New York Times: $15 an Hour is Meant to Drive Fast Food Out of Business

^^brainwashed functional Pubtroll. Nothing but one note bs. ANY position at all?
So, people, why does a $15+ min wage that works great in the happiest countries in the world (Aus, NZ, Denmark, etc) is a horror that will destroy the most unjust modern country (see sig), according to billionaire greedy a-holes and their silly hater dupes?
So, people, why does a $15+ min wage that works great in the happiest countries in the world (Aus, NZ, Denmark, etc) is a horror that will destroy the most unjust modern country (see sig), according to billionaire greedy a-holes and their silly hater dupes?
The median hourly wage in the US is $16.71 in Australia they set every hourly wage , per profession, when they do that here we can talk.
Considering what we know about the left, this theory sounds more plausible than the left's claim that it wants minimum wage workers to earn a "living wage."

As noted by the New York Post , the New York Times has let it slip that the real goal of the $15 dollar an hour wage is to drive cheap fast food restaurants out of business. And as they said:

“The restaurant industry . . . will not go down without a fight.”

But, I thought that all the businesses affected by the minimum wage were just greedy and could easily afford the wages they should have been paying all along? I guess that wasn’t true. That certainly wasn’t the case for Z Pizza in Seattle. Z Pizza employed 11 employees, who were convinced their lives would be better since they would now be making the astronomical sum of $15 an hour. The owner, Ritu Shah Burnham, tried everything. She laid off workers, cut hours and even quit paying herself a salary, but in the end, she was forced to close her doors. You see, while most businesses her size had six years before paying the $15, she had only two because she owns a franchise. She got nailed on Obamacare for the same reason.

Liberals in their infinite wisdom (cough cough) they decided that a small franchisee should be lumped together with all the the franchisees and company owned restaurants. To me, this is further proof that the goal is to destroy them. I mean, what difference is there between a franchise restaurant owner with 11 employees and any other pizza joint with 11 employees? This is Michelle Obama’s lunches for adults. The same liberals who demand the right to choose to kill innocent babies, is unwilling to give you the right to decide what to eat.

Fox News and Non-American Rupert Merdoch runs, "New York Post"

Control Information.
So, people, why does a $15+ min wage that works great in the happiest countries in the world (Aus, NZ, Denmark, etc) is a horror that will destroy the most unjust modern country (see sig), according to billionaire greedy a-holes and their silly hater dupes?
The median hourly wage in the US is $16.71 in Australia they set every hourly wage , per profession, when they do that here we can talk.
OK, so what. The min wage is $15. I don't see THAT need or that it's important.
OK, so what. The min wage is $15. I don't see THAT need or that it's important.
what you don't comprehend lost buying power for the now 20% making MW if it goes nationally to $15 bucks an hour?

They won't get a significant raise or one at all. The only way to do it is micro manage wages.I am surprised you didn't know they do that in Australia?
So, people, why does a $15+ min wage that works great in the happiest countries in the world (Aus, NZ, Denmark, etc) is a horror that will destroy the most unjust modern country (see sig), according to billionaire greedy a-holes and their silly hater dupes?
The statutory minimum wage in Denmark is $0.00/ hr, Pumpkin.

Take a nap.
The U.S. statutory minimum wage is $7.25 higher than Sweden's.

HATER PUB DUPE SWEDES! (see sig.) Brainwashed billionaire GOP Sweden!

Was there the apprpriate amount of brainless self-righteous fury? Did I get that right, Cupcake?

I apologize if I got it wrong. I'm just not part of your self-absorbed superstion... I guess I'll have to be a hater pub dupe, because my ideas didn't come from you.

Try get over yourself, Pumpkin.
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Try reality instead of splitting hairs, troll.
How about Norway?

All those Norwegians are just stupid GOP hater pub dupes (see sig.)! AMIRITE?!?!?!?

The reality, you butthurt ninny, is that I can produce plenty of examples of fine countries where wages are determined rationally--between the parties actually involved in the transaction--rather than legislatively by assholes with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement to lording it over their fellows.

That is the part that really rustles your jimmies, isn't it Cupcake. I'm exposing you for the shitlord you really are, and your sanctimonious superstion is no match for the cognitive dissonance resultant from this new self awareness.
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So, people, why does a $15+ min wage that works great in the happiest countries in the world (Aus, NZ, Denmark, etc) is a horror that will destroy the most unjust modern country (see sig), according to billionaire greedy a-holes and their silly hater dupes?
The statutory minimum wage in Denmark is $0.00/ hr, Pumpkin.

Take a nap.
MW is negotiated between unions and employer associations; the average minimum wage for all private and public sector collective bargaining agreements was approximately DKK 110 ($20) per hour, exclusive of pension benefits.
So the private sector jumps in instead of the need for government involvement. In Nordic Europe that is called good business, getting ahead of the problem... How is negociations between Walmart and there employees going?

Sweden & Norway

Same as Denmark

The North European countries are more advanced in employer/employee relationships...

This just shows you how dumb your right wingers are... Volkswagon wanted a union (this is the company wanting it) and the local rejecting it:
Volkswagen and UAW to create union at Tennessee plant Al Jazeera America
"Volkswagen has actively encouraged the creation of a union, threatening to pull back on expansion plans if workers cannot agree to form one."
This is how stupid the RW has brain washed itself...
Not to worry, soon there will be robots to replace people. I find it hard to believe a robot can be bought and maintained for much less then 15 dollars an hour but because of the liberals good intentions we soon may find out.

Oh robots are horribly expensive to run. But $15/hr is just the face value cost. When you add in the taxes, the health care mandates, the unemployment insurance that's mandatory, and on and on and on, the wage is way way higher. Suddenly, a kiosk is cheaper. Automated fry cookers and burger flippers. Tons of cash. But eventually you drive up costs enough, and it becomes economical.
That is correct. The true cost of labor is significantly higher than just the hourly amount paid to the employee, and automated systems don't take sick days or show up with a bad attitude.
Nobody wants to be served by robots...but would prefer happy employees who care about their jobs. What do you RW a-holes have about a happy, stable country...
Really? When was the last time you drove a car built by human hands? The truth is that robots do a better job than humans, and are already doing a buttload of manual labor that humans used to do. See all those self checkout lines at the super market? Got somebody to pump your gas for you lately?

Your last two examples are not exactly good ones. The only thing replaced in either is a low paid worker, it is still humans pumping the gas and check out the items.
In both cases a machine has replaced the humans. The post responded to was arguing that people want humans to serve them, not machines. In these cases, people interact with machines, not people.
At nearly every other VW plant across the globe, workers participate in a “works council” in which many decisions are made collectively between management and workers.

Seems like Hostess just had bad management after all.
Oh robots are horribly expensive to run. But $15/hr is just the face value cost. When you add in the taxes, the health care mandates, the unemployment insurance that's mandatory, and on and on and on, the wage is way way higher. Suddenly, a kiosk is cheaper. Automated fry cookers and burger flippers. Tons of cash. But eventually you drive up costs enough, and it becomes economical.
That is correct. The true cost of labor is significantly higher than just the hourly amount paid to the employee, and automated systems don't take sick days or show up with a bad attitude.
Nobody wants to be served by robots...but would prefer happy employees who care about their jobs. What do you RW a-holes have about a happy, stable country...
Really? When was the last time you drove a car built by human hands? The truth is that robots do a better job than humans, and are already doing a buttload of manual labor that humans used to do. See all those self checkout lines at the super market? Got somebody to pump your gas for you lately?

Your last two examples are not exactly good ones. The only thing replaced in either is a low paid worker, it is still humans pumping the gas and check out the items.
In both cases a machine has replaced the humans. The post responded to was arguing that people want humans to serve them, not machines. In these cases, people interact with machines, not people.

A machine did not replace a human in either case. YOU pumping gas is replacing the person who used to pump gas for YOU. YOU checking out your items is replacing the person who usually does that work for YOU. YOU have replaced those people, not a machine. A machine merely allowed it to be simple enough anyone can do it.
That is correct. The true cost of labor is significantly higher than just the hourly amount paid to the employee, and automated systems don't take sick days or show up with a bad attitude.
Nobody wants to be served by robots...but would prefer happy employees who care about their jobs. What do you RW a-holes have about a happy, stable country...
Really? When was the last time you drove a car built by human hands? The truth is that robots do a better job than humans, and are already doing a buttload of manual labor that humans used to do. See all those self checkout lines at the super market? Got somebody to pump your gas for you lately?

Your last two examples are not exactly good ones. The only thing replaced in either is a low paid worker, it is still humans pumping the gas and check out the items.
In both cases a machine has replaced the humans. The post responded to was arguing that people want humans to serve them, not machines. In these cases, people interact with machines, not people.

A machine did not replace a human in either case. YOU pumping gas is replacing the person who used to pump gas for YOU. YOU checking out your items is replacing the person who usually does that work for YOU. YOU have replaced those people, not a machine. A machine merely allowed it to be simple enough anyone can do it.
Okay, if you want to be that precise. I was focused on the main import of the post, which was about the interaction between customer and person, or customer and machine. The bottom line is this, customers' attitudes toward dealing with machines is proven flexible.
Nobody wants to be served by robots...but would prefer happy employees who care about their jobs. What do you RW a-holes have about a happy, stable country...
Really? When was the last time you drove a car built by human hands? The truth is that robots do a better job than humans, and are already doing a buttload of manual labor that humans used to do. See all those self checkout lines at the super market? Got somebody to pump your gas for you lately?

Your last two examples are not exactly good ones. The only thing replaced in either is a low paid worker, it is still humans pumping the gas and check out the items.
In both cases a machine has replaced the humans. The post responded to was arguing that people want humans to serve them, not machines. In these cases, people interact with machines, not people.

A machine did not replace a human in either case. YOU pumping gas is replacing the person who used to pump gas for YOU. YOU checking out your items is replacing the person who usually does that work for YOU. YOU have replaced those people, not a machine. A machine merely allowed it to be simple enough anyone can do it.
Okay, if you want to be that precise. I was focused on the main import of the post, which was about the interaction between customer and person, or customer and machine. The bottom line is this, customers' attitudes toward dealing with machines is proven flexible.

What example you may want to use is Sheetz MTO. Although the cooking is not automated the ordering of the food is automated. But again, a machine didn't replace a person it only allowed a person's job to be done by a multitude of unpaid people.
Seems their food sucks!

Seattle Pizza Franchise Shutting Down But Is it Really Because of the 15 Minimum Wage - The Billfold

I, along with Seattle blog Civic Skunkworks, thought there was a bit more to the story than that. After all, I’d eaten at that Z Pizza exactly once, which is all the review I need to give about its quality. So I decided to do some on-the-ground research, and took a walk by Z Pizza yesterday around dinner time. It was empty—not a single customer—while nearby Hot Mama’s was full of people.
So what should we do now and forever? Never ever raise the minimum wage and just have a planned underclass of people that we pay with our taxes, to survive poverty? 88% of the people making minimum wage are adults, not children...and they are in these jobs, because there are not enough good or even slightly better jobs to go around....the adults in these jobs are obviously better workers than the teens looking for a job, and this is why businesses have hired the adults over the teenagers THEY ONCE did hire... and then we have illegal and legal immigrants as well flooding the same entry level jobs....

Do we just sit back and let the government make it easier to move jobs overseas and give the tax breaks to do such, allow trade treaties that are one sided in favor of the other country, and now let gvt just open the borders to as many immigrant workers as possible which Rubio and our dear resident Rabbi support, without giving this lower echelon of workers no way out of the poverty they dwell in...for the business's profits, and via the government's doings for decades that have eroded american jobs for American citizens? Or, DO WE SAY FINE, lets increase the "earned income credit" with our tax dollars to help them out? Or increase food stamp money to help them out? Holding the minimum wage down and increasing temporary work visas for foreigners is not the answer imo. If a foreigner wants to come and live here and wants to be a citizen, then I am fine with such because they WANT to be here and WANT to be Americans...but to let immigrants come in here just to work on HB1 visas and for them to send or to bring those dollars back home to their own country, does not help the USA...other than giving a "gift horse" to employers who can keep the minimum wage below what it should be with the flood/increased supply of workers that are willing to take anything..... any job at all, just to have a job, even if their skills ARE much higher than minimum wage pays....

It's a mess out there, a spiral downwards on worker pay, which will eventually hit the middle class more than it has already....

Once set, minimum wage should be indexed to inflation, and be done with it....

then everyone's pay will eventually be raised, in comparison to the minimum in all higher paying jobs surrounding the minimum...they will have to go up with inflation as well... and give no breaks for paying any immigrant less than the minimum wage....and jail the ones that do....
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