Analysis of the Bragg prosecution.

If there is at least one juror who assesses the “evidence” fairly and who then sticks to his or her guns, a hung jury is a far better outcome than the rush to libtard judgment which is what the persecution seeks and hopes for.
Yup. I have felt all along that there is probably more than one juror who will not be bullied into voting guilty by the others. I don't see 10 members forcing the other two to cry uncle and give up.

Hard for you to imagine.

No evidence of any cooking any books.

The persecution has no case at all.

I think that’s clear.

He paid her. I doubt he paid her for himself. So, let’s say “ok.”

False. The entry was made to reflect payment of a lawyer’s “statement” for payment. That’s it.

No. It is perfectly legal to pay one’s lawyer.

No. Not at all. In fact, since there is no valid criminal charge, it’s an absurdity.

No. We don’t put anybody in prison who is clearly not guilty. Or, at least we seek to avoid such stupid shit.
Very good! I like the way you argue! I disagree, but that was a text book rebuttal. Kudo's!
Next time, try to understand what you are reading and seeing. This time, you failed completely.
They put on Pecker, and Hicks, and Daniels to lay the foundation before Cohen even got near the stand. Along with the exhibits, they basically corroborated what Cohen was going to testify to, long before he testified.

So even if Cohen was a thief and convicted liar, he was telling the same story as exhibits and the witnesses told before. So the jury isn't relying on Cohen alone.
They put on Pecker, and Hicks, and Daniels to lay the foundation before Cohen even got near the stand. Along with the exhibits, they basically corroborated what Cohen was going to testify to, long before he testified.

So even if Cohen was a thief and convicted liar, he was telling the same story as exhibits and the witnesses told before. So the jury isn't relying on Cohen alone.

Pecker added nothing to the persecutor’s case. Ditto for Hicks.

There is exactly one witness whose testiphony (if “believed” by the jury) comes close to incriminating President Trump. And that is the testiphony od the serial liar, self admitted thief and convicted perjurer, Cohen.

Absent his testiphony, there is simply no case at all.
here is the relevant explanation...

the prosecutors have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump was involved in the scheme to falsify these records.

They don't have to show that he personally created or maintained or falsified the particulars in these records. His signature does appear on some of the checks, but his signature doesn't appear on all of them, and it doesn't have to be there.

What they have to show is that he caused others to maintain these false records or assisted others in maintaining them or requested others to maintain or create and maintain false records, so that he's part of the scheme, even if it wasn't that they were falsified by his own hand, and, further, that he participated in this scheme, causing others or requesting others to falsify the records or maintain false records with the intent to conceal another crime.

Its from this article, which also describes the evidence that Trump directed this falsification of records. or caused or whatever the word is.

That's the felony?
False. The entry was made to reflect payment of a lawyer’s “statement” for payment. That’s it.

As I said before. They read from Trumps own book, where he said he would check every invoice. So when Cohens invoice came in, Trump went over it. We have the "smoking letter" where Weisselberg broke down the reimbursement of the $130K that Cohen laid out, by paying him back $420K.

Pecker added nothing to the persecutor’s case. Ditto for Hicks.
That's where you're wrong. Pecker laid out the grand conspiracy to "catch and kill" negative stories about Trump. And to create "fake news" about his opponents.
And like Pecker paid off Karen McDugal, he refused to pay off the next one (Stormy Daniels).
We then have the recording of Trump telling Cohen to pay it off in cash.

Pecker added nothing to the persecutor’s case. Ditto for Hicks.

There is exactly one witness whose testiphony (if “believed” by the jury) comes close to incriminating President Trump. And that is the testiphony od the serial liar, self admitted thief and convicted perjurer, Cohen.

Absent his testiphony, there is simply no case at all.
Any half-intelligent, objective human being can see what's going on in the trial.

But we're talking dimocrap FILTH, here. Bragg has access to the registrar's voter rolls, they know who they sent the Jury Duty notices to, they know how they're registered to vote. They know who sits on the Jury.

dimocraps are scum. They don't think like normal human beings. In one poll, 65% of people think Trump deserves to be convicted of fraud.

I'm still trying to figure out -- What fraud?

Frankly, I'd love to see Trump just say, "I've had it. It's too much" and let DeSantis step in. Trust me when I tell you, he's twice as mean as Trump and 10 times more effective. And fearless.

Trump made a lot, really a lot, of bad Cabinet decisions back when he was in Office. He's better than Biden but....... So is Satan.

Ideally, I'd love to see Trump become a martyr and RDS step in with a serious mandate and simply eliminate the dimocrap scum party. The world would be a better place without it.
It's a criminal violation

Second Degree Falsifying Business Records: NY PL 175.05
An "A" misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail,
No evidence Trump did that. The defense witness testified that Cohen told him that Trump knew nothing about the payoff.

So, reasonable doubt. Should be an acquittal.
here is the relevant explanation...

the prosecutors have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump was involved in the scheme to falsify these records.

They don't have to show that he personally created or maintained or falsified the particulars in these records. His signature does appear on some of the checks, but his signature doesn't appear on all of them, and it doesn't have to be there.

What they have to show is that he caused others to maintain these false records or assisted others in maintaining them or requested others to maintain or create and maintain false records, so that he's part of the scheme, even if it wasn't that they were falsified by his own hand, and, further, that he participated in this scheme, causing others or requesting others to falsify the records or maintain false records with the intent to conceal another crime.

Its from this article, which also describes the evidence that Trump directed this falsification of records. or caused or whatever the word is.
The incredible hate towards a man who may make American's lives better. And we cannot have that. We have a growing number of politicians with 2nd and 3rd world views on how to govern. Inclusion? More like a quiet revolution in the art of decline.
Actually the ONLY one who can testify that Trump knew nothing is Trump.

If I was asked if I ever saw Jeffrey Epstein with underage girls, I would have to say "No!"
Nope. The witness testified that Cohen told him that Trump knew nothing.

Trump is not required to take the stand, and the majority of defendants do not (wisely).
Yup. I have felt all along that there is probably more than one juror who will not be bullied into voting guilty by the others. I don't see 10 members forcing the other two to cry uncle and give up.
The jury could also see how the judge didn’t allow the expert defense witness to testify that Trump did not violate any election law. That alone is grounds for an appeal.
here is the relevant explanation...

the prosecutors have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump was involved in the scheme to falsify these records.

They don't have to show that he personally created or maintained or falsified the particulars in these records. His signature does appear on some of the checks, but his signature doesn't appear on all of them, and it doesn't have to be there.

What they have to show is that he caused others to maintain these false records or assisted others in maintaining them or requested others to maintain or create and maintain false records, so that he's part of the scheme, even if it wasn't that they were falsified by his own hand, and, further, that he participated in this scheme, causing others or requesting others to falsify the records or maintain false records with the intent to conceal another crime.

Its from this article, which also describes the evidence that Trump directed this falsification of records. or caused or whatever the word is.
hilarious at it's best right here. holy fk are you a cuck!!! compliant must be your middle name. There is absolutely nothing in that nonsense showing DJT fingerprints. It is an opinion piece of a violant fkwad like you!
The jury could also see how the judge didn’t allow the expert defense witness to testify that Trump did not violate any election law. That alone is grounds for an appeal.
Was the Jury in the room?
Trump is a serial micro-manager. It is hard to believe Trump would not know of any payments going out. "Cooking" the books to hide a crime is a felony. The prosecution has an air tight case.
except all they got is air!
Was Stormy Daniels paid? Yes.
Did Michael Cohen pay her on Trump's behalf? Yes.
did you hear the audio? cohen did it behind trump's back. you should listen to it.
Did Trump's CFO "cook" the books to make it seem these were payments for a retainer? Yes.
no evidence of any falsification of any kind. name the file!

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