New WSJ/NBC poll - Donald losing more ground

Indeependent, post: 19785078
Thanks for showing us you're a racist piece of garbage thinking even for a moment that Spanish only speaking people can't converse intelligently with a Colombian who speaks Spanish as a first language.

We realize you are stupid. You need not waste messages proving it.

How do you know the index cards had names of dead and relocated former registered voters since you said you did not check the names on the cards to the names on the list?

Do you realize your own words proves you are a liar.
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And if you go to the poll itself - You'll not that the "strongly approve" number is 22% and "strongly disapprove" is double that at 44. Sad :)

President Trump’s job approval rating slipped 4 points in a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Thirty-nine percent of respondents now approve of the job the president is doing, compared to 57 percent who disapprove.

Trump's support fell among Republicans, whites, men, independents, women and Democrats.​

Trump job approval slips 4 points to 39 percent in NBC poll

This was the same NBC polling organization that said Hitlery would win in a landslide. Gawd Dims are stupid. :lol:
Roudy, post: 19785115
Hussein Obama told them to vote, remember

No he didn't. That is a lie or ignorance and likely in your case - both.
Here is your messiah encouraging illegals to vote:

The video you posted does not show what you allege. Instead, it shows a couple of talking heads on FOX news interpreting what they think Obama said. I was expecting to see the actual speech so I could interpret what he said myself.
Wow, I checked out the video myself and learned why the actual speech is nor included in the FOX News video in the above post.#384. It's a genuine fake news report. A real lie being promoted on FOX. Calling is misinterpretation is not accurate, a lie is accurate. Blatant lie from FOX News.
Indeependent, post: 19785078
Thanks for showing us you're a racist piece of garbage thinking even for a moment that Spanish only speaking people can't converse intelligently with a Colombian who speaks Spanish as a first language.

We realize you are stupid. You need not waste messages proving it.

How do you know the index cards had names of dead and relocated former registered voters since you said you did not check the names on the cards to the names on the list?

Do you realize your own words proves you are a liar.
We realized the names on the cards were not the names of those holding the cards.
How stupid are you?
Roudy, post: 19785115
Hussein Obama told them to vote, remember

No he didn't. That is a lie or ignorance and likely in your case - both.
Here is your messiah encouraging illegals to vote:

Cavuto taped that after watching a previous deviously edited version by Stuart Varney.

It is not true. Obama never encouraged illegals to vote. He actually said noncitizen voting would be illegal.
Indeependent, post: 19786767
We realized the names on the cards were not the names of those holding the cards.

I understand that. The question clearly is - how do you know the names on the cards were dead and relocated former voters if you did not check the registered voters list when you had the index cards in front of you?

You can't know that. You lied.
Indeependent, post: 19786767
We realized the names on the cards were not the names of those holding the cards.

I understand that. The question clearly is - how do you know the names on the cards were dead and relocated former voters if you did not check the registered voters list when you had the index cards in front of you?

You can't know that. You lied.
Someone was not expecting the real voters to show up.
Roudy, post: 19785115
Hussein Obama told them to vote, remember

No he didn't. That is a lie or ignorance and likely in your case - both.
Here is your messiah encouraging illegals to vote:

Cavuto taped that after watching a previous deviously edited version by Stuart Varney.

It is not true. Obama never encouraged illegals to vote. He actually said noncitizen voting would be illegal.

Bzzzzzt wrong again. Here is your messiah encouraging illegals to vote again. Listen carefully.

Wow, I checked out the video myself and learned why the actual speech is nor included in the FOX News video in the above post.#384. It's a genuine fake news report. A real lie being promoted on FOX. Calling is misinterpretation is not accurate, a lie is accurate. Blatant lie from FOX News.
Check it out all you want, she's asking him about illegals voting and listen to his response: "no way for anybody to find out".

Roudy, post: 19785115
Hussein Obama told them to vote, remember

No he didn't. That is a lie or ignorance and likely in your case - both.
Here is your messiah encouraging illegals to vote:

Cavuto taped that after watching a previous deviously edited version by Stuart Varney.

It is not true. Obama never encouraged illegals to vote. He actually said noncitizen voting would be illegal.

Bzzzzzt wrong again. Here is your messiah encouraging illegals to vote again. Listen carefully.

Something is wrong with your hearing. or you are dishonest. Obama is clearly explaining that when a legal immigrant votes it does not bring about an investigation that might jeopardize family members, neighbors, or friends who may not be documented. Efforts were being made by Republicans to make legal immigrants fear to vote, making them think voting would bring negative attention from immigration officials that could jeopardize friends, neighbors, and family.
Roudy, post: 19785115
Hussein Obama told them to vote, remember

No he didn't. That is a lie or ignorance and likely in your case - both.
Here is your messiah encouraging illegals to vote:

Cavuto taped that after watching a previous deviously edited version by Stuart Varney.

It is not true. Obama never encouraged illegals to vote. He actually said noncitizen voting would be illegal.

Bzzzzzt wrong again. Here is your messiah encouraging illegals to vote again. Listen carefully.

Something is wrong with your hearing. or you are dishonest. Obama is clearly explaining that when a legal immigrant votes it does not bring about an investigation that might jeopardize family members, neighbors, or friends who may not be documented. Efforts were being made by Republicans to make legal immigrants fear to vote, making them think voting would bring negative attention from immigration officials that could jeopardize friends, neighbors, and family.

Spare us the violin and the demonization, the question clearly referred to UNDOCUMENTED voters she called them "citizens" because she believed they contributed and therefore deserve to vote, and he clearly said, don't worry, nobody can find out. Obama never really cared for or respected the constitution or the laws on this country. Listen again:

Indeependent, post: 19787768
Someone was not expecting the real voters to show up.

So now your lie is the proper voters who were fraudulently named on the index cards actually showed up to vote. Now they are not dead or relocated voters.

But you still can't know that. You said you never checked the names on the index card with the registered voter list.

We know your entire story is a lie. But you will never cease to amaze me as to how you keep on lying.

Did you see the bus?

You know there was no bus. No index cards, no Dem operative in a thousand dollar suit. No illegals.
Dems believe that the undocumented have the same voting rights as citizens because they "contribute" just as citizens do. Of course, this is all a ruse, Dems never really cared about minorities, Latinos, blacks, gays, transgenders, etc. this is all an effort to increase their voter base and therefore help them achieve power in the govt. to impose their anti American communistic policies. They truly have nothing to offer America but divisiveness and identity politics.

Indeependent, post: 19787768
Someone was not expecting the real voters to show up.

So now your lie is the proper voters who were fraudulently named on the index cards actually showed up to vote. Now they are not dead or relocated voters.

But you still can't know that. You said you never checked the names on the index card with the registered voter list.

We know your entire story is a lie. But you will never cease to amaze me as to how you keep on lying.

Did you see the bus?

You know there was no bus. No index cards, no Dem operative in a thousand dollar suit. No illegals.
Seems like the debate has come down to some random Republican claiming he saw something suspicious during an election and therefore, 3 million illegals voted against Trump.
Roudy, post: 1978856
Spare us the violin and the demonization, the question clearly referred to UNDOCUMENTED voters she called them "citizens" because she believed they contributed and therefore deserve to vote, and he clearly said, don't worry, nobody can find out.

Show us the unedited full in context transcript where you think Obama said illegals should vote and nobody can can find out.

Note: You cannot change words, eliminate phrases and sentences, rearrange paragraphs

The full transcript is in this thread:

PoliticalChic, post: 19681096,
The "I" refers to the phrase that comes before it..."undocumented citizens."

Another fatal flaw in your deplorable lie is that further down the interview Obama tells Gina that when she votes she is a citizen. Obama did not say when she votes she is an "undocumented citizen."

You say when Gina said "when I vote" she is asking for "undocumented citizens."

But Obama contradicts your bullshit.

He is speaking to Gina as in, for a fact, that she is a US citizen.

Obama did not say to Gina, " when you vote you are an undocumented citizen" did he?

But your lie is saying that was exactly what he said.

You can't get away with it except for the stupid haters that take your lyin' words for fact.

Perhaps that is all you care about?

You cannot care about your own personal integrity.
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Roudy, post: 1978856
Spare us the violin and the demonization, the question clearly referred to UNDOCUMENTED voters she called them "citizens" because she believed they contributed and therefore deserve to vote, and he clearly said, don't worry, nobody can find out.

Show us the unedited full in context transcript where you think Obama said illegals should vote and nobody can can find out.

Note: You cannot change words, eliminate phrases and sentences, rearrange paragraphs in the transcript.
Again, the interviewer clearly said she believed that undocumented people should have the same voting rights as citizens, and then asked Obama if they should vote, and Obama, instead of forcefully saying "undocumented should not vote" carefully tiptoed around it and said, "there is no way they can be stopped, nor can it be found out." Watch the video again!
Roudy, post: 1978856
....she called them "citizens" because she believed they contributed and therefore deserve to vote.....

You see you lied right there.

She called them "citizens" because she believed they contributed. She stopped there liar. You being the natural born liar that you are, added "and therefore deserve to vote"

She never said that. Why did you feel the need to lie by saying that she did.

Liars are deplorable. You are deplorable.

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