New WSJ/NBC poll - Donald losing more ground

Indeependent, post: 19766035
In what post did I state that my Spanish speaking, Columbian fellow pollster asked them, their names, in Spanish, and the names they gave did not match the names on the index card.

Exactly Trump lice. You are trying to tell us that the Dem in the $1000 suit handed those index cards to illegals but never told them to memorize the names and addresses and expected them to vote.

Your bs story is busted dude. There is no misquote.

Now did you match the names on the index cards to the voter rolls?
Ah shadap, they already caught many Democratic campaign officials talking about about their election fraud during the 2016 elections on hidden camera. Democrats literally commit fraud in every election. Even their own primary was rigged against stupid Commie Bernie.

Oh you mean the videos made in RUSSIA?

LoL - You clowns will fall for literally ANYTHING :)

FALSE: Video Shows Democrats Committing Voter Fraud in 2016 Primary
Wrong again, you delusional Leftard.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
James O'Keefe?

You were this fucking stupid to be duped by thstgassshole. Again?

Wait, so you're claiming the video is fake? Wow, were you born this stupid or did you have to work on it?

James O'Keefe has a record of providing heavily edited videos in an attempt to create what he wants.

Proven frauds by a proven fraud yet you suck up the garbage he produces proving once again how easily you are duped.

But hey, you love to believe proven dirt bags like tyour buddy Trump.

Scuzzbucket little puke is as reprehensible as Pharma Bro - Will lie, cheat, steal and wear his Mama's chinchilla coat if it involves making a D look bad.

Here's his latest - Nice warm spot in hell waiting for ya Jimmy :)

Florida bars Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe from fundraising due to criminal conviction
James O'Keefe's Credibility Is On Trial As DOJ Seeks Felony Convictions For Trump Protesters | HuffPost
James O’Keefe Forgot to Tell Regulators About His Past Conviction. Now, Project Veritas May Be in Trouble.

And of course there are The Greatest Hits:

ACORN filmmaker James O’Keefe sentenced in Sen. Mary Landrieu break-in

Oh you mean the videos made in RUSSIA?

LoL - You clowns will fall for literally ANYTHING :)

FALSE: Video Shows Democrats Committing Voter Fraud in 2016 Primary
Wrong again, you delusional Leftard.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
James O'Keefe?

You were this fucking stupid to be duped by thstgassshole. Again?

Wait, so you're claiming the video is fake? Wow, were you born this stupid or did you have to work on it?

James O'Keefe has a record of providing heavily edited videos in an attempt to create what he wants.

Proven frauds by a proven fraud yet you suck up the garbage he produces proving once again how easily you are duped.

But hey, you love to believe proven dirt bags like tyour buddy Trump.

Are you actually denying a that a secretly videotaped conversation with a Democratic campaign official did not take place?

Edited shmedited, did the Democratic official say those things about busing people in to place fraudulent votes or not?

Are you saying we can trust a low life POS that is a proven fraud & has a record of duping dumbasses like you by editing tapes./
Wrong again, you delusional Leftard.

Somehow I knew this was coming :D

Project Veritas' Election 2016 'Rigging' Videos

The "guy" looks like a transgender Leftard! Is that you?
Notice how Liberals use other Liberals interpretation of what you post to prove their point.
Yup, you'll never see a male republican wearing a fur coat like that looking like he / she / it is gender confused.
Leave Rudy out of this.
Trumplings anxious to prove Donald's lies about voting dead people imagine many incredulous things :D

Ah shadap, they already caught many Democratic campaign officials talking about about their election fraud during the 2016 elections on hidden camera. Democrats literally commit fraud in every election. Even their own primary was rigged against stupid Commie Bernie.


The primary was not rigged. Nice try to hide YOUR candidate colluding with the Russians.

Republicans are the party of voter suppression. They dud it with photo ID laws. They did it by creating long lines at the polls in Democrat favored voting districts.

The fact is, your party can't win without cheating.

Here in PA, The Republican leader after passing a photo ID law ( struct down in the courts) that in passing that law they just gave PA to Romney.
So go fuck yourself you lying POS & your little Orange dipstick too.


Is that why many Bernie voters were so pissied off they ended up voting for Trump? Did you forget about Donna Brazil? Yup, she spilled the beans on Hillary rigging the nomination.
No she didn't. Brazil said no such thing.

Turn off Fox News, Ruseh Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and try to become educated.
Actually she did, douchbag, and so did many other prominent Democrats. Now run along before you embarrass yourself even further.

Analysis | Elizabeth Warren and Donna Brazile both now agree the 2016 Democratic primary was rigged

So, where is the rigging part?

Of course, Sanders had no record of support the DNC because he became a Democrat like a year before the election. Bernie never had a chance because he was touting pie-in-the-sky policies which he had failed to implement despite being in Congress for 800 years.

You love Fox. You love Trump. You are a total dumbass & my disproving your posts gets easier every fucking day.
Ah shadap, they already caught many Democratic campaign officials talking about about their election fraud during the 2016 elections on hidden camera. Democrats literally commit fraud in every election. Even their own primary was rigged against stupid Commie Bernie.


The primary was not rigged. Nice try to hide YOUR candidate colluding with the Russians.

Republicans are the party of voter suppression. They dud it with photo ID laws. They did it by creating long lines at the polls in Democrat favored voting districts.

The fact is, your party can't win without cheating.

Here in PA, The Republican leader after passing a photo ID law ( struct down in the courts) that in passing that law they just gave PA to Romney.
So go fuck yourself you lying POS & your little Orange dipstick too.


Is that why many Bernie voters were so pissied off they ended up voting for Trump? Did you forget about Donna Brazil? Yup, she spilled the beans on Hillary rigging the nomination.
No she didn't. Brazil said no such thing.

Turn off Fox News, Ruseh Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and try to become educated.
Actually she did, douchbag, and so did many other prominent Democrats. Now run along before you embarrass yourself even further.

Analysis | Elizabeth Warren and Donna Brazile both now agree the 2016 Democratic primary was rigged

So, where is the rigging part?

Of course, Sanders had no record of support the DNC because he became a Democrat like a year before the election. Bernie never had a chance because he was touting pie-in-the-sky policies which he had failed to implement despite being in Congress for 800 years.

You love Fox. You love Trump. You are a total dumbass & my disproving your posts gets easier every fucking day.
The rigging part is that she owned the DNC. Paid everybody down to the guy who replaced the pods in the urinals.

Then the DNC went to court and won the case (brought by Bernie supporters) that they, the DNC, as a private org, have a legal right to ignore their own voters.
Indeependent, post: 19766035
In what post did I state that my Spanish speaking, Columbian fellow pollster asked them, their names, in Spanish, and the names they gave did not match the names on the index card.
The longer it takes you to find this post the more I know how stupid and full of shit you are.
You lying idiot. I have been asking what you found when you checked the names on the index cards to the voter registration rolls.

Why don't you answer that?
Because I posted it already, fucktard.
In fact, I posted it yesterday and you're too emotionally and mentally disturbed to deal with the harsh reality of the post.

I have a suggestion for all ideologues (neo-Conservatives and Liberals)...
Start a Thread describing your life and how you became self-absorbed (neo-Conservatives) or incapable of connection facts (Liberals).
At least we will all know why you're too fucking stupid or self-absorbed to understand what someone out of your emotionally and mentally disturbed ilk is posting.

You see, TotallyInsane, you are too controlled by emotions to assimilate facts into your adrenaline driven, minimally functioning brain.
Indeependent, post: 19766046
You fucking retard, you used the other dumb assed Liberal's misquote of me to show me how I'm wrong.
And now you're too much of a pussy to admit it.

Did you write this?

Indeependent, post: 19756770
Oh, we did indeed check the names...on the index cards.
Then my fellow Columbian pollster asked on them Spanish to state the name and the address in the cards and they hadn’t memorized the card.
So fuck off, Liberal cock sucker.

I never misquoted that. Add another lie to your trophy case, champ.
You did misquote that prior to this posting because you posted the question on this quote, not emotionally and mentally disturbed quote.
And now you're too much of a pussy to admit it.

And yes, that's what happened, and an Illegal such as yourself would have simply escorted these people, voting for a dead person, into the voting booth.
Because you're psychotic.
Indeependent, post: 19766035
In what post did I state that my Spanish speaking, Columbian fellow pollster asked them, their names, in Spanish, and the names they gave did not match the names on the index card.

Exactly Trump lice. You are trying to tell us that the Dem in the $1000 suit handed those index cards to illegals but never told them to memorize the names and addresses and expected them to vote.

Your bs story is busted dude. There is no misquote.

Now did you match the names on the index cards to the voter rolls?
Because the Dem in the $1.000.00 wasn't expecting two honest pollsters.
He was accustomed to traitorous, shit-brained pollsters like yourself allowing people to vote in other's people's name.
Indeependent, post: 19756940
My true beef is with Business Visas and Off-Shoring and assholes such as yourself.

So your true beef is with mostly Republicans like Trump who uses visas to staff his rich man palaces like Maralago.
You are a major retard.
Your Liberal Wall Street heroes import hundreds of thousands of Visas for eternity.
Trump had 300 Visas for three months in a wealthy neighborhood where kids don't need these jobs.
Of course, I have already informed you of this but you're a dishonest piece of shit.
Indeependent, post: 19773104
and an Illegal such as yourself would have simply escorted these people, voting for a dead person, into the voting booth.

How many of the bus load of illegals with index cards did you stop? Did the entire bus load come only to you? When did you check the names on the index cards against the names on the voting roll?

Do they indicate on the voting roll if a certain registered voter is dead?
Last edited:
Indeependent, post: 19773111
Because the Dem in the $1.000.00 wasn't expecting two honest pollsters.
He was accustomed to traitorous, shit-brained pollsters like yourself allowing people to vote in other's people's name.

How many pollsters were working the day you turned away the bus load of illegals from the voting place? Did you see the bus?

When did you check the names on the index cards against the names on the voter rolls?
Indeependent, post: 19773104
You did misquote that prior to this posting because you posted the question on this quote, not emotionally and mentally disturbed quote.
And now you're too much of a pussy to admit it.

Is your first language Russian? Struggling at English writing and comprehension I see.
The current issue is reality as it occurs vs people grasping for someone’s else revision of what actually happened.

And the thread is about "polls".

It makes no difference to a leftist what actually them it's what they perceived happened
Here’s one for you...
If Hillary won I would have hoped for the best.
But then again, I’m not a psychotic Liberal or neo-Con.

I hoped for the best when Ears was severely disappointing
GW is still my favorite President to hate.

Why do you hate George Washington?
Indeependent, post: 19773104
and an Illegal such as yourself would have simply escorted these people, voting for a dead person, into the voting booth.

How many of the bus load of illegals with index cards did you stop? Did the entire bus load come only to you? When did you check the names on the index cards against the names on the voting roll?

Do they indicate on the voting roll if a certain registered voter is dead?
We stopped the first 5; the fancy Dem saw we saw his bullshit, collected them and left.
Why the fuck should we check an index card name against the voting roll when the person already personally stated another name?
You are one lame fuck.
Indeependent, post: 19773104
You did misquote that prior to this posting because you posted the question on this quote, not emotionally and mentally disturbed quote.
And now you're too much of a pussy to admit it.

Is your first language Russian? Struggling at English writing and comprehension I see.
You used someone's misquote as my quote because you think with your anus and you're trying to put the blame on me?
Indeependent, post: 19773557
We stopped the first 5; the fancy Dem saw we saw his bullshit, collected them and left.

Five out of how many? Did you see the bus? Not one single illegal voted so why did you lie when you said 'illegals vote'? This is purely a ) (bs) example of illegals not voting.

How many other poll workers were sitting next to you? Were any of them Dem traitors in on the conspiracy (you have dreamed up) to have a bus load of non/English speaking foreigners carry index cards with fake names (thereby showing obvious intent to defraud the voting process) to get past volunteer (including Republican illegal immigrant extreme haters ) poll workers that they had no control of placing on voting day, to succeed at casting 'xx' number of votes by 'xx' number of so stupid people that could not even memorize the name and address on the index cards long enough to get by the only two patriots working the voting station. But the two patriots were too cowardly to report this attempted conspiracy to defraud the voting process to any authorities.

You stopped five illegal votes out of how many? I ask that because at my voting place (Virginia) we have about five to eight people (some observers standing behind them) at the registration table and each one of them has a list of registered voters from like A - G etc. what state are you voting in?

Did you see the bus?
Sorry but they were national polls predicting that.

I bet your sorry, she lost, you and the rest of your dumb-ass cohorts still cannot figure out we elect our POTUS via the Electoral College, the simple point is she was supposed to mop the floor with Trump, yet he kicked her ass 304 to 227...

She did win the popular vote by 3 million - which was right on track with the final predictions.

See above for the 1,000,000,000,000,000 time, using the word stupid is clearly not definitive enough for you and your brethren...

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