New Washington Post Report On Comey Letter Raises Startling Questions About The FBI


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
After several weeks in which substantial additional discussion of the now-infamous “Comey Letter” could only be found in The Huffington Post and a handful of smaller news outlets, major media has finally weighed in on this election-changing story.

The Washington Post has now published a lengthy article detailing how and why the Comey Letter was sent to Congress by FBI Director James Comey on October 28th, just a week and a half before the 2016 presidential election.

Unfortunately, the new story raises far more questions than it answers.

The reason? It contradicts October 30th reporting in the very same newspaper.

On October 30th, The Washington Post twice contended that Director Comey did notknow about the “new” Clinton emails on Anthony Wiener’s computer until October 27th, just a day before he informed Congress of the development. As reporters Matt Zapotosky, Ellen Nakashima, and Rosalind S. Helderman wrote at the time, “The director, James B. Comey, has written that he was informed of the development Thursday [October 27th].” Later in the same article, the Post sourced this same claim differently, citing “people familiar with the case” for the proposition that “FBI agents investigating Clinton’s use of a private email server while Secretary of State knew early this month that messages recovered in a separate probe might be germane to their case, but they waited weeks before briefing the FBI director...” (emphasis supplied).

This explosive news led many smaller online news outlets to wonder how FBI agents in the Wiener case and/or their rank-and-file, Clinton-investigating compatriots in the D.C. field office, holding potentially relevant evidence in the Clinton case, could havewaited 24 days—from their October 3rd discovery of “new” Clinton emails to Comey’s self-admitted October 27th discovery of this fact—to brief their boss on the development.

This alleged three-and-a-half week reporting delay was especially troubling given that (a) Comey had the power to immediately seek a search warrant for the full content of the new emails, rather than wasting weeks trawling through mere “meta-data” as the Wiener investigators (for no obvious reason, given the irrelevance of the emails to their investigation) and possibly even rank-and-file Clinton investigators had done, (b) investigators on the Clinton case had previously worked cooperatively with Huma Abedin, opening up the possibility that had they known of the “new” emails on October 3rd they could have asked Abedin and/or her estranged husband Wiener, who shared the computer with her and was also cooperating with the FBI, for permission to view its contents, and (c) leaks to the Trump campaign between October 3rd and October 27th seemed to establish that rogue agents in the New York field office of the FBI were disseminating information about the Clinton investigation outside the Bureau for partisan purposes (a violation of the federal Hatch Act) prior to anyone informing Comey about the New York office’s investigatory find. This last fact raised, and still raises, the very distinct possibility that either these agents or agents in the D.C. field office—agents who leak recipient Rudy Giuliani has described as being livid at both Clinton and Comey—were sitting on the “new” information in order to ensure that it was leaked by Comey, the Trump campaign, or rogue agents within the FBI immediately before Election Day.

Now, however, The Washington Post has changed its tune, and thereby thrown the entire timeline behind the Comey Letter into disarray.

If, however, it was Comey himself who sat on the critical intelligence for weeks, the accuracy of his October 27th letter to Congress, and the possibly duplicitous nature of his October 27th discussions with DOJ brass, must be more thoroughly investigated. It is time for the major cable and network news programs, as well as their peers in print media, to work together to fully uncover the unadulterated truth about what James Comey knew—and, for that matter, what Rudy Giuliani knew—and when he knew it.

More: New Washington Post Report On Comey Letter Raises Startling Questions About The FBI | The Huffington Post

This must be thoroughly investigated and Comey must be held accountable for his malfeasance in office!

More to the story...

The attorney general could have ordered the FBI not to send its bombshell letter on Clinton. Here’s why she didn’t.
The new GOP, headed by the alt-right movement, fully supports treason. They desire a fascist ends, and any means to reach it is acceptable to them.
A Washington Compost hit piece Lakoturd?


A Washington Compost hit piece Lakoturd?


The Fakington Post, like many libs, doesn't give a shit about the damaging info in the emails and they are only outraged about the fact that they were leaked. As if somehow Hillary is less corrupt if someone knew about them earlier.

Hillary thought she had enough people behind her that she could keep a lid on this shit. It blew up in her face. Weiner never should have had those emails on his computer. Hillary is responsible for where the emails ended up because she was in control. She deserved to lose. Comey should have charged her in the first place. He laid out a good case against her when he announced that no charges would be filed. I am willing to bet he was coerced or even threatened. It was probably a relief when the investigation needed to be reopened. Hillary still hasn't answered for any of her reckless behavior regarding national security but at least she was rejected because of it.
After several weeks in which substantial additional discussion of the now-infamous “Comey Letter” could only be found in The Huffington Post and a handful of smaller news outlets, major media has finally weighed in on this election-changing story.

The Washington Post has now published a lengthy article detailing how and why the Comey Letter was sent to Congress by FBI Director James Comey on October 28th, just a week and a half before the 2016 presidential election.

Unfortunately, the new story raises far more questions than it answers.

The reason? It contradicts October 30th reporting in the very same newspaper.

On October 30th, The Washington Post twice contended that Director Comey did notknow about the “new” Clinton emails on Anthony Wiener’s computer until October 27th, just a day before he informed Congress of the development. As reporters Matt Zapotosky, Ellen Nakashima, and Rosalind S. Helderman wrote at the time, “The director, James B. Comey, has written that he was informed of the development Thursday [October 27th].” Later in the same article, the Post sourced this same claim differently, citing “people familiar with the case” for the proposition that “FBI agents investigating Clinton’s use of a private email server while Secretary of State knew early this month that messages recovered in a separate probe might be germane to their case, but they waited weeks before briefing the FBI director...” (emphasis supplied).

This explosive news led many smaller online news outlets to wonder how FBI agents in the Wiener case and/or their rank-and-file, Clinton-investigating compatriots in the D.C. field office, holding potentially relevant evidence in the Clinton case, could havewaited 24 days—from their October 3rd discovery of “new” Clinton emails to Comey’s self-admitted October 27th discovery of this fact—to brief their boss on the development.

This alleged three-and-a-half week reporting delay was especially troubling given that (a) Comey had the power to immediately seek a search warrant for the full content of the new emails, rather than wasting weeks trawling through mere “meta-data” as the Wiener investigators (for no obvious reason, given the irrelevance of the emails to their investigation) and possibly even rank-and-file Clinton investigators had done, (b) investigators on the Clinton case had previously worked cooperatively with Huma Abedin, opening up the possibility that had they known of the “new” emails on October 3rd they could have asked Abedin and/or her estranged husband Wiener, who shared the computer with her and was also cooperating with the FBI, for permission to view its contents, and (c) leaks to the Trump campaign between October 3rd and October 27th seemed to establish that rogue agents in the New York field office of the FBI were disseminating information about the Clinton investigation outside the Bureau for partisan purposes (a violation of the federal Hatch Act) prior to anyone informing Comey about the New York office’s investigatory find. This last fact raised, and still raises, the very distinct possibility that either these agents or agents in the D.C. field office—agents who leak recipient Rudy Giuliani has described as being livid at both Clinton and Comey—were sitting on the “new” information in order to ensure that it was leaked by Comey, the Trump campaign, or rogue agents within the FBI immediately before Election Day.

Now, however, The Washington Post has changed its tune, and thereby thrown the entire timeline behind the Comey Letter into disarray.

If, however, it was Comey himself who sat on the critical intelligence for weeks, the accuracy of his October 27th letter to Congress, and the possibly duplicitous nature of his October 27th discussions with DOJ brass, must be more thoroughly investigated. It is time for the major cable and network news programs, as well as their peers in print media, to work together to fully uncover the unadulterated truth about what James Comey knew—and, for that matter, what Rudy Giuliani knew—and when he knew it.

More: New Washington Post Report On Comey Letter Raises Startling Questions About The FBI | The Huffington Post

This must be thoroughly investigated and Comey must be held accountable for his malfeasance in office!

More to the story...

The attorney general could have ordered the FBI not to send its bombshell letter on Clinton. Here’s why she didn’t.

This is the third or fourth time I have seen Rudy Guiliani's name mentioned on this issue. Rudy Guiliani is one of Trump's campaign advisers, and a frequent flyer on FOX News, and regular attack dog of Hillary Clinton. As the former mayor of New York City he would have had close ties within the FBI New York City's office where they were investigating Anthony Weiner. Rudy Guiliani should have known nothing about this, but he did, and he was bragging "that something BIG was coming," & he is on video doing it.

Another one to watch is James Kalstrom, another frequent flyer on FOX News, and former director of the FBI office in New York City. Apparently he was a big donor recipient of Donald Trump, and was promised a million dollar donation from Donald Trump. He even admitted on FOX News that he was in contact and receiving current information out of that FBI office, then when this exploded, said "oh no I don't."--LOL

Neither one should have had any information, but they did. Then the other thing that is bothersome, is that Huma, Clinton's aid is still saying she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her x-husbands laptop?

Here is the article explaining this:

Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

There has to be a full investigation into this, congressional, special investigator and prosecutor, etc. It's just way to serious to ignore. And the FBI cannot investigate the FBI.

After several weeks in which substantial additional discussion of the now-infamous “Comey Letter” could only be found in The Huffington Post and a handful of smaller news outlets, major media has finally weighed in on this election-changing story.

So Hillary is finally going to be president?

The Washington Post
has now published a lengthy article detailing how and why the Comey Letter was sent to Congress by FBI Director James Comey on October 28th, just a week and a half before the 2016 presidential election.

Unfortunately, the new story raises far more questions than it answers.
Name one left wing article that doesn't raise that question

[QUESTION=] The reason? It contradicts October 30th reporting in the very same newspaper.[/QUESTION]
So the post admits to contradicting itself?...why is that new or news

On October 30th, The Washington Post twice contended that Director Comey did notknow about the “new” Clinton emails on Anthony Wiener’s computer until October 27th, just a day before he informed Congress of the development. As reporters Matt Zapotosky, Ellen Nakashima, and Rosalind S. Helderman wrote at the time, “The director, James B. Comey, has written that he was informed of the development Thursday [October 27th].” Later in the same article, the Post sourced this same claim differently, citing “people familiar with the case” for the proposition that “FBI agents investigating Clinton’s use of a private email server while Secretary of State knew early this month that messages recovered in a separate probe might be germane to their case, but they waited weeks before briefing the FBI director...” (emphasis supplied).

TRANSLATION: The post once again got it wrong, maintaining their perfect record

This explosive news led many smaller online news outlets to wonder how FBI agents in the Wiener case and/or their rank-and-file, Clinton-investigating compatriots in the D.C. field office, holding potentially relevant evidence in the Clinton case, could havewaited 24 days—from their October 3rd discovery of “new” Clinton emails to Comey’s self-admitted October 27th discovery of this fact—to brief their boss on the development.

KABOOOOOOOOOOOM...need they say more?

This alleged three-and-a-half week reporting delay was especially troubling given that (a) Comey had the power to immediately seek a search warrant for the full content of the new emails, rather than wasting weeks trawling through mere “meta-data” as the Wiener investigators (for no obvious reason, given the irrelevance of the emails to their investigation) and possibly even rank-and-file Clinton investigators had done, (b) investigators on the Clinton case had previously worked cooperatively with Huma Abedin, opening up the possibility that had they known of the “new” emails on October 3rd they could have asked Abedin and/or her estranged husband Wiener, who shared the computer with her and was also cooperating with the FBI, for permission to view its contents, and (c) leaks to the Trump campaign between October 3rd and October 27th seemed to establish that rogue agents in the New York field office of the FBI were disseminating information about the Clinton investigation outside the Bureau for partisan purposes (a violation of the federal Hatch Act) prior to anyone informing Comey about the New York office’s investigatory find. This last fact raised, and still raises, the very distinct possibility that either these agents or agents in the D.C. field office—agents who leak recipient Rudy Giuliani has described as being livid at both Clinton and Comey—were sitting on the “new” information in order to ensure that it was leaked by Comey, the Trump campaign, or rogue agents within the FBI immediately before Election Day.


Now, however, The Washington Post has changed its tune, and thereby thrown the entire timeline behind the Comey Letter into disarray.

TRANSLATION: We do not stand by our own trust us on this

If, however, it was Comey himself who sat on the critical intelligence for weeks, the accuracy of his October 27th letter to Congress, and the possibly duplicitous nature of his October 27th discussions with DOJ brass, must be more thoroughly investigated. It is time for the major cable and network news programs, as well as their peers in print media, to work together to fully uncover the unadulterated truth about what James Comey knew—and, for that matter, what Rudy Giuliani knew—and when he knew it.

TRANSLATION: We got nothing, time to blow the dog whistle;

This must be thoroughly investigated and Comey must be held accountable for his malfeasance in office!

More to the story...

The attorney general could have ordered the FBI not to send its bombshell letter on Clinton. Here’s why she didn’t.

TRANSLATION: If you do not believe us just ask the parrots
Last edited:
After several weeks in which substantial additional discussion of the now-infamous “Comey Letter” could only be found in The Huffington Post and a handful of smaller news outlets, major media has finally weighed in on this election-changing story.

The Washington Post has now published a lengthy article detailing how and why the Comey Letter was sent to Congress by FBI Director James Comey on October 28th, just a week and a half before the 2016 presidential election.

Unfortunately, the new story raises far more questions than it answers.

The reason? It contradicts October 30th reporting in the very same newspaper.

On October 30th, The Washington Post twice contended that Director Comey did notknow about the “new” Clinton emails on Anthony Wiener’s computer until October 27th, just a day before he informed Congress of the development. As reporters Matt Zapotosky, Ellen Nakashima, and Rosalind S. Helderman wrote at the time, “The director, James B. Comey, has written that he was informed of the development Thursday [October 27th].” Later in the same article, the Post sourced this same claim differently, citing “people familiar with the case” for the proposition that “FBI agents investigating Clinton’s use of a private email server while Secretary of State knew early this month that messages recovered in a separate probe might be germane to their case, but they waited weeks before briefing the FBI director...” (emphasis supplied).

This explosive news led many smaller online news outlets to wonder how FBI agents in the Wiener case and/or their rank-and-file, Clinton-investigating compatriots in the D.C. field office, holding potentially relevant evidence in the Clinton case, could havewaited 24 days—from their October 3rd discovery of “new” Clinton emails to Comey’s self-admitted October 27th discovery of this fact—to brief their boss on the development.

This alleged three-and-a-half week reporting delay was especially troubling given that (a) Comey had the power to immediately seek a search warrant for the full content of the new emails, rather than wasting weeks trawling through mere “meta-data” as the Wiener investigators (for no obvious reason, given the irrelevance of the emails to their investigation) and possibly even rank-and-file Clinton investigators had done, (b) investigators on the Clinton case had previously worked cooperatively with Huma Abedin, opening up the possibility that had they known of the “new” emails on October 3rd they could have asked Abedin and/or her estranged husband Wiener, who shared the computer with her and was also cooperating with the FBI, for permission to view its contents, and (c) leaks to the Trump campaign between October 3rd and October 27th seemed to establish that rogue agents in the New York field office of the FBI were disseminating information about the Clinton investigation outside the Bureau for partisan purposes (a violation of the federal Hatch Act) prior to anyone informing Comey about the New York office’s investigatory find. This last fact raised, and still raises, the very distinct possibility that either these agents or agents in the D.C. field office—agents who leak recipient Rudy Giuliani has described as being livid at both Clinton and Comey—were sitting on the “new” information in order to ensure that it was leaked by Comey, the Trump campaign, or rogue agents within the FBI immediately before Election Day.

Now, however, The Washington Post has changed its tune, and thereby thrown the entire timeline behind the Comey Letter into disarray.

If, however, it was Comey himself who sat on the critical intelligence for weeks, the accuracy of his October 27th letter to Congress, and the possibly duplicitous nature of his October 27th discussions with DOJ brass, must be more thoroughly investigated. It is time for the major cable and network news programs, as well as their peers in print media, to work together to fully uncover the unadulterated truth about what James Comey knew—and, for that matter, what Rudy Giuliani knew—and when he knew it.

More: New Washington Post Report On Comey Letter Raises Startling Questions About The FBI | The Huffington Post

This must be thoroughly investigated and Comey must be held accountable for his malfeasance in office!

More to the story...

The attorney general could have ordered the FBI not to send its bombshell letter on Clinton. Here’s why she didn’t.
The new GOP, headed by the alt-right movement, fully supports treason. They desire a fascist ends, and any means to reach it is acceptable to them.

VP Biden says whites who voted for Trump used to be the Democratic party constituents, faults Hillary and the Dem party for abandoning them. OH SNAP!
The Comey letter was approved for release by the Obama Administration. It's as simple as that.
The FBI has dropped the ball with the Boston Marathon and the Florida mass nightclub shooting but Comey was appointed by Hussein and the FBI hasn't changed for the eight years that Barry has been president. The CIA also seems confused about alleged foreign hacking. Can we all agree that Trump needs to drain the swamp?

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