New Yorkers Shocked To Find Food Prices Rising After Minimum Wage Hike


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
New Yorkers Shocked To Find Food Prices Rising After Minimum Wage Hike

New Yorkers shocked to find food prices rising after minimum wage hike
The result of the Fight for 15 movement in New York City has finally gone into effect. The minimum wage jumped by 15% in many cases, to $15 per hour this month. This mostly affects employers of lower skill level workers, particularly in the food service and beverage industries. And now that labor costs have risen, restaurants from fast food joints to upper-end fine dining establishments have raised their prices. As a result, some people have had to make adjustments in their budgets and lifestyles, going out to eat less often and bringing their own lunches to work.
As you might imagine, that’s not only been annoying for the customers. It’s impacting the restaurant business as well. (NY Post)
New York City’s hotly contested minimum wage increase to $15 — up from $13 or $13.50, depending on employer size — rolled out citywide at the start of the year. And although that’s good news for NYC restaurant servers, patrons are grumbling about its impact on menu prices at their favorite eateries.
Ahead of the wage hike, the NYC Hospitality Alliance conducted a survey of 574 local food establishments in late 2018. They found that 87 percent of respondents planned to increase menu prices this year to offset the minimum wage bump. True to their promise, the cost of food has risen at various spots around the city.​
Holy cow. Who could have seen that coming? Well… pretty much everybody. And that includes the Democrats who passed the $15 per hour minimum wage bill. How did they plan on offsetting the significant bump in dinner bills? By eliminating tipping for the wait staff. That idea went over like a lead balloon and was quickly abandoned by a number of eateries that tried it.

Really!! Is anyone surprised? This happens EVERY TIME you hike the minimum wage for your socialist schemes. But supposedly THIS time would be different because the right people were in charge, RIGHT?!
Indeed, those Progressive Democrats either did not take any or slept through basic economics classes in school. If raising the minimum wage for service industry workers won't impact those businesses, then NOT raising it will have no impact on the workers, right?
Progressive Democrats majority in Congress is the next step to Venezuela's economy.
They also can not correlate a number of other factors. Like bussinesses closing down because of higher wages. Take OC going to see the coffeehouse that was closing because of high wages.

They don't understand that higher wages force some companies to higher more part time workers, less full time workers or use more automation.

They still want illegals working for lower then minimum wage or under the table so they don't have to pay taxes. They want these same illegals to be competing with citizens for low paying jobs.
Dems scream for higher wages for restaurant workers but when they get it they all start to cook at home....stupid is as stupid does....
Does anyone see the unsustainability of this? How much pollution is caused by going out to eat? think of all the affordable housing we could create in closed restaurants......simply immoral to let this continue.
The left-wing is so dumb. We said this. We gave endless evidence of this. And no matter how documented, or how many historical examples we can give, they still live in this mythological world, where magically money comes from the ether, and materializes in employee pockets.

New Yorkers Shocked To Find Food Prices Rising After Minimum Wage Hike

New Yorkers shocked to find food prices rising after minimum wage hike
The result of the Fight for 15 movement in New York City has finally gone into effect. The minimum wage jumped by 15% in many cases, to $15 per hour this month. This mostly affects employers of lower skill level workers, particularly in the food service and beverage industries. And now that labor costs have risen, restaurants from fast food joints to upper-end fine dining establishments have raised their prices. As a result, some people have had to make adjustments in their budgets and lifestyles, going out to eat less often and bringing their own lunches to work.
As you might imagine, that’s not only been annoying for the customers. It’s impacting the restaurant business as well. (NY Post)
New York City’s hotly contested minimum wage increase to $15 — up from $13 or $13.50, depending on employer size — rolled out citywide at the start of the year. And although that’s good news for NYC restaurant servers, patrons are grumbling about its impact on menu prices at their favorite eateries.
Ahead of the wage hike, the NYC Hospitality Alliance conducted a survey of 574 local food establishments in late 2018. They found that 87 percent of respondents planned to increase menu prices this year to offset the minimum wage bump. True to their promise, the cost of food has risen at various spots around the city.​
Holy cow. Who could have seen that coming? Well… pretty much everybody. And that includes the Democrats who passed the $15 per hour minimum wage bill. How did they plan on offsetting the significant bump in dinner bills? By eliminating tipping for the wait staff. That idea went over like a lead balloon and was quickly abandoned by a number of eateries that tried it.

Really!! Is anyone surprised? This happens EVERY TIME you hike the minimum wage for your socialist schemes. But supposedly THIS time would be different because the right people were in charge, RIGHT?!
Indeed, those Progressive Democrats either did not take any or slept through basic economics classes in school. If raising the minimum wage for service industry workers won't impact those businesses, then NOT raising it will have no impact on the workers, right?
Progressive Democrats majority in Congress is the next step to Venezuela's economy.
even the dollar menu didn't double. and, Labor can buy more burgers at the higher wage. Henry Ford would be proud.
Since labor is only 20% of the price, doubling the labor costs only raises the price 20%. Try and remain calm. The number of people that can afford the cost more than makes up for it. Scumbag GOP propaganda has given us incredibly rich people, the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. GOP voters are the stupidest voters in the world, thanks to the worst propaganda machine in our history..
The restaurants will have to automate.
Henry Ford did; coincidence or conspiracy?

unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is equal protection of the law.
Could explain what you mean by this statement? Thanks.
Henry Ford did not whine about minimum wages since He was a Good Capitalist and could discover Capital opportunities that enabled gains from productivity that enabled doubling the wage for autoworkers.
New Yorkers Shocked To Find Food Prices Rising After Minimum Wage Hike

New Yorkers shocked to find food prices rising after minimum wage hike
The result of the Fight for 15 movement in New York City has finally gone into effect. The minimum wage jumped by 15% in many cases, to $15 per hour this month. This mostly affects employers of lower skill level workers, particularly in the food service and beverage industries. And now that labor costs have risen, restaurants from fast food joints to upper-end fine dining establishments have raised their prices. As a result, some people have had to make adjustments in their budgets and lifestyles, going out to eat less often and bringing their own lunches to work.
As you might imagine, that’s not only been annoying for the customers. It’s impacting the restaurant business as well. (NY Post)
New York City’s hotly contested minimum wage increase to $15 — up from $13 or $13.50, depending on employer size — rolled out citywide at the start of the year. And although that’s good news for NYC restaurant servers, patrons are grumbling about its impact on menu prices at their favorite eateries.
Ahead of the wage hike, the NYC Hospitality Alliance conducted a survey of 574 local food establishments in late 2018. They found that 87 percent of respondents planned to increase menu prices this year to offset the minimum wage bump. True to their promise, the cost of food has risen at various spots around the city.​
Holy cow. Who could have seen that coming? Well… pretty much everybody. And that includes the Democrats who passed the $15 per hour minimum wage bill. How did they plan on offsetting the significant bump in dinner bills? By eliminating tipping for the wait staff. That idea went over like a lead balloon and was quickly abandoned by a number of eateries that tried it.

Really!! Is anyone surprised? This happens EVERY TIME you hike the minimum wage for your socialist schemes. But supposedly THIS time would be different because the right people were in charge, RIGHT?!
Indeed, those Progressive Democrats either did not take any or slept through basic economics classes in school. If raising the minimum wage for service industry workers won't impact those businesses, then NOT raising it will have no impact on the workers, right?
Progressive Democrats majority in Congress is the next step to Venezuela's economy.

Higher prices?

Trump must have don't it.
The restaurants will have to automate.
Henry Ford did; coincidence or conspiracy?

unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is equal protection of the law.
Could explain what you mean by this statement? Thanks.
Henry Ford did not whine about minimum wages since He was a Good Capitalist and could discover Capital opportunities that enabled gains from productivity that enabled doubling the wage for autoworkers.
Gotcha! Thanks for the clarification.
New Yorkers Shocked To Find Food Prices Rising After Minimum Wage Hike

New Yorkers shocked to find food prices rising after minimum wage hike ...
Doc7505, your link, Hotair.Com is described by a number of other website's as another conservative blog. I will not speculate regarding its credibility, but I can try evaluating their opinions through my own observations, experiences, logic and prejudices.

Increasing minimum wage to some extent increases costs, but its not among the primary causes of consumer price index, (CPI) increases. Of course it will have a much greater affect upon restaurant rather super-market prices, because low wage labor are a greater proportion of fast food restaurants' costs per dollars of sales.

Minimum wage rates affect all wage rates to within the areas and their extents of enforcement. Its of greater net benefit to low-wage, and of lesser benefit to higher wage earners'; it bolsters all wage scales. Minimum wage rates of critically greater benefit lowest income families.

I'm a proponent for increasing our federal minimum wage rate by 12% annually until it achieves 125% of February 1968 purchasing power; thereafter the rate should be annually monitored and adjusted to retain that purchasing power.

Respectfully, Supposn
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Since labor is only 20% of the price, doubling the labor costs only raises the price 20%. Try and remain calm. The number of people that can afford the cost more than makes up for it. Scumbag GOP propaganda has given us incredibly rich people, the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. GOP voters are the stupidest voters in the world, thanks to the worst propaganda machine in our history..
Seriously, stupidity is a disease
and should be classified as such by the CDC...
At this point, it’s a fucking pandemic!
Since labor is only 20% of the price, doubling the labor costs only raises the price 20%. Try and remain calm. The number of people that can afford the cost more than makes up for it. Scumbag GOP propaganda has given us incredibly rich people, the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. GOP voters are the stupidest voters in the world, thanks to the worst propaganda machine in our history..
Get a grip dude. You voted Hillsry and you have the nerve to call others dumb. LMFAO.
I'm a proponent for increasing our federal minimum wage rate by 12% annually until it achieves 125% of February 1968 purchasing power; thereafter the rate should be annually monitored and adjusted to retain that purchasing power.
Democrat House should pass much of their 2020 platform NOW!!

The Democrat House caucus should have begun deciding upon their 2020 platform planks. The Democratic majority House caucus should try to pass their most popular planks with no regard to the Republican majority Senate.

If Republicans don't pass bills responding to the House's bills, that's to Democrats' 2020 advantage.

If the Democratic House and Republican Senate cannot reconcile their two bills, those are issues that Democrats should be pleased to run with in 2020.

If the Democratic House and Republican Senate reconciled bill is not vetoed by President Trump, that's to everyone's advantage; any bill President Trump vetoes will be to Democrats advantage.

In 2020 the Democrats would then pick up all the marbles.
I regret that they will not do any of this. Will Rogers said, “I'm not a member of any organized political group. I'm a Democrat”.

Respectfully, Supposn
Since labor is only 20% of the price, doubling the labor costs only raises the price 20%. Try and remain calm. The number of people that can afford the cost more than makes up for it. Scumbag GOP propaganda has given us incredibly rich people, the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. GOP voters are the stupidest voters in the world, thanks to the worst propaganda machine in our history..
Seriously, stupidity is a disease
and should be classified as such by the CDC...
At this point, it’s a fucking pandemic!
it is not stupidity, it is GOP propaganda induced brainwashed functional stupidity... Fox especially prime time and Rush Savage Levin etc etc are a disgrace...
Since labor is only 20% of the price, doubling the labor costs only raises the price 20%. Try and remain calm. The number of people that can afford the cost more than makes up for it. Scumbag GOP propaganda has given us incredibly rich people, the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. GOP voters are the stupidest voters in the world, thanks to the worst propaganda machine in our history..
Get a grip dude. You voted Hillsry and you have the nerve to call others dumb. LMFAO.
Breaking news for completely duped morons like you...none of your phony scandals and character assassination against Hillary have ever made it to the real world anywhere near law enforcement or real journalists

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