new Trump statement threatens to primary Murkowski: "I know where I will be next Alaska campaigning against a disloyal & very bad Senator"

Why not primary her?

she’s not so special that she deserves to sit in the senate till she dies of old age
her dad appointed her originally, and she lost in the primary to Joe Miller to 2010, only to win as an independent write-in candidate, which is unbelievable because no one can spell her name
i wonder if Trump will go to Alaska's most remote tribal villages, where the neediest of the needy reside

my guess is he will give them a glimour of hope, and leave them with nothing after he forgets them
Loyalty is given to the country, not a President. Especially not a President who is disloyal to the country and to his oath of office.
Good for him. It is absolutely his right to work against her re-election. We’ll see if it succeeds or not.
Trump has attacked 17 incumbent Republicans and the chief strategist for the GOP, Karl Rove. He has attacked the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Now he wants the GOP to stop using his name.

CNN reported last week that Trump is weighing the creation of a super PAC as he seeks to assert his authority over the Republican Party and expand his post-presidential political operation.

Creating a super PAC would allow Trump to raise unlimited amounts of money from virtually any source while facing no limits on spending. The former President also made several changes last week to his growing fundraising apparatus.

Trump lacked the intelligence, experience, persona, and leadership qualities to be President. In addition he has mental quirks that do not comply with leadership such as extreme narcissism and vindictiveness. He is sent careening off track by the merest slight and seeks revenge nearly every time.

These are extremely poor qualities for a leader to have. Yet he is extremely popular, has political clout and is able to amass millions of dollars in contributions.

Where is that money coming from?

Why is it his supporters lack the ability to communicate, including his fans in Congress?

Many have long suspected that -- possibly with Russia's help as in election 2016 redux --there is a powerful consortium that wants Trump in a leadership role.

Why? So they can control him, and, by virtue of that control, sharply influence matters within the United States.

With Trump's enormous ego, he would be extremely easy to manipulate as many rulers have done already, rulers like Putin, Kim, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Turkey's Erdoğan, as well as others.

Does this consortium exist? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Under the circumstances, though, the theory is logical.
this is part of the statement Murkowski gave when she voted to impeach Trump

Murkowski is exactly the type of Republican the GOP no longer needs or can afford. She caves to the left and sides with Democrats too often. The right needs fighters.




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there is a method to Trump's smutty, outrageous brand of madness, my friends
Murkowski knows Alaska better than anybody, and she's an incredible fighter for American energy
Trump only cares about himself. the GOP are finding that out only just now, and they don't know what to do about it

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