New Trump Ad Nails It

Wow. Just wow.

If this is the best the Trump campaign can put out, they need to seriously up their a hurry. :)
Do to them what is done to you. You spout that. From the good eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth...a family for family.
Too long and too wordy to persuade Trump haters. Most of them would be eliminated in the first round of a third grade spelling bee.

First rule is know your audience.
The mentally unbalanced here known as Lefties simply cannot reply rationally . Americans are having to contend with some seriously out of control individuals and without a Trump like figure will truly find themselves in the United Banana States much faster than they will be able to cope with .
Nice try, derp. But you lose. Sorry, no parting gifts.
If this ad was designed to land a punch on Joe Biden, Trump's campaign staff better get bigger gloves.
Rambling..unfocused, just flailing hoping to land something that sticks. That's what this ad comes off as...pathetic attempt.
Back to the drawing board.
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Great ad. Trump knew exactly what Joe Biden was about, and Trumps own words were used to prove how right he was.

It won't convince Biden dick suckers to support Trump, but it will reinforce Trump supporters who say Trump is damn smart and knows what he's doing.
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‘He Should Quit’: Donald Trump Just Got Hit With a Devastating New Poll

The new ABC News/Ipsos poll shows that while Former President Donald Trump maintains a huge lead in the Republican primary contest, he’s going to face huge problems if he reaches the general election.

According to the poll, half of Americans surveyed, a full 50 percent, said that they believe Trump should suspend his campaign, up from 49 percent when the question was asked at hte beginning of August, prior to the latest indictment in Georgia. Perhaps more troubling for Trump, 20 percent of Republicans believe he should end his bid to return to the presidency.


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