New York State New Gun Laws Include, People applying for a gun license will have to turn over a list of their social media accounts for officials to v

Once upon a time the now accidental Governor, Hochul, was pro-gun. She lied. Now she is an evil gun-grabber and all one needs o do is look at her face to see the evil.
Your rage comes off as being nothing more than your 'little man' complex. You need to defuse it and stifle before somebody throws you in a dumpster and slams the lid shut!
Take a look at this fascists, this I predicted would happen if Trump rammed Coney-Barret through to the high court, and the scotus struck down Roe/Wade, I knew it would serve to demoralize the fascist base, that they would collapse in near total despair at the loss of Roe, and NOT turn out to vote for the fascist scum which has played them for the last 100 years! You weaklings are not fighting any civil wars, we will annihilate you en masse, starting with the east coast and ending with the swift elimination of California's fascist one party usurpers!

You have lost your support, we called your fucking bluff and your base has now deserted you almost entirely in wake of the death of Roe, I knew this would happen, you morons confused our generous, good nature for apathy, you were wrong, you and your filth are the apathetic's, nothing but drug addicts and sexual deviants, good luck standing with the like of this bitch in New York, who was not even elected to the job, Zeldin will be scorching her ass in November, and you will do absolutely nothing to stop him from doing so, you have lost the culture war, you'd best pray to whatever you hold above you her ilk do not provoke a shooting war, it will not end well for you!

"Shall not be infringed" doesn't have any testing requirement to it.

Uh, not so.
If it didn't have any requirement behind it then there would be no need for it.

Defend it personally or lose it.
And we all know the unquestionable right wing response to tyranny....

(and please stop modifying my posts after the fact THANK YOU)

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You dumb ass, you are the enemy! You fucktards are calling down the thunder, and it will crash down upon you, we're not coming to save you fuckers this time, we are coming for you if/when you provoke us to action, we've had our fill of you bastards, and quite frankly I do hope you animals go for it, we will crush you under foot in matter of weeks, just keep at it and see what the fuck happens! :fu:

Yall ITG's say some FUNNY shit !

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
The last Refuge

New York State New Gun Laws Include, People applying for a gun license will have to turn over a list of their social media accounts for officials to verify their “character & conduct”

July 2, 2022 | Sundance


New York Governor Kathy Hochul called a special session of the state legislature after the Supreme Court knocked down their firearm restrictions. The new law, which passed both chambers of democrat-controlled government, takes effect Sept 1st and is unlikely to hold up once challenged in court. The new law is stunningly over the top.



This latest leftist stupidity will go down in flames when challenged in court.

Leftism is a mental disease.
In the UK, your driving record is considered!!

I would be ok to apply if I lived in New York because I ain't daft enough to have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.. I just diddle on forums and they'll more than welcome to trawl through those.

Social media will highlight their personality, often people post concerning material, it may mean it seems then unfit to be responsible with a gun. Some have used social media to ramp up their intentions, then gone out to shoot people.
The last Refuge

New York State New Gun Laws Include, People applying for a gun license will have to turn over a list of their social media accounts for officials to verify their “character & conduct”

July 2, 2022 | Sundance


New York Governor Kathy Hochul called a special session of the state legislature after the Supreme Court knocked down their firearm restrictions. The new law, which passed both chambers of democrat-controlled government, takes effect Sept 1st and is unlikely to hold up once challenged in court. The new law is stunningly over the top.



This latest leftist stupidity will go down in flames when challenged in court.

Leftism is a mental disease.

Told ya.

Tyrants do not care what you or the SCOTUS says.

sorry, ONLY ONE WAY OUT OF THIS MESS. Take it or leave your freedom and your guns at the door for collection.
Background checks to buy ammo?

All you need to know.

Not only challenge, but sue NY out of existence!!
In the UK, your driving record is considered!!

I would be ok to apply if I lived in New York because I ain't daft enough to have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.. I just diddle on forums and they'll more than welcome to trawl through those.

Social media will highlight their personality, often people post concerning material, it may mean it seems then unfit to be responsible with a gun. Some have used social media to ramp up their intentions, then gone out to shoot people.

What about all those criminals who don't respect laws even bad ones?

Shall we have to trawl through their social media to see if we should raid their homes for stuff they stole or all those black-market guns they hide?

The idea is just an attempt to expand government into private lives, you really support that monstrous idea.
What about all those criminals who don't respect laws even bad ones?

Shall we have to trawl through their social media to see if we should raid their homes for stuff they stole or all those black-market guns they hide?

The idea is just an attempt to expand government into private lives, you really support that monstrous idea.

Criminal's social media is safe.
Law abiding citizen's have no 4th amendment rights.
What about all those criminals who don't respect laws even bad ones?

Shall we have to trawl through their social media to see if we should raid their homes for stuff they stole or all those black-market guns they hide?

The idea is just an attempt to expand government into private lives, you really support that monstrous idea.
The tiny percentage that don't respect gun, vehicle, health & safety, food hygiene, financial laws etc.. will carry on breaking gun, vehicle, health & safety, food hygiene, financial laws etc..
Can it not be considered as a test that needs to be passed, in the same way as for issuing a driver's license?
Is it not obvious that some individuals posting on this thread alone are prone to taking violent action with their guns and that up to and including murder? D-N?

No…. We have freedom of speech here… you can’t be denied a Right without due process and committing a crime…..unlike in Canada…. other than direct threats or planning a crime you are free to say whatever you want….

New York State New Gun Laws Include, People applying for a gun license will have to turn over a list of their social media accounts​

Sorry, officer, I HAVE no social media accounts! Now prove me wrong! :lmao:

A state cannot compel you to incriminate yourself on the assumption of guilt until proven innocent as a condition to enjoy a god-given natural right guaranteed by law.
Its interesting how the left claims conservatives are telling them how to live.

I am not telling the psycho left how to live in their psycho states…I am telling them to let me live my life and they can live theirs.

Let no one be a man or woman, kill babies up until birth, allow shit in the streets….you be you.

They just don't understand that if by some miracle they passed all the odorous bans they ever dreamed of very few gun-owners would turn anything in.....The states that they have tried it in have very low compliance rates, even the deep blue states.

That's why when we have the Nations Gun Show in NOtVA half the people there are from out of state ban areas buying parts and mags. They are not your banger types either, just normal folks.

The way it looks we will have people from Delaware there next.
Governor Carney Signs Package of Gun Safety Legislation - State of Delaware News

Will not comply is not just some idle threat.....The folks in those places just go dark and keep/upgrade what they got.

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