New 'wrikle' to STOP the Keystone Pipeline Project

Funny how people complaining about the environment drive vehicles that pollute said environment. It's also funny how they complain about the price of gas but then fight methods and ways of making it cheaper.

As usual you're generalizing to the point of stupidity........

Gasoline at the pump should cost MUCH in Europe...then and ONLY then will we seriously tackle other sources.
Have to hand it to the Sioux......We owe them a debt of gratitude.

The Lakota Sioux Tribe or Great Sioux Nation as it known in English, pressed on in its fight against the Keystone Pipeline. In a press release dated April 29, 2015, the Lower Brule Lakota Sioux Tribe of South Dakota invoked a clause from the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 wherein the US Government agreed to "proceed at once to cause the offender to be arrested and punished according to the laws of the United States." The accused "offender" in this case: foreign tar sands pipeline company TransCanada.

The press release calls for the enforcement of this treaty clause against TransCanada, and also states that "roughly 40% of South Dakota is off limits to TransCanada."

Nine treaties concluded between the United States and various Indian tribes in 1867 and 1868 each contain what is known as a "bad men" provision. Within each of these provisions is a clause in which the United States promises to reimburse Indians for injuries sustained as a result of wrongs committed by "bad men among the whites, or among other people subject to the authority of the United States."

What is a wrikle? A worried pickle?
So it's a bad thing to grow our standing as a major oil supplier to the world?

We are already basically second in the world (almost tied with the Saudis) and only behind Russia.....Canada is 5th and you may have noticed that instead of building a pipeline through their own country to Vancouver's port, Canadians would rather we take the environmental impact after a disaster.
Have to hand it to the Sioux......We owe them a debt of gratitude.

The Lakota Sioux Tribe or Great Sioux Nation as it known in English, pressed on in its fight against the Keystone Pipeline. In a press release dated April 29, 2015, the Lower Brule Lakota Sioux Tribe of South Dakota invoked a clause from the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 wherein the US Government agreed to "proceed at once to cause the offender to be arrested and punished according to the laws of the United States." The accused "offender" in this case: foreign tar sands pipeline company TransCanada.

The press release calls for the enforcement of this treaty clause against TransCanada, and also states that "roughly 40% of South Dakota is off limits to TransCanada."

Nine treaties concluded between the United States and various Indian tribes in 1867 and 1868 each contain what is known as a "bad men" provision. Within each of these provisions is a clause in which the United States promises to reimburse Indians for injuries sustained as a result of wrongs committed by "bad men among the whites, or among other people subject to the authority of the United States."

The federal government threw those treaties into the waste bin 150 years ago.
Will be interesting to see if Alberta keeps up production under their new provincial government.
OF course it will. Do you imagine the provincial government is going to deliberately reduce a major portion of its revenues?
First off the Keystone Pipeline is completed from Alberta to the Gulf. Has been for some time.

We're talking a puny stretch that is just a minor extension to the Keystone called the XL.

And the Sioux stance is bullshit. Already been thru this. The extension wouldn't cross their land.

You sound like the type of person who urinates in a pool, claiming, "I only peed on MY end of the pool:

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

I'm stating a fact. The Keystone pipeline is complete.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?

I'm stating a fact. The Keystone pipeline is complete.

If there's a grown up close by, you can ask that individual how a spill would seep and contaminate the ground water for MILLIONS of acres.
So it's a bad thing to grow our standing as a major oil supplier to the world?

We are already basically second in the world (almost tied with the Saudis) and only behind Russia.....Canada is 5th and you may have noticed that instead of building a pipeline through their own country to Vancouver's port, Canadians would rather we take the environmental impact after a disaster.

Canada already has pipelines to the west coast. And has many others dipshit.

And has refineries as well. Your refineries want Canuck crude whether you fucking like it or not.

Do you even know about Keystone I,. Keystone II or any of the others that have been built? How about the Alberta Clipper or Southern Lights that were approved by the Obama administration while this fucking dog and pony show over the XL has been going on.

And as far as you being number two. Whoopee fucking do! You still don't produce enough to supply your needs.

THAT'S why Canada is your number one supplier.

Now the Canuck crude is coming by rail and transport truck as well.

That's why all the huffing and puffing and blow your house down by these fake enviro whackos is just a show.

A pitiful show.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?

I'm stating a fact. The Keystone pipeline is complete.

If there's a grown up close by, you can ask that individual how a spill would seep and contaminate the ground water for MILLIONS of acres.

As compared to a rail spill? And resulting fires? Or how about a barge carrying the crude that has been transported by truck sinking and contaminating the water supply?

Pick your poison. I've been a serious conservationist for decades. And because I realize this shit has to get shipped to the refineries I've picked my poison and it's pipelines.
So now the left is sooooooooooooooo worried about pipelines across the country....

Where oh where have they been all this time?

List of pipeline accidents in the United States in the 21st century - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Tracking Canada s History of Oil Pipeline Spills

According to the International Energy Agency, U.S. pipelines spilled three times as much crude oil as trains over [an] eight-year period, even though incidents happened much less frequently. And that eight-year period was dominated by large pipeline spill events, including one that saw 800,000 gallons of Canadian tar sands crude spill in and around the Kalamazoo River, and another 63,000 gallon pipeline spill into the Yellowstone River.

Crude Awakening 37 years of oil spills in Alberta
The Red Skins might destroy another couple of hundred acres of the Sacred Land build another gambling casino to bilk the palefaces out of their hard earned money but they get all religious and hostile when it comes to a pipeline that can benefit the rest of the Country. Ho-hum.
The Red Skins might destroy another couple of hundred acres of the Sacred Land build another gambling casino to bilk the palefaces out of their hard earned money but they get all religious and hostile when it comes to a pipeline that can benefit the rest of the Country. Ho-hum.

Dingbat.......gambling, as Jefferson once stated, is a "TAX ON THE WILLING".......and when you've been forced to live on a reservation for decades and decades, you tend to want to keep that limited piece of real estate as pristine as possible,
The Red Skins might destroy another couple of hundred acres of the Sacred Land build another gambling casino to bilk the palefaces out of their hard earned money but they get all religious and hostile when it comes to a pipeline that can benefit the rest of the Country. Ho-hum.

Dingbat.......gambling, as Jefferson once stated, is a "TAX ON THE WILLING".......and when you've been forced to live on a reservation for decades and decades, you tend to want to keep that limited piece of real estate as pristine as possible,

Yeah we all know what gambling casinos are like. They set the odds so they bilk "the willing" out of their hard earned money. I guess gambling casinos are payback to the palefaces for reservation life. It seems that some of the tribes want to sell marijuana to our kids now but they are too ignorant to see that oil is the lifeline of the economy.
Yeah we all know what gambling casinos are like. They set the odds so they bilk "the willing" out of their hard earned money. I guess gambling casinos are payback to the palefaces for reservation life. It seems that some of the tribes want to sell marijuana to our kids now but they are too ignorant to see that oil is the lifeline of the economy.

You probably wouldn't want that pipeline coming across your bedroom either.......well, on second thought you're kind of nuts, so I may be wrong.

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