New York state Democrats to sue schools that refuse to enroll illegal immigrant students.

Good for him, and your post does nothing to negate my points. New York is about to change it so they can work I mean otherwise it's ridiculous. They and the illegals work like crazy given half a chance, and illegals do not get welfare or anything else and they don't need it they're working already. And that is because the gop refuses to organize our immigration system and a work ID card. Believe they are scum and really love the cheap easily bullied labor to keep everyone's pay down.... I'm not angry I'm just telling you the facts, your news is not news at all and you have to be ignorant politically of course to believe it. You disrespect all our public servants and great institutions because some scumbag told you some garbage. Here in western New York it is 72% trump and they are the greatest people but they are totally misinformed politically and voting against their own interests for rich scumbags l O l

I'm not clear what you mean when you wrote, ''and that is because the gop refuses to organize our immigration system''

We have an immigration system. We have existing laws that the Dems / Socialists refuse to enforce. It's the Dems / Socialists who are responsible for the illegal alien disaster at the southern border and now at various 'sanctuary cities'.

You don't find it hilarious that New York City, a 'sanctuary city', is overwhelmed by those invited and who chose to accept the invitation?

What kind of plan do you propose for those unemployed US citizens in NYC? The Dem / Socialist plan is to dump hundreds of thousands of low and no-skilled workers in a city with an outrageously high cost of living. The Dems / Socialists are already spending $Billions of dollars for welfare, healthcare, food and housing costs for the illegals. Identify for us the taxpayers who voted for these hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to steal their tax dollars.
Orange man is your problem, I'm British. So the burden of proof is on your shoulders. Show me your evidence that apparently everyone else has or STFU.
I don't know what we're even talking about anymore but I should be British too if they had dual citizenship when I was around. I learned to speak English at my grandfather's farm at the manor they call it now of gunces and learned to drive on the driveway there about 3:00 quarters of a mile long. Ten crossings on the Atlantic QE 3 * QM 3 *. Whenever we were talking about do you know how to use Google? I'm really tired of educating the right wingers, we should be paid. I was also totally against Brexit more misinformation. And old time colonialism. Also saw the wreck of the HMS Warspite and the coronation....
I'm not clear what you mean when you wrote, ''and that is because the gop refuses to organize our immigration system''

We have an immigration system. We have existing laws that the Dems / Socialists refuse to enforce. It's the Dems / Socialists who are responsible for the illegal alien disaster at the southern border and now at various 'sanctuary cities'.

You don't find it hilarious that New York City, a 'sanctuary city', is overwhelmed by those invited and who chose to accept the invitation?

What kind of plan do you propose for those unemployed US citizens in NYC? The Dem / Socialist plan is to dump hundreds of thousands of low and no-skilled workers in a city with an outrageously high cost of living. The Dems / Socialists are already spending $Billions of dollars for welfare, healthcare, food and housing costs for the illegals. Identify for us the taxpayers who voted for these hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to steal their tax dollars.
They are asylum seekers and soon they will be working which New Yorkers can do if they wish, a lot of people are sick of the crappy GOP jobs without benefits for citizens. There is no welfare For illegals and there is no ID card that means anything so... and the GOP blocks all the laws to organize a real system. Trump destroyed the southern border immigration system totally and just stopped everybody, a racist policy. What we have here is A GOP mess that took them 40 years of giveaway to the rich to produce. Latin America is a total mess and so is our immigration system and we have the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere. And all you care about is these poor people.
I don't know what we're even talking about anymore but I should be British too if they had dual citizenship when I was around. I learned to speak English at my grandfather's farm at the manor they call it now of gunces and learned to drive on the driveway there about 3:00 quarters of a mile long. Ten crossings on the Atlantic QE 3 * QM 3 *. Whenever we were talking about do you know how to use Google? I'm really tired of educating the right wingers, we should be paid. I was also totally against Brexit more misinformation. And old time colonialism. Also saw the wreck of the HMS Warspite and the coronation....
If you weren't such a winklespanner, you would know what's going on. Please don't get British citizenship, please don't.

It's really simple. I will slow this down. You made a claim about those asylum seekers/immigrants/illegal immigrants, and the nation's where those people came from were sanctioned and destroyed by America.

So you made that claim and the burden is s on your shoulders; which nationalities from which nations and which sanctions resulted in this this.

So stop this, "Google is your friend", shit, just sort yourself out and back up you bovine excrement with links/evidence.
If you weren't such a winklespanner, you would know what's going on. Please don't get British citizenship, please don't.

It's really simple. I will slow this down. You made a claim about those asylum seekers/immigrants/illegal immigrants, and the nation's where those people came from were sanctioned and destroyed by America.

So you made that claim and the burden is s on your shoulders; which nationalities from which nations and which sanctions resulted in this this.

So stop this, "Google is your friend", shit, just sort yourself out and back up you bovine excrement with links/evidence.
  1. Global web icon
    The New York Times

    What to Know About Migrants Coming to NYC From the Border

    WebAug 10, 2023 · About seven million Venezuelans have left home. While most stay in Latin America, more have set out for the United States in recent months. Federico Rios for The …
  2. I'm coming to your canals and France more particularly...
  3. No problem, hater dupe....
  4. You people have absolutely no curiosity or care about the truth, you just listen to proven scumbags and refuse to look around. Brexit was for fools....
They are asylum seekers and soon they will be working which New Yorkers can do if they wish, a lot of people are sick of the crappy GOP jobs without benefits for citizens. There is no welfare For illegals and there is no ID card that means anything so... and the GOP blocks all the laws to organize a real system. Trump destroyed the southern border immigration system totally and just stopped everybody, a racist policy. What we have here is A GOP mess that took them 40 years of giveaway to the rich to produce. Latin America is a total mess and so is our immigration system and we have the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere. And all you care about is these poor people.
I'm not clear what you mean when you wrote, ''Trump broke the immigration system''. and ''that is because the gop refuses to organize our immigration system''

illegal immigration under Trump was the lowest in decades. There's nothing racist about border security. Why the need to resort to silly slogans?

We have an immigration system. We have existing laws that the Dems / Socialists refuse to enforce. It's the Dems / Socialists who are responsible for the illegal alien disaster at the southern border and now at various 'sanctuary cities'.

The flood of illegal aliens are not asylum seekers, They are here for free welfare, Healthcare, food and housing.

What kind of plan do you propose for those unemployed US citizens in NYC? The Dem / Socialist plan is to dump hundreds of thousands of low and no-skilled workers in a city with an outrageously high cost of living. The Dems / Socialists are already spending $Billions of dollars for welfare, healthcare, food and housing costs for the illegals. Identify for us the taxpayers who voted for these hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to steal their tax dollars
I'm not clear what you mean when you wrote, ''Trump broke the immigration system''. and ''that is because the gop refuses to organize our immigration system''

illegal immigration under Trump was the lowest in decades. There's nothing racist about border security. Why the need to resort to silly slogans?

We have an immigration system. We have existing laws that the Dems / Socialists refuse to enforce. It's the Dems / Socialists who are responsible for the illegal alien disaster at the southern border and now at various 'sanctuary cities'.

The flood of illegal aliens are not asylum seekers, They are here for free welfare, Healthcare, food and housing.

What kind of plan do you propose for those unemployed US citizens in NYC? The Dem / Socialist plan is to dump hundreds of thousands of low and no-skilled workers in a city with an outrageously high cost of living. The Dems / Socialists are already spending $Billions of dollars for welfare, healthcare, food and housing costs for the illegals. Identify for us the taxpayers who voted for these hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to steal their tax dollars
Trump closed the Mexican border totally mainly against blacks and Browns and did away with all the courts for asylum seekers down there. This is news to you?
Trump closed the Mexican border totally mainly against blacks and Browns and did away with all the courts for asylum seekers down there. This is news to you?
Revisionist history has Obama as the Deporter & Chief and Biden as the architect of the most Secure Southern Border in the History of the United States .🤣😆
I'm not clear what you mean when you wrote, ''Trump broke the immigration system''. and ''that is because the gop refuses to organize our immigration system''

illegal immigration under Trump was the lowest in decades. There's nothing racist about border security. Why the need to resort to silly slogans?

We have an immigration system. We have existing laws that the Dems / Socialists refuse to enforce. It's the Dems / Socialists who are responsible for the illegal alien disaster at the southern border and now at various 'sanctuary cities'.

The flood of illegal aliens are not asylum seekers, They are here for free welfare, Healthcare, food and housing.

What kind of plan do you propose for those unemployed US citizens in NYC? The Dem / Socialist plan is to dump hundreds of thousands of low and no-skilled workers in a city with an outrageously high cost of living. The Dems / Socialists are already spending $Billions of dollars for welfare, healthcare, food and housing costs for the illegals. Identify for us the taxpayers who voted for these hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to steal their tax dollars
It is certainly not A disaster for these poor people who deserve asylum thanks to your party's racist and give away to the rich policies Including in Latin America. Fifty to 80 percent of them are approved for asylum and most already have relatives here. Many Cubans have been walking for 10 years around South America and over the Darien gap and then had to spend years in Mexico during Trump. great job! and they all want to work not go on welfare, hater dupe,
Revisionist history has Obama as the Deporter & Chief and Biden as the architect of the most Secure Southern Border in the History of the United States .🤣😆
It probably is as secure as it has ever been except for asylum seekers who are legal. Your problem is you people are totally misinformed with divisive hateful anti-american garbage
It probably is as secure as it has ever been except for asylum seekers who are legal. Your problem is you people are totally misinformed with divisive hateful anti-american garbage
6.5 Million Illegals have swarmed in so far during Biden Administration , they are not all legal or asylum seekers .
It probably is as secure as it has ever been except for asylum seekers who are legal. Your problem is you people are totally misinformed with divisive hateful anti-american garbage
Now the Getaways and Visa Overstayers are legal asylum seekers 🤣😆
6.5 Million Illegals have swarmed in so far during Biden Administration , they are not all legal or asylum seekers .
Fewer than that probably, but that's the way it goes, that's how screwed up Cuba Nicaragua Venezuela honduras Guatemala are.... Great job with the GOP led sanctions and covert actions and Coups whenever they mentioned socialism which we think is Communism LOL.... Don't forget the Hurricanes and droughts and volcanoes and global warming either....
Fewer than that probably, but that's the way it goes, that's how screwed up Cuba Nicaragua Venezuela honduras Guatemala are.... Great job with the GOP led sanctions and covert actions and Coups whenever they mentioned socialism which we think is Communism LOL.... Don't forget the Hurricanes and droughts and volcanoes and global warming either....
Except people are swarming over our border from ( Haiti ) ( Syria ) ( Somalia ) ( Chad ) ( Tajikistan ) ( China ) ( Jordan) ( Cyprus ) ( South Ossetia ) ( Turkey ) ( Libya ) (Morocco ) ( Sri Lanka ) (Tunisia ) ( ...
Except people are swarming over our border from ( Haiti ) ( Syria ) ( Somalia ) ( Chad ) ( Tajikistan ) ( China ) ( Jordan) ( Cyprus ) ( South Ossetia ) ( Turkey ) ( Libya ) (Morocco ) ( Sri Lanka ) (Tunisia ) ( ...
That's exactly what always happens when the GOP causes another corrupt deregulation bubble and bust world depression and refugee crisis. Great Job, and this time you screwed up the pandemic response more than anybody. Always a disaster... how is Ronnie Reagan's Pal Saddam doing?
That's exactly what always happens when the GOP causes another corrupt deregulation bubble and bust world depression and refugee crisis. Great Job, and this time you screwed up the pandemic response more than anybody. Always a disaster... how is Ronnie Reagan's Pal Saddam doing?
Lol it’s the GOPs fault people want to leave China for the USA 😆
Except people are swarming over our border from ( Haiti ) ( Syria ) ( Somalia ) ( Chad ) ( Tajikistan ) ( China ) ( Jordan) ( Cyprus ) ( South Ossetia ) ( Turkey ) ( Libya ) (Morocco ) ( Sri Lanka ) (Tunisia ) ( ...
Yup mainly Haiti Cuba Venezuela Nicaragua across the southern border. The Syrians are in Europe with the Ukrainians and Iraqis. Nice mess. At least the rich and big oil big pharma big health still get their tax cuts... I see billionaires pay an average of 6% to the federal government in Taxes....

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