New York state Democrats to sue schools that refuse to enroll illegal immigrant students.

They are asylum seekers and soon they will be working which New Yorkers can do if they wish, a lot of people are sick of the crappy GOP jobs without benefits for citizens. There is no welfare For illegals and there is no ID card that means anything so... and the GOP blocks all the laws to organize a real system. Trump destroyed the southern border immigration system totally and just stopped everybody, a racist policy. What we have here is A GOP mess that took them 40 years of giveaway to the rich to produce. Latin America is a total mess and so is our immigration system and we have the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere. And all you care about is these poor people.
Trump closed the Mexican border totally mainly against blacks and Browns and did away with all the courts for asylum seekers down there. This is news to you?
They're not asylum seekers. People don't cross the border and evade capture because they want asylum.
It is certainly not A disaster for these poor people who deserve asylum thanks to your party's racist and give away to the rich policies Including in Latin America. Fifty to 80 percent of them are approved for asylum and most already have relatives here. Many Cubans have been walking for 10 years around South America and over the Darien gap and then had to spend years in Mexico during Trump. great job! and they all want to work not go on welfare, hater dupe,

Identify the objective standards that require anyone "deserves" asylum. You make nonsense claims.
More fake news, it's between 50 and 80% depending on how you count and Biden is getting new judges and fixing what Trump broke- the whole system.... The percentage of them that show up for court is much higher than that.
No, the actual percentage is thirty seven percent since Biden was elected and the only reason it is that high is that he has changed the standards for asylum from a concrete fear due to political or religious persecution to any SUBJECTIVE fear of death or injury from any source including criminal activity. Biden’s administration is fudging even those figures by including people who drop out of the process, never make all their court appearances, or never even file to get that 85% number, as complete, granted asylum actions.
Everyone knew this was coming. The Dems / Socialists flooding the country with illegals means the taxpayers are on the hook for boat loads of money.

The real impact, of course, will be overcrowded classrooms and entire curriculums dumbed-down to accommodate the non and barely English speaking illegals. There was some hope that the damage done to children by school lockdowns as a result of the Wuhan virus could be somewhat mitigated with kids back in class. That hope is gone as the Dem / Socialist poisoned teachers union is going to do all they can to keep American children dumb and dumber.

New York Attorney General Letitia James and State Education Commissioner Betty Rosa are threatening legal action against schools that attempt to block or increase the difficulty for illegal immigrants to register their children for public school.

On Monday, James and Rosa wrote in a letter to the public school districts, “Policies that make it difficult or impossible for migrant children and youth to enroll in school are contrary to state education regulations and may expose schools to legal liability.”
US law guarantees every child the right to an education.
The people asking for asylum turn themselves in at the border or the first immigration police they run into Border Patrol whatever....
Unless they wear Camo or dark clothing and sneak over In Ultra Rural areas in the dead of night with Bails / packages of Pot or Fentanyl or Meth on their backs
Yup mainly Haiti Cuba Venezuela Nicaragua across the southern border. The Syrians are in Europe with the Ukrainians and Iraqis. Nice mess. At least the rich and big oil big pharma big health still get their tax cuts... I see billionaires pay an average of 6% to the federal government in Taxes....
People from well over 100 Countries have swarmed over our Southern Border
It is certainly not A disaster for these poor people who deserve asylum thanks to your party's racist and give away to the rich policies Including in Latin America. Fifty to 80 percent of them are approved for asylum and most already have relatives here. Many Cubans have been walking for 10 years around South America and over the Darien gap and then had to spend years in Mexico during Trump. great job! and they all want to work not go on welfare, hater dupe,

Identify the objective standards that require anyone "deserves" asylum. You make nonsense claims.
The people asking for asylum turn themselves in at the border or the first immigration police they run into Border Patrol whatever....
Only some illegals turn themselves in. They do so because they know the Dem / Socialist catch and release program means they are free of any restrictions.

Identify the objective standards that require anyone "deserves" asylum.
That is most recently, at certain points the Cubans and the Nicaraguans...
Have you looked at a map of South America, where for example, Venezuela is situated? You do realise Venezuela fucked itself with socialism, just what Democrats are wanting to do with America. So why don't the millions from Venezuela cross the border into Brazil, or are Brazilians fleeing their country too?

If someone feels the need to flee their country due to war etc.. seeking asylum in the first safe country they entered means objective achieved. So it makes sense to stay there because when they can return, it's a shorter distance to walk back.

As for the Cubans and Nicaraguans, plenty of countries around them.

But it's all a guise, this supposedly fleeing oppression, wars, etc.. they're simply luxury seekers.
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These people basically all want to rejoin their family members and work like hell, they're great citizens...

giving asylum to the worthy is an American rule, not cutting off the southern border because blacks and Browns mainly
MS13 are great citizens?
These people basically all want to rejoin their family members and work like hell, they're great citizens...

giving asylum to the worthy is an American rule, not cutting off the southern border because blacks and Browns mainly
They are Spanish-speaking people. There are numerous countries in South America where they can go for asylum.
MS13 are great citizens?
End the war on drugs, as usual the GOP has the stupidest wars ever. Tax the rich again and invest in Americans again with a living wage healthcare daycare great infrastructure and mainly cheap college and training. 40 years of the GOP screwing over everyone but the rich has given us the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever and you Brainwashed and uninformed people are obsessed with your racism.
End the war on drugs, as usual the GOP has the stupidest wars ever. Tax the rich again and invest in Americans again with a living wage healthcare daycare great infrastructure and mainly cheap college and training. 40 years of the GOP screwing over everyone but the rich has given us the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever and you Brainwashed and uninformed people are obsessed with your racism.
Philadelphia surrendered in the war on drugs. Been to Kensington Avenue?

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