New York State New Gun Laws Include, People applying for a gun license will have to turn over a list of their social media accounts for officials to v

New York State New Gun Laws Include, People applying for a gun license will have to turn over a list of their social media accounts
And conservatives have only themselves to blame – the consequence of forcing change through judicial fiat rather than democratic consensus.
And conservatives have only themselves to blame – the consequence of forcing change through judicial fiat rather than democratic consensus.

It wasn't judicial fiat in the first place, did you bother to read the decision?

Meanwhile NY pretends a program where you can apply for a concealed carry, but they have to go thought a long roadblock to qualify which is very difficult as it is DELIBREATELY made to be difficult for the singular purpose of keeping the number of approvals very low.

Vermont hasn't required a permit to carry a gun for 12 years they have the fourth lowest murder rate at 2.2 while NY has nearly DOUBLE the rate at 4.2 despite that it is difficult to get an approved gun permit.

What about Maine at 1.6 which also doesn't require a gun permit to carry.

Democracy is already going down in flames. Some blame the left and some blame the right.

From my Canadian POV, I blame Americans and find that political bias just erects roadblocks against Americans accepting offered solutions.

All you need do is ask and offers of help are available.

But there's no doubt that you need to come to an understanding that your entire country is right of the rest of the world's modern democracies. Does that make the acceptance of help impossible to accept?
Irony just shit its pants.
Can it not be considered as a test that needs to be passed, in the same way as for issuing a driver's license?
Is it not obvious that some individuals posting on this thread alone are prone to taking violent action with their guns and that up to and including murder? D-N?

Threats by anonymous people to other anonymous people is nothing to worry about. I'm Ray from Cleveland. Do you know how many Ray's there are in the Cleveland area?

A drivers license is not a guaranteed right--the possession and ability to carry a firearm is for most people. If we are going to test anybody to exercise a right, it should be for voting since there are so many morons going to the polls without the slightest knowledge on WTF they're even voting on. It's why our country is in such a mess today.
Ray, the states that have Constitutional carry and shall issue usually have a lower gun crime rate than the states that don't.

Nothing to worry about. If somebody is going to shoot somebody else then a carry permit isn't going to change it.

Occasionally we get the rambunctious permit holder but those incidents are actually far fewer than you would think they would be.

I have a carry permit and I don't think I am Clint Eastwood. On the contrary. I am very conscience of the fact that if i don't use the firearm in a real life threatening situation I could be in big trouble. Most permit holders are like that.

I'm a permit holder which is why I'm against constitutional carry. If you're going to take the time, the money, go through the hassle of getting a CCW, then you are a person that takes it seriously. Like you said, you have to go to a drug store to get an updated picture which (in my state) has to be a passport picture. You have to make an appointment, you have to get electronically fingerprinted again. These are things only people who are serious about carrying a gun will go through.

The most important part about getting training are the laws and liability issues that come with using a gun out in public. I've seen some real asshole kids at the range, dangerously handling the gun, one time they shot a bullet in the ceiling and laughed their asses off about it. I don't want people like that carrying in public where I'm at. When you get a CCW, you have to pass a written test, particularly about the laws, and you have to demonstrate you can use a firearm safely.

Prior to us passing the law, if I was unarmed in a store, and a good guy pulled out his gun to address a robbery situation, at least I'm assured he had the proper training and knows how to use that firearm. Not so much anymore. If the same situation happened today, I'd be a little worried the guy pulling out the gun is one of the same like those assholes I've seen at the range.
I'm a permit holder which is why I'm against constitutional carry. If you're going to take the time, the money, go through the hassle of getting a CCW, then you are a person that takes it seriously. Like you said, you have to go to a drug store to get an updated picture which (in my state) has to be a passport picture. You have to make an appointment, you have to get electronically fingerprinted again. These are things only people who are serious about carrying a gun will go through.

The most important part about getting training are the laws and liability issues that come with using a gun out in public. I've seen some real asshole kids at the range, dangerously handling the gun, one time they shot a bullet in the ceiling and laughed their asses off about it. I don't want people like that carrying in public where I'm at. When you get a CCW, you have to pass a written test, particularly about the laws, and you have to demonstrate you can use a firearm safely.

Prior to us passing the law, if I was unarmed in a store, and a good guy pulled out his gun to address a robbery situation, at least I'm assured he had the proper training and knows how to use that firearm. Not so much anymore. If the same situation happened today, I'd be a little worried the guy pulling out the gun is one of the same like those assholes I've seen at the range.
I won't argue that there aren't some idiots out there that will do stupid things. As a range officer and firearms instructor I see that far too often.

However, I don't think having Constitutional carry or an easy shall issue permit is going to result in any crime that wasn't going to already take place.

Stupid street thugs are going to be street thugs regardless of the law. We see that daily in cities like Chicago with strict gun control laws. We don't see that level of gun crime in Red areas with Constitutional carry or shall issue permits.
And conservatives have only themselves to blame – the consequence of forcing change through judicial fiat rather than democratic consensus.
It WAS democratic. The people elected a president, and that president appointed Supreme Court justices - back to the 6th grade for you.
The law restricts carrying a concealed weapon in “sensitive locations”. That includes places like airports, schools, churches, public demonstrations, government buildings, etc.

Airports, schools, churches. Exactly where mass shootings have occured, and where concealed gun carry is NEEDED the most.
Liberals aren't thinking this through. Hard to ascertain WHAT they are thinking, but this law is an open invitation to mass shooters, to come in and take more lives.
Threats by anonymous people to other anonymous people is nothing to worry about. I'm Ray from Cleveland. Do you know how many Ray's there are in the Cleveland area?
Don't assume you are anonymous Ray.
A drivers license is not a guaranteed right--the possession and ability to carry a firearm is for most people. If we are going to test anybody to exercise a right, it should be for voting since there are so many morons going to the polls without the slightest knowledge on WTF they're even voting on. It's why our country is in such a mess today.
One of fascism's goal is to disqualify certain people from voting, based on imaginined reasons you suggest and more.

Ignorant people actually confess to those ideals.
Don't assume you are anonymous Ray.

One of fascism's goal is to disqualify certain people from voting, based on imaginined reasons you suggest and more.

Ignorant people actually confess to those ideals.

What imagined reasons are you talking about? This guy told us what his intentions were. During the primaries he told people he was anti-gun, anti-energy, pro-immigration, going to destroy housing prices, all the things that are ruining our country today, and people still voted for him. While he was running, his son was under an FBI investigation in matters he was involved in. Does that sound like people who knew what they were voting on to you?

I won't argue that there aren't some idiots out there that will do stupid things. As a range officer and firearms instructor I see that far too often.

However, I don't think having Constitutional carry or an easy shall issue permit is going to result in any crime that wasn't going to already take place.

Stupid street thugs are going to be street thugs regardless of the law. We see that daily in cities like Chicago with strict gun control laws. We don't see that level of gun crime in Red areas with Constitutional carry or shall issue permits.

Well I hope you're right. Several years ago we had some stupid kid (yes with a CCW) that went to a Cavs game downtown. He got into an argument with the parking lot attendant about a parking space. He moved his car, then went into his trunk, pulled out a gun and killed the poor guy. When he went to court he tried to claim self-defense, but of course lost.

His CCW had nothing to do with the situation because he was not carrying it on him at the time. He transported his firearm by law the way any other citizen could. However, apparently he didn't study our laws good enough to understand you can't go killing people over a parking space and then claim self-defense. For people carrying and not knowing when they can legally use a firearm, I see more cases like it with constitutional carry.
Well I hope you're right. Several years ago we had some stupid kid (yes with a CCW) that went to a Cavs game downtown. He got into an argument with the parking lot attendant about a parking space. He moved his car, then went into his trunk, pulled out a gun and killed the poor guy. When he went to court he tried to claim self-defense, but of course lost.

His CCW had nothing to do with the situation because he was not carrying it on him at the time. He transported his firearm by law the way any other citizen could. However, apparently he didn't study our laws good enough to understand you can't go killing people over a parking space and then claim self-defense. For people carrying and not knowing when they can legally use a firearm, I see more cases like it with constitutional carry.
It is against the law to use a firearm for an illegal purpose if you have a permit, have a Constitutional right to carry the firearm or it being Illegal to have the firearm.

You have a good point. Too many people that carry don't really understand the law. The laws on self defense are a lot more complicated than most people realize. If you shoot somebody in what you think is clear self defense you will be very lucky to have no charges filed. Even if it is a fairly clean self defense case you will probably have to spend tens of thousands of dollars in legal cost before it is over.

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