New WSJ/NBC poll - Donald losing more ground

Indeependent, post: 19776045
Why the hell should we check the rolls when they know their name and it doesn't match the card the Dem in the fancy suite hoped would be handed to a non-Spanish speaking traitor like you who would let them vote.

How many traitors were working beside you? Why and how was the entire bus load assigned only to you? Why were there no poll watchers ther to get suspicious of voter fraud when a bus load of Non/English speaking people waltz in carrying index cards with names and addresses on them but they had no clue what the index cards were for.

So you think they could have voted without memorizing the names on the index cards had they were directed to the traitor sitting next to you that they were supposed to see who could just allow them to vote as named on the index cards. Were all poll watchers even the Republicans traitors to?

Why were you and your buddy the only two who noticed a bus load of Spanish speakers in line to vote holding index cards with names they had not bothered to memorize?

Had they memorized the names would you have let them vote, since your original lie that they did not have ID did not hold up?

Why don't you answer these questions?
Indeependent, post: 19776674're an idiot and a racist. I deal with hundreds of Spanish only speaking people every year and they know their names.

I know they know their names. Why are you lying calling them illegal voters by saying that they showed up as non-citizens attempting to vote using the names of dead or moved registered voters written on index cards because they are too stupid to memorize the dead voters names.

And as proof that you are lying about Spanish only speaking people you tell us you did not check the names on the index cards to the voter registration list. So how could you know if the names on the cards were actually on the voter registration list. And how could you know any of them were dead?

You don't know. You admit yourself that you can't know. You made the entire story up. You lie about Spanish speaking people defaming their good character accusing them of attempting to defraud the election. Don't you know that lying about ethnic groups breaking the law is very racist. You are the champ.
They were brought to vote in the place of the dead or relocated.
I have not yet met a legal immigrant that doesn't vote; they are thrilled to vote.

And you haven't addressed the questions that I put forth to you.
You have no idea how the two parties conspire at the Board of's disgusting.
Indeependent, post: 19776045
Why the hell should we check the rolls when they know their name and it doesn't match the card the Dem in the fancy suite hoped would be handed to a non-Spanish speaking traitor like you who would let them vote.

How many traitors were working beside you? Why and how was the entire bus load assigned only to you? Why were there no poll watchers ther to get suspicious of voter fraud when a bus load of Non/English speaking people waltz in carrying index cards with names and addresses on them but they had no clue what the index cards were for.

So you think they could have voted without memorizing the names on the index cards had they were directed to the traitor sitting next to you that they were supposed to see who could just allow them to vote as named on the index cards. Were all poll watchers even the Republicans traitors to?

Why were you and your buddy the only two who noticed a bus load of Spanish speakers in line to vote holding index cards with names they had not bothered to memorize?

Had they memorized the names would you have let them vote, since your original lie that they did not have ID did not hold up?

Why don't you answer these questions?
Every question you posed has been posted by me either answering you or prior to you asking anything.
You're just playing the game knowing most people won't go back to page one of this Thread.
No actually, ya ignorant dumbass, Trump won a majority of cities, states, and counties, and that's how he kicked crooked Hillary's ass. In essence the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy and his incumbent, Hillary.

Your facts are disputable - MINE are irrefutable.

Yes, Trump won the states where very few people actually LIVE ..

You know - Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Idaho, Alaska -- Etc Etc Etc ---

Yay YOU! :rolleyes:
And Hillary won Welfare.
Hillary had massive leads in sanctuary cities.
Illegals voting is easy because neither party will refresh the voting rolls.
I, along with many others, collect signatures.
We spent 7 years reporting the deceased, relocated and those who changed to Blank or Independent and the Dems and Repubs at the BOE wouldn't refresh the voting rolls because they were embarrassed that people were leaving the main stream parties in droves.
What makes you think we have not figured out that POTUS is elected by the Electoral College?

You're still whining over the loss, ding, ding, ding....

The discussion here is about popularity and polling of who won and who lost according to the Electoral College, Hillary lost the Electoral College vote and Trumpo lost the popular vote.

The only part that counts is the EC, the PV is irrelevant and the only reason you keep harping over it is because you lost...

She sucks and 60+ MM confirmed this...

The ejection day polling got the popular vote close but missed the electoral vote by a 70,000 swing in three states that decided it.

The campaign polling had her winning in a landslide, the point here is the polling sucks, you need to deal with the fact she lost...

Polling was not far off based on the popular vote.

^^^^^^ See Above^^^^^^

That is the point that apparently eludes your weak intellect at the moment,

Again, my vote was for the eventual winner, you voted for the loser, the truth is you can't accept the results and you're questioning someones intellect? :1peleas:

Why do you assign ignorance to people who are capable of grasping two separate concepts when it is obvious you are the one here who cannot?

The two separate points are the same old cry me a river why we lost, it's irrelevant, your irrelevant...
Illegals voting is easy because neither party will refresh the voting rolls.
I, along with many others, collect signatures.
We spent 7 years reporting the deceased, relocated and those who changed to Blank or Independent and the Dems and Repubs at the BOE wouldn't refresh the voting rolls because they were embarrassed that people were leaving the main stream parties in droves.

You're still at in a desperate attempt to make your Orange Overlord's brand of stupid be true.

Well, perhaps you should compile your evidence and present it to Kris Kobach - his own didn't work out so good. :)
Illegals voting is easy because neither party will refresh the voting rolls.
I, along with many others, collect signatures.
We spent 7 years reporting the deceased, relocated and those who changed to Blank or Independent and the Dems and Repubs at the BOE wouldn't refresh the voting rolls because they were embarrassed that people were leaving the main stream parties in droves.

You're still at in a desperate attempt to make your Orange Overlord's brand of stupid be true.

Well, perhaps you should compile your evidence and present it to Kris Kobach - his own didn't work out so good. :)
Are you trying to sound intelligent?
You failed.
The primary was not rigged. Nice try to hide YOUR candidate colluding with the Russians.

Republicans are the party of voter suppression. They dud it with photo ID laws. They did it by creating long lines at the polls in Democrat favored voting districts.

The fact is, your party can't win without cheating.

Here in PA, The Republican leader after passing a photo ID law ( struct down in the courts) that in passing that law they just gave PA to Romney.
So go fuck yourself you lying POS & your little Orange dipstick too.


Is that why many Bernie voters were so pissied off they ended up voting for Trump? Did you forget about Donna Brazil? Yup, she spilled the beans on Hillary rigging the nomination.
No she didn't. Brazil said no such thing.

Turn off Fox News, Ruseh Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and try to become educated.
Actually she did, douchbag, and so did many other prominent Democrats. Now run along before you embarrass yourself even further.

Analysis | Elizabeth Warren and Donna Brazile both now agree the 2016 Democratic primary was rigged

So, where is the rigging part?

Of course, Sanders had no record of support the DNC because he became a Democrat like a year before the election. Bernie never had a chance because he was touting pie-in-the-sky policies which he had failed to implement despite being in Congress for 800 years.

You love Fox. You love Trump. You are a total dumbass & my disproving your posts gets easier every fucking day.
The rigging part is that she owned the DNC. Paid everybody down to the guy who replaced the pods in the urinals.

Then the DNC went to court and won the case (brought by Bernie supporters) that they, the DNC, as a private org, have a legal right to ignore their own voters.

Horse crap. She was raising the most money. Did you want her to finance Bernie or what. How fucking stupid can you get.

Bernie knew the rules. He lost. The Democrat voters voted overwhelmingly for Clinton.

Quit trying to provide cover for your cheating party & the asshole you elected President.
Indeependent, post: 19756940
My true beef is with Business Visas and Off-Shoring and assholes such as yourself.

So your true beef is with mostly Republicans like Trump who uses visas to staff his rich man palaces like Maralago.
You are a major retard.
Your Liberal Wall Street heroes import hundreds of thousands of Visas for eternity.
Trump had 300 Visas for three months in a wealthy neighborhood where kids don't need these jobs.
Of course, I have already informed you of this but you're a dishonest piece of shit.

Your "America first" President hires foreign workers & you make stupid ignorant excuses.

So he couldn't "import" workers from cross town.With every post you keep proving what a low life lying, Trump Buttlicking POS you are.
Sorry but they were national polls predicting that.

I bet your sorry, she lost, you and the rest of your dumb-ass cohorts still cannot figure out we elect our POTUS via the Electoral College, the simple point is she was supposed to mop the floor with Trump, yet he kicked her ass 304 to 227...

She did win the popular vote by 3 million - which was right on track with the final predictions.

See above for the 1,000,000,000,000,000 time, using the word stupid is clearly not definitive enough for you and your brethren...

Yes - I took the Poli-Sci class in college and did not vote for Hillary Clinton. For the eleventy-gazillionth time - Trump SQUEAKED the EC by 77,774 votes in three states thanks to 200 million views of Russian fake news from trolls and bots on FB and Twitter combined with Comey announcement about the Weiner emails 11 days from election.

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
No actually, ya ignorant dumbass, Trump won a majority of cities, states, and counties, and that's how he kicked crooked Hillary's ass. In essence the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy and his incumbent, Hillary.

PEOPLE vote asshole. Not cities, not states, not counties. People.

And more people voted for Clinton that your orange buddy.
Indeependent, post: 19776045
You nauseate me.

Yes because your entire story is a lie. You said you did not check the names on the voter registration lists but you said these people came to vote for dead people and others on the list. There is no way you could know unless you checked the names on the cards to the regersteref voters list.

So why are you lying and thinking you can still get away with it?

You also said illegals vote, but your entire concocted fabrication of a story proves they did not vote. So that was a lie too. It's rare if at all that illegals vote.
I already suggested you start a Thread describing your mental illness.
If you think that someone who comes in and makes like they don't speak English and hands over a card that has "their name", and then, when asked in their language, they answer and their name doesn't come any near close to the name on the card should vote, I can only guess that you are an Illegal.
Or way too stupid to deserve being an American.
So, what was your jon-b title?
Did it give you the authority to turn away voters? I seriously doubt it. Like I doubt your made up story.

Straight from Glenn Beck.
Indeependent, post: 19776674're an idiot and a racist. I deal with hundreds of Spanish only speaking people every year and they know their names.

I know they know their names. Why are you lying calling them illegal voters by saying that they showed up as non-citizens attempting to vote using the names of dead or moved registered voters written on index cards because they are too stupid to memorize the dead voters names.

And as proof that you are lying about Spanish only speaking people you tell us you did not check the names on the index cards to the voter registration list. So how could you know if the names on the cards were actually on the voter registration list. And how could you know any of them were dead?

You don't know. You admit yourself that you can't know. You made the entire story up. You lie about Spanish speaking people defaming their good character accusing them of attempting to defraud the election. Don't you know that lying about ethnic groups breaking the law is very racist. You are the champ.
They were brought to vote in the place of the dead or relocated.
I have not yet met a legal immigrant that doesn't vote; they are thrilled to vote.

And you haven't addressed the questions that I put forth to you.
You have no idea how the two parties conspire at the Board of's disgusting.

Proof you don't lknopw shit about who can & can not vote in this country.

There are legal immigrants who are NOT UIS citizens and can not vote.

My God, you are a moron.
GWV5903, post: 19779447
You're still whining over the loss, ding, ding, ding....

This is how you reply to my question:

NotfooledbyW, post: 19773836
What makes you think we have not figured out that POTUS is elected by the Electoral College?

That is not an attempt at communicating on a human level. You must be a robot

You'd think they could program a robot to perform at a level somewhat higher than the average lowlife Trumpo idiot.
Indeependent, post: 19756940
My true beef is with Business Visas and Off-Shoring and assholes such as yourself.

So your true beef is with mostly Republicans like Trump who uses visas to staff his rich man palaces like Maralago.
You are a major retard.
Your Liberal Wall Street heroes import hundreds of thousands of Visas for eternity.
Trump had 300 Visas for three months in a wealthy neighborhood where kids don't need these jobs.
Of course, I have already informed you of this but you're a dishonest piece of shit.

Your "America first" President hires foreign workers & you make stupid ignorant excuses.

So he couldn't "import" workers from cross town.With every post you keep proving what a low life lying, Trump Buttlicking POS you are.
Yawn, you guys keep regurgitating the same bullshit from before the election, a year and a half later, over and over. What makes you think it's going to work now?
Sorry but they were national polls predicting that.

I bet your sorry, she lost, you and the rest of your dumb-ass cohorts still cannot figure out we elect our POTUS via the Electoral College, the simple point is she was supposed to mop the floor with Trump, yet he kicked her ass 304 to 227...

She did win the popular vote by 3 million - which was right on track with the final predictions.

See above for the 1,000,000,000,000,000 time, using the word stupid is clearly not definitive enough for you and your brethren...

Yes - I took the Poli-Sci class in college and did not vote for Hillary Clinton. For the eleventy-gazillionth time - Trump SQUEAKED the EC by 77,774 votes in three states thanks to 200 million views of Russian fake news from trolls and bots on FB and Twitter combined with Comey announcement about the Weiner emails 11 days from election.

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
No actually, ya ignorant dumbass, Trump won a majority of cities, states, and counties, and that's how he kicked crooked Hillary's ass. In essence the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy and his incumbent, Hillary.

PEOPLE vote asshole. Not cities, not states, not counties. People.

And more people voted for Clinton that your orange buddy.

Wrong. You obviously don't understsnd how the electoral system works. More people in a few select cities may have voted for your crooked corrupt Clinton, while the people in a majority of cities, counties, and states voted for Trump.

Wait, don't tell me, the dingbat is going to bring up "the popular vote" again. People in two or three highly populated, corrupt Leftwing coastal states don't speak for the country, Leftard.

Again, here is the breakdown:

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Indeependent, post: 19756940
My true beef is with Business Visas and Off-Shoring and assholes such as yourself.

So your true beef is with mostly Republicans like Trump who uses visas to staff his rich man palaces like Maralago.
You are a major retard.
Your Liberal Wall Street heroes import hundreds of thousands of Visas for eternity.
Trump had 300 Visas for three months in a wealthy neighborhood where kids don't need these jobs.
Of course, I have already informed you of this but you're a dishonest piece of shit.

Your "America first" President hires foreign workers & you make stupid ignorant excuses.

So he couldn't "import" workers from cross town.With every post you keep proving what a low life lying, Trump Buttlicking POS you are.
300 workers for 3 months.
You really are intellectually dishonest.
Indeependent, post: 19756940
My true beef is with Business Visas and Off-Shoring and assholes such as yourself.

So your true beef is with mostly Republicans like Trump who uses visas to staff his rich man palaces like Maralago.
You are a major retard.
Your Liberal Wall Street heroes import hundreds of thousands of Visas for eternity.
Trump had 300 Visas for three months in a wealthy neighborhood where kids don't need these jobs.
Of course, I have already informed you of this but you're a dishonest piece of shit.

Your "America first" President hires foreign workers & you make stupid ignorant excuses.

So he couldn't "import" workers from cross town.With every post you keep proving what a low life lying, Trump Buttlicking POS you are.
Most of the people from “cross town” have steady jobs, even if they’re cleaning ladies or lawn workers. They’re not going to lose a steady job for a 3 month stint.
Sorry but they were national polls predicting that.

I bet your sorry, she lost, you and the rest of your dumb-ass cohorts still cannot figure out we elect our POTUS via the Electoral College, the simple point is she was supposed to mop the floor with Trump, yet he kicked her ass 304 to 227...

She did win the popular vote by 3 million - which was right on track with the final predictions.

See above for the 1,000,000,000,000,000 time, using the word stupid is clearly not definitive enough for you and your brethren...

Yes - I took the Poli-Sci class in college and did not vote for Hillary Clinton. For the eleventy-gazillionth time - Trump SQUEAKED the EC by 77,774 votes in three states thanks to 200 million views of Russian fake news from trolls and bots on FB and Twitter combined with Comey announcement about the Weiner emails 11 days from election.

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
No actually, ya ignorant dumbass, Trump won a majority of cities, states, and counties, and that's how he kicked crooked Hillary's ass. In essence the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy and his incumbent, Hillary.

PEOPLE vote asshole. Not cities, not states, not counties. People.

And more people voted for Clinton that your orange buddy.

Wrong. You obviously don't understsnd how the electoral system works. More people in a few select cities may have voted for your crooked corrupt Clinton, while the people in a majority of cities, counties, and states voted for Trump.

Wait, don't tell me, the dingbat is going to bring up "the popular vote again". People in two or three highly populated, corrupt Leftwing coastal states don't speak for the country, Leftard.

Again, here is the breakdown:


Perhaps you were unaware of this but land doesn’t vote.

You’re welcome.
Indeependent, post: 19776674're an idiot and a racist. I deal with hundreds of Spanish only speaking people every year and they know their names.

I know they know their names. Why are you lying calling them illegal voters by saying that they showed up as non-citizens attempting to vote using the names of dead or moved registered voters written on index cards because they are too stupid to memorize the dead voters names.

And as proof that you are lying about Spanish only speaking people you tell us you did not check the names on the index cards to the voter registration list. So how could you know if the names on the cards were actually on the voter registration list. And how could you know any of them were dead?

You don't know. You admit yourself that you can't know. You made the entire story up. You lie about Spanish speaking people defaming their good character accusing them of attempting to defraud the election. Don't you know that lying about ethnic groups breaking the law is very racist. You are the champ.
They were brought to vote in the place of the dead or relocated.
I have not yet met a legal immigrant that doesn't vote; they are thrilled to vote.

And you haven't addressed the questions that I put forth to you.
You have no idea how the two parties conspire at the Board of's disgusting.

Proof you don't lknopw shit about who can & can not vote in this country.

There are legal immigrants who are NOT UIS citizens and can not vote.

My God, you are a moron.
Yeah? And who's going to stop the non-citizen legal and illegal residents from voting? The same officials who are running the sanctuary states, who even tell their POLICE to never ask a person's legal status, and aren't even willing to hand over convicted illegals to ICE so they can be deported? Ha ha ha. You are a joke.
I bet your sorry, she lost, you and the rest of your dumb-ass cohorts still cannot figure out we elect our POTUS via the Electoral College, the simple point is she was supposed to mop the floor with Trump, yet he kicked her ass 304 to 227...

See above for the 1,000,000,000,000,000 time, using the word stupid is clearly not definitive enough for you and your brethren...

Yes - I took the Poli-Sci class in college and did not vote for Hillary Clinton. For the eleventy-gazillionth time - Trump SQUEAKED the EC by 77,774 votes in three states thanks to 200 million views of Russian fake news from trolls and bots on FB and Twitter combined with Comey announcement about the Weiner emails 11 days from election.

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
No actually, ya ignorant dumbass, Trump won a majority of cities, states, and counties, and that's how he kicked crooked Hillary's ass. In essence the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy and his incumbent, Hillary.

PEOPLE vote asshole. Not cities, not states, not counties. People.

And more people voted for Clinton that your orange buddy.

Wrong. You obviously don't understsnd how the electoral system works. More people in a few select cities may have voted for your crooked corrupt Clinton, while the people in a majority of cities, counties, and states voted for Trump.

Wait, don't tell me, the dingbat is going to bring up "the popular vote again". People in two or three highly populated, corrupt Leftwing coastal states don't speak for the country, Leftard.

Again, here is the breakdown:


Perhaps you were unaware of this but land doesn’t vote.

You’re welcome.
"Land doesn't vote", wow what a comeback! People in those lands did, and people in a majority of cities, counties and states voted for Trump. Hence an ELECTORAL VICTORY. You guys got the Leftcoast cities, filled with voter fraud, corrupt policians, and illegals. Yes you did.
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