New WSJ/NBC poll - Donald losing more ground

Indeependent, post: 19764347
By way moron, who did you just quote; it wasn’t me.

Of course it wasn't you, you idiot. You asked specifics on when you were busted. Those were some of the words used to bust you.

What did you check when you say you checked names?
You “busted” me by using a misquote of my words from one of your fellow idiots.
You’re too stupid to know how stupid you are.
And if you go to the poll itself - You'll not that the "strongly approve" number is 22% and "strongly disapprove" is double that at 44. Sad :)

President Trump’s job approval rating slipped 4 points in a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Thirty-nine percent of respondents now approve of the job the president is doing, compared to 57 percent who disapprove.

Trump's support fell among Republicans, whites, men, independents, women and Democrats.​

Trump job approval slips 4 points to 39 percent in NBC poll

Any day now, any day now........

Oh, and Hillary still leads in the polls just so ya know.
Doing their fucking job. Eviddently, you are too chickenshit to do it.

Trumplings anxious to prove Donald's lies about voting dead people imagine many incredulous things :D

Ah shadap, they already caught many Democratic campaign officials talking about about their election fraud during the 2016 elections on hidden camera. Democrats literally commit fraud in every election. Even their own primary was rigged against stupid Commie Bernie.


The primary was not rigged. Nice try to hide YOUR candidate colluding with the Russians.

Republicans are the party of voter suppression. They dud it with photo ID laws. They did it by creating long lines at the polls in Democrat favored voting districts.

The fact is, your party can't win without cheating.

Here in PA, The Republican leader after passing a photo ID law ( struct down in the courts) that in passing that law they just gave PA to Romney.
So go fuck yourself you lying POS & your little Orange dipstick too.


Is that why many Bernie voters were so pissied off they ended up voting for Trump? Did you forget about Donna Brazil? Yup, she spilled the beans on Hillary rigging the nomination.
No she didn't. Brazil said no such thing.

Turn off Fox News, Ruseh Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and try to become educated.
Actually she did, douchbag, and so did many other prominent Democrats. Now run along before you embarrass yourself even further.

Analysis | Elizabeth Warren and Donna Brazile both now agree the 2016 Democratic primary was rigged
Keep trying penis brain.
If you’re in your 20s and 30s and being bused in by the Dem in his $1000.00 suit and you’re carrying a card that contains a name and address that you don’t even know in your own language, you know damn well you’re not the person on the voting role.
So save your Liberal bullshit for your fellow Liberal idiots.
Especially when the emotionally disturbed Dem in the $1,000.00 suit walks out with his head between his butt cheeks.
You wanna sue?
Go ahead and get your busload of Illegals deported.
You are one lying fuck. There were no buses other than some Trump fantasy. And we know how easily Trumps dupes you feeble minded Trumpettes.
Again, how many dead people actually voted?

Produce the stats or shut the fuck up. You are just making a bigger ass out of yourself by trying to save the lie you told about buses of illegals.
And yet, despite your protestations, something nags you in the back of whatever little mind you have that I’m posting the truth.
Because I am posting the truth, you little Illegal loving Leftist.

Trumpettes can't identify the truth. You voted for the biggest liar on the fucking planet.
That would be Hussein Obama, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period.

There is absolutely NOTHING in the ACA that dictates coverage networks.

'If you were so fucking stupid to pick a plan that did not include your doctor than that is YOUR fault.
Oh and is that why so many lost their doctors, plans, and hospitals refused to cover them? This is why Dems are destined to keep losing and will eventually dissipate as a party. Idiots like you who keep sticking their heads in the sand.
Indeependent, post: 19756770
Oh, we did indeed check the names...on the index cards.

Your original bs story was that they did not show ID and you told them to vamoose.

So now you say you did check the names despite your earlier fact that they didn't show IDs. Lying has a way to catch up with liars.

So now you say you checked the names. So what did you find?

Did the names match the registered voter list?

No? Then they didn't vote?


Did the names match?

Yes? Then you had to let them vote and you have no clue or proof that they voted illegally.

Your premise is that your story proves that illegals vote.

That is impossible to be true in your own words.

Your story is so full of shit because it suggests a Dem operative would spend his time and money paying a bus load of non citizens and handing them fictitious names and addresses on index cards but forgetting to teach them to memorize the names, just so, to at most, have them walk up to a poll worker like you and be turned away.

Or the names matched and you lie that you didn't let them vote because they didn't show ID.

And you want us to believe that undocumented people would risk doing something so stupid as holding up an index card at a polling place without knowing or caring what is written on the cards.

Have you no shame to keep telling a story that is obviously nothing but a fake reality trumpian lie.

Yep, he was busted about ten pages ago but you just closed the case.
Be specific.

Here are some of the exact words.

"So now you say you did check the names despite your earlier fact that they didn't show IDs. Lying has a way to catch up with liars."

Keep ignoring the facts in the case and be stupid. You have more discredited foibles in this thread than that one, such as saying you checked names on the index cards but won't tell us if any of the matched the voting rolls. What the hell did you check?
Moron with zero intelligence...
Read the posts with your brain, not your genitals.
A Leftist's brain is comfortably tucked away in their arsehole, which is where the nucleus of their thought process is located.
Wrong again, you delusional Leftard.

Somehow I knew this was coming :D

Project Veritas' Election 2016 'Rigging' Videos

The "guy" looks like a transgender Leftard! Is that you?
Notice how Liberals use other Liberals interpretation of what you post to prove their point.
Yup, you'll never see a male republican wearing a fur coat like that looking like he / she / it is gender confused.
Ah shadap, they already caught many Democratic campaign officials talking about about their election fraud during the 2016 elections on hidden camera. Democrats literally commit fraud in every election. Even their own primary was rigged against stupid Commie Bernie.

Oh you mean the videos made in RUSSIA?

LoL - You clowns will fall for literally ANYTHING :)

FALSE: Video Shows Democrats Committing Voter Fraud in 2016 Primary
Wrong again, you delusional Leftard.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
James O'Keefe?

You were this fucking stupid to be duped by thstgassshole. Again?

Wait, so you're claiming the video is fake? Wow, were you born this stupid or did you have to work on it?

James O'Keefe has a record of providing heavily edited videos in an attempt to create what he wants.

Proven frauds by a proven fraud yet you suck up the garbage he produces proving once again how easily you are duped.

But hey, you love to believe proven dirt bags like tyour buddy Trump.

Are you actually denying a that a secretly videotaped conversation with a Democratic campaign official did not take place?

Edited shmedited, did the Democratic official say those things about busing people in to place fraudulent votes or not?
Roudy, post: 19765218
A Leftist's brain is comfortably tucked away in their arsehole, which is where the nucleus of their thought process is located.

So you got Indeep... on your side lying that he knows illegals vote and then makes up a bus load story that proves illegals don't vote.

You are confused about who has their brain tucked in Trumpo's arse here. Very confused.
Indeependent, post: 19765160
You “busted” me by using a misquote of my words from one of your fellow idiots.

Not at all. Add another lie to your trophy case.

I just told you those were not your words. And I never attributed those words to you. And another screwup to your trophy case.

Just tell us what you found when you checked the index cards to the voter rolls. I thought you were the key player until you turned coward and was to afraid to do anything consequencal about illegals trying to vote by the busload.
Indeependent, post: 19765163
Read my posts, retard.

I did. You didn't answer the question. Why did you say illegals vote when your entire bs story tells us they can't vote. You are so busted.
You did not read my posts.
I am not going to repost everything every time some lazy assed Liberal doesn't bother to read past pages.
Here's a test...
In what post did I state that my Spanish speaking, Columbian fellow pollster asked them, their names, in Spanish, and the names they gave did not match the names on the index card.
The longer it takes you to find this post the more I know how stupid and full of shit you are.
Indeependent, post: 19765160
You “busted” me by using a misquote of my words from one of your fellow idiots.

Not at all. Add another lie to your trophy case.

I just told you those were not your words. And I never attributed those words to you. And another screwup to your trophy case.

Just tell us what you found when you checked the index cards to the voter rolls. I thought you were the key player until you turned coward and was to afraid to do anything consequencal about illegals trying to vote by the busload.
You fucking retard, you used the other dumb assed Liberal's misquote of me to show me how I'm wrong.
And now you're too much of a pussy to admit it.
Oh you mean the videos made in RUSSIA?

LoL - You clowns will fall for literally ANYTHING :)

FALSE: Video Shows Democrats Committing Voter Fraud in 2016 Primary
Wrong again, you delusional Leftard.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
James O'Keefe?

You were this fucking stupid to be duped by thstgassshole. Again?

Wait, so you're claiming the video is fake? Wow, were you born this stupid or did you have to work on it?

James O'Keefe has a record of providing heavily edited videos in an attempt to create what he wants.

Proven frauds by a proven fraud yet you suck up the garbage he produces proving once again how easily you are duped.

But hey, you love to believe proven dirt bags like tyour buddy Trump.

Are you actually denying a that a secretly videotaped conversation with a Democratic campaign official did not take place?

Edited shmedited, did the Democratic official say those things about busing people in to place fraudulent votes or not?

You didn't peruse my link which is Sad :( and means you lose.

I can make YOU to be a total loon by selectively editing your posts.

Oh wait - Not Necessary :D
And if you go to the poll itself - You'll not that the "strongly approve" number is 22% and "strongly disapprove" is double that at 44. Sad :)

President Trump’s job approval rating slipped 4 points in a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Thirty-nine percent of respondents now approve of the job the president is doing, compared to 57 percent who disapprove.

Trump's support fell among Republicans, whites, men, independents, women and Democrats.​

Trump job approval slips 4 points to 39 percent in NBC poll

Any day now, any day now........

Oh, and Hillary still leads in the polls just so ya know.

You're posts are really boring - Sorry
Indeependent, post: 19766035
In what post did I state that my Spanish speaking, Columbian fellow pollster asked them, their names, in Spanish, and the names they gave did not match the names on the index card.
The longer it takes you to find this post the more I know how stupid and full of shit you are.
You lying idiot. I have been asking what you found when you checked the names on the index cards to the voter registration rolls.

Why don't you answer that?
Indeependent, post: 19766046
You fucking retard, you used the other dumb assed Liberal's misquote of me to show me how I'm wrong.
And now you're too much of a pussy to admit it.

Did you write this?

Indeependent, post: 19756770
Oh, we did indeed check the names...on the index cards.
Then my fellow Columbian pollster asked on them Spanish to state the name and the address in the cards and they hadn’t memorized the card.
So fuck off, Liberal cock sucker.

I never misquoted that. Add another lie to your trophy case, champ.

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