New York Times changes unbiased headline about Trump after threatened by Dimms

Allow me to repeat what happened here.

Elected officials from the Democratic Party of the US Congress threatened the New York Times to change a headline because the headline was neutral and not negative enough against Trump....and the New York Times changed the headline as the Democrats requested.

And you fucking assholes wonder why no one trusts the corporate media.

What the fuck???!!!!
So the Dimms Control the New York Times.

This paper should never be used as a reliable source for anything.
OMG, being 93% negative on Trump isn't enough? WTF??
Can you imagine if Trump complained to Fox and they changed a headline based on specifically what he asked for?

Democrats in Congress threatened the d the NYT actually changed their headline from neutral to anti Trump.


The corporate media fucking lies and does the bidding of the Dimms.

I can’t believe the fucking sheep who slurp this shit up. Just unreal. Blissful and willful ignorance and useful sheep to their Dimm overlords.
Can you believe Cory Booker actually called out the NEUTRAL HEADLINE of the New York Times and the New York Times changed the fucking headline?

Gillibrand, too.....these are people who are running for President telling the New York Times to change their headline to be more negative against their political opponent.

In what free society is this ok, and why....specifically?

Senator Cory Booker wrote: "Lives literally depend on you doing better, NYT. Please do," while former representative from Texas, Beto O'Rourke tweeted"Unbelievable."

"Hey, @nytimes – what happened to 'The Truth Is Worth It?" wrote New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, referring to NYT's slogan. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, meanwhile, argued that the paper's headline did not reflect the story.
If Democrats are writing the headlines for the New York Times, should they be a trusted news source for unbiased information?
See why Trump said the Corporate media is the enemy of the people?

The New York Times reports what the Democratic Party wants them to report.

Is that the intention of the first ammendment and freedom of the press? To me it sounds like the Democrats are fascists and are controlling the media.
Do we consider this a free press when the Dimms tells the New York Times what it should publish?

Just wondering, to me that seems like a violation of the first ammendment and I wonder how the left would respond if Trump did it.
OMG that's funny.

Watching snowflakes melt, er, um trumpflakes......melting for Russian propaganda about America's free press.

OMG the late edition has a different headline.

Fughing libruls merikins don't they know the rules about headlines.......

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