court, medical and mental health care, prison, parole, foster care and those court costs and the kids medical and mental health care, the kids clothing, and transportation costs. So, perhaps it is time to reevaluate.
If you are in prison after having been convicted of whatever charges were brought against you, tough fucking shit.

The lunacy of the American prison system has reached critical mass. About time some sense of real order and sanity is brought back.

Indeed, but liberals are all about prisoners rights. if they could just get the ballot through the bars they are guaranteed the votes every time. You see, aside from welfare recipients, race hustlers, and illegal immigrants, felons will no doubt prove to be a solid democrat voting bloc.

You ever stop to think WHY the downtrodden of our society tend to favor the Demorcratic party when election time rolls around? Or conversely, why they tend to shy away from the Republican Party?

Hint: The answer is not very favorable to Republicans.
If you are in prison after having been convicted of whatever charges were brought against you, tough fucking shit.

The lunacy of the American prison system has reached critical mass. About time some sense of real order and sanity is brought back.

Indeed, but liberals are all about prisoners rights. if they could just get the ballot through the bars they are guaranteed the votes every time. You see, aside from welfare recipients, race hustlers, and illegal immigrants, felons will no doubt prove to be a solid democrat voting bloc.

Conservatives should be all about prisoners' rights.

The forum heading should read; "New Texas law halts the premeditated, cold-blooded execution-homiciding of prisoners in death chambers".

Sadly it doesn't.
If you are in prison after having been convicted of whatever charges were brought against you, tough fucking shit.

The lunacy of the American prison system has reached critical mass. About time some sense of real order and sanity is brought back.

Indeed, but liberals are all about prisoners rights. if they could just get the ballot through the bars they are guaranteed the votes every time. You see, aside from welfare recipients, race hustlers, and illegal immigrants, felons will no doubt prove to be a solid democrat voting bloc.

You ever stop to think WHY the downtrodden of our society tend to favor the Demorcratic party when election time rolls around? Or conversely, why they tend to shy away from the Republican Party?

Hint: The answer is not very favorable to Republicans.

Because Democrats wants to coddle them and keep giving them handouts in return for their votes. The Republicans want to give them a hand up which sometimes means some tough love so they can become productive members of society.

Pretty simple really.
If you are in prison after having been convicted of whatever charges were brought against you, tough fucking shit.

The lunacy of the American prison system has reached critical mass. About time some sense of real order and sanity is brought back.

Indeed, but liberals are all about prisoners rights. if they could just get the ballot through the bars they are guaranteed the votes every time. You see, aside from welfare recipients, race hustlers, and illegal immigrants, felons will no doubt prove to be a solid democrat voting bloc.

Conservatives should be all about prisoners' rights.

The forum heading should read; "New Texas law halts the premeditated, cold-blooded execution-homiciding of prisoners in death chambers".

Sadly it doesn't.

I'm glad it doesn't.

If you kill someone in Texas. We will kill you back.
If you are in prison after having been convicted of whatever charges were brought against you, tough fucking shit.

The lunacy of the American prison system has reached critical mass. About time some sense of real order and sanity is brought back.

Indeed, but liberals are all about prisoners rights. if they could just get the ballot through the bars they are guaranteed the votes every time. You see, aside from welfare recipients, race hustlers, and illegal immigrants, felons will no doubt prove to be a solid democrat voting bloc.

You ever stop to think WHY the downtrodden of our society tend to favor the Demorcratic party when election time rolls around? Or conversely, why they tend to shy away from the Republican Party?

Hint: The answer is not very favorable to Republicans.

I know why: the Democrats promise them all sorts of free shit! This is NOT complicated!
If you are in prison after having been convicted of whatever charges were brought against you, tough fucking shit.

The lunacy of the American prison system has reached critical mass. About time some sense of real order and sanity is brought back.

Indeed, but liberals are all about prisoners rights. if they could just get the ballot through the bars they are guaranteed the votes every time. You see, aside from welfare recipients, race hustlers, and illegal immigrants, felons will no doubt prove to be a solid democrat voting bloc.

You ever stop to think WHY the downtrodden of our society tend to favor the Demorcratic party when election time rolls around? Or conversely, why they tend to shy away from the Republican Party?

Hint: The answer is not very favorable to Republicans.

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If you are in prison after having been convicted of whatever charges were brought against you, tough fucking shit.

The lunacy of the American prison system has reached critical mass. About time some sense of real order and sanity is brought back.

Indeed, but liberals are all about prisoners rights. if they could just get the ballot through the bars they are guaranteed the votes every time. You see, aside from welfare recipients, race hustlers, and illegal immigrants, felons will no doubt prove to be a solid democrat voting bloc.

You ever stop to think WHY the downtrodden of our society tend to favor the Demorcratic party when election time rolls around? Or conversely, why they tend to shy away from the Republican Party?

Hint: The answer is not very favorable to Republicans.

Someone must be for the rule of law. Democrats aren't. Therefore, those who disdain the rule of law are more likely to vote democrat. It is the lowest of politics. It's scraping the bottom of the barrel. Indeed, its appealing to the ignorant.

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