New Years Resolutions For AGW Climate Scientists: STOP LYING!


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Stop lying about (enter item here).

Steven Goddard puts the climate liars to task with cold, hard, FACTS!


New Years Resolutions For Climate Scientists
I posted part of the article which shows pure data manipulations of the climate record. and i get babbling or drunken slobber on the computer from an alarmist...:lame2:
I have not yet discerned fact from non-fact, truth from lies, re: AGW.

What I do KNOW is that the policies of the Obama administration and the EPA threaten the very quality of life of every American.

Without hydrocarbons, this nation is fucked. Pure and simple.

Fuck that pimple prick Obama, the environmental movement, Liberals and whacked-out tree huggers.
I posted part of the article which shows pure data manipulations of the climate record. and i get babbling or drunken slobber on the computer from an alarmist...:lame2:

The only thing I'm alarming the world of right now... IS OF A GIGANTIC PUSSY NAMED BILLY_BOB!!!

I posted part of the article which shows pure data manipulations of the climate record. and i get babbling or drunken slobber on the computer from an alarmist...:lame2:

The only thing I'm alarming the world of right now... IS OF A GIGANTIC PUSSY NAMED BILLY_BOB!!!


So you cant refute the facts presented in the article and you admit that AGW is a fraud on man kind.... Thanks for that vote of confidence.
Hydrocarbons are the world's best friend.

To assume otherwise is to expose ignorance.
Hydrocarbons are the world's best friend.

To assume otherwise is to expose ignorance.

Three papers set to come out this next month will show that CO2's rate of increase in temp per doubling is far less than 0.4 Deg C. and that it is closer to 0.2 deg C. That's a huge change in thought and it lays waste to the current 1.4 deg C per doubling seen in the labs controlled environment and the modeled 4.0 to 6.0 C that the EPA still holds onto.

So much evidence is coming out that CO2 is not the demon it was purported to be.. Then to have major adjustments to climactic records and the fraud being shown, it all points to desperation that their control agenda will now fail. It is also the time they will resort to unethical ways of keeping control. They will do anything or as Marx put it "the ends justify the means".
Goddard goes directly to fraud accusations where I see it as more likely just mission creep due to the Noble Cause.
I have not yet discerned fact from non-fact, truth from lies, re: AGW.

What I do KNOW is that the policies of the Obama administration and the EPA threaten the very quality of life of every American.

Without hydrocarbons, this nation is fucked. Pure and simple.

Fuck that pimple prick Obama, the environmental movement, Liberals and whacked-out tree huggers.

For not having discerned the truth, you seem to have firmly thrown yourself to one side.
It doesn't bother any of you that Goddard is using a stage name and that the real man has no qualifications?
The fact that most of the people they quote, from Watt to the fake British Lord, have zero qualifications.
So Billy, the "doctoral student in atmospheric science", is telling others to stop lying? Hypocrisy meters are pegging high.

Billy, you're a pathologically dishonest piece of shit. Until you admit to lying, apologize for it and pledge to do better, you have no moral grounds to criticize anyone. On both and intellectual and moral level, you're not fit to sniff the jocks of the men you slander due to cult rage and bitter jealousy.
Goddard goes directly to fraud accusations where I see it as more likely just mission creep due to the Noble Cause.

I am tending to agree with Goddard on this point. They knew that localized data was lower in PH while many areas had no change. What do you call someone who knows the data exists that disproves your hypothesis, hides it, and failed to inform those who are reading his work that there is other data that does not share his conclusion? After the EAU/MET boys discarded the raw data and replaced it with altered data this kind of fraud seems to be acceptable behavior for the AGW crowd.

I choose to call it what it is.. Fraud.
The fact that most of the people they quote, from Watt to the fake British Lord, have zero qualifications.


Monckton has several degrees, is a reviewer for the IPCC works, and is highly learned in atmospheric physics..

Anthony Watts has a degree in meteorology and spent 40 some years not only predicting weather but observing.

As opposed to you... who is clueless.. YOU LOSE!
And you are a lying, fucked up idiot for ever posting such nonsense.

Christopher Monckton - SourceWatch

Christopher Monckton is a non-scientist AGW denier, who has had articles published in The Guardian and in a non-peer-reviewed newsletter[1] of the American Physical Society (whose Council subsequently disagreed with Monckton's conclusions)[1] claiming that global warming is neither man-made nor likely to be catastrophic. Monckton has made various false claims in the past such as that he is a member of the British House of Lords.[2], a Nobel Prize winner, inventor of a cure for HIV, winner of a defamation case against George Monbiot and writer of a peer-reviewed article.

Monckton is the third Viscount Monckton of Brenchley and reportedly a former advisor to the policy unit of the British government during the 1980s; he is employed as Chief Policy Adviser for the denier lobby group,Science and Public Policy Institute.[3].

Monckton is also Scotland Leader of the right-wing nationalist party United Kingdom Independence Party.

His critics, including The Guardian writer George Monbiot, point out that Monckton has only a "degree in classics and a diploma in journalism further qualifications."[4]
Why on earth do you make such insane and easily checked on claims, Billy Boob?

Anthony Watts - SourceWatch


Watts attended Purdue University from 1975 to 1982 but left without graduating.[2] A number of direct queries to Watts to find out if he graduated from college were rebuffed,[3] but a direct query to Purdue revealed that he did not obtain a degree from the university.[2]

Watts began his broadcasting career, in 1978 in Lafayette, Indiana.[4]

Watts still works as a weatherman at KPAY 1290 AM radio in Chico, California.

Political advocacy
Watts is involved with the Butte County Republican Party, providing technical assistance and maintaining the website and domain registration.[5],[6]

Credentials held
Watts held an American Meteorological Society Seal of Approval (a discontinued credential that does not require a bachelor's or higher degree in atmospheric science or meteorology from an accredited college/university)[7] with a status of "retired".[8]

Credentials not held
Some online lists incorrectly refer to Watts as "AMS Certified"[9], but this is incorrect; the American Meteorological Society reserves its "AMS Certified" designation for its Certified Broadcast Meteorologists and Certified Consulting Meteorologists[10], and Watts posesses neither certification.[11],[12]

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