New York Times Finally Begins Pushing The Benefits Of Cannibalism

Holy fucking shit! How stupid can you be. The NYT is not promoting canabalism. The article is reporting on a trend in literature about canabalism

there is nothing less believable than a man having a baby...why would this seem so odd to believe about the NYT?
hearing that the "paper of record" advocates cannibalism is much easier to understand and believe than someone who does not know what a woman is.
First the were trying to push on us the benefits of eating insects.
Now (like the communists we knew they are) they're talking about how we need to consider cannibalism during the coming forced socialist famine.

Yes....shared misery for all.

They sort of dance around the issue and try to act like they aren't suggesting it as a viable option.

BTW, how dare you accuse elitists of eating babies.
But it seems that some of them may have been doing least they seem to be thinking about it an awful lot.

Soylent Green is seen as an instructional video for leftists……they hate people….so using people as food makes sense….you reduce the population, and you can stop cow farts from hurting the planet…..a win win for the monsters of the left….
Mud, have your ever realized all these Zombie shows are about the decay of society to the point where humans become cannibal’s?

So now MSM is trying to convince if you eating your family member or friend is perfectly fine.
Interesting idea. I have always thought zombies are a symbol for the murderous rage of mobs, or war. But you are right that zombies invariably bite and even eat the non-zombies. Huh, something to think about.
Interesting idea. I have always thought zombies are a symbol for the murderous rage of mobs, or war. But you are right that zombies invariably bite and even eat the non-zombies. Huh, something to think about.
It could be interpreted in that way but also how society has fallen so far we are left to eating each other until humanity rests itself.

It is amazing how what once was considered taboo is now being promoted as being normal or the possible future…
It could be interpreted in that way but also how society has fallen so far we are left to eating each other until humanity rests itself.

It is amazing how what once was considered taboo is now being promoted as being normal or the possible future…
Yes, we see it over and over. Transvestitism is now supposed to be "normal" and somehow "real," homosexuality is supposedly normal, and so on. But none of the common current atrocities are normal. So we worry what more they've got coming at us ---- certainly cannabalism is one possibility, and insect-eating; I have for a long time assumed that sexing up children by homosexuals will be defended as "normal" next. They have always done it, forever, but it's never been considered anything but a crime or at the very least disreputable for thousands of years of history. The epigrams mocking men who did this with "catamites" in Rome are vicious.

But now that and many other atrocities are the way the Dems will try to totally break up the society. I suppose it's some sort of Alinsky thing to break down everything to a point that it can only be remade from the ground up ---- they hope as the communism they want. They better hope they win, if that happens. They never have won before.
Yes, we see it over and over. Transvestitism is now supposed to be "normal" and somehow "real," homosexuality is supposedly normal, and so on. But none of the common current atrocities are normal. So we worry what more they've got coming at us ---- certainly cannabalism is one possibility, and insect-eating; I have for a long time assumed that sexing up children by homosexuals will be defended as "normal" next. They have always done it, forever, but it's never been considered anything but a crime or at the very least disreputable for thousands of years of history. The epigrams mocking men who did this with "catamites" in Rome are vicious.

But now that and many other atrocities are the way the Dems will try to totally break up the society. I suppose it's some sort of Alinsky thing to break down everything to a point that it can only be remade from the ground up ---- they hope as the communism they want. They better hope they win, if that happens. They never have won before.
Homophobes would be funny if they weren't so...evil
Circe said:
Interesting idea. I have always thought zombies are a symbol for the murderous rage of mobs, or war. But you are right that zombies invariably bite and even eat the non-zombies. Huh, something to think about.

When did Walking dead start......they warned us. They told us what was coming. And these folk are the walking dead...dead to Christ.

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